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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Feb 1943, p. 1

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TU ES Vol. 7. . 6. OFŽONO, ONL',THURSDliUAY, FELB. 25th, 1943. Subscription $ 1.25 Per Ye4 Does Not See Why Market Prices Fluctuate When Beef Scar< Cinese Relief Fund Reaches $68.50 But Many More Dollars Needed, ýComm!ttee Would Like to Send $100 to Turonito lleadquarters flie Chinese Relief Fui.d basonl a matter of fuve- more days tu ruaII, a-dthe amourt is ýtll far. fremi te$100 that wasi expeec-d by the- ý!Coïmnttee. Up to Wededynighit t'the total amouint received is$8.0 eaiga balance of $3U.50 te place IV t the $100 m-ark. The ýom-mtteec iloo-ilng for a grandj rush of don-"a- tionS this week-end ,vhichi will swell the n proset total substantially. Maiin y --people always viait until the lest te make their contri'bution and we feel sure that this is ýthe case lu this Lri1v e. fMe. Ohiani- Ka-hk who ad- dr.esses! cogr nsl the 1-J S. will! -als visi;t Canada. TI)e Ch-ristian Science Monitor pubýllishes! anaril onthe yo-ungen lf of thisý fam-ous wevman, and! h-en parents, of -which -wVe here reproduce extimcts from th', article. "The Christlaality -%hich CIhalie Scoong, the father of ifm.Chiang- Xai-she'k learnes! about t'rom his Methodist foster.-parents lu Durhiam, N. .C., back in the 1880%s wes notb- igte bie memioized and Put awaýy. WhVIen Mr. Soong went back teý China '< lemairies! a demaendant cf Rau 1Cwano-rki, one of the first Christ- <ans la China. After an Anican educationt at S Wesleyan ýCollege for Womecn at Ma econ, Ga., wfhere rAie tagged aloang leder sistens, four yeanrs at iteUsey Gollege, ans! 10 years laý srcial werk in ',ýhagini, -Mayinig Soong was marries! te Generalissim-io Chiang Kai-sholk in two ceremionies, the Chisutian and te O-thoIox Chinese. M-na. Sooi-Lg had topposes! lecr laughte's marriage beeuse the Centeralissimo was ut a Christian. "'he ashes!d hlmi if he -weull Le wlll- iugte beome a ChTistian. Hi-, ans- -yenr wan- that he wAo'uld try. He weývuld study thie Bible, lie promiises!, but lie couls! not promise, sight un- î,sean, te acmcpt the GChristian feith. Three years inter flhe Generalissamoc toek timie oMT frein bis mili-tary dut.ie-s ~to jithe ch-nec-h. He lhad studied t1ic Blý as h-e promises! and! founs! n it the satisfJaction that Mrs. Sioong- has! predietes!. Moreoven. lie Lad livre! e sais!, that the best cf has officers were Glristiana. If la well te remieniber that the gotmass ocf Chinese b-till fellovi the elgo toaching's of their. fath- -crs ý. The org-anîzatien of the New LUfe 'Moemntstesin 4meSty, ecnmand ç,roderiness am-eng t Vi(e 0,s of'hiee especially hos il) freryCoimmuistic itrcs is cideýnce that the uiedlsst as 1is wife Irealize, thbat tenext stopr te 'C-h3istcianity la yet te lie takenr." Foilluing la the- list C'f cnnb For Reord, Performance Among the Record of Peifoim- an !1c e testa irepor ýted 1frýo m Du oham 'ý Conyduigthe past milonth is thtof DixieAlata enae- ber- of [the prbe osenherd efýl of iik contaiing 519 Pe)unds fat. Another'exellntrecorýd was comi- Peted la the samie clss by Wuh ordkeBr.ooklmi, ownted b'y J. 1-. Jose, Newcastle. Sh e gave 13,347 pounds of nik containing 4 75 pounds faît. A miatur-e cow, Dixije Pontiac Lestrange, %lo * owned by Leslie 'Cocmbes, fInished ler year on test miti 486 pounds of ftt'rom 13,006 pouns of mnilk, w-hile a three1- year-old, Cedar Dàle Man-O-Warý Bess, the prcporety of Cedar Dale Stoshk Farmaci, 0Orono, gave 12,023 poinids of muilk, containing 434 lhs. of fat la 305 days. AUi .esa records were made on twice-a-day milking. Ontario Liberals To Choose Leader In May The Onitaria'Lîheral convention to choose a new pr-ovincial leadler w ilI A)u ld about the iddle of May, it avs leauned on Menday lasýt after a confrenece i the King Ed'war-d luýtel bet-ween eommiiittceos of the Fedra Libheral 'auc7us and! Ontanlio Lîberýal mnembrjes The conferonce concurri'ed in the decisien of the O'tanrio Liberýal eau- cus sie m, eeks ago te hold- a con- vention within two mo.niiths aftr the preserît session of the legisla- ture. This pr-omiisewvas made to them' iby Pr-emier Conant, but at Monday's canfereonce the middle of May w-as agreed upon as the dattu 'believed hoast te be passed on forý deocisioIn te the mnanaement cen- mnittee of the Ontarlio Liberal asso- Ciation ThlIhotL is an area equal to that of Ontario but so little la known about it that estimates of population r-ange fr-om 60,000 o 6,000,00>0. ls sVce Wednesday evening, of last week: Previously acknoWldged. $52.00 Annmu .......... .... ......... 2.00 Mr-s. R, G. Gailliland(1 .............. .50 WV. J. Sta-k ...................... ..... ... 2.00 A....on.....mo .................. 2.00 ......o.....ou.......... ...... ..... 1.0f) ....m...K..n.m.n......... . 2.00 Gieorge Mi ....he ................... 2.00 Mi'ss o le... .......... .00 Mr.Wm. Co-wan ............... .1.00 S. J. A. B .......1.00................ $68.50 Butter Ration To Be Placed Back To-ý,Half Lb., The W\athime Pnýices ans! T'rladeil Boars! ex-pcte te incrIease by two ani ~ on-Thrd ouneýes tLhe butter ration a'llwance of ire ans!two(--tiirds <uesper persor per wvck b <Marc(h 1-5&h.- The prýesent ration has 'le- nfor-ce sirce Ji-nuary 20-th. The reglar weekly 1ration -shlow- 'ane ouf butteýr for eac-h Canadian la- aighit ounees. Thi-, vies redores! lai Jan-uary to buil up supplies, byr the ~S-~- himh~ ien cf- wa oupons w; ~-<~ onmaly woul fl ue this ,m nth. Y L. . Un~in, &mi isratrofon s'merieinugfor thepicsbo)a!, saiis! roatereatiuln of th e a1j alieart would depeus! upon the absee of bas! weather or othien unforeseen cir- cum-iaanees. Donaýýld Gordon, chai - mer of the picos beard, sais!: We hope te lbe abe to do somethig ilr th-course- of the uxttwowek. -Mn Uwi'sannouninent sis! strsnourwore ccurulatinig stocks wiith wlci V o bo-nor the No. 9 coul- pon. Asý thîs la theý perles! o-;f lowest butrprodluctio:n,heenspls have t be conlserves! te avois!srin AMEICA DUGLS OSTON BOMBERS OPERATENG WITHB TH{E ROYAL AIRZ FORCE The mighty tide of effectiveý aid fiowinig acroças the AtIantie te Bri- tain, incülilus these Douglas Boston 1Il, 1050 hI.p. twin-engined bomibers. Produced by the Dougas Aircraift omnyini U.S.A. the Boston il, is acoiinterpart of the BitAbh Benlieim bmber. Rt s a range of 15M miecaures a f100)l. m loadl, 1and has a retractaie tricycle unii- derc-ariage, of one alnIng wheel in front and two boinid. This picture shw hree Dougplats Bostons flying in formation. Re'd Cross Drive In Clarke Set at $1,000 Opens on Mereh lat ans! Continues For Three Weeks This year $550,00 ust 9go0for' food! parcels for Bn:itain'-1an! Cana- dien Prisors of 'Wan la Eurcope; $500j,000 for feood parcels for Cania- dieni pisnr n the Fan East; $3,- 00(000 for -Rospital supplies and! mecrchan-dise Von make comuiforts for the Anmed 'Farces, ans! 'ivilieins... $2,50,090 will keep th-e Bloos! -Don Ser-vice furictioning se that precieus; bloos! sorum se necesaary ir saving lives on every b-attlefrent mi-a, go la an uninten-nupes!flow to its n-e-es!. An- ,other $1,250,N00 is needes! fer Dias- aster ans E-mergoncy inicl-udirg helpi ýte Allied Red!;Cross -Societies. The euse is juat ans! worthy the çneed s! l vitten in termis of bu- marity. W'hen the Res! Cross c-ails on you . ., give even more than iyen intendes! . . . Thini xvhet it means te' those whio wait ans! believe .. Give -genrously l Youn dollars iwill help peckr 100,- 000 Prisoniers of Wer Parcels per week lai five Red Crosa; packirg- de- pets. The Blocs! Donor Servýice, Thin-ty- seýven cluica, two mobile units la 1942 200000blood! donations -were processes! ans! uses! la bombe-s! aroas ans! on i fl fighrting fronts. Forces la Canaa, o (ve-- 2,00,000) comforits atnd! sple givoni, aise grants towarid hosteisý. Ovo 00,000 rounds eor jem ans! heoy poe~dfor Brniualuch-ildren.i Ptiýents ila rnlitaryhosp)itels ans! theo aesfocsche-eres! anslpes ;hy gifts of ovon 7ýP00,00G articles ouf supplies an! cmfots Seles orfor.ts ans! supplies, warmclohing 1an!(soviv ,s uri nagelegsprourwes! lamillions. Aid - or Rusiincludirgo ds aýnîs! er- inea f aen$2,000,000, and ,aiseai "W aeonýlv t top ns! think for e minte ouf 'hat this wan would ieo ike- withiout the tunselfish service of the" Red cross, Vo -neelize that tnis g7reat work nmuat bo douýbles!, ans! re- do'ldfeýr ite salie of all yenI-tom.] suIfierers-, soldieraý and! civilians e,]lke! Whalut of thle bembed a-Ird inonelsal Etaii vh(> mua-t have cltigans! foond, os seruani and! me(dical! stores;. Whet of the ,ster-ving la' Greece -eansrCinour br-eRu.s- sýien Allie-s, what orouf crowa boys il' prison danps ho w\ait forý foo eia- cela as tywait for ive.c de's p erately ý. Our fathiens, aur.-bs ALL URADUJATE NURSES IN CANADA M1UST REGISTER Ottawa, Felqbruatry 20- Ail gras!- uiate nurses across Canada are calles! -upon Vo negistor on fiL sch 17, 18 or 19 unider a ceenpulsory orde-r slonod teday by Hon. Humnphrey Mitchell, miiinister of leber. Mn. Mitchiell estimrated there aýre about 45,000 civialn graduate :nurses la Cana a ay of whom baveý withdrawn fromi the profession ati least tem-perrily. "The re-gistra- tien la Vo bha ah inclus ive, 'however, takîng i1n ail graduates 'whether now pract!sing on neot. t will include nurses w-ho left the profession thnecugh manrage or Vo take othen ensploymient. Nurses serving -wvýh the armaed forces are neot includes!, hIicwerver, nonr are practical nurses non: nurses în tralala-g ta lie rogis- tees!," the minister sais!. Mn. Mitchell sais! by the reistra- tien it vilîl Iliposs!ible te detýrine the number -of nurses regulerly aveilable for civilian service: the as!- dlitienel 1number lu an enei-ency;, the mnuber viihlng te srve in thie arrned forces; ans! whethen' there are any n, urses availeble here fer civil- in urigsteatus onutside of Canl- adai, la respionise te nuesfo U i Gr'eat Biteain. Registration will lie et selective ser1vIce or post oflice, 900 RATION BOOKS ISSUED AT1 ORONO IN TWýýO DAYS No. 2 ratin boka are being- issues! àt the Tw Hall to-dany, Thursdç'ay, frrni 2 p.m. Vo 6 p.m., ans! on Satur- day, Ytobruemry 27th, frorn 2 te 9 p.m. To datet 900 'bookaý have 'býeer givea Farmers Should Have Floor As Well As Ceiling Priçe On Farm Commodities s anys Mr.. F. Rickard iin! Reply to the Speecýh From Thronedwîa1 amY Lglon , ead'dreýss are te the speech fom the, tbrone. We hýave lsendto-igh"It te twe frme miemlbes speaking lan this hose W i Vhe hn. mnbrfor Lanark 'i.I. Soper) is neot pereps dircectly alererh is vervny muchintU J'es ted ýin farinig, having operated a deairy 1farmn. The ber. mber for Macl- doad(MnI. Wcîr) is a n-eai farmen. With whett thesýe two hon, gentlemeiLn bavie sai(! I amn in total agrpeement la witih the views of the hion. mme for IMacdonald on the cnrlîgof sem1e of our: produce. 1 am non, going te re-peat what h lie s said.I dlis! intend ýto say a great miany of the things, that he lias said, bo _t as he said them 1 will takie tbem as ceai- veyilng my ideas. At the rs of repeating ;wàhet lias boom states! already, 1 wis'h Vo con- grettlate tbe moyen (M1r. Harris) a11nd thie seconider (Mnýi. Halle) of the a1ddre'ss in reply -te the speech fromn the tiriee, net becausýe those hon. gentlemen did a re,,ally geos! job), as lai fact they dis!, but lie-cause thley repesntthe arme! ne s of Itiis cunt ry. Thoy a-rc, two mea wýhO have serves!l in the forces eiveýseais ans! wv'hù eep<et to go kf 1ic 1 n-!servei there again. 'Phey are worthy of ocmmendabilon. The speech from the throne h-as given us a sunimary of ouin-war re- cors! durirg the lest 'yoar ans! of what we propose te do in the pest- wnperles!, ans! 1 believe it han given us, as inidividueal memnbers, soii-ethiiig Vo 'think about, ans! has g:ivren us a plac'ln the eon-omy of the ceuntry. Thet la very n'eces-saryv becase the ordinerýy iemben of paniliamneat haws beer, perba'ps, tee m-uch for-gottcn lu the past. The ondinar-y mearber of panlament, no miatter ho'w humuble lhe myay be, cen effon the goverament somne suggestions -which wotid be of sonie assistance, ans! 1 eften tbink goverumienits, if they pais! more at- tention Vo sonie of the thirgs whieih ordlinany nîbers of alrnt say, wouId net get inito se rnany dif-j ficulties. There are m--arjy people te- day who hirk we have tee maiich goveurnientt by order in council ans! to -c L gvernieut by theose who are outaide thec adînlnistnýation, and! I amincilinies! Vo believe thiat they a re rot very fer wreng. 1 hope the day-,i Will soOn corne whe wýen shlaîl geV' e.wey from Vthsý kiýd cf thing ,ind ge dack Vo aeIlittie1mor1e dmcai govramnt b themebsthm sLveS. I1caounmderstaýnd tha it las neesr.in war timec, te pass or- dorilaCouncý1 il ad have Legislation 'of this n, but when' the houLse is~~i sunadWkený we 1have an op-- mmd w soulid be given thýat op.- of he warefor during thé. past wear, 'od te y mmdit is a record ofwic e caul T!l be pnwoudý.We we, tinlc of a (couiit -y with a popula- tion o f les han twelve iýllionis and compar'e(our war effor-t wI)th tat, of anmy othen coanutry ln the worMd in this \v-an, i is nothimg less than a ainiacle. When we 'LIhini k thiat lm 1939 we2 had practicvally n-o an-my, Ilo ayno air force, and that to-day, in less than four yearýs, we have in- the active armiy aboiut 42,00"m', ithe air force about 1N0,000, lu the navy aibout 47,000, and 500 sýhipsý as well as e t the present timi 'e neairly 95,000me on active servic'e w have bee'n celledc up urder the mo116bl.- isat;i7 aet, it is a w(ri-derful achieve- mniclt. In the first fl-ve mounthsa f (-Continued on page four) APPLE PRODUCTS MA SWEETEN CIGARETTES Wartilne redjuetio.n of eprscf a Cobour.g eompany m1-ay lie materially off set througÏh the- propose! uses(> appie juic e etïueta in, the mfac- ture of tobacco. Act(clinig te Dud!- loy Spnragge, eompa-ny supe-inten4-- ont, the plant lias be-en condiucting exper-iments for the past five mon- ths in-~ceuneeticn with the use of the apple syrup as a base -foi-a ýsugar substituite in the sweetening of Vdbaco ans! the use of the apple syrup la a procesa te supply a gly- cerine substitute, te be uses! lu ex- plosives, haýs openes! up the field! et the reSoar(d werk 'consîiden'ably fur- ther. "W7e have Ibenviring on, appie Syrup as a Sugar sbtiueforthe to'bacco ind'ustny f Lrlte peat ftve menwths. IL is diffilcuit te say just hiowexesv this demaifd wilI el Thei-e sme applies to the g1ycenina2 su>btitte.If it do(,s boc(ome exten- seit will be good newsý for, the apple grioworýs," Mr. piagge de- -clared. The resuîts of hi xeiet haîve been wat(cbd lth interest by the U.S. Vobacco eupneit lî statod, but as et he eten te wh-hthese substittes will ho uises! lias net been surýveyod. Orono WJ. WiIl Send Woollens To Be Made Into eut, weMhhbas kept many voluteriy The Or0eo WrneilIntt0t werkers very busy. Please e-eo- meeting mr FiDay, Februery 19th, -ateJ by ilavý,il g Z yýo Urj-(car-ds s i gnEs!ilwas wehl atndste hean Mns ppe-lyon the bottem Ilino. No BellýanL-tynie, of 1Toron1to, rpeot car-da will lho(,issues fen Snturdaýy, the Robinhoos!FIXMlIursA, givee Febnary 27th. ta'-k:On nutrition, stre,,ssinig thevau cfoati-neal in the diet. New,ý recipesý New that Mie sîdew%ýalks are al ïýil uirg o elwe-re distributes! t, doennes!of ce làt-hoebusiness section a1il. Three per-s oach won e pec- w,,e th1ink iV would le a nlico giýsture aige of relles!oats. on Mie part of our Police Tnusteeteriesofbsn-ýý,i Beoar-s if they wenald have the suômvw a-3ong otheitems10.f0 busiesi remloves! froin the cun's, Mhon we Relief100 o aueu aiy wenld rearly -ave our main shreet $2.00 te thie Federatior of Agri-cul 'hock te ommlner conditions.tue bana ars!ounbroher latheArms! (l! woLolleris yulho esont awn> Forces awhourgeV thorsir comufon ans!his spnýý.Irg 'te le m-ado inito hiarIkets. Forcs Wo gt -hei Coi-lfor a14 Donations of wool SEll le receives! cihe-r froni 'Re,,- Cross gifts. Tiare ans! made up for the Red Cross as laà oua n ansuin.rhe hattiefroat we11 as 'blakelts for pensons want- islrgtani'g.The Red! Cross nmust Ig ei uplin h olas "stop uip" ifs se' vice la il JIdepart- payg the exen t.ealla andt mient ttemeet evoryapel.Do rot 1et sonsing will 'ho p. Deal andos! e n biols! bac.k!Cue vehwat you intilends! edn wIb ulihdl te, a s! thon. ,some. Il waS docidas! te aeeoh -x mneeting a sh11ovi o art'icles for we nerl nionil ctive-sevc ans for woenr rt iAifomas ro- que's-tes lu a lte freai the Red! Cross as isfoiow\s: For Worn in r Ullifýovnr: S ea», tuoth brushi, tcoethpa1eon powder., launidny soap or S oa p e Ces ols croai, hiitnet s, kîcenex, u omb tape nes, face powde-,p StiC hein pins, bhobby pins, saf-ety pi-ns> straiglit pins. Tbe co)Il! eearn if ii amnali jars put irside wash clotha, Reebeanyýth1ing Ainglass bettleuý May nut be sert. Fo)r w)iernrrot ila Uiif-orni: The colirageous ethers are endoavour- icg te calny on là lokin'g after their famills 1intheun chas!supround< Mngr. llw about making them lit- tde aewing legs. Couls! Yen donate rA"i yvon rwork oxes: DaWNni OROMO

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