ann s àa sty ofwomnen. b. Saiter ou l.onon,Ont,, y anuosur on HM.C.GS. mrt s eaimIy r by laies SOMietRepublc msauaiOte traistaking go argoos of the Unitotý ply depolts. omn ua the Us dock winches whilh .friýnshîIp t pe,0 e rom plance ndtanks to "dadiof supplie A maie Everyabebio ma s frontkeepig iMur lahis aid au the ther mon are ;neawrrCGthe mnt linos. ity Df wme las3a pea-c- Opulaion A about 50,000 .mlen ocf the Ia,ýitNain Jicaily have mathcr a duI' Mrmansk. The ýgirls are, yarieh uch to us;y Lep-l RuaIsian war e"ýý ffortg o ing cime off for international %o Pubs-No hMovdes tü malte matters worae, re nio pb-noj hotes-nou --no dance has-not evenl Lts wM hjixke boxes. ho Sua oesn't evea go saldtIho young Canladian, tiagastnioty businessl sk, aMd he business Î' Lmen~~ lurm onh a woman la harti-womking yonng women len f, Storing Per- s Sucssfiil Atnteisa edthe mea,,t sh-if tje he icues alad as huo-dc itea Vo twas f-ira n ntheUno hati cie il- ir aieIoth sigput laPireýý ..nv sayec Vi tise space between the cat anti the ceiling atI fuIl cf boxes of as thon cboaed anti fo three 'eek~, that time, the test ned and tha con- much la~s r or miltI- no bon,,er 1 la fine whi h the THE S-,TORY: Er-id Sharon, segrher, cecides to take a secret -vacation for a month 1e- fore setling cown with Ta., Driseoli, wlioin 811 bas pmrnised to marry. Whien hem, parent, andi ister are invited toeale ake rsom Eiîdtells Tom t hat îshe m-ust go oui of towai- on busineis, then ent- gages a furnîsýheé. apartiment. The mi-an who shows her the apart- mient is hantsisoe Young JDr, Henry Hlliday, whose pictiire Enàiti las atdmnieti in a newspaper. Enid eces the rest of ler famlly' oU onm their vacation, thoni star-ta ber own secrtholiday.ý FATHER AND SON CHAPTER 'VI The hrUil of hem truancy ia- raedahundreýd-foli 'asEn.aid movet fromroomto mo,0 mevel in'g la the iovely ista of -the pametas seenLfroinirffîernt agetouchiag bits fbi-a braeLovinîgly with a 7,prcloujIs sens ofposýsessýion, ehan.giag the poiinof somne boa iinh esh flowers lantde vanss o ahelves and tables, Nastrm s »inthe dinig rmm she tho-ýught; shet lovedthi spicy o7dor; and someylowndwhite eut Lflow'ers la the tcool livinig room. the wouldstop at a fl- ststhe first thing i temo- A ig andi order thent Eventually sha c ýame ndown to" arhlong Ceaough te"e hièmeti happily as she huýng har few clothes la the spaclous beti- reomrncloset, anti laid outlhemroie acsoison the rssn tbe That -was another lxuyshe waa go"4ing Vo treat hersoi'f to, someÀn really good cosmetica, scenteti neeims, gosalnsor powd!em, andIim po0rted pe.rmune. Aind e-h' have a facianad have hem hair, set and get a naiue L'y the timosed rage e personaI effec-ta and _akun a showe inla tepectidbah romsha vas 1raveno'uslyhungy.? Atfirat shie thouCght shel'd eau a ; taiand go downtwn to n On.seond tho'LUgh1t she decýidetI to hunt a dlicaessn shop-sche hati aotced a sort ou omnt ceteabout two ýeblocks fomthe apatmat tere was prjmobnbly a delcaeaenthere-and get oe tiinLo cook la the nntet naaing gadgets la tio aarent Thefiît ee of hem vacaý'rtioný pasae la adelirous w io shoppuing. aidspeat fhours aithe chxope, juat idliag anti lookng and try ýingý odrese untril she fut rjte partiuar OMS sthat didsome- thing for her, Mek the severely plai be clope with % itsiay matchin turban that made ber look as seone anti aoof as a ana. Eýya follo erhem lu hat even la the fittAg oou. She bought lounging pyjamas anI seepýing :tmaaglmr ized i hou'secoiUof blacksik wt a frnt pnelof csnebycl omt rtf affetý'a, afiowemeci hif- fo for afternoons with a aide- brimined blat of yeo'Iw straw anti grentscarlet poppiespreased arounti it's brim, ivid summ er patsabathgest, aeeng dress of comaul ogad,antI, Lo-! cag foward Vo f al, a beigeý wool suit tuheIp wt a red beret, red gesq and an enormousrMt leaIther opurso. ~TE. Ant l i then thaeýwoeesos siender pat)oent p)Uupawhite îg. hele sndals, a parof gay p1roa ro weai ihhmpyaaani smamtbucksin oxordsfor fx Raid range emnew shoos at dreýssesla hecloetand admireti thm, 1'and wnordwhere h coulti wenr them. Wh ansth ueof hav*ýing 1pretty cohsi there was -a one te see andI ad- mire hemcla homi? To Chase away Ethe depressiont that uepctd settled tupon, hem, se donet one of the cool prbints, ie ht santials, a coa bs ýwhita hata1 ýýcrîsp aew Pair of ges Mn phoned for a taxi. She'd go bhome and pick up her mail. Threre was quite an accumiula- tion ofï it adopened eagecriy a big, thick ý(Leterfmom )-ihem mnothor. They weoniag tMe time of thoir ife, Mm rwroe. She and Pop wnt 'oit eeymobaî1ng atic fîshed a-l dy LaVe in theafem nomn tey'd come ilanad go ta bed, and got up aftem mdAight and go wes tne bect iCeof aIl ta catcýh Letty andi the clden wre ew- joying themi-selves,, too, sha adlet, aad getting brown as barris fmomi their daily sim lan the Inke. .Eaîid pumpsel-y left thele Pttes f>1rm Tom utithe mt h re!og1nized is wkwmangla haad-witgonite nveop.The ltter isl a bif omisSed1 untii she would be homeu. Ha loveti hem, lup nto ni'athroa". She Nwas. s;uddeUnly nsurdy oely for h-lmn. She toyey awihthe thought o phoning son Rand lettig hM kaow tIbo son was in twnz m n laAnlingýton t-,oio h herslf? oswhethem shelieil), it orno, hedhav'e te stick Vo hem original plan i anilotTom be lieve tha shewas t thle Mine actý1 inga emeayt Stan1ton,_ She fetfoihandI 1eV d(own. headthoughit livir-n aAring_,- ton _vold o uch a dventume, a'id aftem nlya week ofit sh of the apartmont, boretiAwith Ve new botea hatbatno pflace to 'g 'ýo, oet with tis*e siîîy pee ofL lv;îing 1f tht s'treaill ered, was aay fun unleas jt was siared AMIth oioeoe. la nalathe livingrematiugs Iwas quit! drkwhen aSh. z- turned te Vhe aparement hixe by the fron't wnos Ars h streeýt aloeaatienwabr. was going o ixr'h oreul ixeariaugter nd m al ati eo Asieacised wleîýtfully frosu1 aman park a car on lieolsde et bý1ise atee ad oas aid uP the waik ,tehieenne ).f tIe wel-sa-upsholdesIt wasth Snow Vac~ton t distlngulslsesi Lai atian me~omt invît 'ou te "holiday f seaith," Officiai s I ehoel5 *lsl-tows, cxci F kthe LausenianIl ountatus, luion, moee eft chalet. . . ski rtow, M NLt;èlaldy siiiu-.%net asai.ked tmal i n srry Ofiiitrai em-i ie. Wte THE ALPINE, Ste. *SERIAL STIORY WHEl A GIRL MARRIES BY RENE RYERSON MART If only Sana a îvw Saeaoiîe !JwK hhim te pass the evening wAth, rixe thought. Somneone înteresting to talk to. Hier hie orehecad puck. ered ln th]ought. ayeshe couldl trumnp up Somne reaLson to see hiti againto get to know him. Eniidwas shy.,Itutok lher until noon that Sunda; to mauser up cour1age to tcarry ouhr hme She took a l tscared look l the m rirr1or lte besure she ýwas lookig herbot After mîue-h de-. liberation -she had donniled a, a' laCli, outfit, one of m' ew 0 puvrchases, tho,'t'VùuSPe 3da"k l, Iue anUd of-l sot naterial thlat they loýoked ,like a lon-"g it the blouse rd- ndhiocandy stripe silk. Her fine stmaigl-it hair wsdM,en in the mnorte eutcanbi ecomimended for hemi, parted la themidead uld into two,. soft pmaor at eachtep, ,with the eadsý curlelý in aloos roîil acrosa th1e base ofhe neck. Hem moh-kne face, tee brùoad for real, beauty, lackod at t-emoen its greateat ch-arîm, serenity. She smtoothed out the nerous pucer etween her brows and mnrchod downl tho hall with hem er12art inlaiem throat. The docetor, h ýimise, ýooaned ithe door at, hem ring. 11 smle at slow recognition. "Oh'ý - Miss ýSharoCn, its you." So he hadn't forgotten hier! hate to bothor y ýou, bt-thie win- dowýs ïlanmy apartmnent need cdean- ing, anIf 1didni't know ,:jt1ier the janiitor was suposed t take f care of thom, or weterI houtld geV ,_omeonoi, s HmVoice Dm7, Holliday brok1e in inidul- gny,"That'a Jin's jobl) right -btheisn a zy beggam.r i ejeak tY hlm about thom." The do eidhlm wun wvi doe. Raid-w again the warmn red Iandl yellow room ith is heavy asulnefurniture. in thc mliddle of the rug 0 a mnîboyî was stack-'n.; building blocks. The child looked up iptety "Comne onl, DddBuid me ak Henry HoIdîay aghd "I righ, Sony.Just a mnt. 1 Enid felt ns if someionielhadisdt dly th1rown a cup of cod( water lu her face. "AnthngeLse ?"the docsor a1sked1 with a flash of 0 white, Veen tee h. Enid thankled hlmj) lamnely anil baclked ýay, Hiem face burtsed wit a oepflush o7f shaWe, as if she had been caught la a despie- able deed. As she avent down the hlall ahe heard the ima'sa nti týhe ehild's voices raised lomppan. lonable shoutý s Se hast eaedhe stops. i Smehow she feit an awfl fool. She had thought ihe MAS unamarried. Something he h ac said about his, bachlor apanen had gýiven hem tha-t impresscion. Sailors Need More Than Ditty Bv agýS occaaionaiiy some oae has sud:ll VPWe wýork for 'lie salra no end'. WVe have sent out dMty baga by thiethuad" A good th,ýing toG do, too. Those tosnaof lit'cy bags atmr euDee .Tlhey M 1 ne great need. %What theycn not do, lathis: They cnnot - mailors, to replace those bomnbed to thne grouand or ila neyands. elot.hirg to the wives ad eHidre,_n of Jhe thousandsetof mercliant almaW110 have 1lost thlr lies la Mhs wax. They cannot suppiy Wbeàeucaton for Seamen'ssos 'wijh i litbrthemfor o ficers. They raixnot place llîbraries ýon board meean-hips for the benefît o thse studý,ttwo has left aho Zert 'he sýervice and whoc must con- tiUehi sweudes lanlMs spae imeW. Thee ae afew co! the thiniga wloh the14clinee andmah appreclateti ditty bags cannes do. 'n requîmes ard cash forhee 'rte merchanit saurer' Contribui- 'tien tuOour cause eaa neyer be SACHE BS CHAMBERS A Chat On De-sserts 'With thie rationinig of sgr buter and the scarcity o~f whip-. ping creai the problem of des. serts becom1es miore dfiut Desserts areof ùtwo kina, hos jatý to "top ofif the meal,ý" so to speak, and those planned from aý caloie or vitaini standp'oint te help ballance the mea,,I In, Englanid a custom prevaile; w icl one of great cmo r Sese Raw fruit isappua rdsetand what is more hlealthful for, ail of usý? Malwell bill., anced from the protein ando carbo-, b ydr-ate staapoint Vcan vr easily be finished with say rarv appýfles - those lovely r'edppes whbich eSIeciallly at thîs season- of the year make their appearance rwith aVU the extra rosiness that apples ever had.- There is the "Dlilos"apple and ny oth111- ers, that are very appetig and most healthful for aduits and eblîdren. As a nation we have fallen ito a bad habit of thinckag mnost desserts shouîld be set This is also theý seasoii for thel lovely Califor-nia grapes. The y, too, mrake an ideal eading to a hýeavy or. well balaaced meal, California also sends us dates and rasnwicl. of c ýourse 'are ex- pensive for those eof us whlo 1muýst" ýwatch our budgets. Oranges are cheaper now sud it the peak of their season- and they lend vra tson for most menus The English custom of usig cra,,ckers and cheese for dessert la r wIlell worth reembering. , Th iis 4 iVU have to be guided by the rest if your menu, andi would be barred jif your miea is already high lai pmoteid - neatsbeans, peas, etc.ý Mayomit the dessert when using a substantial salad aud this agaîn is a very healthful thing to do for Il. It does sceem unfortunate that, we have neot a litte extra sugar frour býouçnrtiful Caiiinianaple ,z.,op, but I am sure th'e govera. m ient is doing the very best for. us the-y Ce n lis food problm. 1t is a gigantie talsk for thelilanId after ail we (;have a'am dac 1 f things to eat. Uf yCu are a family who do-es not, insist on sugar -,-n tea, eoffee and erels, then. I can assure you wih caref planning Yeu wHilhave enough sugar for a reasonable amount of desserts in the simple c:ategory. I mean by this a simplir)e custard, mnaybe a juxnket, a ittie ic0oea, or left over canined fruit lan the bottom oýf your ctard12e As 1I said a-bove (one of thre difclies b ave is when I w"Sish to. use a-pplescook-ed instead of raw, such as baked or apple sauce, with the varieties they offer. Then I av todosorne plain. It w"!as a pity that 0our:honeywa auhaamsAalil rop for it, adds a deiitsflavor to ths baked aupl oir apple sauce. The cora yr'ù we, hati leamned to epndupon ard le we find[ is anlother "f-'* 'bidden fruit." I7t la reserýved for ou--r babies wvho must be fed t'ne proper food if our, national heailh is teý be preservedl and, may I say improvej upo-n, fmr jet us ai Ltake heite thec large perceatage o(f Vun 'of rmilitatry age wýho av been rejecd suffering from In speaking of the Califernia, TNROUT 1$ PRET TO MAlT AILMENTS Lymnods' auik Action pie Thovalide 11LYMOIDS fare easing t thle tibroat ad relionse the hackiingcough.," Sowitea a Torontc resident. Thatunsolicited testimonial ý isnpDorte>dlb~y thoqssands Zf ('ther sufferers >freihroat aihiientswh have fond anikreliefWthLYMC>ID - Use LYUMMîS for thrat ihiatoneh% . e- Yîessa-ard eongbing-- Itsblenci of s0oothfegj Matstores selI LYýSfOID5 la houdy ýSite 1N eV 25e~~~~~~~~L boe.5 soriaMas 0 esamýLi o' min, te IXMOIDS, 1 n 'le in.rt Trio a sur- hambor 0W te uck on estroy- rîg two panese tlet of r suc- sst la- Foreign Fad Whe sop was recently r tioned lainire, an Irisl hioo phier deClJared tha-t "asing s an- .Amecricaa dQycasaya. HO0W TO RELIEVE PILE TORTUiREýi" QUICKLY AND EASJLY if yo a tru bjd ti iïtn le Any itchîn-g o'ena r an shod hebeecreiatone whichta usd inera liis asal eas71 y toii ,ýotaeeartbietwU dckl reltev the suchingantiaoroes and~~ aisl hal h the sore tde la highly reosnde and eema rsraÉpainful an4 chreie pil codiinietlc) fn rmd CF you try Iem-Rand NdWaei-not BrUItS SILORS' SOCiety omTouAC, o saioaW CISSUES No.NE2-YE3 IL_~~~~- i~dl TABLE TALK 1941, oni h,1 -,.. -I T9ip