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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1943, p. 5

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THE ORONO IN Local News I ~rerfora I A large number 4f aur stubscrip , ' tions are due. Examine yQur label. s trn4 sti!ve cern- He was married on Decemiber, m), r1900, to Marg-aret Winnifred Jerome, n dIaughter cf Mr. anal Mrs. N. A. -Jeronia who predeceased himi two * ana a lU year-s ag). _A Son, Di. n Flcyicd Jer-omo Cuttell, now cf Buf- rfalo, Survives. d lI May, 1888, he was admiitted l)l- r ta Free Msoty being a mem-beýr cf Oiono Lodgec A. F. & A.M. No. '25 ln wbicb lie hld office as Mas- 't tel-'cf t~ble for tbree years s1892, 1909, anid 1916. Ia 19.'9 'be was, presented with the flfty-year jewel, in *omniýiieoration aof bis long anad I acti*ve s-ervic.e as a MstrMason 'Ha spnecialized lu the third deýgr( swork, w-as calied on 'nauy timies t(_ ltp )with Vthe'woilk :of tis ,;degue, Bec presideal as ýMaster crf L.O.L. Ne 409, and nmaintained a livev inter:ýwf lu Orange affairs until a few yeaus Ctg.He also helal office iu Vihe Sonsý scf Englanal andl the idopendenit rdrof Foresters. BHe was a men-ber of the United Oburaich thotigh net takiug1 an acý,tive part iii'cburch work, ho was a reg- - lar attendent at tbe servites up uln- 2til a year ao.Whle lin Bcýw- * manville a short wbile be was a * mernber of ~the ýUppen Canada Furn-i- ture tÇo. Baud, anid la Oropo belong- ed tn the Orono ýbaud, also playing at iuany diffarent fonictions 'with a local orchestra at ttbat time. The late Mr. Cuttelli 'wIll be -reat- ly I-nisSed m n tlt'e commi--unity by al tb'Qse 'wlho kno'(ýw hlm, anal'il his pass- ing the con'tmuuiunity nouruýS for Vils energ-etie andl tpubll-spirited citizen. T'le tlunera1 sevicvas held ilu Park ýSt. United 'Cba-rch with Rev. S. Little-woýoc having charge of the service. The teortege then proceedeald tc Orono Cemn-etary, for intermienit, with nienmbers «f the Masoulc Lodge taking cag « the burial service. tManiy beautiful floral tnibutes testified to the estee-n inluwhîch the sl'Was heMd. palIhearlers -welrk- Br-other Waddell E. J. C. W. BilluigS, Sandercock. ,evelt aInd Prime1 Il areP talking or- unýder Bitlur's lnose ORESI turday 3 tins 27e- lbs. 85c 69c 25c I 19C 27c à IL 24c 29C 32c 29C Mr. anad Mus. Wm. Hoar speut the week-end at tiheir hoame bore. Mi». Arthur Beamiish, Ajax, was a naekendvisiter iii town with Pte. Dick Pattersoni, cf Cobaniia, is spendiug a tiwo rulLýd.ay lu tuywn. Brii isi week-s1 Miss Adele MUoutoni, spenti the wveek-end wltih ber parents, ýMn nd Mus. Geo. Morton. Mr. Neil WGod, ýTaronto, spant -fie week-end wit[h his parentls, Mr. sudý Mrs. Chas. WOood. Mr. Archie Watsaýn cf Kin[g-stou, 'pent the week-end with bis parents, ',r. and Mus. A. W'atson)i. Miss Jeanno Forrester andlLn r'a Wocad, Toronto, speut'VIe week- nid at their respecýtive homes. The ;C. G. Arnristnong Gencral Store is being brig'hteuted up on the i-nside witb a fresffh eoat cf paint. M.anal Mrs. Rd. Moton quietl,!y celebrated their 53rd wedding anniî- versary on Friday, January 22nd. Mui. Floyd Cuttell, of Buffalo, an- rivedJ in Quonio on Taesday owinig Vo 1the death cf bis fathen, Mr. Samnuel Cutteli. There -will hoe a sports nighit at Lhe local arenia ou Tb)ursday evening ùf i-ext 'week. Sce the list cf events on this page. Major Fred Lycett, cf the Midland RgmnPrincee Rupert, la spend- ing a two weeks' vacation 'wîth MNUS. ILycett and famnily. The regular mou Vihy meeting of the Red Cross -will be held next Thuriiisdaly February 4th, at 8,00 p.m. at t'ie 0Orange Hall. Dr. W. W. Sberwin ýwill be absent from bhis office on Tbhursdlay sud Fr1- day ocf this week whiIe attendiutg the Ontario Veteriiaiy convenition iat Taronto. Mr,. Fred Tarniblyn reýpor-teal on Monuday of Vils 'week that he sýaw a robin In týIhe mtorniiag perched on a tuce. lViius the flr.st robin rpre sean this ycar. On1 Thuarsday Januany 28th, the anulCongregational Meeting cf Park St. United OChurch wil l e held in the S'tnday Sehool roomi at 8 ,)my. Lunch vill ho served. [Ms. R. G. Gîllilainal, cfCanea, Sask., la speiding the balane cf t1he iviter wlth ber aunt, MUrs. Alfreil Chapman. Mrs. Gilliland before he& niarriage was the former MISS Cai Birdh. On Monda'y evehing thi-, e Lague cf Park St. United Churehl enjoiyed a skating party at the Local uiuk, later ivi'nfding up t1he eeigsen- ter-taiment withi a Iunch at the church. Liu.F. J. Lorrnian, of -North Bay, býas received -word fr-om the, military aulthon>ities that hiclbas been prcmoted te, Coptain, anal is now att Lonig Branti 'hwere lie is taking a thnaee-weekts, Ihort Lcou-se on gas masks. Sergt. Navigater John Gnad[y graduate-d frein Malton Air Port on Friday cf Iset 'week, and, is no-w a full fledged navigater. [He is uow 'home on a vacation. We congratu- laVe John upon receivinig bis three Stvipes. Last Tbursday evenin'g, Mn-s. A. A. Druntimonalentertainod the meuibers cf tfie Goodwill Bible CIass at bheir regular miont[bly me'ceting. Mrs. J. Gibson, the new president, was lu charge «uf tlie meeting andl a very itleaisant evendng was spent. Miss Carol Sta'tples enitertained -%ith two delightfuil piano solos, laud Mn. Drum-moud very generous1y explain- Ad and demonstrated somne of bis tanal Mail e of Mus. CI In the Ja-iiuary issue of tihe Comi mando, prinited for the workers cf Ajax wats a picbure of oneecf th( elass rconms of the new soho[l re- cently opte aa thatt place. We nuo ticed that in this clas-s rooam whe e twc Chikidren foilmeniy of O ono ne <'ieng ~Suny"JordIan, whoC)cCupieCs one of the fr-ont seats, and tht'ý other is Douglas Carleton, sitting il% a rear seat. This scdhood bans eigbt or nine teacihers and the childvren livng in arie now getting thei'r edu- Catio. . Sunnlýy" waS busily eiae ýwrïitng ilu lis scu!iilie-r wi-th hi. pencil i his left baud.ifi Another Teacher Resigns The lady teac,,ni-s or oiao Con- tinuation Sehýool are g-etting 'a craýze for ariiy work. [ieGray bas left for, Ottaýwa where she accepted a position rwith t4he civil service, ber, place 'being taken lýy -Miss Tanner, tind noiw Miss Basutet bas tnee lier resig-nation ln ordýer to join thte wirýelesFLs brandi cf the R.C.A.F.. An atdwvertisemient was ýplaced in a eity pwper for a teacher to take her plae but no replies 'were reseived, ýso it is helieved that -Miss Basa et xill re- miain util June. At eu)ie tinte wher, an appflictdion for a teacher eppear- ed lu the papers, huidreds of replies wouid ho received but ýthat is iilot tlhe case auy longer. Library Board Meeting The amnual -mting, of the Oroi-o Public 'Libr-ary -was li~ of last week, when ail the board mnibers were re-elected for 1943, as feilo,ws : Ghairlacly, Mrýs. Thomnas Cowani; Secrietariy Mrs. J. Dickson; Treasure'r, [Miss F. Ca(bbledieck; Li- brerian, Mrs. J. 'R. Cooper. Miss F. Cobbledi--I, treasuýeir, rea~d ber rejart, sho-wig ieeeipts of $99.20, eixPenises $5t.36 leaving a balanice on hand of '$17.84. Th e auditor-s report was also read by Ml~iss Cobbledick, the a«dèitors being iMisses [&. Brown and K. Wad.- dell. Mrs, J. R. Cooper gave the folboingi- libraria-n's report : Adult fiction, 2,393; non-fctîon, 132; ju- ventile, 146.' Total nfuniber of bocks i-eaki 2,671. Nuniber of books pur- ,chased, 44. Group Capt. C. R. Slimon Senior Of-ficer of Newly Former Squadron Group Captain *C. R. Slewmanof Bofwamvill, l senior air offleer of the newly formed aI Canadilan bomnberý group int BIitain. To joint the new boibeir group hie gave Uip bis (post as direetor of operationis at RjCA.P hadqantrsin OttaNw;a. He was senior xir staff cificer iof'wes- tern air command in Vancotuver when war broke out, Orono Tinshop 1Ihave a Y ard Stick for ail of My customer4sj PLEASE CALL R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St. Oronio Phone SOrl6 Rev. S. p SUNDAY,J. 11 a.m. -- W. 'ty January 25, l 1948, Samuel CuLtteil, 1belavef Las- iband cf the, late Mavga et Winn'," fred Cuttelyin labiu 85 h ya Funerati frein Park St. Uniited,' CbUrcob, 01ro1o, -WedJnesdh1y J ary -'?7. S Lv1 e at 2.3t P.11n intermnent ila- 0Oron o Ceme1(,tely FunBral under the auspices o0" Orono Masonde Lopge. Brisk Reci In Saskatch4-ewan S, achwnActive Arn-my re- cn-uiting bas tarteýd o ff at a brisk pace this year. Durîng thie fi-, vat week inJauary' mnore than iii2-21 men iwere atsted &as aqcttivuvoï n lnteerS. A total cf 171 were xamieilin oena "Liv. Sýports 'Night ORONORINK ý., Thursday, Feb. 4t1 E VENTS Boys' Race, under 5 years.......... Two La' Girls' Race, under 8 years........... Two La: Boys' Race, under 12 years......... Fîve La] Girls' Race, under 12 years ......Five Lai Boys' Race, under 15 years......Six Lar Girls' Race, under 15 years......Six Lar Men's Race, open to al.............. Ten Lap Lady's Race, open to al.........Seven Lai Best. Lady Skiater. Best Gent Skater. Best Couple Skaters. Race for Lady-Gent........ Six tinir , rolund rin Oldest Lady on skates. Oldest Gent on skates, Prizes for ail events ADMISSION TO ALLI, Skating after events ar c - W. J. WATSON, Propr;i 2CENTS AR MSTÏRD G' SIT PAYS TO PAY CA Phones 21 r 1 and 70 rI 1LADIES' WAISTS With Short Sleeves, broken lines, special, $1 SKI JACKETS With Parka, Long Zip- per Front, in sand, Air- force and white. Ladies at.......... $7.50 Men's at... Grapefruit Each 5c* Cooking Onions ib., 5c. Shoulder Pork ROUND Ail Wool Blanket in heavy weight a few of these Special .... .... Canidy Long $12.95 I $2 Shoulder Roast Beef lb. 0c White Fish lb. Hicrest Shorteninlg 2 lb Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35e Fresh Fillets 2Uary <Vhreea thle pi 1885 IL sud co er 'Of reftirin seven1 Duril effýairs New, -'ables so ibs. pkg. pkg.

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