Contact eln cessages To Relatives ln Fira nce tic gurrc. L ecrees ti n itile et a yuog Paia iEgat casi 0fcens tîa otc be- thi faml u! l~Fane ~~~~5o1)211 lorits r~k o e IA0l0 -agiu fo isel ise s i I F~ach essage ca i euwr ln sNortlie% hae c u mandbs a ta o n or a rthr ilier net b % meutioeti d Ciîsia nancs oîlyîarlyofor tue crîan Fu ve ise rirelentls'ue messae, alisoulia at is asy for Ce8Gi8 tefrtpi~i st a 'ROUND THE WORLD PICK-A-BACK cae sasuras thre Indian womau isiyr w ae t Pco oa Scotia For rnany eas CItB listen- 1 sedo eri vr rig Moudy nwnW houkFntaî lrns1.30Dte CBC Magi 10,5 hveejye th ceerfu, w 11 asO g( inspiig voîce of M3s.0. YIM. i avids Da ken bninging tiselemine inte- 1sf, tu.30 pretetiofcurreut eveuts no ld Svy spcîsl witie at ivlube nomain erto on tîatohe iprtn 'ohli'- soecnh ise bone. Bos itsIlthatre, saint a, s 1vU xvomen'eclb Woricsepou home, ln tpuew ;pishaveIbeoiunludb lutsse asàlSe dailycas yMrsl. ifiken. An ctviyC a1frititee'uîisepitretii eigtisei Signînontat of organiziug aind botcse co-rtinatngwomie's cIlubs at iions a groupeigif accon Meii egh eo irne, anti breatifis o of Canada. [lu co- fons of tfI jun1ction wththe lo.',L. l- z- Scbool gni, loy- anti bis DepaLrtuse1t oli Na- auxliaes, uniefae ie isiofrtier teptath ingý tiesae1w wnsig starnps by coauntry, antid riict .- . ati for S"ix 1)f of tise plao ofheanuing ii tba cbery lslie(I '0to "uineof bsbro ig tnis nt rausm1e.1 We ail ejemnowingolt aio t av i Who commenceti a new SorAP o bradase s singin1g staru of Rasoyl Lociley' poplarMusicalI- Sauraynght oceybrotiOnesip s wbich honounsse%patron samit tai i sprecilhaîf tour iprgrmnie ef ë'Woain tradifinl Welsb airlwhch 1 dtinwhir ho hearti ever tise nation Anef -srm ah worit e Pt 43 .,WelisheVWilim . wilihoaftuoofhepro- S 1r'truo-. gramonMe.e of tiseestouits Will bons le fi9 othor wuii dove into the hstori- sr'dai i cal~ asoifosof -tise wl koa filu;l By REX FROST leis msicalfestivals cCarpef programmet go Welsh for tise St. p.iu. antiwil tage a il faîvry ti nmtise aces sotinattise Yotung- th focal point of social inauguration ofiae new mroticsf lutie acar while rnaîtnfanig tmosbere wil'et iscl in'or.porate lnsnt he acivitis of Suntiay Oupe, womneyhurch choîrs, anioverary e antiotcuntrstn ions orfd tis epat ruae onîuiisor Local patos îl h taie partinlu supr- Siur coluinit ,e ld holadti fmearufnoîn, flic forfbconsing serie. breai lupif h hack- e' f the essnsnc1lut- Otvcoti bhaking course up of, so'ldions tan ol1 boe. u o7o0iir froîsil t2isen- l"'l anti ports arclu irek île auiftiseir bahing, hlach casvas tlnt vih a cadi'orillumiîne- ste neau lio e chaie nighitwib a minimumin amiont." OUR RADIO LOG 'lO OIONTO AnO X]41'S C ME50. CL740 k AW A R A-,NB..Bc 00hi .iZ, NEl C.% -ABie 7)70k CRA l' ;(C.Bi.l i) 88'ý0-k (M iOS Oo d.1400ýk CECI? Montreal960k CFCOChtisro630k CELoLndon 1570k1 ilA Motreal -, 73u]; CRCO Ot1ta-vo U',10kl C -14-11Suàdbury 790k_ 1GREC BrantK o -d I 80k CRlW W Uindsor700k CRNX ihin 9280k WEBB ýwBuffalo17,20k WVEAMlà ocetor 510k G nni 1 1.75M GSG Egland17.79m GSI'Engand15.31SM EAR Sain .48m BAN Rssie 9.60mn BNEBusis12 .OOm WG"EAShecty 15Mim WCI-AB Pila. 15.27mi VCBX N. York 11.83ms \\ EL Boston 1515m 1 ') U IN L'i qi l'ý w - a POP--A Word From th e Wîse 'xvbtevr tEsit,, as- Hesai tleywolýd (Matt. 17 :12).,1, leaes i iinS eif i teir band-aý wetise oni'is crete do so They 00ake t i nsponsiiltY W bttbydo;:1He ifulfulîs Hie Chri"st'% WordscfComor "Lt noýt your0 beartbe also n e" heear wns o only où ypthtekntne u of a neetifl counsel. Noe par- ficulasly how' Christ places Hlmi- self linmm-rediate nelafionsbip withi tise Fatiser, esserfling 11e leequallyý worýthy of beiug bleoi "11lu rny 'Fatie's ouseae rnanýy mniosîf if wrenot 50 1 w'oulti bve tliyenu; for Iî go to propareý a plac-e for yu.Anti, if I go anti popaone a0plae for you, I cone aainanti ilne- ceive you unfo nyslf;thtwhr I arn, therey myh as."Hl CAMurisua the second aiment of aur LMo . Chrit pmetite crebcW forun Sbcause Ho1 wanfs u bf0ho ifihlm.Here Ch'riit la The Truthà tie ay Tonas sithutoIia Lod eknow tw sfhrtion goet; pou Isnow wethe wy Josussaisun'to hlmI ansat4e way, andthIe truth, anti tIe lili: no ore conetb niso the Fethry but by me."- twewortIsare unitid, se ha Chis e he frutisuchueal antieferal Conc, nngtisefunda- menfalscf exisence.Notecare- fnlt 11 osno ai1ebîg but 11e is tho truth. le Fin la C e IOIIZONTAL A»Swer tePrvcusPuzzle 15 The aduit 1 1ct Z cd ALXANDPIB ADSN fisis -- oceaic-i1h OD -AP' APAL of teth 9lthsa-MAI CA A17 Sick. It h'Vs we Ahs1r6Y 13 MuCcal1K AS SE ound) di:n raa. EELTN22 Seamen. 14 Iitaion TEN E TDELENT25 To nag. pen. E CA AP U26W-%eird. l5Dicolred EAM EOVIE AP 23 FýIsh1eggs. by decay. PO M PANE Emallhotek 2l6ýCirlarwall LO TtL E 3Peni, t' places. 32 Heavn tri 20 Mlesue of 41 Mlans, ) TC 7-?Po s sess e d. 21 Gnides 4 ArcuatW 0Sixty griuvi 23 Fensat. 43Opposed toe Jwe. 42 Legume 24 Te rent. even. 4 Te v&t ax. 43 xWeaveir's 27 Throe. 49 Knýives. 5Ai. reed. 3 y Fomi 51M EY a highy 6Msclsoni4Stocuk5in-gs. paricl. dstict hoe.47 Paýyment 3Golden oil. oricke . 9Chee tt bon. drnn si Foce lus fiv. 55 7Ta put in 1 ule plaot. Q49Chil'snapkhi 3o Hmmisng bir d. &Aivet1e,50 Sing'e ig 37 Swarm. 56 CYiele - 12"Vinia 52 Verbal ending 38 Touscater. obdinc. i.3 4 Italin riverý, Wî~ ~ ~ 'r 1 La Oi By 'L MILLAR WATT the tcth oaeni -' la Lui th tuth f blicas;leIFe l truth of ceaio; nHl i fi Enemy Hus Repctd Cmern. terles and War Memorials tiVimy M'enîoral 1ha1S been b1at- turrH impreorts 1haie ouceved say il vs stoliintoact,"says Mj man 0f the Impere WarGrvesT CW lempnis s loin "Alinoustonsyecmeeie, - rhlly ne pecet by thieidy anithmI assue yo flie s ra far lee damae f0 heeplac,,esý ghenraly ts ara is poIcearly u caet cntîesf fbidz à caî-eantiupkee of rifisis eenir LESSN IN TUE UI'PER ROOMI John 13, 14ý PRINTbED TEXT Jo'hn 13:12-20; 14:1-6i GOLDEN TEýXT.-JeýsuS si uniobhrm, 1 arn the WaY, n.d thre t-ruth, alid the h110:ne ue cern eth nto tIreý Father, buit'DY me, John 14. MeroyVere:I silprey auto THE LESSON 'lIN ITS SETTING ApSîl6. AS.i).30 Place .- lu tise upper reoms wbere tIre Laef Sup0ser vwas berïlti, "Se wisen he hati ashet thir foot, at ae iegretail set ý de aai, liesaitiut Lord: aniyesy elfreI arnlý e, i I thon , eLoti aud ise Teserv haent wasino eti yofot yeM aIeiot t ie ws"is eue an oetberft. Ft t-,ý,or t hase given yeo as xape, tisat ywedais Lord; isihreu ht i en yM lure onstMis"Whaur o4r disil e a ofacoiani va tîseb trucbsest Ant msheulWe wes lanifhogaitsevlati wyvleeor!- ie i a trucParkiLfyf Yeurt. Wheu wo inowivha is iglî, wht tne Lord tisuaisti of ns-w o wii nove hve0truc'oyvuntl we re oin theevcrthing12-, Jflesu reeo hcsr, is BýDerai- wbog is Iohave choson:kbut that tIr soi titue a o f uult H rt aoantu. FonbeclrtJ feuctyen thooune if coue te pas ta nt, heif is couse e Npeuly rnybeethat I h btan hi ho. Vonii vcil,LI ey utoen,resietreýt Tisdenetaporboeisdolune Hris