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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1943, p. 4

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Fhe Orono Weekly Times Estab1ished January, -1937. every Thursday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario vertising Rates on request Subseriptions to the Urý 1 Subscription, $1.25 nited States, $2.00 b Printing Will Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher Strike 6uest Speaker At Father-Son Banquet QÇontinued fromi page one) ng tiechdain and he b2comnes ait ini. Now is the ime wieu ed strong family unity. If -we ut at borne tien it is ail lest. atier anti son have a great Vwoeut things oethi. coulti ail readi Vils stage and Il ogether tien we would noV a Scouit organization No gets very fer if Le douenoV $106.49. The Orono Troop led any single Tmoop in Canada in the col- lection of salvag9e. The toast to Vh,.e Girl Guides was propo sed by Scoutrnaster J. J. -Mel- loi, anti responded Vo by àliss M. M owl.Then a siug song was hieI witi M. M. H. Staples as leader. Mr. M. H. Staples propoaed the toast Vo, Vie Scouts wihici was îesponded Vo by Scout Commissioner Stuîrock. At Vhe Investure George 5mhw was raiseti Vo a Scout. A colection was aken f'or the Grou~p Commiittee o belp along with h-,-work. NEW RfBKS IN ORONO a review of the &cout ýo-PBI IR R in Oronlo silice its incep- P BI IR R -e -were thirty-eigt boys oniy two turned their The following new bdeks are now he.organization ont of the on the shelves of the Orono Public t.Seven former Scouts Lîbrary, for thehr readers, haviwng armfed forces and ten are arrived this week - rve Arm-y. ln the salvage Tarpaper Palace, by L. Larrimore-; the Scots have gather- Womnen Will he Doctors, by Hanuah ns fromn which tiey real- Lees; Stranger Vo My Hleart, Louis urn of $509.15, and with Mýotross; Nurse Into Womnn, -Mar- drive, two aypple days and shall; Moon Tide, W. Robert'soli; sbrought bheir total re- Hou,,sekeeper's Daug-hter, D. H. VoD $61)9.40 They doniated Clarke; Stay Ouit of M'y Life, SophýiE ýe Red Cross and other Kerr; The Progress of Jullus, D. du izations, $25 o charity, Maurier: Cases of Susan Dare, M. G "Chins Up" Fund i ng-Ebrat Dr. Norton's Wife, M. spent $250 in their club1Walker,; Ber Sul Vo Kee(p, M. M. ,ig a balance on Chand of1 Marshall; Taie of Bali, Vicki Baium;, n - ~- 1'. ~ TIB OBONO WEEKLY TIMES Elizabeth Anne Little Mirs. Elizabeth Amie Little passed away suddenly at hem residencee in Kirbhy, on Sunday, February 28th, ageti 73 years. She was born, ia Hope Townsip on July ll1th, 1869, being Vthe daugi- er of the late John Robertson and Mary Ellen IScott, anti atteuded An- tioch sciho)ol. On May 27, 1897, sie was united in marîlage Vo Williani Thomas Little, and then ýlived at Kiiy. 0f this.union one son was boru, John Clarence, wfio died some years ag'o. Ber husband survives. The laVe Mýrs. Lttle was a member of the Prýesbyterian Churcil, and heu United. Sie was a willing wokrin the differeut branches of the curci at ai1l times. The service was couducteti at the residence on Tuesday, )Mauch 2nd, ,vith her pastor, Rev. S. Little-wood, ITTLE - At Kirby, suddenly, on .Sutîilaty, Feliruary 28tli, 1943, Eli- zabeth Aune Robertson, ýbeloved ýwife of ;William Thomas Little. Funýeral wil l e ;helt from lier laVe residence -at Khlby on Tuesday, Mardi 2nd, at 2.00 p.m. Intermient Orono Cemetery. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. ýGeorge Coopwr wishes to ex- ,press his appreciation for the mnany acts cd kindness and expressiofl5 of sympatihy urid coudolience extended by his friends,,and neiîghLbors during the recent death ,of his siïter. W. T. Little ahnd family wish to express their sincere apipreciation to their -neighbors and friends for their miany acts of kindness during their- suddeni sad bereavemnent, and also for their ieautiful floral triih- utes. hanving charge o! thesevce, witi interment lieing miade in Orono MRS. WILLIAÀM HE-NRY Cemnetery. There passed peacefully away att The alîbares wee Mssrs. Peerboough on Tiursday, February Milton w,,lamiur, -John Me1ýKelvey, 25, 1943, 'Mis. William Henry (niee Charles Rutherford, William iiWon- Christina, Cooper), in her 8ti year. flan, Williami Rutherford and Samuel The haVe-Mirs. IHenry was bora on Berry. The floral tributes were, car- the Sixth Line o! Clarke on Aitigust ried by Mïrs. Colqping, Mr's. J as. 29th, 1863, a daughter of the Jatel Wana, Mis. Charles Rutherford, John Coop)er anti Jane Coatham. In Mrs. Win. Wannan, Ms Wm. Ruth- her early life sie atteuded Vhe Sîxth ci-ford and Mis. Ernest Bryson. Line school. After lier marriage she _____still resided on Vie Sixti Line and 'Von Riblieontrni> has a et o! Urew nit Cacieawrkeril-,indtail Vo b aski-ng hsePope tVo aineass aUitdn aucve worker lin Ketal UnîetiNaion nV V brnbciies ~tirne Vo help in any worth while Must c beginni tu1urt.cause for the benefit of the churchi niut b bciung V iut.or Vie corýnm-uiity. The Iast three ___________________years o! hemlif e sic spent with hiem Rugged 'Watem, J. C. Lincoln; Judge neice ln Peterborough. Priest Turus Detective, 1. S. Ceobb; The funeral service was held n Greeék Coffin iMystery, E, Qusen; Park St. United Church witi Rev. S. iHoucymoon Ahone, Mayske Greig; Littlewcod having change of Vie ser- EIder iSister, Maysee Greig; Maidenivice on iSaturday, Feliruamy 27th, nt Voyage, K. Nonis; l'Il Neyer be ifour o'chock. Interment was made Young Again, D.-du Maurier; Secret in Orono iCemietery. of Vhe Marshbanks, K. Noris; Raîn The paIlliearers were Messrs. :F. 0. in Vi e Doorway, ,I'horne Sriti; Or- Cooper, IC. V. jCooper, Robert Ard, chids on Your Budget, Marjomie H111- Fmraak -Hall, Joseph Bail anti Gar- lis. land Cthcait. e 'a- H BARBED wiRF and enemy guards "do not a prison inake" for Canadian soldiers captured by the enemy. Their thoughts, wisg- ing across the sea, meet Red Cross parcels on their way to them. Last year, -the enemy saîd "pass" to 2,000,000 such parcels. They were packed with 22,000,000 p ounds of food and comforts welcomed by men to whoni the gas-est necessities have become luxuries. But, most of ail, to each pisoner every Red Cross parcel is a message from home - a definite assurance that he iflot for- gotten, a remindes- that no captured Canadian soldier is ever marked "off strength'" by the Red Cross. Thirty percent of the money you gave to the RedCross last year was used to provide parcels for prisoners of war. The money you give now wilI help to keep up and increase this flow olf- good cheer and hope to these lonely men. Consuit your heart. Obey its dictates,. .. Give liberally Caqmpaiga H Ieatiquarters at 0. W. ROLPH'S, ORONO Plie 43 r 1 SRED CROSS Classified MEDICAL COMING EVENTS The W. A. of Park Street Unlited Church wi1 hold a Pot Luck &ipper o, .Frid-ay, Mardi 5th, at 6.30 p-.n (The llrst conurse will be provided). Entertainment and garnes for al.- Adraissio 20c.-and 10c. d-7-c. The Orono Ilortkcultural Society will hold aCard Party in, the Orange Hlall on Monday evening, March 8 at 8.00 p.m. Th-ere -will be 500, Euchre, Crokinolc and Chines e Checkers. iiLunch served. Admis- sion, 25 Cents. FOR SALE Quanitity of Beay. Apply to Geo. Butters, Orono. FOR SALE Four Milch )ows - one Jersey, two Durhams ai-d one Hereford, due i about one mionth. W. E. Arm- strouig, Oron'o. FOR SALE One yoang horse, weight 1700) lbs., 1 aged horse, no reasonable of- fer refused. Wks'hing imm-ediate sale, have no more use for them. W. J. 'Hall, Orono, 'Ont. b-B-p. NOTICE Owinig to beiug onable Vo purchase iil, botties we flnd qorselves r-lLD rinig short. Wle would appr-eciate it very greatly if bhose having moýre than one bottie iii their homnes kinid- ly place them out Voi be picked Up. Cedar Dale Dairy. FOR SALE BY TENDER Tenders wiil be received up Vo noon' on Mareh 2OVh, 1943, for the late joseph Rbinsor- property west side ýMain Street Soath, Orono, This is a nice home ovelooking our beau- tiful park, five rýooms, reeently shin- gled, cernent celIar full size of house, fiue well wifhfi ion pump, -woodished. FOneni for inspection, or consuit the undersigened. Tei-ms Cash. ~Highest or -any tender not nece- sam-ily accepted. Dater àManch 4th, 1943. J. E. RICHARDS Oirono, Ont. Executor. c-9-c. Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F SAMUJEL CUTTEL.L, Late of the Village of Orono, ini Vhe County of Durhamn, ]Reired Published Deceased:- Ahl persons bavingg daimns against the Estate of~ the said Samuel (Jut- teli, who died on or about the 25Vh day of January, 1948, 'are hereby nrotifed to send Vo Vhe undersigiied Admninistratrix, or h'em .solicitor u or before Viýe 6th day of 1N1farec, 1943, their naies an-i ad<besses and full par1titoularis of theiz cdaims andi the jaueof Vie securities (il aiiy) helM hy thiem idoly verifieti by statuVry deearationi. hnr.medîately ad te-r tie said 6th dJay of Mas-ci, 1943, the assets of the Lsai(l deceaseti will lie disti ibuteti eniong the partie-, entitled thereto, ka-ving regard only Vo the dlaimas (4 whkeh the-Adm--initratrix or Vhe -Lideasignied Solicitor shahl then have notice. Dateti at Orono this 8th day o)f February, 1948. ALMA E. CUTTELL, Os-ono, Ont-ario, Adimhiistiatiix R. R. WADDELL, Oronoc, Ont., Slieitor for the Administatrix. An Apprentice Contract Drawn Up In Orono 91 Years Ago Bow people have ýchanged i Orono since Vhe year 1851 as this contmact -will show tiat was dra-wn up býe- twýeen employeer an.d appr/entice. Mr. Ceci Charhke, cloting buyer for- The Hutison's Bay Go. ini Winnipeg, ihas Vie folowing apprentic-e con- tract frameti and hiîng over bis des'k. Jamnes Carke was Mr. Cecil CIresfatlher, andi the Cliirke's, rnoved Vo Oobourg- years ago fro-m Orono. John Smnale had a tailorsihop in ýOrono i those days wiere drug store is now situated. The .Smahes mo-ved froin Orono Vo tie State of Kansas sixty or nmore'years ago. We (Continue4 on page leigit) 1 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability Orono -.-Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctîoneer and Valuator Con ducta Auction Sales off all ses and at reasonable rates. Communi'cate With hlm ai put Perry, Ontario, or see 1'M clerk, '.. E Morton, at Orono, for date. F F.Morris & Son Funeral Directors I Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowmanvilie, Day 480 Night, 734 and 575 * Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Compfilee unitureStueeanti Modern Funeral Service in Durhami Our Service-THE BEST Our Goods-THE- NEWESVT Our Prices-THE LOWEST IBOWMANVILLE -ORONO E. E. PATTERS'ON Insurauice Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clake NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING soute of the Largest, Stroingest and Most Reliable Insurance Firms ini Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared to qote you rates from 40. a hundred,~ according to classification of Building Phone, write, or hetter stili, cail. 1 wliL be peased teot11e you rates oit your property w-hich ýwill surprise yoýu. KILLS nGRnOUÛNDIOG BESîDE fiEN OUS ticir winter hibernationi, corne people dlaim tuis l a su,,re siga- that sprinlgý. 2 is roV fariaway. Il this version mc correct thiea we sh!ouhd soon feel tic wa-rmi spmýiag win-ls, for on Sainday nioming hast, Mi. TedeGopping, kili- ed a ground hog whici w-,as ri Vo geV into hils heu house, rnost li1ke- ly hociking for something Vo sat af- er ils Ion.- winter's sleep. This grouad îog must -have corne quite a littie distance away, as very seldow.- ,we ever hear of these anim-A!, around Vhe barnyamrd. IEere lis opingý Vie oid prediction le correct for ones as weveled enougli wiatem for one year, tie tiermaome Ver dropping down to below zero on Wednesday morning. A. F. McKENZIE, M.D.' PHYBICIÂ.N and S1URGEON 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 te 8.00 p.iaý PHIONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY, Wilfred W. Sherwin B.V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. O1rcno Pihene 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. ý Professional Directory d la A Am OIWtq4ml

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