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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Mar 1943, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMEN 1M i sAynie Wr1-111t with lie9r othe, Mi. F. ~ilt M.EnrI Burley visýited is paf- tov,'er bweeýk end.1 Mrý-,. Wm. Gca ry,\ý Ajaxk wa"s a" (me ov(,r.the wee(k-end. Serg, oronMartinieil is ped hg bi ev w r.Martin1Cîl. Mis.. argretPuronSpent theý e-edat ber boeli uiery- Dwnl. Mr% and Mr. oward Linten and lorence are gueýsts of Ms E. Un- e rwoo0d (. Mr. and Mrs. D, Vanraitto have ceived Word fromn their son Shir- ,y of bis safe arr-ivai in Engilandl. 'fie W.1. took in over '$57.0}() from icets on tbe autogra1ph quilt, wbtre and daince last Frýida-y niglit th1-e Orange H-all. Hgietscore lucrewas wnby Mr. Kennretb oper, second pize went to Mr. o01,1e Martinell, third to Mfrs. T. ilditch; consoltion prizes went to ianlita Mer1cer andAru Crts lie autogr'aph quilt was W01n y Mr. pencer Gordon. W. A. Meetingl Thle W. A. mnet t tbbc home oF ~r.F. Stoker o)n the 25tLh of Feb)- Limry, width tC Pr'sident, Mrs:. PRoy ercer, imc caie.The enipe ting ,ened Iwitb the siýnging of Il iimn 5, after whicibM Roy Mre e iprayer. Mrs. ýF. Stoker read tbb ripture. Part of the story of 1avid and Jonathan ýwas reand bY rys N. Patton. An intreetiîig part fthe imeeting wias thecbitng fMr. and Mlrs. Spencer Gordon's ab.y daughter Ruth Madeline, and Ir, mrd Mrs. Richard Bo-stocký's two aiigiters, Rosemary Luella and elen Joyce. It was decide2d te bol social eveing, on WcdlnesdIay, farclli l7th, in the Sunda,ý,y Scbooi mom, and Mr. MeýrLachlan peie comie and -ive bis tahi on Rus'sia. chlargle cf 2_5Cents for adîts an(d 5,P. for eilîdren te be- mnde. Ms :Luxon invited the ladies to b-er >ie fer th~e March meting. After AN APPRENTICE COýNTR.ACT DRAWN UP' IN ORONO 91 YEARS AGO_ (Continuied from page four) are mlfoinmed thaýt John Smale was ai devouit bible ' Ch-risitian whcn he lived hre. Apprently he would havei hard time getting boys to figil imlr ta t te'go to ~~hurch now ,ltaoela rning tailor- ing. -So even the Lunborn in Orono change in 91 years. Here is tLhe contraot: This indenture witnes'seth that. James Care son of ýHugh Clarke of the Village of Orono, Towns.hip -of Cirkc, District of Newcastle, Cou- ty of Durham. as doth put himself an alpprentice of hits own free will, as by the consent of and apprseha- tion od his'said 1father-to John 'H. Smrale, of the said Village of Orono. V. C.-lTailor, te learn Iis art and with him after Che manner of t'he apprentice, te serve from the third djay -of Juneo, one thousand ýeigit hundred and fifty-one, unto the full end of the teýrm of seven years te be fuilV and comrpletely ended. Puring wýhioh tcrm the said apprentice bis, master. faithfully sh-ah serve, bis seCrets kcpis Iawful commands veryglaly o. Uc shal do no dam- age, to bis saidj master, nor sec it d!onc byothesilutto bis power shiail ït1e i orForthlwith give warnin-g te 'is said master of the same, 1He shah r iot wat the goods of bis said m-aster, nor lend them uiawuliy to othiers. lit, ediali not play eat carýds ')r <ice taqblesý, or any ot'her unlaw- ful gamnes. 11e slhal ot haunit tav- erns, or ply ouses, nor ibe gzuilty af anyý act w1ich is ufflawful, where by b"is sai~dmstrsdall receirve danage or sus;tain loss. But in ail things %e the singinig of tbe ast bymn 11ev. MaLchanled in prayer and the mieeting closed with irepeating bhe Mizpab Benediction. A tasty lunch was servcd and social that was very mucli en]joyedý. The president moved a vote otf tbanks to Mrs. Stoker for b erkidnd bos;pitaiity. s'hall behave himself as a faithful apprentice towards his said maister- and al bis, durinig thie said termi, and tesaid John H. Smale, for the con- sideration, afterwards is bouind to show bis s-aid apprentice theý Art of Tailorinig, ard shaî,,l tuach iiand in- ,-truet, or cuse( to be taught and 'Instr ucted byý the 'hest means be can, find the sýaid apiprentice alfiit tieait, dinik, wvasbing and lodg,,in, and also to keep bhis said aiprntice, in deenit andri jespiectablle cLIotiies during the said timie, and on leaving at the expiration of the tern ili faitbfuily served hlm,-to give bis ai>- prentice the sum of fifteur pourids Ci% (around $75) -of lawful money of Canada, And best suit of clothes andj aliso to give the said apprientice six months' sehooling. In rase of sickness the said Jolin ISmale is bounid to keep the said ap- prerntice andiscee him provided for:. f medical aid be r'equired wbý,atever cx- pe(nsesq may larise from Doctor culre. the said Hugl Clarke is biound ,]te puy, if living, or ecîse the suîiid John Smale is to pay it and te kecp, the, amiount huck euat-of the fiifteeni pounds which is to) be pýi to tic s',aid apprentice nt the end of the tpcrm whatever tîme the sa7idl appreni- tice at the end oef the terni htee time bbcth said apprentice rmay lose thriougbi sickn,.ess lie is hýound to w-ork rtp twoý thirdseof tbe time after the tcrmn is exNpirced. Ini Witncss wiereof the partiesý adI'ove nam-ed o tbese Indlentures3 in- tercýhangeab]y have put their blands and seals the sixti day of Septemn- ber, one thousand eight iiundred and fifty-one. Sigýned, scaied ami delivered i the presence of James Clarkc. Hugli Clar-ke, John H1, Sm-aic; Witncss, Charles Barrett. Thhngs larc beg-inning to look as if the United Nations are going tê o(ýpeni up an offensive somi-ewtheie in the near future, and -when it doesq comec it will he where we neyer ex- peiccted it te be. Read thb AMs. --Reap the hargaints w 1NE WTON VILLE 1 Mrs. E. Martin, Os:hawa, visiteil iVrs. Ronald Gib--bs. Sigmnn. ~Ross Giblbs is stationed at Prince Rupert, B.C. .Mrs. Haissen returned te> ber home etChatbam on Friday. Mrs. F. GVIhbs , uni George are home after visitingý in Guelphi. Mr. and -Mrs. Raymnond Gibbis, cf Port Hoûpe, are monL)ig te Bo-wman- ville. Mr. George Stapleton visited bis cousins, --r. and Mrs. Gordon Drew, Oshawa. Mr. Lerino-x Vasey, Port M.ýcNicbol, was a week-end guest of Miss Betty Stapletor. Miss Isobel Anderson, Toronto, speut the week-end witb Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster. A nuniber fr-om- here are attend- ing the class in Newcastle for homne niursing and war emergency. There was another dance in tice Com-imunity Hall Mondaty nigbt. Pro- ceed for the RsinFurd. Mrs. Jas. SarDonna and Gweýn spent the week-enýd witfi ber parents.' Mr. ýandMrs,. MorlCstl(,ton. Pte,,IHarold Buicyard Mrs. Bur- ley, Toronto, visitcd bis mothir, Ars. Cec il Burley, dir>iig bb eeked Little Bruice Watters, soni cf Mrs. ChaIs. Watters, wýas badly burnt on1 the, bards wmien beetoddled agaînst the bot stove. 'Mr. ard iMrs. Reg. Woodbam and1 Marie and Mýr. [Fred Woodblami, Toronto, were week-end guests cf Mr. ard M-ýrs. Harry Woodbam. Miss Willis Joncs spent the week- end witb ber sister, Mrs. C. J. Gar- iaw, Waurkworth. Mr. Jones and Fac went down for ber Sunday. Mr. ard Mus. J. T. Pearc-e are miak- ing extensive modem imnprevements- te, thc home tLhey purcbased or tbc soutb side of main street opposite. Burley's garag. Mrs. S. J. acafr Mrs. Wavynle Elliott, Mrs. Earl 'Walkey, Mrs. Ar- tbur Rcdknap ard Mrýs. Chunter Far- row were in 'Port Hope Tbursday and beard Mrs. Aitkcn spi-eak at thc United Churci. Bruce Denauît passed away Fri- day, February '.6. Although yourng. be had been an irvalid for a long timie and will lie sorely missed by bis famiily. The commii-unity deeply sym- pathizes withi bis bereaved parents, Mr, and Mrs. David Denauît, and witb bis sorr-owing sister-s, Mlar garet, Mary and Edra. Cowiainvilfle Mr. ard Mrs. Andrerw Bandy and Harry visited at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid's on Sun'day. Mr~. and Mrs. Win. Layton visitcd at !Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burlcy's, Port GranIby, on Surduy. Mr'. and Mrs. T. Stephiens and children visited at Mr. E. Farrow's, Garden Hill, rcceiitly. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burley and cbildren visited at -Mr- and Mrs. Willi.s Farrow's 0Dn Sunday. Fred Hendersýo, UC.A.F., is visit- ing-his parents, <'Mr. and Mis. George Herdersor, before, lea'ving for Hiali- fax. Mrs. A. G. Pri received a cable rccently from ber buhtsband( P.O. A. G. Perrin, RCAFWho arived safcly in Englami. Sehool News (By Doren Witt.y and Helen Getlick, Grade TV.) t is wiriter now. T'he rýoads arc blocked. W\e bave been sleighriding an-c kin.-Mrs. Rbicarnot get areund te our school se she sert us our songs. Thei seniors' songig l "The Lord is iMy ShepherdI," and we like the song ver-y muoi. 'fie jin- lors like their song, it is called "Put- ting tbc World to Bed.," We have cocon now- witb ourilunch miti aci family bingiug thoir own sugar. In Our raturai science e are studyiing about aimiais trncks we sýee in tic suew. We bave seen a goodl mary Blue Jays and they are pret.W hav nt seen tbe cbickaeetu yeac. Gradeýs . and 11, made a meteralendlar foi Febrhiuaryv. L CLARKE UNION Mr. Fred Hilas is under Vie dc>c- toi's cire sufferîng fromi a strokie. Miss Eiîcen Souch visited with 3ier parents, 'Mr. aud Mms. Heber SouC. Mlr. and Mrs. Bruce Drurlmocnd, wAitli Mr'. ai Mrs. John Patterson. MuryPattersoni, mie bailtic isfortune te bre-ak his ankle, la aibie te return te achool. We wisi, hilm a speedy recou Our Home and on Tihursday, Febr GIVE GENEROUSLY TO THE LOCAL RED CROSS DRIVE March lst to March 2th) Agent for Jackman Flowers. Prescription Specialist Charles îTyrreli phone 68 ORONO, Ont. Special Noxema Skin Cream and Noxema Cold Cream, reg. 25c. jar, each......... ...... 19c. (Limited Quantity) Ladies' Blouses, Short Sleeves, colors of blue, gr-een and red stripes on white ground, sand, grey an-d blue ground patterned, and ail white, sizes 14 to 20, each............ ........ $1.00 New Shipment of Curtains, size 18 inches by 43 inches, pair .......... .............. 98c. Name Tape Outfit (new), identify your belong- ings permanently without sewing. Box, 24 name tapes, ink, pen, etc., complete........ 25c. White Emnbossed Serviettes, 70 in pkg. for .... 15c. Nelvo Hot Chocolate, contains cocoa, milk, sugar, etc. Just add hot water for a delicious choco- late drink, ideal for- overseas as well as home, pkg..--.......1-... ...... ...... ........5c. Glass Onion Sifters, Salt and containing Cininam-.on, Ginger, Celery Salt, etc, bottie...10c. to 13e Whole Nutmegs, box of 5 Fresh Nutmegs for ..5c. Fresh Deliejous Creaml Filled Chocolates, lb. . 40c. Boxed Chocolates, assorted flavours, hard and soft centre, lb. box......... ... ...... 41c. ORONOu' 5c. TO $1.00 STO5RE YOUR POPIJLAR SHOPPING CENTR E Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northicutt and Smith Funteral Directors and Furniture Dealers ,KINDNESS COIJRTESY SERVICE Equipped to take care of the modest funeraI ut the moot reasonable charge as well as the largest and meust exacting Telephone: OfaÙce 668 Telephene Collect Residence 52e and 726 Bowmanville, Opt. meeting opened with the singing' of IN MEM4YRINM "'0 Canada," followed by the Lord's Gay 11,i loving memory of a dear Prayer. The minutes of the last Wif e and 'Mother, 'Martha Anr meeting were thn read and adopted Bail, who passded way March lst, and business deaît witb. Mr. Silas 1942. Souch, convener of the programmn-e. Ever rceeriecidi sadly miss- then took charge of the following ed by Husband arad Chidren. programme: Selection hv the or -________________ chestra; readiag by 'Mrs. D. Fraser; If o r aigasleuu mout oran slecion y Jck Ci- for our prices 'beforec ordering. ville; vocal isolo by Miss Gwendolyni Club met 1 IChatter-ton, accionpanied on the tion b-y Missý Irclaind, after -which 25b. Tbe piano by Miss Irelard; piano selec- a dainty lunch maws scrvcd. 1 1 WMAKwhere angels fear to tread, Whiere frenzied men war out their hale, 1 al amidst the quiet dead, Help passing- souls find their gate. 1 search beneath the serearning she-li, Gather lost children to my hreast, Flirt whi the avid fumes uf beil, Find for the broken quiet rest, lit every country, every clime, In teaminig ity, fertile plain, 1 raise rny cross, a heallng sigu 'l'le symbol of my Master's narne. The ric4h, the. poor, ..whate'er their creed, l'he dreg-s and spawn of every iii, Their effly claim a sister's need, Their oiily hiope my willing SUI. Wheo ara 1 ? 1 arn ou, -my friend, Ynwith your sacrificial flame, That lights the path te joeney's end, Ami leaves lvesheaiing ini its train. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL HOLDERS 0F SLAUGHTER PERMITS and of LICENCES TO SLAUGHTER HOGS Because of the urgent need of securing~ the quantities of BACON and other PORK PRODUCTS necessary to meet the wartime re-_ quirements of the United Kingdom, and the consequent necessity of curtailing- slaughter for domestie use in Canada, the followinz action has been taken under a new Order of THE BACON BOARD, concurred in by THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD. ON AND AFITER MARCH lsf', 1943.0 Persens flnot already licensed Vo sla2ot-r iogs under rvos resc THIE BCNBAD but hioldingsauhc permiits fmom TUE WAR- TIIME PRIJCES ANID TRiADE 'BOAR\D, shiah rot exceed 75% ofý their 1941 average weeklly aumber of bo, sl'a;hug'itered by or for them for Sale or furtier processing in Caniada. (Sec following paragraplis for fuir- thi-er explaiËation rcigaing lllarenascnere. .THIIS ORDER APPLIES ..te alliho Id shaugliter permlits £rom TilE WARIME PRICES AND fRil) BOARD ami iae located ini what is generaily known as OlId OntariD; te ail those holding ýsuch pecmits and located, in or Slaughterng for sale in any tovio or city with a ipopulationeof over 5,000 lui the 'Maitimes, Qý_ue, WManitoba, Saskatchewan, -and Alberta, and that part of British Coiumbia knowr as greater Vancouver, THIS ORDER DOES NOT APPLY . te blIders cf slaugliter pernits il, aciypart cf what is genierally kiiowi as New or Northeýrn Otrlor Britishu Colmmua exccpting the grieater Vancouver arca. -.-it does not applyv to farmers siauightering hogs fer consumption on their own farms only. <These do noVt require slaughter permits and arc not subjeet te this ncw Order.) ernsalready licensed te slaughterhogs under previcPusý' orders tif THlE BACON BOARD will continue operations under their present status. 'fiat la, they are stilI restricted to 50%if their 1940 weekly average for distribution or sale in Canada. Appreved aind Concurred: D. Gordon, Chairman, The Wurtime Prices and Trade Board. Approved : J. G. Taggart, Chtairman The Ba-oa Biard . 1 ýl 1

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