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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1942, p. 8

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G God NEWTON VILLE Lghorhod Pte. EdgÏariVhîo, of W oocý Torîo mens rececnrylit mws a Brown andi is MuridTonnant aus- fft if Ibtingsi vwsnt nwry sstow urlocal talent. tihe psinn vaud ho serp- KhtlbyWjM..S. are holding their lown caime "A3 for Appe" Ta2k offeviiig Service on Wedrles- ho cl'ouIds and f og. Haif dayeveKng, Oeutber 'l%, at 8.00 atde c rew 'was onIiits A 'ck. Mn. ,Drummnd, cl>Orono, coydarea ayg'upc will be -guest speaker. Everyone r cf1thin -FIig'ht Soe- iecr g'î LIem Carl Sveunson, Ciurch Anniversnry and Thanii-k- i A Don Mlison - aeoffeing servi-ce Sînday, Oi chcer in thr-sits PIllth Servits ati2.30 and 7.10 p.m. euemnzar- which cannoon. The Oshonne Quartette in, ih i e cf aron type the evening. -Rev. R. E. Uorton, of Th,,n,, eu'go, -ery faEr ocslwl ah Il lying. The day Afteî ___ o f li A oncnb COWANIVILLE flew u fmn Ottawte P1iant11 tendtfilieW. A. Imeeting he h piloîted the sînn, W,,nsly rif' tîewyfrom Toronto reiot Wod eisdny. l leLe i il.'iIoday ho is castingi-omnno evc ilb et i *toward tihe cc-pi-lo cCarke Churdhnoxt Sunday. oed mindthe bet[tiung is te'n Mîiss Kathlecen Simwpon spent th', ~t befre it.ekit touch s eken it liAerborne after her Eurt v heli eWîll Iha"ve served wekatNrml M~ bi coniîrol. 2Mr. and Mrs. Hiliard, Simpson hiad a chance te fly cier and faniiy viid at MrFred 'y, wule waî -trunin," *orea's xcently. 'My advnced trý,nin a Wt5 Mri-e, ni eie ore eeh rd and we were neyer per- ais.anil go very far from 1 ouror, mave a a sort vm-it u (wril F,- a lad xvho got' bila wing-,s just 1 yeîaîr ago tihls imfcinth, Joh'n'ny has : mobi-icandlgoniei-quite a way. Hel1 glu 'a lvytf 'ie,'Phie skU! land mcd- e-ywhilkih have endeared hlm to the four lds whoae fates he bias largely held Ilh,-, handis itiese mîanly imcntth, are tyiolal quilittas f rbhe youn.g- i crîs wiho are fyiî for Cina.da to- day on aLI thle wcnd'sbitierts Ais cîpeîsndat~iesof titis ever-e- pandiut' Jtoy, Jc;-,hnniiy FHIg'býi, D.F. Ili, ad hofour lads k; wio mil this 22-yex-Wdveiean 'teold i-miain" ar .îidny to take up fîtthejob bvlevi, ùhey Ieft off three-- nigibta-,go so that 1r tîeiiàsîppo sys "thIe next timei A. R. Viingin, aif Bowmîranviile, loitt oni Tuesday of Ibait~ week for Ottaa Éutiecs as Arm'y E-xaminer with thie eso elSoeecion Staff. Tihi ap- pontîeitis for the durafution of ithe SSIAN FRONT e cie af r tino othex Rusîsia. Picture shoxu s: -nies nohi frein ihe ausijun- itihe ibattleiflelds cf h ty itt& a Y'ear. Siccol mlaýTuuulscay. MVr. and îrs.Wîliis Farrow, of Port Granbvy, viisited at Mu'. andi Mrs. Clarence Buffley's on Sunday. Mr. an-d iMs. Hilliavd Simr.psoni and f aiily vîisîted ait Mr. Fred Gu'a- uainv's, Nowvcisýtle, on Suudîay. Mr. anti Mrs. M. Cliterten and family, (3f Cliar-keý Unica, Mr. andi Mrs. And-rw Baildy- and Hlarry, Mx. Jimn Kellly and Mr'. Ncrnnan Alexanul- deýr, cf Ou:ibawa, viited witili Mr. anld Mrs. Wces. Sitingex On Sunlday. Mrs'. R. Hilli svising ber par- eits ait AILlistoni. Mn s. G. Meazie Glibison la visiiing be-r pae 1ts Mr. aiîd Mx.s. W. Coryell. We wlconieMr. iaid Ms. eye and family teti be cnmnt.T-bey huaverenîte d M u înt's place. spo't ihe eekend with bis par- !nits, M'.a,ý,îMrs. E. Duvail. TPhere wvi i b a ancin tihe CIlb Roo)m on Fi"iday, Oiobr9th. Tho TI-ylor chestra from i Poit'ypooi ,ii suipply ütie ,muls ic.* Evenyoe welcoýme. Cone an], enjtiy ai gooti *Ronaý,ld Bîurley, cf tihe R.C.A.F., hais ben.tan~erdto e Bruiis- wick Mx anid Mrs. Byetrs, cfTret, vlabted *Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Htchiýsjn on sund(ay. ~Mr. Leninox V oey f Potit, Me- Ni-hîci, spit .be week-end at Mrý. Mr atiMe.W. A. Wi ort c Tyrone, vrisited Mu. and Mvrs-. J. A. Barrie latweek. Mi.. anid .riKiern1,11an an -taiily, ur 1'oro',ito, v lst ýuhr arnt, M . anîd Mn Dix,, on Sunday1-1,. 'Mi.. Wmi. Sharpo ar n-d twoauh tos F(Trne, wueeSndygusii of Mr-. adMs iorHno [Mný. C. J. Caliw fWako{, pnta couple cf da lihs, ee Mr. anWl M. JckSLiapltiton anld guosts Of: Mr-. anîd MsCucii Siýap1- Mr.J. T. Poare is viaji 'mg her silsuýtx, Mrs. LnînrNaaa. Mr Peailc iis workiîogii- that_ al1 Mr.ani Ms.But aidwell, cf Toroynto, visiited at Mr. Ln.o Il- g'sanld M.George Sapet 11 o Sunday. Thosý'e aitenîdingHigh School from bore are : Eveillyn Gordon at Oronîo, Mary Buiiley, Buti Jones andi Gordoni MciKia,ýyat Port Hocpe. Mrs. Poster, M. andi Mrs. Hib- b-ard ainsiLJyce, Mis. Naîls andt- two cijdren, of Torionito, weýre Sun-iday guistis cf Mx. and i Min. Wm. Staple- toni. W. 1. Meeting The W. 1. frod tihoir régular meet- iag on Sti,,-onnber 24th in Pthe even- ing( ini the Conn -dtlall witih he Pre-sidenit, Mrýs. Gordon Martin, in the.hîjr Mrm. Lonl ugibies wa. appounîteidelogate te the Tcnonit, conivenlton. In was announced tubat the Spae'sServi-e Meeting, in- cluding Oro1]o, Kendail and Nntn viile, wlll 4ie bu ait Kenidal on Oct. 141h. The- guat speaker for thbe eveýning, iMi s Lnsîly, fToot, was tUben introduced. Hon tîalk on the'W ar of clothes inivar time was bh tretsgandielcainl By usix.g *lideîsihe shcwoved pieltures, cf the fibreis cf cuab on, woolianda rayon inii libe raw state .and then ini the ninn'ufaiciured state. She also sbo(wed ithese meterials af or being asbod propeiy and Matr being waslied uipoperly, andi explaîned corredt nudeds of laundeing oaci, and how te cane for each tc make thor batlonger. MssGwve Gîlmner, thoen fav(ýcd w-,tth a solo -wàidh was fo)llu<owed 1by cornmun'ty a-ingirg f rom, hofi song sheoits. Mins. Redkn:ap andi The T'haînleoffexin5g services w-are,,er grcnïp had cirg'e cf the pro- well aka ndel ait The churebi on Sun- grammiie and wiere rûspoaisible for diay Bey. Mu'. <larinier, fiýrtm Ty- prýocuring _Miýss L'indsley. ALes. Wi- ron, tkke Pe serývices. _Mr. Ar-_ lis Joncs b-ad charge of a contes-t. thuin Bell, cfBonan'lesngt.o The n-extý mee.ting will 1,o at MnIs. mî'î, ii hea'lternoo-(n. The O Fono FanikGlm's cirwa.s iiiantnanein 'th- A- LACK OF FERESIDE SEATS 1v'[g Arfu iafte.noon sevic(e LOAFERS STA-tY AT HOME u le i ar Morr-r iTornapson, soni -n Mu. 1t Mr,. Roy Thonaipson, and Tn roi ofesAiocair Leruelia Mitn tagtr ethia very doýflalt(ýecwom.ý'aint ageainsi Mu. nîil Ms fnaieMdin eete uese n oiOrono. Las-t baptzed Thecoleieionsforthe ay hundiay whvthe li-tan-ýporature weýs 'couiod eovex seventy-fiive ol in ofi y degrees thoreMas' lare. o~nec cmu-fouttaiebunspae te ________ me at in Oroobeen-cuse neýt on-e oft t1heî aidLa fire on-.. Whe ler this STARK VILLE isgvonet eulu_1n r ul tii ~liaa tuendi es say home (,aniff g et bot ex ýac- Mx~Il Tr-i f Oshaa, Lthquaintedi wiitb ouni, wives. -M. ar -1M-i. Gordon Ti- Mr n Uts.FrdTdanRo «uth Mr.fandaMs.eLorne Tcdd Mr.'a, M and ose-Hulbowllith MiLs OmenGi-bm-A, c -Canke lu liupre ,M. anuiM Y. Heli.l-ýl) M. nd M. A. MDoibson E!ian Mary Lon iptl Mxamui aindW Hel- Mx. an ti(iesMRusîshi Savr tl M -i.1 anS t .A.Mucew Erebeh Mr,. anti Mx. Warren Carson anti falrvilyvwý m-l Mx. and Mrs. Fred Wl- o r, PennryVomi. MissKay and lBe'atutee Fox lhave rtuedte 'oioonto, hiai mgsp-nt few days:wL ) Mr'. Geo. EitwelL Mn«. nid Mi. Bart Tnim anui faim- aýn-d sa lu hojnver puiýsltUp uniti ct berlait. Hw(aVer, holieis wa ing arounti the barber sbicp ini hi. sirilooIký,veato 1mnake i]s cnStcrnercý thi -is -warm, but -uven bis coin1( hanb tuciyour faýce o ou tliiiik dt, îLd 1haiid of~ fate lias caughitt up it inAiýrnasrong's ;Bill mas weiaring par parouT pali -S ania 1mach!inan oaanid tbe gpýiil e le ikc okesi Mke they Aishc-d thiey had saaivad thoir gnaidoîteî'aflanniel pctüicais anc,, unclerwenx. WiVI Cobblodiln-ot knowing that lis boss, Bud Roilpâl,wul arrive te woek inan Aeticemplorer's out- fit: had sotrtd a lire but lt m-as toc mued1 for Iils over.dresied boSs ss ho fine mais ex)ýtînguiush-d. Thno LLunn H1ardware burnied au,- thie sumsunex-'s :,leu immulation cf papen in ~t ej', Eii ng stove, but Orme Geims y- unbuîtPUonaed is coat, For Sûre Throat TYRRZELLUS IODINE THJIOAT GARGLE One teasp)oon in a snî--ll ass of water mies a dep,,emd- able autiseptlic gargie, 2 mince hotie ........... 25C. Bipot's Iodized Throat Tab- lets. 310 for..25c. 60 for 3.5e Vick's Cough Drops .......15-)c. Vick's Vapo Rub).......... 43c. Certified Chest Rub, large size ........ ............>.... .........39C. Miusterale (reguelar or mild for children .............. ......35 c. Camphorated OH .....f 0e, 23c. Linseed, Licorice and Chloro- dyne Lozenges, 5c... ., botti1e of 100 ,............ ... 39ü. For Couighs and Colds Buckdley's Mixýture . 40,7 Pertussin _....... ....... ............5)9ec Mason's "19-' ....... 39c., 69c. Piat-O-Pnakies 20 fluid ounce-s of efficient Cold and Cough Corý,,rective, bo tde.ý39e. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tutrpentîite ......... 35r.. 75c. Always a goodl buy WAR SAVING GERTIFICATES each 25.3 Telephone Colleet lie mai aiinfcl o rbob edec-1 Vitamins Taken now insure good heaith both ini the Fali and Winter montths. Start taking yours now. Cer'.ified Cod Liver Gil, 16 ounce bottle for ........$1..S.19 40 ounce bottle for.. $1.59 Neo-Chemieal Food Cap- sules, 50 for ....... .........$1.25 100 for ................. $......... 2.25 Liquid .. .......... $1.15 and $2.45 Wampoles Extract of Cod Liver Oil ........... ... $1.00 Kepler Extraet of 'Malt and Ccd Liver 0i1, 10 ozs ....75c. 29 Ozs. for ........... ......$1.23 Scot's Emunî(lsioni......5i9e., 98C. Certified -ALB D Capsules, 50 for ................. ... ............$1.25 100 for . ... ......... $2.2.5 Chase's Nerve Food Smnall size (60) ............._60c. Larg!e size (180) .. .......... $1.50 Prescriptions a Specialty Charles Tyrreli Ag~ent for Phone 68 Jackman Flowers Orono Protect Your Buildfings And Implements with a good coat or two of Sted- nian's Rouse Paint or Wagon Paint. You will be pleased with the resuits as welI as the Low Cost. Glass Rolling Pins, each ......... .. ....... 20c. School Scissors, r-oun-ded points, pair ,........ 20c. Wire Spring Clothes Pins, 12 for ... ......... 5c, Kettie Knobs, assorted coors, 3 on a card .... 5c. Small Padllocks for Dog Collars, Brief Cases, etc ...... .... ............. c0. and 15e. Pot Menders , 6 on a card, comiplete with Span- ner... ......... .......... ...... 10c. Memiba Seals, double protection w\ýith inner wax seals for jamns and jellies, pkg....... ..1e Neyer Dri Fly Coils, 3 for .......... ....... 5c. Jnfant's KitÏtedl Rompers (new), suit ...... $1.15 Ladies' Sport Shirts, new colors, sizes 14 to 20, each........ ..............$1.00 Aylmier Mushr-oom Soup, 10 oz. tins, each ..... 10c. Muffets, 2 boxes for............... .... 19c. Neilson's Cocoa, 1-2 lb. tin. .. 19c i1 lb. tin. . 29e. Keta Salmon, 1 lb. tin for ......... ........ 19c. Lipton's Noodle Soup Mix, 2 pkgs........... 25c. Cotton Batts, full size, '72" x 90", each....... 39c. Paper Window Shades, colors cream, green or white, each........... .. ...... .......15ec. YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE ORONOu 5c. TO $100 STORE IMotor Equipment I Nort' IKINDNESS Private -Ambulance hcutt and Sith ai Direct-ors andi Fumniture Dealers COURTESY SERVICE Bowmanville,, Ont. sotlïng type 'Vitb an eeceton. Ail cf bhs tay ho h-elpiig -carrear oflcut but ilIti ard on us Icafers and if thtse ibusuneinimen don't chaunge iier aya, us loafens w-ii enrganize a hom-e swihgClub. -Orono Lonfers RECEIVES PROM1OTION J. J. Becwni, Plaýcoeent Officer atj Ahe Boys' Traiaiung Scho(yl ait Bow- nlianville, 'bais been eippointed Aotàing Siupeuintendenlt te 1MI the vaoaîney causes by ut A. R. Virg-in- beinig cahlled - to Otaiwa on milltany duty. Mx. Brievni iUbe only xemainîuiig -Men Euuipped to take care of the nmodest fuaceral at the most reasonabie chiarge as wýell as the largest and miosut exaeLtiag Telephonle: office 6)68 - Residence 523 aad 726 up and uthbis toe gt li ho n eML hot Shave a fixe on se usodical elec- m-i heat Lup lt wilul taire caiused by celiC- Sornierville saidi a fixa, but iey culdli't de- i ils t' ý 1 1

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