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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Feb 1943, p. 7

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The value cf Boy Scout train- ia afirot aid aras siownvte Onul.Agroup f ScciiIs on-. joyig an cuting oen a farni ea Vi it reogiveilalanopportun-- tte te'st their sllia aLad fi from tho mroof c a , î - juîgils anliles. They,, usedi eim knowledecf signalliagIý te cuit cther boys f ron Vie nealby acodaî, and ithon arille oee4boy summonwd sa doctr, tier boys nImprùuviseýd asrtteî ittii conts and1(da"Iiied the iijurýed bo VoVi0 uimhouse, eepra- at5ntad býeen mdeto ieev A Nov a csÂa Scus, lokigeor a p uec iu c-aYnping trip 'a few yeIIrsadgo, fould tint cf 14lboys l the1 greup, Seven are in Viemaint forces, tar ae vac oniudusry, Unîve sityudLi heeiar-,Viiiat Out cf an clas 48monwl seat for a higier mtir exmia tien ferSivc ebiAttend(a-nts lai serve, the firt thrce places acre anbynie mdrei.vedI Viie ls-t aid aad uursîang train- ing lie L Boy Scouts, 'a re-port frem Lodo relates, JoaraliBoyScouts cf Shefild Englaald, have set up a good tunaI betaeenVIecity's tar mila sainThe service was cgn ized etmeyon their oaa initi- tive, Mndtliey taie it la turas arr inl pairs, te inept oc train nnd carcry ktue ie oie stati. 1 Officýiai re0,ports frei NIationaUl Salvage Heacnques saiea Vint Vle PovncOfMntbalnaail others ila ie total uatiyof niteia aaeon the asis cf populaion.Tt is net nieeScin- cidenc tînt anitdlia Bey Scouts have een aong te moat active in Canada lu Vie salvagedrvs British> U.S. Envoys Confer With Chiang lise Briisi gover mentanu- uounoed mat eek tinýt Ted Marnai ir JohnDili, mpeet \ ýIng PlrimeMlnister Cuchland Liut-ea enry -H. ArnoI, rep- '-'--.recntag President Roosevelt, lrnd hld a semies cf coafereaces aniGeneaissimio Chieng Rai- sli laChin ingand Field- %WarSir 1vArchuiad yWarel lu India. Acomnpleoeaccorýdwaus said iVo hae een m-eched fer "offensive,ý lans" aganna the Japanes.. Theifuloat ossbleco-ordlian- tien is to e leisrdby anise- quen couereuesof Waveill nud eeaiDoulglas MacA'ýrthurAi- lied commandeni-hef in Vie aouthacs,ýt Pncific, cmmniu said. TheAlutAn 200YarAg 2\1Auni-leon the luia s landin thlle Yalelie wgies histnicl bekgrundte a part et Vi cl int ny seem ito bave ha, ntil mtyeai, neyeteray arotisi eordng.But hlerte are, o0fynr t thmacl, if not 1c ril sentalîl areread wrth kaongand pondering, It soems. lb!t asil 1743' that a Moseaý, men diant fuSrebreapiioi 1hese Isaerd ! und Inadeia rrtune et cf touvoyages anîong tIhom. o ~FWry yenrs Ineranuotl ir mchunt nnmed Shmeîkof founded a 1rsdbng post, comnparatble te Alb)any 7or. Nea YoI-k* iithe-ir "tnctory' engýinIs, MRADIO REPORTER Tee'sromance lhie air thC1 -%ce ff emi meonti ..YeddHng belîs ailtIng appeariagi on Febmuary 27ti for nae eaW =Hi perli inauradio personaity nu i L oer f memaber cf aarweili in1owruC,aa- uîer cf Ie dia fmiy.Quite nmbr f eaouinl years ego n Torontocomercal 1rmuor cf sponsor aras Fsearching fera nw A cBarl snger te star in an omyovanWldaeho aaiton Radio Statfion -- hme ooce Oti arsvoice and proait it tinAc aras introducedate eradiolis- husstiey tUrer s Vie Silver Masied Tonor daugiter, acader if auy cf yen renuom- lawîsing ber tînt early oveaiag soes oY Luck and broadcnsts evor CFRBaot o ingingca earugo? ,AftLe aiugiag som sixmeni incognîito, Ve rad oaever, b oara mil lu Toronto, and Jiînmie given up CVi te ! ilsyanyradi fas, Pom, tely Mm tint tinie on,immeie , u monise nasomis ofY stendiylyuVo0Vie)top- ha fýirsb s"TeS Neloî howVo instnrriag moesCa mus adio ien uci-sa Vieborder teaBufapo acitionr and Newr Yen, ariro ntîîl a Maie a P munta or Se ugo Jimmie arassMg- inearCFRI ia over tVeIe Mtual n ,aci. taruaj P L'amneVie cahl cf Vie Canadian Vje debut ù army und Vde îetwr cf Jimie Ve Tuesday eor Toronto te aigu up anjhthiecr- ovrCPRB. iîeatly aîied cf Army Sic,But Jimmjie camý,e bnciteuCaadafor "He's net mnore Vlan -n my asiamet- l Venmcvi ho came hhe Vo 'VIe gbil heo lfV cpeing me: bellindl(llm', ý. , . aieis -aIe ? Nue Benyai oCher Vian Vie daugliten cF VienVoduced te muaie po ýut Jimm-;ý,ie laVelis fatsain nd big tme Toronto radio pro tieni Park grammue - Miss Audrey Niso. Aud, it dcev Dunag imme'sabsence in Vie ît' traie tl Stmates adda obis sinfgig aur- ils sxfeet desisbide-te-e devoho ter meut-and 1 timo t lied Cross aroni, rising more grey> frors ie urai cf pivate te imagineýr Lieutenant la Vie Transporýt DîiI- eaned r sicn.Juat recetly Miss Neilsn 1iag cf Sui sathdfrom voluutary lid- raie-lste Cross sarkonite eactive imynroe uthî joeiig Jimmie, in Vie Army Show vpuey oai Maily rurl lis L]teersIl aveb, foilow-ingl- witli iaterest VIetrvl cf tie 0Ontarie Camavaýn, CR 1ecertly cnceluded sris e tunîities iVo rur-al talent Vo en their homoeon Three miîiî- professienal contmact(s anti CFRB1 godnhaire gy sirig a record fol By REX FROST ~dte t u~sît artist-R in tlie seies, YOU'l1 .aps tbat Miss we femre was win- Cfrt e mess and it' lmure te annoucothe thde secod sis, th cfBare a yoUng as stud'iedI music for .ng ;iingîg i hcaeer. age, -im'l ii mi hie I3arth lias an on- young wdfe mad maî i poftabesuccessful mer. CFB' ousical di- osearch fe)r emui lroacmss te ho known arus Parade," which e youag sger Pre vi- o10wn te .-air listeners. erinc tis Station may urreal a- personnliy stpped up ranks cf the uaknowîn te radio lieaodns. -rat fu in athis, Bprogrammei,, "Tlie rade.iYou ay heurI 'Àa snew rad(ie sta. . les" . .Vis vas tie emark made- by ,JIA Iairmena e h xii ,v quite a laugli. Yes, that Jack Bloaay tops bt cf easy flowiag hu- meirmiment with a,,tfew lairs than nmostà cf us Sbut JAi sys ho ias; qy coecf them thiai- ijourous gags for lis nors. Othr suiprises Mt spamkling coe ur w lie putnufermthe S, -,roved t'e i ,e ttsPim ed, 5 ft 8 ladies of u! esnaity,oes- Gir husbaad's enthusi- eir rneeaty celebrated licappy marrid lifs. na2rked, "Tliat'a quite ir lollywood !" OUR RADIO LOG d ROTOTATît-iNs1 \v naf87. k-"T. F'.0k wKCA', 0k CBYf1010 W () 3.5 (-'f.]ý. .W J 7 111 CA tN A MAN STATIO)N S cas 1anSdl. 14100kl CROC ni i lionj1150k CKWS Kingston 960k CC(O Chatham 63ý,0 k CFP'L London 1570k CR00 tt :o 13j10kj CRIS imis140 CESOK ubuy 00 Hnuns Use Feds Phosphorus Biillets plosvebuetttlatetdsih Star. The purpmoscf Vie bull la te mai]e a jgedlolean spr -ýeadi àVte 1ph ospho us tiroug VIeý wound.i, Thepoiso tkes ef- f'ect and iýieme la ncugior tt lie fial, if' it is nt cugt l tVune. The Huas are masters cf Vie fedali a-ta f %var, Tleýy use these poisonbuliets as part ef- thircampign Vo spread fear. If anytiing- ikeit la used' ai.it Vie Germjan3s, Berlna squeals t Vihenvn htGra Ble ing Vhe icti1icf norioo1pu iment. OSE nglnnd11.83m OSE Engl1d5il5Oa b lltin Vi st aatoc. IV la Britain Purchases Whole Tea Crop cfl food lias purchased i ýe whlole cf Veexportable surpls cf he 'East African, tela rop,ý The ci-op ahIli ullcatedAmoag tie United Nai nsudcertinntuldceuin- tieasrecommneaded liy the ±eu oemttec the cembiaed food xads hwiclh centuins represea- tatives ocfliV I UitedKadm Vi ointhe U. S. A, d Russia. SLAYER Pic-ture sos sasiof zAd- miraI Jeàan Darla, n, aAges Hlis mamle was inaier de-la Ca Pelle, 2k), aaid Le waseectdb a firiag ,ýsquad. Ho wasmeMbor-) cf pairioi.ic yul raiain Chantiers de Jeunresse. sULiN DAy SCHOO 0L LES SO0N BIBLE March 7 TEACH[NGS AGAINST DRUNK'ENNESS I1 Samuel 30:16, 17; Isaiali 28: -1, 7; Galatlianî 5:19.21 GOLDEN TEXT-Strong drink ahail ho bitter to themi that drinis it sih24:9. LMmory verse- God is loe.1 John 4:8. 'THE LESSON IN IT.S SETTING Tim.-loeveat reorddhl Isalmuel occuredpsib 1054 B..lsiaih'28 vwas waLitteanot fur from 725ï, .C.; Pa-ul proba wrote hi E-pistle te t'he Glatians in A.D. %8 Place-Tiecity of Ziklag hlas net yv e b n definlitelyidaied b'ut it was somrewliere seuth e0-- Gain soutiema Palestine.ý -Ephmiaim- is tlielnam-ie of tintÉ part cf Palestine wlhich (can lie gn ra-lly lcatdin Éthe contrai wves- tern section cf the lidoy Land; hoere it is probubly a 'synonvym for ail cf Saimaia. Gltawsa prvnein Asia, anl amen tonday knon a-r ,s A-sia ý Mineor. "And whe ha d brougit hlmr defwn, boieold, they wr spread abroaid ever aul the grouad, eating anid dnkgaind acng i cause cf l Vie grect spoil that they Lied taken eut cf the !la)ndcf'L- the Phuýlistinoes, and 'eutIcf the fid f Judali. -And Davd amte Vhem from the ýýtwilight even ut treescapednet amua cf tie,h(ýa save ftour hundrodyenimn wio rd pncml and fled.", Provdentull ,1un Egyptian whe knew the place te hc i AmalekzL( ite ad fled, peae juatlutVtih e whiea avdfirat becae awreof wiat hiad iap- peaed te lis property and ha wives, wand guided thbem te th place arbre tese tmaraudera-rm diia ucarousing in oo batica cf theirvictery. Discov- e!dlasýucjli astate, tota.lly sur- oeas f their lutoy n hoa-ýt htint ad destroyed 7 Zkag wns idestroyed by Da dcfils sdirMany a battle bas hbeen lest f orVie sanme reanson. Abiding Beauty "Weet Vie ooar f pride otî Mhe dnkards cf Ephrmm and te thie faduing flowero f lis glorieus benty wii is on the iead ot Mi fat vulley cf Ve tho at are ovroewith wie, ehold, Vie; Lord hahi nmigity and strog cao; ns a tomipest of hail, a de1- 'toig stoïnm, as a tena"pest e le cast doara Vothe eCrhat the hnd.TMe croara cf pride 'of the drunkardis of Ephraim shahl ýM 7 1> - 1 - 12-l 1,-1- >, , 1 - , 1 1, 1 1 1 1 g -ý - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - a - - - - --- 1 NOTEDAUTHOR 1,9WriterwhoGPEAT A L T-7 i 1,51 abound In createp EPL 'E PEATN d'Artagnan -"T'I' T 2Gneos 13 Poemi. D 5SAK LS2lubn lPerfumt. ET i TYT ie 16 Prinuiple. 17 Niglit. S EEGE4 At2 o I ,,SC.u th NOUG0 T S P!T C Oeb 20 Till, ýT TA 3C32 Maie fsrn 22Mngelcig. H NA ECA 34Aiul 23 Aille, fore _-00 NEci 37 Acid used '24 Aspirati.on. F T C E D an1)ig. 26 Lock oDpener, 3q eaesep 29 Lures. 5 tie ETCL 40Copn 32 Southieast 53C;ha.,màber1 2 Act of leniding (ýbo'3) (abbr,). 5 Hndàqca3T edc. 42 An,-imal '33 Slioelaeehoes4 or o 4 Sia 3n Right(of 5 7 Caàrd gamc, 5 To sod 7Sude holding, &Fnesar.6Egihcne ann 383 DeCiroU, 59 Wrab. 7Vgru. 4 rvesy -1 Afia rbe 0Hnd bis 8 7T e.jeet. ý50 Embrnyo plant.ý 42 Bèretý. snwr: 1 bv, 51 Opojýsotýt 44' Grief. novelists. ilMothor cold 45 'lO fil e. 61They - alýso 12 Too,-32 Twr a -18 SpDan-IjSh wre te - 16-- vote 54 ird.F>î ' di-al-e (.t. or pla-y'. 'hre-s 56 -JyBvwayvio, -i s E ---------- be trodden under foot: and the fading f 0w-"cfhis gloi baywhch is on thMie ad ,of the fat vale, haI lie asuthe Which whien ïho that okehuponi it seeth, wý,hUleà ii yet: in lis hand heý eatethÎIt up The uno f twometaphors, oaci SepartelyStikin, adds dou1b1e foret heprhe' warnig....TW'epro(Ud cirown ûor garland ofthedrunkards, when the spie istorn it r mheir brows, and icast it on tÈhe grouind, wilbe trodde"n under his foo-t. Samaria, the glorlous beauty or omnamet of phraim, wouid le !ike the erlyfig, which d rropa wlien tlihe issakn ac whchle wosesit no onr sets ihis eye upo thledevours- it witligrecy haute. "And ee hs elwithwne and stagger witlistrong drink; the Priost and the proplietee wih trçong drÈInk tliey a swal- low'ed up o wine, thy taggCo viSion, -they ýstmubl njugen. liquors the priests and prophets were disqulfed flr the high adloyfuione.,s cf their office; an the cOnsqec was that 1,4- naton as orrptand was- ex- podF, t tIahhevy jLidgmientb-e Wrscf the Fleab are mifest, whlch are these: ounnos, idolabry, sorcery, enml. ing, runke1nne's, , revelinga, ami s ue'1,like; cf which Iferwr you even. as Jddforowarn you, th' at, they w ýIoratiesuch thinga shail oinheritthe kiagidotrnci od"Thi is tlice firsýt timo tit-F thoe erse, se dark i teiren, umraio f the sa of meaiî hvovrap)peaýred a's apart, the printedtext of the Intena- tioýnal S Unld ay S Cil û1 ,e ssons.- Anci yet -this passage is a part c;f the WVord of Aod, a very sober pmatof the Wordof GCdl Rt is a wod f warning, and it should1 be eedd.Th- eeeannto cf tis passaýge w ýith some came wi-l bw any lieamt 1beforfo God, aiskia-g forýcloansing wenit is coýnsýciouts of bein)g guilty cf an of teesaakatc o divie deliveance frMeauh an, ail. cf h troughouâtthyar is, cf curse, to have tmauie nt invovesai atuisneer thoue aboe i ti prseae f the Lord" Jesus Christ. To h htetc Vekîngdr'o cfGod nmeans nt~ ing, less than to e ecoindt darkessaadeverlastÀing suffor.- in.Tlihext d o etsay ta an ne who las everbengu1ilty Inhmtathe wi=gdmbcf GdmAfo losý-t. No matter wat sirn mi lias beun gltny cf, Vde blood cf for That sin and r-,ýecuc e hat sipul tGd.Wi-at it doos aýy Jis ta thes hoacie and continue in tiese sin SEwO peristenty em.- teewill nov>ýe r eter the ýkÏig-. de fGod. There 1 adifer oncebetwen aman who iesu indyaftora, ndaChita Who in some sudden mment c temptticafalis into s-ii;ýn, ony cr eGod t i meitl e Vernd therefrm. Eadris te ecn1lrga t-ree rbirpouigcutyL

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