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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1943, p. 1

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j, Vol. 7. No. 2, ORONO, ONT., THUIF4S-DAY', JAN. 28th,19Z- Subseription' Durhanm Central Agricultural Society Anniual Meeting, Towni Hall Orôno, ian. 29 at 11.30 Perpetual Care For OrQno Cemetery Now Reaches 18,730.55 Marki Total Receipts For Year United Countiies Vote AmQulit to $4,043.22 $5,000 to Ruissia Fuînd OFF IE S LE TED Perth Comnty cuclso fau headsi ~~ IELECTED ail ony councils in tePoic The apua!nireng o LotOw f- Otario for aid te Russia Fund. The nnui metig cfLotOw hlaDecember Peurh CoatYvoted ers in Orono Cemiery wxac held in heb, m ,f$,, , ,,0,bsaanvtd Dhe town hall on Satu rday,, January $,,00and inhs givon notice of still 23, -with i amial i number baing pices- anotI1er »7oD0 to follorw in Cduec ent. Moues a total of $Mou04. Sioe The auiois' iaport sho-woýC the ýccunty cones next ith a vote olf Conpt o 'be in a so'und iira-ncial fl,000. Kent conry has; alre(ady poiston. Frent its cneque for ,$8,350 from iithe Olffcers of the 'Comýpanay were re- cotinty fi-ids. 'Counties ýWhdch have eiected for i1.43,vi. voted $5,000 eac'h Vo the help of the pres'd'ent H. Souch. Rain are Northuniberland and uhmEssex and Waterlooc. Vice-Pres., E. J. Haniiii. Peol County hbas voted $3,, Sec.-Treas., Char. . UAvde.Leed and GeeviMe $319Y0 Dufe-- Directors, uMessrs. R. R. WVaddell, in $2,673, Renfnew $22,500, Linoîn C. T, Milkyr R. H. Bmown , E E. Part- l2,J0, and Ontarioe eonty $213. terso-n F. W. Tamblfyn and Jamnes Those 'whî'oh have voted $2,000 are Nixon. OiorNof lk, gini. Huron couIic- SThe drive for Perpetual Cr- att -y voted $l1>56, Haldimand $I,, year -Xa's a hnge succ e ss, near y Pic 1üý '3,500.00 was received from Jet Mary mnore 'county comncils have Ckwnrs fýr find whih i, rio pdiated tiheir intention to mai-ke ffl s o ýh00udwic a o crri0tos wihwill be received 1 rg la isthe 'lnanctal' stato- \w'ith thanks. Recepte New Canadian Nickel ,Cash lin4bank ............. .... ... 95 7.'-," Made For Victory 4190 2)19ý00 2,47.40 39.15 $-1043.22 ...... ...... 197.76 lues........1,94 ... .. ...1 1016.40 ............. . 146.20 - ......... .. 81.32 ....... ...... .... 2000.00 $4043.22 Care Account . $.00O 1942 ......... 3410.00 $18731.00 D choques- .45 $18730.55 .. ........ ...... .0 ..... ... . ... . 230.55 Within a very shottrime nmost CaainmilI be pa-ssing on to aCh otiher a six-worýd victorY ,vaes- sae... . a Clyiptic 1ittle War hint thatt will gain rte crclio thani any oblher slogan in1 the cooný try's history. Tihe mnessage or. th.e coin reada: "We win when *we work williigly." Sone stayhand)ed engZraver in the mint at Ottarwa cut tihe mesaei continental Mi\orse dots gild daisheýs arouind the inner edge of the, re- verse side cf Canada'as brand.new five cent picce-the iew nîcicelles5 rickel. The new ýv oin, which replaces the 12-sided 911oy piece broughbt rut last faIl ' differs only from its precieceq- sor in the fa'ct that lt hbears a"V and a victory torch on the revers;e sie, insteaid of the orýiginal beaver, and with the mnessage in code. The coin go e,- into circuflation around Pebruar-y hst. Hieon 1(avýe from wh.at theyv thought la stili "the wild and woollI'y est"a Regina district recriuit h' difficulty convincing friands in Winqd- sor Ontario, that bis desà-gnation OF Tpr'. -toodl foi, "Trooper," anýd noV for "Tripper." Meeting 0f Uni ted Church ma s t-ho coiiniu-nit)y for th c-Rusian Re- Vhe ïbof FiniS. Tins canrass Vo o maide 104 raderthe usqiieas nf thie Siinday Sehouel. the The fIlbowiag officers vwieo lect-- [oer-- ofd: ir b Te Sessýion -- W. T. Little, J. 1TeblF. Truil, F. BiaobS. L. 'Berry andi Robert Allen. th The Bo-1rd! f Stewards -S. Cha-p- t a H'owr,-m Allen, E. Biy-1 BRITISH1 WOMEN AIRCRAFT WORKRES BUIALD GIANT "STIRLIING"' BOMBERS FOR MASS-RAIDING GERMANY In a Buitisilh ai1rcraft factory showim-ig imec anc' wonen workcers busy ol 'Sirin»bom--ber mTuý3cur.rfle greater -part oS the construction ýof these gi ant boniberis is carried -ut by) wornlen, whio Pare Vthwis lringing nae the tirne -when G(>ierman3rt will lookc baock on the ,O-bnerBits ad as "a ma-lre clo-ud on the horizon colin- parecd to the torinado tihat la Vo coine. Police Trustee Mleeting The Orono PoliLce Trustees mat on January 25th in itsý first im-eeting-. The- followin-g officors were ap- pointcd for 1943: -Chairinan, Wm elo;Fire Hall Carectaker, 'Wm. iddl;Cointtnble anL1 Fire Ranger, A. West. T'le minutii-es cf the previouis meet- in vere rend ani approved. Tho followirg'bis ueeorderes paid : Oronlo Goal & Luimber Co, -oal for firo bail, $21.00; G. Buitteras, ,sandin'g sidewalk-s, 3 dïn, $351 toa,$37.50. TI-e remaoval ûf snow from tlh- seaksw-asagi discussed, amid the Co-operation 'hiwn by the rosi- dents la' tihe vllgeras mu-cih a1p - preciated. Ir the case of thora being any coinplaints thiese shioud Ire re- ferres t-o the conaVaable. Orono Hydro Meeting The Orono ?HIyd'ri oiso n lsi itýs fîrst mee(-tinýg on Jaiuar-y2t witlh al the rmemiberasent The organ'ization for the year is a-s folws : Clhairmiani -1 . M. Mer- ca;Treasuir -r Wmi. J. Riddell; 'Sece- etyJ. J. Melur; Mvlanager, Geo. Chase. The 'foUiosin~g accounts- were or- oered( paid : Ontarlo io Electnic Commision, $219P75; Bwavie Public Utilities $91.16; total, $350.- Tii- trasuir ripotad the bank1 baa'eto h $,50.3 H. A. GCiueke anii H1, M. Marcer wero app(yintead delegites ticthe On- tarie Municipal Weieic sia tio, to 'ho beld ilu îFe-,biuari n Tor- ont-o. l The Bomber Press In Britain .Arother ir a series of articles writter by WI. R. Legge andi C. V. Chartersý, wbo represen-tesihe 'Cana- dian Weekly Newspapers Asocia- tion in a recent tour overseas. A DAY WITH THE NAVY (By Walter ýR. Legge) Natuirally we coulioVt see al f Ganada's cefforts witrnoýut- s2eing- ooehi~ f the 'Navy, for Canaýda has an important- part ini the naval servi'ccs even in Great Brita5in-. Our- original programrme ealled for ýCeeîng an impoirtant cerelony at aý niav.-alstatýin Where Cndasfor-m % par-t. Hwvr at t-ha rime thîs aste taike place, oui, party was far prlom thea location. and iV mieant a lo-sa cf two) days in taeln to go :,nd raturn. As this, represen'ted aý lot Out of cui, oianingtime', it wasý,t dlecided to take uls inisteaid to a naval base nearer aýtbad Wlie w d ,miss s-eirg ariy cf ~h anda nvlforces, 1V gaýve jUs an', opportuity Vo visit ne cf thie mos't faniotus «fEnglîsh bases. With Lieu-t. , nt nas ourgide sept crT oon Septenifier 14 ard ti-ave'l- 1-zg cier ane «f the aid 1roads Of Enlnifinally arrived at cutir des- tinlatîin. A Visit to the "Victory" lie firsît thirng' veie we oawas caoi of tbesi-moat famious -hips in Entgllsh bistery, wic.h îs now a na- tionali5sbIrin-e, Nlo'fnosfiag- shpthe'<ity. Tliitîsàshi,1p, conuipleteslinl 17075, took six years V; o builsi, ani-id hu'hi g 177irpyeý , m1bi G.Shaéileton, S. Bry(ra- ln iteari byt Clarene Allen. lee ,almosît a b ries -- E. Bron, Rae Bryson. Itwon~ froni the PrES ec Ovs f Conigregation thnV Neson sont Sunday School Board -- M-rs. mesae hic'h b -' Allen1, r. S.Cbapman. chswcrld ansi voýte ('f Vbn-ks vWies exendsi o ar xpos a eo had contributesi ta Vthe suc- bisdu-ty." I in cf the oar d .ri iret Y.eatest e ~ ~ ~ wu metn d reiw thie tory, a att'fle tuai ig o te Naitionial Anth eintoryof. hs-wrid prayer, s1ill andi hravory millions of peuple w W. tCe of Trafadgar, for Ühe French ,sihips viare larger, faser, mr nu- mero&us andi carnieS more gas Nelson bafl -7 British ahips -wbile t!1e 'Frnebh had 33, and %when thle bat- tle was over 18 dfthe sn'emy silhipa ilad been caplburcd, andi the restsu- or scattered. But Nelson himseilf died a flero's deat'h. We folt that we were treadingj bhallowed grounsi as- we gaze- n h [plate c'a the dock which shows the exacat s'pot 'where ýNelson fe11, andi the- rnped off space between docks, -w- e hodiesi-wibh the-bewards: "'lhan'ik God, 1 bave dore my (duty-." T'le plate on tfhe dock read, "-flore Nalson Feil, 21s't Octobor, 180,5" wile- a plate amidaýhips lrecordsý that "Here Nel-son Diesi." I-t is interastirig Vo compare thoe szo of 'the "Vlcrtoiy" with amoe bIttàeshipi. Tihe Vic.tor-y is 186 foot, long- with a beam u of 52 feet, and hasi he gun dock-s wit'h 100 gurs. She coul,! fire a 'broadside of 529 guns. A mdmbattlosbiip ila more than fouri t ines as long. Tiseý Victory vies forty years aidC -when it Iled the fleat in the Bttio of Traaigr.Today a battlesh'p is ohb- seeein half of t[hat Vimle. To rais-o tle archer.boyswo-i pull tVhs ch-ajina certain'dsacan ru'il,, war ta rip iV again, as flonu th,ïs Cane t-heexpressIfion cf "'Nip)per". A 'MoadernDestroyer F1ro111thlis visit tait-ho ancie-at, Vicr,, u ew-rs ta k ea ove(,r a 1lodelm deNstroyer of thre "ILIunt"* cia-sa,, a desýtro4yer wbich actulily Vo-ok pal-t latira Die<ppe raid, \oich gv'usý a vivisi pictura of ths exact-ý m-n'~ ~ ~ o r'urm s fmodern afae W. R. Prouse Elected Warden of the United Counties on First Ballb Vital Statistics For Prouse Receives 27 Vol Clarke Township1 To Devitt's 14 Thofol'wr are the vital statis- tIcs for Cak wsi.Th1ese Birthis, 'aigsand Datsare iLl>t toethait ero reg"isteresi in flhe ToYwnýsiip. Births Rolbert Henry Lewis, Douglas ay m ond Gaffhcart, Donald Lloyd Sniith. Douglas Kcith Pollard, Mary Diana Trim Harold Olaro G ain, Albert Kenneth Lockwood. Marriag-es William-r Van'c Allen and Jean MNargaret Mer-cor, Chas. A. Watters and Isabella Lillian Bruce, Gordon StuainIy IMax'tl-neanad Tlhelma Ann Blodgett, William 'Gordcon Leamen ardc Hazel Aud'rey Winiter, John H. Thio-mps'on and Aniella Brad-ley, HwadGeo. -Elliott and Clara Esý- tall1a Little Laverne M. Farr-iow ans Gladys Ruth Og-d'n, John Chs Tapscott and Victo,ria Gerard, Chas. V. Walker and .Audrýey Elizabeth, Cooper, Edwvin T. MUan'ning and Clarihel Lorraine Biown, Sidney Ar- thur Yorlc and 'lEn MaryB11rka, Geralsi Everett Shackle(to'n and Len-1 crIa Alt[hea Bal,,RnadKoith Pin- gi-e ansi Mary Ros'; Bal'dwin red- orkWhittaiker and Lili;ln V.Ink- loy, 'Hertbert Victor Paeden andc Rut~h Edra Ma~y S, 1uddefin. Wmj. Henry Wý. Lowo aidEva Berth l'a. e N ',ay- le-r, Dwart James 'Ro-inzon andi Ruth Saývery, Wrn1-. Lawren'ce Greenwood and Gladys- WiIma Ard, Rolan- Os- 'borne Caldiwell and PhYllis Marie CarletOu. VOTED ON: Tovnshiqsp, was ele, tie lJnited Cute 'CIoourgon edn, 2Othi. Reove Plrouse cd 'honor by dee 'Devitit, Reeve ofC -shl)ip, on the firaýt ba'ý 97 to 14. sL by aý Snowhioed roads, ed in four momnter:s 'CDunties Coun!cj:l bein*tg ed a pos- mnmmn-t of ward'en fran the origi ed Ihouir of 7.30 p.m. FWdnetesay -Wtrnoon. two men whe we're e. the prinicipal cortest Cl Donlevitt, of Cart shIipi, was sniiw-boundi. mae eaise Asentir Fredi lainard cf Sou Reove W. J. Beggs Ree'(Ve A. W. Heasi,L v(ers Tou\vtshiipi. 1Aftr fle il had Deaths COrne O'Ut u Lsabe.lla Chnpian, Hlenry Richard hn up. In Rowe SavablvAno Stiephensýon, Sarqch Rev1'ale Bvrle1y, James Hod'gson, Mary Sw\ar- journ uDtil We brick, i-rpes Ba11llatyrne scott, M'ar- Warden Pro, tiha Ann GaFr-ederick Gilobs, Eher D'e1uty 'Ree'v William LIuxon Rosa White, 1-Mai,- 'Ictpe Townthý11,;i garet M. Quanltriill, LaiBeatrice Smitlhof 'Mu Allen, Edgar James Ben-y, 'S-m lReene Duvitit oiive f lCManvears Lai Wallace Sm-ith,. Joserph Rbisn atolfr SaulJames White, Lawýýren'jce Menibers of Jacobs Fann-y Luella Farrow, MaryWalnPo ,A lice W'ade, Walter 'Reuiben Sherwin,1 Barniard. P. 1, Anm aMai'tia Allen ,t-nd Abert Ken- j ruhers :C. ;R. nethLckod rnn, W, 'Col,1 -~~ D. Jai4oi CMWA.C. F'ind Recruits 1de-ý, J- W. He' Denio-nstratin-g their ahility to find Love, P. '1. il womren Vto filnïan-sized jobs, Rc Gib'bJn T. A C.W.A-CG. Headquar'te'rs m'et ever'y Yrouse, E. P. reîquest wheni as'ked to proyvide a wo- W A. 'Smitb, mren shoemAzer, an armmnourr Stevens3 and '1 drn~t woman, a texti1creifitter, miiose r v atypewriter m-ec1hanic, flve driver Bg-g, rn Mehneand f'our sîpare pars e- fdaltVeslp sonel.Pattoln Reid, l Police Expect To SoIs Double Cobouri cial Police into) the n-urýders of Wal-Ouinh, lace unnigdia , Tronto divorce identiî-fiuei with inivesti anad.Ms Toni y Fardel- Poica laneair Gôboturg.November 24, waslthat several pî beotdly a Toronto daily papIE we bin Deputy Provincial Police Comi-lice say thbat sioner H I. S. M 'radyand npe- iCwed I nu tor W I. .Loi-1ugheedbave unceas- tifie'dwihd ne- Vo Vh

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