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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Sep 1942, p. 8

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nun liront army at i ont bis tanks, ti~y lted hlis 11rive for the tm ast1 Nn ,is lie time forý to drive ini backrgt weeaend of thle coiun- ORONO FAIR SPECIALS ýook Stoves, Findlay's Oval............ $90.00 ariston Princess........ ........ ...... $60.00 eaters, ýat....... ... .... .. . $20.00 and $1I5.00 Would advise buying stoves early Our stock of M31itts and Gloves just arrived hildreni's Wagons, 2 ýat......... . ý. .$8.50 each One at......... ........ ..... ...... $6.00 ;uy yo;ur Bînder Twipe for next year, 600-foot Ilc. 650-foot a ........ ..... .......12e We have a good stock [onarcli Dog- Meafl a-ýnJd Monarch Dog Cubes, 3 pounlds for..........,... .... .....,25c. We we Icoime you to Orono Fair this year ROLPH HARDWARE Phone 43r1 ORONO KIRBY O WEEKLY TEMES 1 'NE WTON VILE I___ GOVERNMENT. IN CASE 0F WAR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY OWNERS 0F PROPERTY AR E URGED TO INSURE AGAINSI LOSS DY ENEMY ACTION The Governimenit of Canada, by Act of Parliam eft, lias set Up a Plan of War Risk Jnsurance against damage ta pro érty caused by enemy action-by coutgtermeasures taken against the e 'my-by explosions of war munitions handled by t ird arties. In terms of general iforti n, it be stated ýat the Plan provides certain limited FREE CO-M ENSAT N for d age to owner-occu- pied homes and to chattels, ut the ma featu of the Plan is that owners of most types of pro erty can prote 4ýeir property by PUR- CHASE of GO VER l'lNT R RISK INSURANCE at very moderate rates. This type of War Risk Insur 'e_ not being sold today by private insurance companies, because? f the ri 'nvolved. Consequently, the Government has established a tional scheme to make it possible for each citizen in Canada-to purcha e the sense of security that comes from knowing that if bis property doà suifer war damage (and the war lias come mucli doser to Canada in tbe last twelve months) lie can caîl on the resources of Canada to help liim make good lis property loss. HOW TO OBTAIN GOVERNMENT WAR RISK INSURANCE The Fire Insurance Agents and Companies of Canada have volunteered to the Government the services of their extensive facilities anid personnel, on a non-profit basis, thus avoiding the setting up of the large organiza- tion that otherwvise would be needed to handie details of this nation-wide Governmient War Risk Insurance scheme. FIRE INSURANICE AGENT )MPANY WILL GLADLY Y COMPLETE DETAILS 0F GOVERNMENT INSURANCE t intendedl berne. Pull exclusion, Mr. Ross Patter-son, of Toronto, is hlidaying wvith hliýs aunt, Mi, ýWml. Wanna. n. spen]t Laplea stldaly ith friends ini Linldsay lastwek Mris Andrews, ald lier mother Mr.Liniberit, have retur'ned hiome to 1TOtoafter spIendoinlg Someluweeks withi the latter's dlaughýter, MrS. R. Mr. and Mas. A-l. Elliott, of Tor- ont, Ms.W. Elliott, Kendaltl, Mr. anid -M!s. T. J. Cars-caddien and -M iss AnnieToiipson, of Kendal, Nwere Sundaliy visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Brimacoibe. Good sized congregtion gree-tedl Rev. S. Littlewood et Park St. Church last Sunday. A tîmeiy andl thoght~prvOkagsermion wý,as de- .livcred by the minister at the mnora- MI service. Laior .problems izýandl menly phases of living conditionis were ably di'soussed. IM r. Alden Hlaw, an old Orono !boy andl a fine vocalis, assisteaCl the choir, anl mu- sic was as rendfered lby a quiartette comlpr-ising M rs. Everett. Browni, As.hs. Wood anar eiss R. E. Log nda Colin Taylor. Fae was theý themel for the cvenling sermon, lakaigwith, thieNtonlD'ay of Praye ýr, and Mias. Littlewood andl Malyfavored with aduet. Rfr en'cewas ade urillg the da-y to the lylsuýpport given lMr. , J. JMlellor 1who had llso cpbl ervedl the con- ggaonduring Rev. Ltlwo' 1Comen to Orono Fala on Frickay nd Sturdaifly, Septemlber llth andý lt.Ago neraaetwîll be prdId nlle admlission hats been lowerd to25c.With more offereal fo-Jr your money. Màiss Isobel WnIay, Peternhoro, wit. Miqss Norma Haillowevll. Missý Dor-een Caswvell, Zion, wi t 3rn andal M. Ethan Joncs.ý MAls. Fox andal Miss Beatrice, Top onito, ~with Mi.. Geo. EtwclL. Mas. Almieda HeInry, Toronto witI hrnel-e Ms.Ross .Hallowell. Seolre-openeal Tue-sday witI MisEnbelev oif Woolcr in chbarg,, 3m .andal rs. Aithur FaIls an( fail, owmaniville, with _Ma. an. Mofýs. Thous. Falls. Mr. a-md Mrs. Ross Hallowell wt her parents Mr, and Mrsý. J. E. Whiitý in Elizabe),,thMille. Mliss Beulah Hallo!well bas return- cd to her work la Toronto havinig s4pcnt hý ler vacation at ber home here Ma. anal Mas. Wmi. flallowell and av. andl Mrs. Hughi Stapletea iviti Mr. alad Mrs. Irva Goheen, Cain boumne. Mha&M1inie Bennett andl Mis Jo-an, have returned to their homie la Toronto after a few days visi witih theýir parents, Ma. andl Mrs, Jacoib Mallowell, CLAIRK E UNIOIN Mr. John Fogg às spornng a Chev- Mr. k'ired IBaekburn deaIt horses wîca ilad. Lawrtlace -uQoey, MVr- Jim M hlsl as accýeptedal position at teUicJtings la Oshawa. _Uir. anal Mr.s. SUIas Souchi visiteu witn Mr, aina Mas. Reg. Sutton on Suaday. Mifs. Addison Riýkaby, Mf Toronto, Ivisiteal with Mr. Hdhea Souch over the week-end. MiýssJMaril Riekabyý, of Toronto, hsb2een spenclIiiag ber holidays witlî r.aindMars. H2ýIeea Souclh. Mr, John iBerry is undea the doc- toryýs care with a heart ýonidition. We wîsýh hbu a rapid recovery. Mrs.Heny Siwaiicott wa-,s in Osh- aaon Tesa i egardtu scr tors.o r.anld Mrs. JoeBae ad o Davidlviiea it er parýentsMa agnd Ms ereFg vrth holiday. We are sorry to bear thatMr Fred Blckut'sdogý' was oerte n Faidav last, but w %e believe the oper- ation iassucsul Mr. aind Mios Bruce Daumimonal an -,d tMr. naMa.s, ,fl Patterson, off Tootwith Hr. and Mrs. John Pateason over tue holiday. We re soray 1to report that Mr. Jim O0ke, wvho lie in our neighboa- hlood( for a nmbrcd years;, is ini a rîtical condition la a Toronto hos- piital Miss Marion Rickaby, Mas. Haray Ba iler, AMiss mamie Archer, Miss Williamnson anal MýIiss Eileen Souchj -were o-n a m-otor tip down Kingston -i and Pic-ton way one da2y lsweekj and report a very enjoyable trip. Mr. Ernest Bowen, of the RCA F., wbo ý)has iheen oen a feýw weeks' vacaition, has retnrnied to Nova Scotie. Mas. Bowen, wvho underwent an ojperation in Bwmnile hs- péiafr cappendiéiti, has elso re- turned. WVe ish her a apeedy re- , Mcvea4fU. Mr. Bud Joncs is houlida'ying iii Warkworth thlis \wcek. Mr. J. T. P'Teaurce, tawa n the weeIk-end' at homle. On F -dyMr. Laidleýy, m e, viite'd MrL. S. R. Jones(2,. Mr is. J. 1Leaclauarie. hm after a pleasan Ilt lholidhay. MIS, Mary AmtrnToronto, i visiùing at 'ILMi% S. R. Jonces. Misseýs Annie and Allie Ntesbitt Toronito, wrehome foi, the holiday. Mrs. Beggs, Fenelon Falls, bas been visikticig her aunt, Mrýs. *amr. Sil-mith. Mi ss Marilyn Br-oxvn, Toronto, visited Miss June Ware over thie M.Lenniox Vaçýy, Port IvfcNidholl s,,penit the week-end with -Miss Betty Stipletoii, Mr. J. D. Merrill, Warkýworth-, spent last week with his cousin, Mr. Bull Jonces. M1r. and MUrs. Cyril _Maxim, Tor'on- to, call d on M rs. Tlïos. ap e o Labor Day. Mr.s. Chasu. Waittcrs anid BrncLe visited Mr,. and Mis. Watters Si., Mr. adMs rd refed Lasdsvevist(I te ih Mrs. Fred,, SmiLlh last week. MI.s. W. WhiittakIler spent Lasýt week with hiea gheMr.W Chester-, Oshntwa. Mr.Wyley, Argi a us of hier cniMrs. CeciUl)oinso. over- the weekend. Mr. and Mrsý. HrvyOsbor'ne and Alliai, Welcomie, wr Suniday gouests of Ms J. T. Pceý(. Mr. andMa' Hs. 'JerkLîsand faIm- illy, Toronto, wregue of M.andl Mrs. Wim. 5apeoLahor Day. Mais. Bertl. Galdwell nal angter MHrs. Eiiest Halses, Toront, er g'uests on Moniday at Dr. L. E. Mill- soni's aad Mr.. G. J. Stapyleton'is. R. Buileyv, RCA.. St. Thomas, Pte(. daaMilîsoný, Woodstock; and Lawrieice G (ilmer, R.C.O.C. Guelph, were at thieir respective homes for thewekn. The regilar Siptembiiler meetiing of the W. 1. will he lheld in the Ne'w- tontville ýComimuniit.y Hall on- Thuriis- day eveiing SeýItuii-ber 24th, when Miss, Dorothiy Lindsley, Toronto, will speal on "The Gar-e of Clothing lan War Timle." visitor's welcoqnei. STARK VILLE W7eSeili WAR SAVINGS STAMPS 25e. eaehi "Saving is Serving" Prescriptions a Speciaty Charles Tyrrel Aetfor Phone 68 J ackman Flowers Orono IOrono Faîr FeaturesI Unwrapped Week-End Laundlry Soap, good quality. Special, 8 bars for....... ....25c. Rinso, large -95c. giant size...... .........50ec Iodized Table Salt, 2 2-pound pkgs ........... 15e Javex Concentrated Javel Water, bottie.....14 2c. refund on bottie Weston's Fairy Sodas, plain or slightLly salted, 1 pound box ............ ..... .. .......20e 01ld Eng-lish No-Rubbing Floor Wax, large 1- ounce tins ........ ..............49e Red River Cereal, pkg ...............24e Beef Bouillon Cubes, pkg. of 5 for......... 14e Chicken Bouillon Cubes, pkg. of 5 for....... 14e Manning's Better Quality Fancy Biscuits, lb. . .19c. Pal Blue Blades, 20 for ............ -...... 25c. Clinch Rivets, always handy for repai'ring Har- ness, etc., box........ .. ........ ...... 15C.j Pott's Smoothing Iron Handles, each ... ý...20c. Diamond "S" Batteries, good quality, fits al regular flashlights, eacli........10c. Remember you have a date ORONO FAIR, SEPTEMBER il and 12 YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONO' 5c. TO $*1.OO STORE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funerai Directors and Furniiture Deaiers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest f uneral at thie nost reasoniable chiarge as iwell as the. largest and Rsuost exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Collect Presentation For, Kirby Youing- k Bowmanville, Ont. Couple A very pileasant avenliing was, helal at Kirby Uniteal Ghuch onMocy e3veniî-g, Septe2nuberi th, whe(n Mr. ana Mars. Carl Ritchie (nec F.tuby AenweaIe given a pre-sentatiun by their Triends aend ncigbhors of th,- district. Rev. S. Littiew,,Ood wa.s chairmaan orti eveinig anal the olown prog1ýjramm'-e was gve.S)oos by Ma'. D. A. MALKinron; readving l)y Mas. Hlartwell Loweary; solo by Miss' StÈella Bc2st, anald muiysnig Mr. anal Mrs. Ritcdhie wvere then preneal wIt2Ithan ll sonltable i anlwall i 1aror, thAl- es en rend -1by MaOietapan 1M.1 The Russian arýmy la having e hard týimIe trying to !hCid back the Germn hodes d(rivinIg toward thieir main centre of Stalinigrad, that g-reat inatiltentre. The Risssians iun, th!e pDast, have (been adept at holding cities and they nay be able to holdi Stahnr1ad until the winter comnes to th+Ileir aid. 'We hope so. Hmv oes-our label read?9 and Mrs. Rilichie then thanked their man",y friends and neighbours for the lovely gifts given thiem, while Rev. Littlewood spoke a few wordcs ,0to 1 the ha5PY aaried couple. The ev mn as hrought to a close with School Supplies We have a complete stock of SCIIOOL SUPPLIES for Public and llighý School. Everythi-ng you need in Text Bookis, Scribblers, Note Books, Pens, iPencils, Rulers, at LOWEST PRICES COME AND) MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT Oe RONO rF A1R This Friday and Saturday, Sept. lltIi and 12th C','ANDY SPECIAL A REAL TREAT IN FINEST BUTTERSCOTCH- BETTY ANNE BUTTER BALLS 7 ouince bag, for..... ..... .......... ... 15c. 1 pounld bag for.......... ... .......... 33e. 1WALLPAPER Just arrved ! New, Fali Sam-ples in. beautiful de- signls of Suinweorthy and Sun-Tested Wallpaipers. Over a hundreddegn to choose from at prices from 12c. to 30c. per single roll. Now on display. NSU RANCE TO HOME MWERS HOUSEHOLDERS and OTHERS Ljmited free compensation is provided under the Act for War Damage by enemy action to owner-occupied homes up to $3,000. Damage to House.. holder's Chattels, up to $800- for those of his wvife, up to, $400 --for each child under 16, up to $1 00-for others, flot bouse- holders, uip to $200. No policies arep needed ini this classification but insurance addi- tional to the above amounts may be pirchasëd. Ask any Fire Insurance Agent or Company for complete details. 1l Hum s .4 m33Rvý Boum ublisbed by Autkority of the Miniçter

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