at the Times Office son request Subseriptioti, $1.25 ns to the United States, $2.00 WiIl Reelve Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Russia Fund Grawing te the Aid Vto Ru,,s-in Fund in i tibia commniun - %vel sýhowve a great iimprorveient over- Wednesdaymong the ameýunt had reached part c the week pruviens the amouit was people of tiia community are beginning teo Russian population are doi&ng in the winninig reat suf èiing they are undenge--in¶g te do this, on of the couutie-, coi-anoul ef Northumiberland ibars vioted the sumi of $5,000 Vo tVhs vworthy sthe Dominion of Canada, the total suibserib- ilion doll1ar maIlrk an'dihas Until Janiar-y 3lst jenusandis of dollas will be added te this otai be Ru:sian people in noe aal way jii5t 10W heir he2li. Ve woiuIld ha very pleased te hear opening Lip differeuit fot is spinig which the Russiann on the enstern fi-ont - rnake for them an:d, also allevýiate a peit cf the tlhay are nor ndegiig This fund in Oro-no aturday nigî_ht ocd this weeýk, and aiyone wb;ho (lan whlo wiAh te o ýso, ma'y lave their coni- .J. RiîdkldI lwhicl mii lie forlwan-ded on ta rst Dawn 0f Sanity have signed a noir tariff tneaty )w of goods between theni and oth nations. The Other great eforty-ninth parellel of latitude, eapons, Saýs largel1y béen leareid senitial war -(Ools. arces of Nortis Ameica are now r the common 101,purpcs et býuild- 1ize0i that rwe cean prod!uce a naxi of America puoduees th 'eo *exQpeditioiusly andi moat Cexpert- d uigainst the enemy. haro anetlhen objective. Vie shaiI ons of'dstutinbut goods Ïfor Vo) anry t7IýnkinIg perso'cn thuat thi,, he îsanie niethoti followed during f our Nort itiAeicaqn resouîCES, hings it eau prodmnce niest chuap- Iy ij- that way je inaximuum pro- ýatI fer ail. Seceoniy buidt during thse war veness Af ian is fiiisled ? sie were ;oie nesih-l y delayed Teronto, iront- ather east are .e, tlen sither te their des- ieave tce gt off ait a load. if or- the poiwrra ted alelter is venionce cf tise *the bus frin ywiiter niglit id, on a ]onely nce alloetoV te unint-era!pt- .en it izup o iinconvenieniced Clothes neeessary for us te "taiSe ne biug asked to "te upaign ferý an early Alliedi ýs't s;o-und hike a -Vary sen- 1,je cf elothes preservation hints and sheens packed fsw extra minutes te see by mtîs anid carpet pravalent during tise sun- in hae buildings durlng ivelop in arty place where îiap globes, radiatons, fur- boardsý, uneniptied vacuumn t, Thorýoigh lisuse -dean- eould Le placedi u Sangers erve thesncape of the gar- tl-preof wardrobes, with etc. In addition, a cheese- alene orý paradichiero-bein- -langer. The gt.rnent bag v ither,,is no sucl:h hinî9 as (Gontinued fromn page one) esting seiller. This man, a Cenadian, anid his son w,,ere brougibt back woyundeýd fromi Dieppe an'd the son div(j frem, his injuies. Thse fat'her ,fias idùilted anolher sailor, an or- plan, 'wlio looked af ton lis son when iroundied. Af ter a splenclid lunchi in the Offi- cars' Mess, we were first giron a. reealistic A.R.P. demonstration fi w'bir-l incendieries, bombs, gas, and wuddwere t-aken caTle of. Smouke .hombs added realisn- to tùhe show, andI the rescue cof weûnded froinia 1,igh to:wer by nopes was very inter- A Sailor's Chapel Our next cai was at the base thpl he Chapel of St. Ambrose. Dedicaited on Decenmber 18th, 1935,1 this chapel usas mnaiy unusual fea-j tures including the eniblems of inany submiarnes ereund te i ls anion-g others, that of the "Thetus"ý whiàh was lest and aftL-rwaird lre- covered. 1t, has since giren a goed acecounit -of itsebf. Ail thSe furniture, in thse Ohapel was presented by' frienids., A tiip tirougis Vthe snbmnarine hase ".i as meast Qelighýtening, one special- !y interesltiig d cemonstration wa s mietihodis cfod escape frorn a s'ubmanine under water. This -we -watcied thî,eýug-h thSe glass owll f an enor- mous tank fihled wLtih water. Thon, a hurnied visit was paid Vo numerous buildings in whidh naval traininig, physical traÀninlg, and drills-, were going -on, ani a mess ihere 100 m'en are fed at onie time. The mostimpres'sive feature cf tlse afenonwas a review of f our thouseinidi treinees witv!h band and cverytihing. Wbhil peerycne counected with the enormous base is working nyiü&t strenueusly, Vhe~y still have time to look aftenr fifty acres of potatoes on the gro-unds, w, f ound il d'ifficuIt Vo beiie<ve that flty acres could be feund for such a purpose. A fairlly good, rePresentation eof farffiers attemded the Farm Mechanî- ics !otiispebld ini the town hall ut Orono on Tuesdiay and WedLlbesday, Januar& 26?.th and 27th. The se courses are beimg held throughoifut the provinme Vo teac-h tihe faqrmers on show to repair and ad- jiist muiwers, plows, bnders,, tracý- tors., ro)e wrk, long splicing and muanîy other thing-, that the farmers should know. No<w that farm ma-chiney is hard to purcihase the course is given with thie idea cf sowing the fariniers w r> îprolonîg the iif e cf bheuir machines. Pictures -were also shown that wýere very interesting amd instruc- tive. After beïng givan alteimoonî tea at the Officrs '[Mess, we were takenI around tlihe near'by city to see the boinlb dam-age. For tiis trip ani the other littie îmotorinig we didi Whle at the base, Wrens -were thfe chaf- fours. There are a large number of Wrewernj muksed at varioas taisks FOR SALE Cutter, i good coùndition. Apply to ýGeorge Butters, Orono. FOR SALE cutter, gaed ias new. Apply to Josoph Tebbhle.Neweaste. e-3-eý. DANCE The Canadian Legioýn at Rewman- ville are spons,-oring a dance to be hebd in the Ainneuries aPtBwm- ville on the evening of Friday, Eeb. 5th, coinecing at 9.00 p.m. ald ern. ind 01,d Tyme Dancing. The Columbans 6-pierce Onchestra, of sawwill fuoeish the ninsie. Ad- mnission, 25 cents per personi. Theý preeedis from tihe dUance wili be ue for the Service Men's Club. Corne bud have a good tîme. ilorticultural Society Re-elect 1942 Officers around the base. The annual imeýeting el tise Orono An Ancient Ina 1iHe1rticultianal sOciety wUas hieid Inithe It rwas a day paieked witi inter- Suinday Sishool rooni of St. Saviour's esting ai instructive sights, and Churcih on Fyàlay feieiing, Januery we \vere sorry to have to start awey 22nd. with a l'air attendance pres- On oun long jeurnley in oDur bus, te- ent. ThSe imeeting cipenedi wit.h tihe o5ur headiquartenis. The txiP wes presidint's adidress, followed by the broken et Livfhieok. ahere we visited secýretar-ys report, shering a good the Royal Ancihon Ilote-l, whicIS was yar for 1Q942. buiît in 1416. Alilthe bifices weneVien vacated ThSemoinsisnl this hotel are ail1 with Rer. S. Littlewod presiding foi, nameci alter fanions peeple wfho bave tise ,ection. staýyed in tlhemi, andi bear such naines iMns. Jou-es miovedu that thesanme as Nelson, Samuel Pepy~sý, WiLliamn officers Sbe re-electedu for 1943, with Duke cd Clarenee, the J)uchesofthecpinote raur Ms Kenît, etc. Ir frent of the hotel lateecpincstotesnr m afine olijdhclestnut tree lii l e James Dhleson,'who feolt she was not putedi Vo ie 300 years ousi. ablle to carry ou for anether year. AlogehOnur day witih the Navy Mmr. P. Tai-n-biyln iras elected to take brou~hthomete s tat Bitan'sher place. greatness bhas cerne frein lier Navy, The offficers for 19ý42, ar-e-as foi- andi that the sipirit o(f Nelsen ile ctil l'iOwa carrying -on. President, MSIs. E. Hanuai. 1BUTTER CONSOMPTION TEMPQRARILY PREDUCED It has becorne necessary to reduce the current rate of consuimption of butter, an codngly changes have been mi-ade in the dates on which (browin) spare "C' coupons of the current ration book may be used. Spare " C" coupons 10 and il may flot be used for the purchase of butter, Coupons 1 to 4 inclusive, have already expired. Expiry dates for spare "C" coupons S to 8, inclusive, have been extended to aid consumners in stretching out the butter allowance over the period from now until February 28th. Each coupon wiil continue to be good for the purchase of one-haif pound of butter and wil be good only on the dates specifled below: HERE IS THE NEW SCHEDLJLE Coupon Good for purchase Not good for Number beginning on: purchase after- 5 anid 6 January l8th February 231b 7 and 8 February Ist February 28th 9 MardhIslt Marchi 141h The resuit of this is ro reduce each individual's allowance by 2 2/3 ounces per week during the temporary period. Treas., IMns. IF. TamiblYn. lst Vice-Pres., Mr. W. Davey. 2nc Vice-Pres., tMrs. F. Hall. Directors, iMr. E. Dean, Mrs. 0. W. Rolpii, Rer. 'Littlewvood, Mr. E. Haýmm- and Mrs. 'G. Joues. Aud'tor-s, Mrs. A. A. Drminerd and îM-s.R. Roshor-oug1h. The evening was biougît te a elose with thse servin.g of a dlgiiu lunjeh. Hotel Giftecl To Hlospital Fund Tise 70-yea-,t-old, Richelieu hotel, formunerly koiwn as Bowman's House, bas9 been deeded tu IBowi-iia-iville General hespital 'building furd by AbsulorniAbrahami of.Brooklin, he ciner. The 40-reeni Intel building- ,was convayedi Vo the hosptal board with fiull control oithtie sainie as owners." Proeeeds frenri its sale wxill go te thse building fiund. This is Vhe tiird large contribuntion Vo thSe build- ing fund in recent menths. Thee etis- ers irns$5,G000 froinihe late GeorgeP S. MeLaughblin oft Oshawra, and $5.000 2.00 te 4.N0 p.n PH OYE 47r1 Wilfred W. Sheîwin B.V. Sc., VETERINARY SIUGEON Office. Main St. Orono Pho,,ne 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile arid Liability SOrono ,- AUCTIONEERS S TED JACKSON Auctioneer and1 Valuator Coinducta Auetion Sales of al aimes and at reacona4ile rates. Coliimwniiate writh hua t i Penny, Ontario, or see his Clerk, A. E MGentoni, at Orono, fore date. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowan.anville - Orono phones: bowmnanville, Day 480 Nigit, 734 and 573 Orono. 27-1 The Odest, Largest and Most I omplete Fu-rnîture Store andi Modern Funeral Sefice in, Durham I Our Service-THE BEST 0 Our Good--THE NEWESTZ Our Prices-THE LOWEST MORIS& SON ROMVII T P- flDfNfl WILL FINO IT, Sa THAT TH and Mr'. 'nents < 1 . Ontario