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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1942, p. 5

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citlly b u s;iness; eld hi s even"- theic comiliimmity thie work bieirig ,oomii. Kiters are badly needed ais Our quota of sweaters, heincitis, lvs knickers, etc., liais rot been filedias yet. TIhe {)reno Branch fbas pledged - self Vo Pacfk 12 two cort bags for obristnias gifts for Oeur. sailors, whlo are enduring cerdd, IonieIlineesa, lkic of homn'e'ceuforlis ane] friendis, Vo proteldct oixr shlom-es frioint an eneny w.hio is.ý lookldng longingly at our fair Canada. Thos'e tag~s are eus 1 ing $310 eaoh Vo 'pack, oven t'hougb wie are buing the articles ut a very low prilce. Any indfilvikhial, o fîsan i peupla, cir rganizations, vaho wauld carte te donate tItis ainournl, of nmorey mway have a eard eneldan jr the bag w-iith his or her nisame signedi. They namy a1so lipo pack them laVe-r umder thbe suipervision cf iMrs. Wnm Aimsltro-nïg, who wiIl aibo lie glati to reekie your donation. Mariy cf our citizens are putting in a eiuppily cf bardwood for irter use, and the nIiiuar saaw car nom, be heard any Mine cf the day, IIn Orono It's Mac Smith's I__ Store Closed We thank you for your patronage during the time that we have been in business, and wish you ail the best of health and good fortune in the future. WHI those people who have orders that they are calllng for cail at the house door. TIIANK YOU mAc. SMITH PHONE6r2 - - ORONO RED &WHITE STORES Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. i29C1 Germ of Wheat, 5 ibs.23 Rolied Qats, fine or coarse, 5 ibs25c Fine Sait, 50 Ibs. 48c Spirit or Cider Vinegar, gai. 45c Mariene Javai, bottie i13C OId Engiish Floor Gloss, no rub Haw es Floor Wax, lb tin' Myshisto Sardines, 2 ins Smail Link Sausage, lb. Bacon Squares, lb. Fresh Pork Ham, ibè' Pork Liver, lb. Lamb Chops, lb. Leg of Lamb, lb. Fresh Sîde Pork, lb. pint 53c. 45c. 25C 22c 27c 33c 37c 36C 25e Large eating Grapes, lb. Celery 10ec a bunch 2 for New Carrot s, 6 qt. 'basket Washed Parsnips, 6 qt. basket Fresh White Fish, 11b. PHONE 12r2 18Sc 15C 25c 29c 20c Prci.pt ]DeivE r L.AXC. Don Grahani has beei i tralsfered'to Newfvounîdkand. Corp, Ji Wood, of tihie Heavy Ar- tilllery is now statjoned in Noval Sc t a. Mm. îand I-Mrs. Jais. E-agleson vlsitedýc witlh tflheir cousina, Mîss M. Eagle-sxon, 1'diiss By-am, cf Uý,bridig-e, ha-,s ac- celted the ipositioun as cler-k at the Orono 5c. tt $1."0soe 'Miss A. Thoinibon, of Millbrook, is waiîtjirg on lier aunt, ýMis. C. Meon, who is undler the dod(Ilor's care. îMr. Jas. Eagesoinm Mr. R. Sherwir made a Iusiniess triip Vo Bowmiianville on Wednesday aset. Misa , Muiel Paîtterson, of Tor- enLite, visited ber qaimt, Mrs. D. 'ar-sctaddenI, oni Tuesday of bth is week. 'U t he Junior Reýd Cross m-ieetbing Gale L~le was elected prelsidenrt; -Patsy IMof ahset, and] Lois- Dean, itrcasui-ej,. MUiss Lenora Weod, cf Shaw's BusiessCoiigeTorenito, spen-t tihe week-end -wisth Fier pairents, Mr'. au,! MWr. A. R. Alloway, of the Os'bla.a TIjnie-Gaeittepaid a frierdlyraý-il te tlhe Orenio Tinie-(2s ou Fida-Iýy after- nner f lastweek. Missl Miinie J ýningsare]Editli Wtceof Boiýwiianiville, spent Wed- resday aidteroton cf lsweek 'wiý,h Miss Viola GflfillIan. lMr, ane] Mrs. Russell F. Cr-Lie asie] ither yeoung son ard daiugibter viasited witlh tihe ir auint, 'Mus. Jas. Eaglesen en Sup.da.y last. Mus. Tenanit bas accepted a posi- tion at the C. G. Armstrong sto)re. taking i-te plbce of lier daughter Gwei, -Who is attending Normial. iMr. W. J. Riidel us haviing shel- ves inslialed ina his showroom for the purpose ofE dipaying týhe siniall- er warels in elecýtrlcal applianees. The Redi Cross mont)iiihy meeting- wilII ie hel Thursd4ay evening, O'dtober iist, at 8 p.ni. in the Orange Hall. iPlease note cliange oï hottr. Mr. aidi Mr.ATec. Elliott, cf St. Jolhns, New Brunsilik, are sperd- ing a cetippleif vweeks wjtih tihe lat- ter:'-s silster, Mrs. R. E. Logan andi MVIr. L'og-,n.e The Salvation Ariny Drive i Orono ]vals reached its objective of j $100.0'0, nnd up Vo Wedneýsdaly noon $130.00 had been realized xwitfi a fe , mnore Vo be liear'd frient. Miss "JO" Arnistrong xh been penda a cou,ple of weel- whber niether, Mr's, C. G. Amni- s,,tronig-, leit con Wednesday forhe hun in tHarfiord, Cern. Mervyn Kelaile is ir the Osiawa Hispitail wth a recurerncýe of reu maitde cfeiver, wii he pi-eviouslyv buid contracted i when he wasvwh the R.C.A.Fà in Western Canada;. Mr. and \Mis. John Lowery v whe have beeii liviing hi Mm. W. C. Cross- luyisceidnc in the north ward0, have lmecvod into luirt of Mr. J. F Lorriniian's residence on Cohb lui11. The( ev- ediFathe-r J. Gravel, O.Mý.I. Pilofe[sor at the Univ7ersity of Ohtawa, anjd Dr. A Gr-ave]-, cf Mon-1 treal, J)a v e been visitingl their- btinthier, Dr. L. Grave! of Leiakard. Mr. Clarenuce Bell, of Kendal, la no iw chuý,iring une of tle beadi trucîks foýr Deun'sBiBakery, taikig the plae ofE iMî% Lyal Lowery, wýho will spend his leismire bours on. bis farmi. We have been infornied by Mr. Jas. Ridarcls, tiat the eletric powerm iii rono wilI lie coit off froin 8.00 Vo 10.00 in tlhe imoi-n4nilg and frein 1 Vo 5 oclo'ek in the afteroon on Sunday. îiekRaitb Goode, KaySimjp- son, oMr Peterboro Normal, are] M11d e,3 Margiaret Fllintof, Jeanne Forres- ter and Gwen. T onant f TeroL Nloriial School, returned home folr lieweked RADIO REPAIRING New, moderni test equippmente- ables oee *> make fast, dependable repairs to any vaake of radio. Chas. P. Kiior, 42 r 2, Orono. tf. ScIhoo Il-'b to tfie il Marjonrje oiE Omono Pubi tiis vweekew g uder teaieher . Miss A.C. Joihn Grady 'sscesîl in pasîsing bis r'cenit auntin as navidgatlor ait the EglirAtton R.C.A. F. Scboiol. Quilte a IiuIimber tied t4e exim. lbntt onliy tvi-enty ipassed, elgit wbtb i heners, cf whidY ckih on',vas o. He -wlld iiw le tranisferred tic an- olier echool. Mr. Mai. Silti, swbo lbais conduct- ed tlhe readiy-to-wei store in 01Or1no far neailh iftwo yeacrs, lias closedi the sýtoc-e are]d soled the goeds otrilt This ils the fleuntli ,:J'ore that lis rcw cliosed on Main streedt, owiirg, to wai cotdltios. Tdieugih alIter iThe war these vacant .stores wjll lie reopened wlhen busiriesis readjusts -îtself. Mr. 'and]Mrs. Erniesýt MDna Mr. A. J. Tailyr, MJ-iss -ilMytle Tai-ylynstMr. ane]Mrs. Lvison Tamn- blyn, and Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes C. Taniýblysa, were in Teiron(Éto on Satur- (Iay I(asu attenirg tle wedding eof Miss iMiy iizle--lbust to L. A.C. James Clark iDolR.C. A. F., brt Ue r oiEMs. E'nncst Dnad Mron. faiju ,was in towa on Tuesiay last 1renow- Ing oield qantnr H.le and AMrs. Brown are viitig î<h theuir son geor-ge, «f Bownian ville. Ciarlie, whc bhas been erapleyed with tihe Masey-iaris Coipany, bais been off duty sinice Junre, owinlg Vo heart, troiuble. We wislb hlim a slpeedy re- Mm. W. H. Barrctt and Mrs. have etunned borine aifjterv itîli iEiends ia Sltayner. Wbufll hey niotoýredi -Lb Cdll.irlwoýo- altuended the agricl>ýtural fair a lrecrowd was preserit,1 à- riairediand] enow%ýed. Mr.E mlet an Orouie boy wbiie tber Ilem],. inley, mnwenKjtVoC wiodbvwerty-sJx yearsage ;Crare visiin- ENGAGEM1ENT amioeince the en'gagement cf his )da HieMilda TMarýy, ~to Mr. Lori J. Sincliîr, of' Toronto, tihe marriage to take place quJezb]y i Bloor Street United Oliurdh earl'y i Ootober. D)EA'THS HOLDAWAY-lIn Cochrane, on Sat- urday, September 26th, 1942, Leta Aithea Pearl fHancock; beloved wjfe of Fred W. Holdaway in her 41st year, Tlhe funeral will take place from the residence of her father. H. Egertnn Haniceck, Orcrno, on Wed- day, September 30th, at 3.00. Sert, vice at the bouse nt ?.30 pwm. Inter-. ment in Orono Cem!etery. OronoTiho Furnaces AND Furnace Worki shouid be on Ordier Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St Orono Plume 30rl6l PARK ST. UNITED CIIIRCH Rev. S. littlewood Pastor SUNDAY, OCT. 4th 11 a-1-1. - WorId Comm111union Stiiiday. We gather around dihe Loird's table in cinrad,- ship w-bh Chnistians throughout die jworlid. Note : A ~eca conmmunion offerg for "orphaned" Mis- sions. 2.30 pm. - Siunchiy Sidhool. 7.00 p.n. lailtihe Pope 01 tlhe Thruee o3f the cnvser avebwer che-sen, Ted Woodyard, WX. E. Davey anld OeiadLane, wthi!lie anoetlher (eil, ~îlbe clhesen teo eanvas the Vil- lgeof Nieite If there le aniy hbIng you aire deultl- fui abobut retg'amding the bnan get ir tenuhwi.th 'Mm. Meuýler i-and lhe will suipply yeu witb thbe Àirfemmatien,. Now is thbe time te lock over your budget arnd Cee how muéch you car invet in Victory Bonds. Tis ïis your w-,va, arel Utis up te you te set that the mloney i-, ferýthrinjGiidisec that the Uniteld Nations may never bc ir need cf aiinjinor eqiuip- nient. L. BDR. R. . PAYNE FETED IN PONTYPOOL, ENG. L. B(m. lR. J. Pýaiyne, cf Ponty.pool, Canada, and mivie beffore bis dopart- lire fer Elrgiland, was deputy-reevc cf Manvers Teivnshjip, is nocw sta- tîion1in r cm ear Poatyupeel, Eilg- larld. This lei qujite a coircidence fer 0nyoreteIloave oeue place i Canada andi te lard in anplace by Tho saille ramie jr anotcher ceuntry. L. Bdr. Paynts l lavýiing a grand tAnie ir the oIe] aountry, fr-orsreiportis ofE 1111e Peitypool Frce Press of tibat counl-try. ie liais beeii uniade an bn- cmamy imeruiber of thbe Coniservatilve Club, wae feted by Ponityîpoel'e M'P., alse the îRoitairyClub wlriâdbenter- tainedi bItaimost ioyaily, arnd Lieut.- Coïi. C. T. Powell entiertainedA ibiiai. Hle attltended Ftle ieountetil aet n d me thianIrted thean for tle way lie lias tie 1 beein used iln tihalt place. Dila naE -lbeLth Be-1v ia (B dlaugitier of AMm. xiAnd s. Ra J. Snuiiitb, Millbroo'k, výas ui marriage tce Willýiam nLloyd Juwý son1 c'f Mr. and]Ms Fred -Jeuv of Bîadlieboro, oi Santuurday,1, 19, aIttihe home cif 'tibe lhiie's erýJs. R(ev. A. E. Oýhevis , reo thie parilsb ofcf avin, -fiibd lowing tihe ceremnony a,,receptiier hele]. Tboy widl mreside on tbe gr-c favninear -Bailieboro. Cliff'ord Lapp, son cf ilhe atte and] Mrs. Willis La<pp, who occ tkeho imesl'ead d inHialdi'mane]T i o orlly iost hie b iredi boy, -agi cia iSolturday, Siepttemiber l9itl, feiund that bis three,( horseos ý iilissînhise. The boy wlýas set oulltivalbe field at tUbe mear cof the:f leit ilcrie herses ina abush aboute mille away arnd rode borseliack 0o1 etther wh'liclh he dsndd batý Port l Hoe iare] Bowiàmaniville. tholei humnbed is way te Tot, whbere iho was iskelitpby thtie CARD OF TIIANKS Mrs. w4--. Stut wishas te tIl hem marIy fnIerlds for ffleir a6e kinicness ii cadlhlg, thecir ltunid quiries-, antd for flowers are]c, sent Vo ber duming hlemr enient 11h -o-- Buy War Savinigs S ta i4pa hein wurn the war. T IT PAYS 1 ) PAY C Phonx DRESSES Wools, SiIk and WooI, and Spun Rayon $3.915 and $12.00 COATS Ladies' Tweed -Mil Woo1 WooI Bou 14ta $15.00 to SAi Cooking Onions 6 lb. 25C. Aylmer Ketchup bottie Serviettes pkïg. Puf f cd Wheat 16 qt. size 29e."%P With Legg to sizes 4 ti Ladies' Pull Fast Silk' and Lisie pair... . Ladies' Lisle 39C., 49C. and Ch-ildreni's 3.-! L AIl shades .... loaf 9ce Black pepper 1-4 IL Wheat pkg. :25!;C,* Apply at the ORONO TIMES OFFICE Orono --Ontario Coats, velours, 'Ie ) 44 1-5.00 Large prunes 15c. Clothes Pins 3 doz. Rose Baking Powder 15e llillcrest Shortening 2 lb. 1 3cw J.,Jk CORNISH [Phone For It

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