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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Nov 1942, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TI rue) C auf, un eilv on) be ialoweil to 'ers 'oUli people hlave be is usually ansi will be to planep, as ipeople-lhave hie 01Es from iful fromi ,iws over, gnty (depoie nian Fýkl ort, thus a trîp suchb as lias People ansli whichl d by tim as long Seen 1i Saturdav' Name~~~~ Address..,.. ý)PY ON- REQUI is whieh leavýing You wi lichi ew Vo see, ich few wais mnore tnlan u uevll(. Duiýrng the six ýweeks, theedts tr llmore than leýven thousand mniles, made up (;F 1930 mlesý by bus, 1540iles Y Wtain,,500 imules bhy automobile, 6400 miiles Iby plane andï about 400 iles on foot. Thîis wa>s the 2eeoid lept liy threiwiter anid is proliably Erre avm 'age of the pa"'ty," but some traelled even myorýe thanr that by taking speelail jouirnej. Afteqa this brief outliine of the trip, :MONITOR paper from Sensaticnal. ive, and Its Daily m.e Section, Make qorne. Society ýsçhc u se tts Vlonthi m. $260 a Year. Cents ES] CLARKE UNION Rumour Ilias it that wedding MISL will soon lie rnim in ouir commnun-1 'Mr. Evere-tt Cain hlas filnished com1bining lis ug-e hewetcrop withi sljisfactory ruuts, The Conty Roa'd Suiperlnteni-denit shfoulld go over our roads.Ilie igh-lt suggest some iprovement'IIS. _Wr. John Berryis stili under 1 th doc!tor's crr. lus nry frýiends wis;ïh hlm a speedy recoveiy to noir- mal ilealtli. The 1WjÇ.T.U. of ýClar-ke Union heMlC a ver-y sueceessful railly dlay at New- csleon Mon)iday, Octoher 226. Af- teroonans evendng sessions .were ~well attenîded. The Liquor Coatrol Act as now in the Proivince of On1- talo \açs very 1a1IdY d tepr- senting ilustrations and exarniples of the pwi of the beveruge as o ~preeandi its effeets vuhuan 'ty, both mnentally and phyicallyl. STARK VILLE M-r. ansd M Gordlon Trimi with Osaafrien'ds. Mi'sýsEmlberyV, Our tahespent thei week-eu n aTrno Miss Mýarlon Br1juLce, C.re wt [Mr. ansi 1Vrs. Ferrly Far-row. Mr. anid Ms.Franký Stoine wihI Mr. anid Mrs. John iStoneu, Orono. lt. nd Mus. Hugli ta 1o , Osaw, iith Mr. and Mus. W. A. Hallowell. Messrs. Geo. Et.well and B ett Trimi are i-u the 'north couitry huiit-~ ing- deer. Mr. allsi Mrs. Sidi. IHalowxell, H1elenl and Geral'd, with Mr. ýAii rs. Etusk, Port ]liope. Mr. 'Carl Todd and sister, Aliss Eilleon with Mr. andi Mrs,, ino Mrs. Clarenr as recevesi w laeieBevai AND FOR OF THE WEEK Canada's Greatest Drug Sale The Rxi One Cent Sale Pay the Regular Price for any one of many Quality Iteins and receive another jus1t like it for ONLY ONE CENT Supplies are limited. Do your shopping early The store wîll be- open every evening during the sale lSPECIAL SPECIAL Lorie Bath Ci-ysta1s, attrac- Box of 16 Beautiful Christn tively packaged, perfect for GREETING CARTJS gift use, Apple JBlossoui, Phne Box. . 50e 2 for.. 5ic or Lavender Box of 20 cards, f oil trimmed O-ne for .,. .. ...$1.10 Box. . 75e 2 for. .76e 2 for..... ý. .$1.11 1 à d e - 60e. 61e. I SPECIAL Men's Jasm-ine Shavinig Sets, consisting of Shaving Creami, After Shave and Talc (u0utra! shade) ; just the gift to iinclude ln soldier's parcels. $1.5-3 valuie sDecial .. 89C. Prescriptions Phone 68, jeCOUNTYI Special; lb..., ...20c. 1lb Ic lb. pkg. .27c. .35C.j 3af8.e..38e 1-2 lb 21e. .. . .17c. is urgeritly needed if we aire ta produce the ships, )ns necessary ta win this war. You are asked to ravailable ounce of scrap metal yau car.fn d iii ember lst ta Deceniber 15th, 1942. stematic collection of scrap iran and steel ini your ed, ai Government Company, and the Steel Con- nients with your Caunty Warden and Township and sale of the scrap iran and steel you deliver. W H AT YO0%U EDPO rap iran and steel yau can put yaur hands on. e±i formed. Find out frozu your Township Reeve kes, lb ....... 19c. 6 dlelicious ser- ýpecial, 2 for. .. 21e. . Special .... 19C. e, 2 lbs ....... 23c. .~25C. ýr, bottie ...... 14c. 16 oz. bott'les . -ge Limited, a Goverumnp 1 1 Muniions and Supply as ce at Collection point will b. $7.00 per net ton on ground. scxap Ioaded on cars containing less than 25 tons, price 1 e $8.50 per net ton. scrap loaded on cars contaîning 25 tons or mnore price be $1O.OO per net ton F.O.B. cars. ve prices will be paid for ail faims af scrap iron and steel excluding Dfany kind, (b) Automobile Bodies acid Fenders, (c) Stovepipe, and lacliments. TO00DI1S POS E 0 F 'YO U Re'S CR AP WHEN q C"OLLECTED! au have dehivered yaur scrap ta the place designated for your rdanice with the instructions of your Township Reeve, you con then- your scrctp metai ta the Government flgency and divide the proceeds chl sale among the va-ious members of your Graup ta which yau be appointed by your Township Reeve, or- macy donate- your scrap nietal ta the Voluxtary Salvage Corps or Lmittees functioning in your Comm=un il,!y, or- mnay seil your scrap metal ta the Government .flgency and then turn part or alH of the proceeds of this sale ta the Local Salvage Corps by fiis arrang~ement. Don't o do this ail-imrportont work. t, ons af scîaLp iran and steel ady ta win. thîough ta victory. ) fIC9I7IffG'STEEL their darightor, <Mrs. Fre7ýd Grahami. Kirby W.MIS. arc packing a bale of new and used clothing for the Salvation Armny at the church on Tuesday even- ing, Nov. 10Oat 8 p.mn. Anyone who can- flot be pjresenit plesse leave articles at the Church or with sonieone nearlby. ENtTERPRISE Miss Jue Bowadtct bas gone to, a positon in Toronto. Mr. John Moffatt soid his drýivingý mae oir.Super, Kend. Msr.Ber-t Riehardson, ary Cate asiGoron M , f'a tt hav ponte deer huntbn9. Mrs. TompnWson ani faily ar- mnoivng tVo Barchard's farm n ml Nîewcasle tAis vweekw :M rs., - Jam es Rarnslý;Ierry is recover, ing faom blod oA Oisonb',g. We vil ie r a speedyv reeoveiy. 'Mr. and Mas. AU5bert Hlarris a Mary, oft'Orono, visitesi his sister' Mrs. W. Malley on Sunciay. i -Mr: ansi Mrs. Allen Moffatt a4 famnily, of Bwavle iie MaP-Ts. Gordon Moffatt on Sunday. Mr. and i Ms. Len Alldread and family spent Sunslay with his sistor, Mas. iDebert Boweus, Ponitypool, M.Lslie B!lwett, vf yln Tofr iovrntfn ýcrri-nnie naA k,, t4 -or bouilnpk, 1 Pure Seville C ýPLETE EXCELLENT REË CORD PERFORMANCE 1 CTI11-ZENS 0F of Tooth Creams iu muust bring HIERE Ic every ounce of s( ~muf- . . 33C. *..20c. ubes 14c. Mar- ... 35C. ...25C. Lbs.'fatr milk as a days on were also of H. E. cuickslank, ,C. Snow- ........ .....

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