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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jan 1943, p. 7

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qumik big, four.- igtout ofM ýiother Couose is tis littie gil odowides lier pon'y Pxeweee she goe5s. She is Claire CotLton, daughter ofci a Brazilian osatofia. THE WAR- WEEK-CmmnaronCretEns Dumimy Fires Over Berlin Fail To Foil R. A. F. Pilots Il ( closan bIy lot ware I 10 rideIBIt ialpane LgI BIli o le ngto! i o ,efirat lime on an ve liîtfron Br1itahij, coirrespondet, epre sentedf iited ]S tatea nelýwamIIIIan d followiug diapuel tla 1 -wasa p!?a s sen ger Uabo)ard.LIone ý of tha planes cmpisn te age for -,ce thatj batteredÎ) the -Geria n Capital Y saw a great number of and housnda f icendilaries blsigbuildings rig-ht and ieft, and Startinig dspedfi-es remî- niscent of some of tje bigGerman aiswe have 'mgone thriouigh l i London, Thelane to which t was as- signed Gs a passenger was mnai- ned by a wcw of seven. One by one, the giant bomers rore aay itothe tic(kenIngp duk.Miauts assdStili mor0Ie juates heavily loaded Swifih igh away whie w wed(. Signai To Go Faintlyfroni he conroliroom thm e cgth f the XVAAFb- oen's Auxiiaryir Forc (ý-.ue givig uso iýnl odgo.wsi foe we wpfere aIrbrebeas weff werecarringong,0-on homO ud a ery i cargýov0fin fli ld iapeedfon tvI(" nose end onuneebng Up your ox- ygn supply pe?" S1moImaniaged 10 gel mbýc t1le 'no'se o! îile planle and -ast Co file floor und ý, lotîle frwrdguni- ner connecL imy nosa-moulli muaI witlîlbe oygnsupply. leal fo r me, la t'a, over water keg o!uîce f igî. yI%»9aso cin lîle "nîro oniver.sation Five Miniutes from Caast Thoen àla nipauiselaiii cltIae waacmplotesilence, I heurd tle voire o! Warrant OfcrCînytIon Sny"'ing imipersonally, "e'e ow tive jminutes away fr-oinîle ruaI- 1 could feeu tle alertuessA o eeyone aveur. Th.Iea soion iuf er thiat,Clyn inIfor-med us w'era -ail over enemyrerîory.'y Ibis limep, nightlad lose la ut tere was a brigîit imoonl le sky su)Ld vis- iiiity wasgood. My npaie eyes eouldat spot anything un- tour veg when1I eaAd the Lying on My stonar aud Ppeer- iag tîroirgl tle plenuemsrose, I ialysaw a ty blai spedl ovig tro h îe sy.Sudden. ly a lIibig Lnatrfipdfari Over on ils aide aud di a sjeep. almloatvetialdive !for wn Iame ike n abblousand fete Levelad of.Wa ld tkenadvauI- tageo! omec]loud balýow ius 10 lobide froni ýourwol-b-atckr is un )isat rýis'k be'inig lit by a ieyMiles Fron Ta.rgeýt sayig, Youre ow 90 miles roin eansenldinig salelis p a0ýilus, Splittng the sky witb. jaggedi fS-es- - ligJt as ithey exlo-Jd4 Misber their aim was poor or ~'kipr'"pilotinig c-a sexcel- lent. ThJ'ey didn't cornle near enl- ougli for u's 1 heau the exfflo'sîns above lec noise of ontr mot0ors. "You are cnow inear-ing Cptbe tr- getÈ'- aaid Cînayton. Theni snw ia siglt I Jbl".d heard about froI'0 mauly of lny RAF fedsandi rendabutlusome publicatios113u3-y ires ïlit by Germns nbogls landiug fieldas ýItatiojn, freigîtarsand f1imsy struturs dsgusedas im)portantý buIildingls. Tlese frson UicOnt. make the radiug airmnu think tbey were oveu the City and drop býomba on el!n, nl'1Y t have te Ëla brlsl nopen ild.W Found Tarlet ét ras ony a moement or tWo>' snter when E saw the real tSing. WVaves of raîders 11sf lad takenI off befoe us bacltiluBriain lad found -the bar-get anddrpedthi ioads and made way lur us npvw arrvais. Below audslîgbly 1 0 te ight o!me wee Several straîikght strngao! igîts goig like aýtreet lama.Ths trings, whvlich iSeemn- ed t crsseosaone another ut riglt angles, were causdA 0-n cedivestat lad jut brs! L'ookýing down, tIl was fascinated'C as the awhitligîts o fresh in- -eudiar.ies tnrn'ied to y-ulow and thnred, wenSuddclly there -was ablindig flas, a great cone oA igît w, itis pin nthie gronnd, and ta ver-ideingbasere - ngto thesky. Some "kite" hlad were hyig ut 10 greua héegt. Immediaely uter the big bomeb, whbSîe skletons of somte bid- ings cye r csry distinguishable--. The 'fýires wee 5 briglit thepy par- or's compurtametsîlouetting our .bob imer asle poised Iimliself ovr isintuetray to alu.I Presýenbly il 'vas our turi-ilto boomb. L'13 to timomient, we ba;d beauzigaggngdivvîng, eilmbillg anjd twjst-Iug oui. way tîrough l Now we eved Off Austrnigh course directily across the tar'get a'rea. lu île iddle of it, île big' Lnatrleaped u-ipward likea turprsed animnal We hladrelea our two-tonbonb. NWe tore on acrosa the conflagration beow a4nouie of us savw Our bomli buabut crws lunthe folowlag plaes did. Show sBuretClo"e By Again we crcled for position ta -un -arro'sa the targe-t fr'om an- t'her dirctin ad (dropiced airies. As we statatd thls seconid w«un 1 heard above île din of oùr rmotors thr-ee duli buýdýs dir- ectlyunderentk s, tuds like lmeavy weiglmts woeebi rpe on pda floors. Threniir. cmraî shela ladcorne tmneom011forti- byclose, burstiug la firagments; soe 0f wich cratched thie titi derparts of our plane, bCtddnot do any, prcal aaeo harm anyone. r1rlu,ïthe Skipper sýa!id over the Inecn to in e 10bou a imler: "Jhnyrere's onle fir-e down tbere tfaut; seems to be dyingl dnwn Le% e"atjet up ,agai. One gain we look aim "nd atreakad aProsa that steadily grow- Kng blaza. "onsgonle, -'Iannoilnced John- ny voei we bldgo acroa. WHEN D1 i MES WIER1E DIMES Sure your great-grandpappy andthn i ad adie Thie BiiiAruy bu"s nspcl i ig secrt paper's. Fot aven the Canda' seondissue of thle tweveaidd ickel is mde lke itsprdecssrofîn comnbiniation new ý1 naafrthe ci, and ay day now, soene is liely to lp up SAth he suggeston of "zop- fronibis p aut '20,000 feet ori the.rea'bots, s oparahutefLedt to aopnbut i lu afg lie bt and sud ow the aidé of a sn-ow-cov- ered luIor uonlai Mndame te a top, bweatisa but un- scaithed, lui >a s:now bnk t the botonof cthmu. -WiniegFree Pres EDUCAT ION repair ayhnrend baae tc Unes, sh"ake liands as ifihemean ft, kéep smiling, la "ron iMis- touron, aru money--saveaàil, --London iee Press. A PLACE TO SAVE TeU. 'S. Wur Production Ï, d s rgîn)g everyone ýto con serLve mthe.It ila estinated tIhat peLople lu NorIi Aerica aýtrike m1ore ,thanÀ 500,000,0uff0000mth es a yaar sud th"eby use up 70,- 000,800 board feet of Lumb1eran 50 tons' of seelf. -StralfordBec-crd ;ý1'_KF,5PEARE'S OUT TFhe Geýzý,rmanshave odeied ii ofSaapeare's works te be) pulped Before the wair flhey e claiied lm s a true Aryan drmtitqut 'now' as aIuira --CondonAnswers LiCfe ats tînt ail the: tebrille, giva lmnu Ofr S1eciai nrrsuTo'.cnaa Boy Scouts, wohv eoi leý2aders : ý -'in th'1e _f bldof ar saL. vage, la the fact thatChales Le. vage, is a former Boy Scout.AM-, Leferle belonged to a Troop on famied admuclh ohdMta and wa"s one Of the otneto Scuts represntng the island ut the coronation Of Kig George V Torontos newesl Boy Scout, Troop, the 201n, is aout as coc- mopo)litan nas il oudbe psil to find n Troopt The Troop la Clubs and the Scoutmasler is P, F. Hiarri's. T'his ")e egu f ntosbas alneânibarsnip oý'f 28 bjoysd divided amog te fAwn races and nationalites: Finnish Anlglo-Saxon1. Thus Bioy Sot again ilsrl the truemein of ordbrotlherh1ood. BOY Secouts ofGrnyQu, hav ra eviablhcordii inIe fi! af emnsments in the armed, servies The Troop wuvvs og ized in ovemba 1927,saince that date b1as eroled232bos 0f this nube 5 ae Ï lu th Ti-non todaev'. awHe103 nifonimp in r Shocks For Britons Comning This Year More a~ipect to g ders soon, mcl te the fro: OBLEM nd more as Air ollabeiag ot baaay a newpoce LIFE'E LIKE I I j j g ~-~e k~ "Notl~ing in the mie book says Bluey and Curley of theA-a- "A right Guesa" By Gurney( 6.16.16 VT~T 'l'Oti1~, T~N 'AT ~TîcKîM IN ME. BACIC BLU~ ? fi -~ ~iou lb E.*PLoE ------------ 1 -

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