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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1942, p. 6

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1,600 Saved From Blazn.gU. S. Ship Tohillg;=sue y War- 3hips Protecting the Covoy Tisae aalTfan.,Sport Wak-leîfieid, fonmenIy tSae Lîan ansatan. was ,evareiydmt y a fine aI cea, Sept. 3,but more i ,600paangrsand crewmambars1 ware remioved wthout bs ýo! ife. Tise chaened isuk o!ftie 24,00- ton, Shifp, Oeue lim'e euo!tisaE United S',ttasMrch-ant c Fleet, hes aow basa salvagad ansti owed 10 an Atiauti coast pont, a Navy statemant sii Addfing tisat"peiuey n- prts dct tisIai aï passi au- gars and naw wen ef. Tisa N ysIti avra were i1juneti.ýd Tise finewa desciibeti as beîrng it broke Out üeonl oaadock levai and apreati cWifYbiytrugisot tis on-yearold,$10,000,00 eiip. 1t soon bcaenacesaay te ne- move tisa moeatisait oaatisousýai paceengers, m ryo!wf omw=r cvias Isaltesncpnecuimaisly iseing men bu tise naval Service, Ia addi;etin hetsa1,000tiare 'wef e, ccrîtg tes ea' normal comiemant, f600àte 700 offîcar's and cewmn aoavjriu- Bratibury, o! Port cAngeles, WCeh bngton, a Coast Goard efficar. Flamnes Finally Cýmooled Tise Navy saiti tise esceewas bougist about Bua tsrLlMbngian- lier b)y warsiipspoec gtise, convoy in wicistise Wakffid uns traveing tN an East Coast Port. A croisermauvd tbo alongside tisestaru ý-îe! tisa trans port andi a desýtroýyerpiaced ltseif a0o1gtheIsasda. At tisase close QuGartera t(ieepas sengenstwere traS- !rnied tapidly fri isebazn ex-Her. Tisa cnvew remineti ab)oarjd tis Shif; fightin eSbing tia fineun-j dar co)ntrýol, tis a Nvy accoUan on tînued, but thein elfonts wene Iun-j SUccassf1 u ni it soon b)ecame nec-, easany for tisepi asftetrnse te tise cruiser, Aýboard tiesa iip bhay Waited U-. til il tisa tenlsitY o! tisafine hati decreasatiseomaowiisat ïani Coi- mention Bredbur y tien led espa- ICI-l fine flý_ilgunanty back aisoardz tise transport and s.cedti 1 b%îging the fiames onden conrL. Blt ln 1932 Meanwhil, tos ntisalvege craft n'ad been aummonIC)Ietianti wisan tisey erriveti socces.sfolly isa- - gan towing operatiens. Tisay fin- aiiy d Pvee IsE former Mn- iselttan te port. Tise vassal wac but in 1932.ý ise Nevysabmtiat e tse Im of is1" comlebin ase was tis largeOst itranis-Atlaubtic iner bulj inla t7isUitat States. Tise Mahataws bekeil ever b'y tis a NvY ta191 anti naned tise Wa 111dl ecndnewith tise Nav'y's poicy 0o! aning tranjs- ports fori*historic s',ies; ! , onice, ibu Iis instanice tisa bintis- paeo! George Wasisbngtou. Poor Shots per7 Was pneparing to e snd a mas- sage to the Britishi corvette lionaysule lying near bhlm lu a Russian port jrecently, wisau j15 Germait dive-bomUbens attackad tisa hear ber, shskînghcvesi ih bomba. Thea bomlbarls Wera golee and tisa ship ;vas stili tebig Brit- iSb sces saitiS, Wlisn thse cap- tain began l'S messagcs con1ce1r- dng pu yroutie masmes Not ourtil tisa very an( i ds ha tek.- notie of tis raid., "The Tapevhanger's boys"," le sait tescl. "Ae sre ottenl By RbraLes twaan tise forid M tise inorm ai tes? 2. Hom large a part'Sdo fia clothes Fýplay in tlisescalwrd 3, Shl'd a guIest nfldtise n1apiin antireýiy winen iaîn t on tise li? 4. ,st , shoid oe u w V food takel nio tlie moutis prove too hot to',-) ow 5. Sisoid a main and If gs tan at ua hotel as "Wiliam Aý. TiI- 6. When) tise covrain - moný.Ig ihcegue(sts 1 ete bo one person wbo b pres n udI c cloml aytat ilb isei ly embrrnssiý-ng, wfiat hui Answers 1. Tishe de'corations 0fth. i formai tea are ne o8eaoae and tiserefresiments are more simpIe. Tise h ites 1at aniný- guest.s and doPs ftrm s tts door te greeýt e'hnecmr 2. Wiue vr y person sIsoItaJI dress as weli as his Pursepr on' tise lady. "psrmi pa isougis you cili tieri in vie' 31 No; iif Unohled la sudfcet 4. Take a swailow tsf ec oudrae but-on!no"0aC(2(litt epît onit tht isot food oýr aveil relirove il vit;I fork or naploi. 5. No, ibie mati a'houid registe-r, -Mn.l, nd Me Wiliiaxp A. Tiit," î.Tdn, is covesain towands omon elenr somIe othr sujec HOW AN1 By AnnaD Ashiay Q. ow can I make ose ojef over cisicke-n? A. 1,1Y. mIinced lieftovrci- en witli boilad ic(,e, add somnemi- od unio, buter, green poppar, and seasoningjý. ]Hlt btbCd bis- cutsIwli adco qunjiernhJY b1 iti Meai. Q. owoa Ipireserve tise ceathes la a pilow? A. Wisen efinga f ee tir li iow ty cruisbnga Samal bo o capsrand mixing lb with ts zfeathise', This williselp11 presegne tie featisars anrd keep tie piIloz Q.î owc 1 Iboil eg"gs s ia tbywill be- easýy to 1pea A. 000k tise agelassb water and they NIlpeel mr Quickly and easiby.'Che sait tenids to crack tise shisaend separate em Unm tise eggs witis mucis lesseiefort. A.Rois wth a latiser of pr witie soa.p. Rnis off as mjuais soapi as YOo cen and tien vinse withj cetisa dsjped ita ean, coldWat Dry thiooghly. Q. Row cao I rnedy an iiy A.ise a sýolution 0'faista grains Of bicarbonate of soda, ebigist ounces o! dtstili.ed water, aile an)y desired qulanltity of essen,-ce of rosas. Chinese Casualties Total 6,000,000 Chinlalbas loît ýabouto 00,0 in kîlied and wouaded againsË iJapa's 2,500',0()o in five yasof wIar, Dr. George Yeh, London di- nector of the Chines. Informa- tion 1MInIstry, estimated recentIy. He lit ~iaa~ariny eut îIw et 'roughy 13,M0000 mon "nd id a 20 percent. big har- Vest than la 19411 had avarted any food problemnIii t h. year Up 10o last Jiîno, ïhesaid, tlb.Cins had fougist 1580 engagents. THE AXIS TURNS ON HITLER What Science Is IDoing "LCOHOL FROM OANGE A procass for thle prod1'uction ofa 19-proof alcohol froin v aste -cil- rus fruit for tish afue of explosives bas beau perfected at tise United States Citrua Products Laboratorn lu intar H1aven, Fla, Tisa cost of produciug ouagaio of)£aicoýhol froni presseti juices wii b)eeprxmty two-t'hir-ds of tiseý cost of producig one gaon of alcohiol from biackrstrap miiolasses. Citrus pulp and Peel wamste froi tise _,Flonide cenueries i18,usu.-tliy preaseti eut to sbpply auunuaiiy 35,000 tons ofsfdietipup cattIC fei ed 61,000,000 gellis of "jusce." Because the citrua rinds and polp are ixi wclitli lmne ha- fore ,pre(-ssuýre lsaeppliai, tise juice lsatunfit for- human conisomp-tioný sdis a pojlltion nuisance. Fromk twenty-fIve gallons of tdis mm-te joice oe gallon of 190-prof. ai- coboe l, utiabout tweive ond a b--al!ouncî2s of dry ye s c eb OLD RBE Ifyouin:is tthtie lbits o f oid rubiser tisat you cen coni-1. bute ceun-makae littie diffarance lii wnigtise war, couisider thiese fauta:lAn outworn tire cen pro- vietias imuci s as steen pounde of rechiiaimatirnbbar aaisýn uer tubl)e abouit two anti five-tentis pud.Fifty feet o! garden iose yiefid twanty pounds of! scrma nd e ingla Iepair of four-buckie ali- rubisr rcMtîchrea pounds. Tisae la pounid of rubiser ln every fot of rubiber floorn mattin ant an!otisar pountdi l n i oid isot- wtrbottia. In most Cuýses, ne- cancostituteafrom 20 t10-40 Par cent of tisa rubisen articles tchat wa use. aveYou erd? Senty wes auil smuiles wivuh rtreihome. edtu hawîf e, zzied. Sco(-t, "I've just iseerd ftisat 1aXt wak isy tI-,e goiuig to put tise lclpapper OP 10twopens. "Oh, nmon, have ye gone cr:uazy?" sske héiswife. "Wisy, tie' notbthng te rejoice about t iatn "0is, yes, tisane in, JRi ;Sency wno. "Ye kui tisat Whoun 1 oset tego te lise free iibrenjy te) bokis Ibrooghit lbiused te cav-e a pnynwI~elcv w pennies." HOtlGuest (hmsig cown at 2 a.mn. for the third timea)- Say, are you the night clerk? Crabbed Clerk-Yeýs; what's biting you now? Gucs-Tht'swhat 1l, îlike to know.,/ -o--- A certain firmisatuidtishfiown leuipi-ilted on itssalry e- "You- siar ilayour personal businS1ess and shoidneýt iha dis- coeito au1y0oua.' The now m- ployea laignn tie)n lbteif)eybody. I eni just as misasiametir0foril as, yoîs are.'ý "Do these fish go abou"Sh schols?" she asked har bs ban?, ispectng hl coach. "I believe they Ioldar. "You must have disturbed an infant ciass." -o- Tise 3yaro boy hbcd takenl iis motÈiser's powder plfu (ïntiwa.s fixing hic fae as ha bad sean han do, wisen bis 7-yettr-old stsbýer gneisbed it from hlmii-: "You (1stn thabst," cha saiti, "Oaiy ladies use powder, Gen- tlÎemen wasistsmsia. Bitain Boni-bed Witb New Type 0f Plane bers equpped ith superchnirged Die-,se iotr, aemade several daylight attacks on Great Britain recenty, It is announced. The first suh bombings of Bit- ai-.wer lmadle from altitudes of ery4C),000 feet by modified Junkes 8-P's fittd with experi- metlpressure cabinsý. Tis type of plane 1s the third new weapon in the Genman air a-rsenal four daylight forays against strongly defe-ndeýd British ports and Citis. Theothesmae the four-miotored Hinkel 177 which cardes eight tons, of bombls - equalling the Capacity of BritaIin's biggest machins-andthebo -cryn FockeL-Wulf 19 'the specia functionl of whiech isý to speed-oe coaýstal tar-gets at low altitudes ancid get aw;iay f ast eoe ti speedy Br tish Spitfires eau reh tlheCI, The FW-1 sareprm arily fighnters. Navy's 'Black Magic' impre8ses Arc-hbishop Bn'avinll yiug spray, isiglisiad aad !heavy seas, tiseAnibho of Cnebr visite-d thse Brlish Homile Fleet off a inorislera po"rt. Ot asF none rmeeutly. lt wvais believed to bha tisefr tinie 4la hst.roy tisat thse Pimaýte o! Enýlgland ivisitad tise fleet lIn Tie Anclibisisop rode liiaad- stroyerýi, Joked witissaiionr cou ducted a neligious service oS tis liea-ving deukck o! teflgipam cýiimrbed mb ogun torrlets. and lt's al( blacks magie tao me", heý reakd Buit'sW,, oAdprfA C L7 F -A F B VER 9T iSEENMTS Al MOILE-SED PER CRSWITR GOOD TIRES. Seels first. Mot PlesantMo- tor Liite. sed CrLots at,,650,Danforth Avenueàan 204fiLnge1SreetiRead f f ice, 612 Reit lesat oaTo- ronto Telphon HY.2181. 0!DERYOUR BRA 1Y FL L b insre deiveryof ~att and breda ad date reo'uired. tlachngwekly. Mil Pl] Ser- vic> Bllein edy r ath BOOiKS Bi MAIL co pld list of ook1, f the bsictionand onitionb worl f aousauthrsaIo 'l"p, ,equip "nt and ot11 , C)'aout Li n for se ïý lng. Ma r ecDou. all, FAsîsexf>,On1t. fo iform to W r esa1 ,jgrlad t tiv >ii o ý ment do, 11tark r's i:oye, 1,rt s FOM OR ALE mo, Ont..ig'n, fo sle; in ldil 48 arèsFibe-ax Copan 52 son nltso. Frinra luse. En Rihnond, Otino sle. Seil rl7 good v n- Dweal wPIg fori sale. Prosecive bye wld do vellt lok(verdthos prpertes hfoMuing:L ,m ýcý. jth Aglen foyPmrtnOt brtels, Otaa g nt. ioa DrugStiaure. taa old good heayrwooo'illfiIilers. Write ILAI LIRESTGSOH ao~slixresig A Tadel* V, nveue oa, 1Toron'ato. StJPERPLUOUS HAIR After otherflied, we ave sue- eedel a emviigssfeyamq!pe'l manenly is oa tîissracri- Tororonto. ANOT EEC TROLSI cit a ate, nw, ,sci1nti, e M etbsri, (71. Ynrta Tsend ui à É) 220 Ons? l~t C(01. lith'svayý'r> stab ulhed ovr for Si yere, 8 ali Avenue, To.onto ATTE \'NTION!Ilijf-", sci te be',1 rather cls.ey alied, jSo weaMb.od'mens wak nervesý bu'ildsu n teghn h 1f11orrissey's Nerv Reedyim med --ia ty. 75 boxnefu100lLa,1)d Morrnisse, Duggist voMn t St 1Jhn .B.j4T-7 T-,ai-1 ITS PROVEN -EVER UPII- e. ofRheomaic ains o'r tNeor- 1tis shiulder0y DiMna;emdy SlvLol)d olymunrfoiDrug ire 3-ie 1 !(-elgn taw.Pspad$. MNE IL PHFOSERVC MIL ANo MCIIEY O makvýîig Venee1 r PyodBse andJCheSeBo d tock 2,f1aý .. R Ken list.M. P.MalinSt3W Jarvis St., T SSrEn0-'4 I

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