_Rü ilml O Vol. 7. No. 10, ORONO, ONT., TH'ULSDAY, MAR. 25th, 1943. S-ubscription $12 Per Year Diurhan County Exhibi Durham County Boys Win the Warden's Trophy At QuintfeSeed Fair CGarnet Rickard Wins Three Championships for Barley, Qats and Fali Wheat On March l8th and l9th Priince, Eclwurd CoLiity played host Lo the_ Quinte District Seedý Fair wbich) ,comprises the iine counties fromi Frontenne, to Ontario. As was to .?e exetdthe totaýl numiber of ex- hibits was clown somewbat but the quality of seed left niothîngto bc de- sired. Duirham ootyexhih)itorsý iyici-ded James BowRussell Os- borne, Newcastle; Gar-net Rickard, Russell Bragg, Fegua Moril, of ~Bowilianiville; Mei l. McHlm, Mn ~Bickie, Port Hlope; Ro-bert Ar- strong, Ida; and Earl! Weatlheriit, of Betbany. Ail theaoe exhibitors 'Were Weil up hLu the prýise nIorney butr 'Garniet Rickari deervea specLial àcredit for wianing thse three cham- ~pionships in oats, barley a-rd fal T,-eat witb varieties 'Cartier, No- larb and ~wsnsGolden Chaif. The ~fourth ela'nsponship also Cam-e 'to D}urham Gouý,Lnty on an excellenit bush-el of Warba p)ota-toeca grown- by -Enri Wetherilt. romi eaeh,,to he thel T~he Durham -County boys proved that thirteen is some tim-es lucky a- 'they wvon the Warden's trcpliy for -the thirteentis successive year. Thse -inaijority 'o. the boys were from Cartwrighbt an4, Darling-toni and were .coached on two or three occasions ,during Yebruary aI Blaekstock by their Agricultural Representative, E. A. 8umners. Each :boy o,-u Ihe -winning teami received a cash prize as well as two bushels of reg-istered o e e.d. Thse teani memnbers were:- Frank Stanger, Enniskillen; Stanley Taylor, Nestieton, 'and Lloyd Kel- Iogg, ~Port Hope. Thee llrst twventy 'boys received cash prizes, thse high boy fin each ciass two bushels of registered grain. Tise winning team was not' eligible for these grain prizes as each had ai- ready been awardied a s-imvilarý prize. Tise total score was 900 points. Standing eof the first ten and al Durhaim boys Frank Stang-er, Durhiaml, 845: Stanley Taylor, Dmrham, 816; Lloyd Xellogg-, Duisamii, 801; Raipis Lar- ier, Duiriani, 799; John Green, Dur- hamr, 782; Wesiey Finch, 'Ba-stingzs, 780; Grant FerguLson, and Bruce Taylor, Durham, tied, 7199; Robiert Cavrnaý, Prince Edwardl, 770; Murray ?Heaths, Hzstings; Erniest Swain.. HYDRO MEETING The Orono ilydro ElecotiCo- ission met o11Monday Toeeing lastÉ \vtb al the mmespresenit. After thle minutes of thle previotis meet-ing were read and3 approved, the foliow- inig biness was traniste(d: O11n mootion50 c of the 1942 proýfit was transfrred to a War Contn- gencly Fulnd. Also that a new transformer be instailed andservice iniroved and etneiin the south part of the village. The b'rank bal-an-ce was reported to be W2199.1.0. The foliowing bila were ordered pi:Assýociationi of Mnicipal Elec- trie Utilities, $2.00; Hydro-Etectric Poweýr Cmiso, 283 Boxv- mav llePblic Uiltes_23.5 Orono Telephone ,Co, $ W. 1. CELERRATES ST. PATRICK'S DAYI The Or their ann ýoeni's Instîtute held StPtic' evnn dil on Wednesday of a good numb-Ler pres-1 The etranetopened w-ýithj eonu1nity singing, lead by Mr. M. H. tSta4les, chairman, and of ,ourse ýhe wýýIe J L-sh, i1lilCS wýere showni on tne screen, s7ome of the reel.s beiong-ing to Dr. Devitt, which he took while tourin.g in Algonquin Par-k, also some taken of býis bouse and garden in Bowman- vile. The pictures belongîig to> Mr. C. R. 'Oarveth 'were also shown, al pictuires being g-reatIjy enjoyed. FoIloî4,'ing thec pictures a p-rogran¶ was given, eonsisting of the follow- ;ing talent: Piane solo by Mrs. Eiver- ett Brovvn; folk dance by four young zirls, Donna West, Reta McKenna, Kay GamsfbI!y and Jean Turner, underý the supervision of Miss Marjorie Me- Dowell; song by Danny and -Harry, L1ynch; piano duet by 'M". R. Ros- bhoroagh and Miss Edith Truil; and a sooby Mr: ýR. E. Logan. Tickets were "old on a quilt and ývhen the dra~w was macle,' Donald Sherwi, son ýof Dr. and Mrs. W. Shenin, was the winner. A salad plate lfunch brcought a very enjoyalhle evening to a close. Durham; Da-,lton Dorreil, Durham, and Stuart Dorreli, Durham. Prize Wiinqners in the Individual Classes Barley -- Rc>bert G0airas, Prince wheat -- Wesley Finch, Hastings. Oats -- Ted ?Croxaîl, Ontario. Red 'Clover - Grant Ferguson, Durh L n. Alfalfa -- PRalph Larmer, Duirham. eesand Weed Seed.s - Bruce Taylor, Durham. Orono Girl Guides Hold Special Eveningi Tise Oroio -Girl Gidsheld thedir s&pecial nighit on Tues,ýday eveing of lat -week witb a fair number of tise parents ai otherýs presenit. Tise irst part of the eveig wa taken mp witb drilla, and -xiiin of the worlc that ,tise -guides takce up a zt tiseir imieeting-s. Mrs. W. E. Armlstrolg - spoke of tbe badlge r-work fou which tbe gýirls have to learu coking, ýsewiiug, lauin- ýCPVl .1 -Gcood( Laner ton-fi awardied tb 'pies, Dawni Lanen., t-Ced a kniit-1 ting badge and An-na Staples alan dry badg"e. Ann1a staples, Carol Staples, Dawn 'offatt anud Betty Linloni were awarded mnusical badges. Mrs. J. R. Cooper who judged the 'ies picked out as winners, JUne Goode, -Carol Staples and Jie-clen 'ciarke, sipoke very enthusîastically of tise work of tise girls. Sise also puesenîtcise npizes tb the thr-ee innersz. Barbara Rolpis, Kay Oamy -andK. MeIKenna -tgave a fiag talk, each taking ne of tise cr-oýsss of tise Unlion Jacek. Mrs. Hlobbs enrolied tisese tbi-ee as teaderfeet, 'uteeret se awardedl Miýssa- oicDwl witb a pen and~~~~ ~~~ MisMDwl ia-e rs. Hos.Mrs. Md. H. StaIples, a mema- brof tie u ide -Commitîe also Spoke a few Worms. AIMERICAN-BUILT "TOMAHýAWK" AIRPCRAF'r IN AFRJCA Flown biIy ])!lots of the Bitish R.A.F. anid of the Royal Australiani Air For-ce i-n various theatrýes of-w-ar,"Tmhw" meia-ut aireraft have given ýa fine performuance, thieir igh a) peea (328-m.p.h.) and fine rate of elimib;iing assurirg thleil mas.tery over the Axis. An uain mafintenance air crw efuelling- a "Tmhw ini the N,'orth AýV1ican desert. They miake a firs-t -class job of overbaul- ing andreffuelling the planes, d-_espitetthe Khaniseen. Orono AHydro Audfitors' RepIJortý * BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1942 A','SETS ACTIVE- Cashi in bank ....................... - ..... $2497,12 Consiçumers' accounts receivable 18.24 Domciniion of Canadla bonds ý......... 1500.00f FIXED- Distributioýn systemi .. .............. Line transformiera ................... Meters ................ ....... ....... ,Street lighiting equipment . ......... -Mae'lnous'construct)-n expný,D-se 51,:2-00 10263.77 18721.12 602,99 295. 9 7 CONTINrGENT- Equity in iH.E.P.C. of Ont . ...$...... LIABILITIES CUTRRENT- Accounts payable,............................$ 91.16 Credit to street lighting ........... . 10.821 Sales tax .........»............................... 62.8ý7 $4015.36 $ 8949.85 $ 784.98 $ 164.85 Twp. Ciaarke, prinicipal 'unmatured $ '3671.84 $3671.84 RESERVES CONTINGENT- 1Equîty lan H.E.P,.C. of Ontarlo...$ 784.98 DEBENTURE- Princa*pal andi Interest ............. ......76,8.09 DEPEOIAION- Equipment ..........-............0........0... COM>MSSON'S INVESTMENT- Debenture principal paid ........ 4328;16 SURPLUS- Bal. at Ibis date. per statement attachel............ .........2 $ 2053.0W 4328.16 '353 2.2 7 OPERATING ACCOUNT Domestie ligbt .................. ..$ ... Commuercial ligst . .................. Commercial ýpower............. Street lighting ........................... 4454.91 2144.U3 53.22 754.18 EXPENDITURES- Power purchased..... .... .... ... $ 2777.7.3 Distribution sýysteni: -maiintenance 2738.:l2 Line transformker maintenance 20.00 Meter maintenance ...........- ...... 4 1.2 2 Consumiera' premises expenditure. - 6.78 Street lighting maintenance.., 93.150 Billing- and collecting ,............... 544,46 Genleral office expenses ..............38). 72 Undistributed expense.-..-.. 19.ý15 Debnueprincipal ............... 844.84 D'e)enitiiue inteneat ............... ......153.02 Provision for depreciation .........186.00 NET OPIIIRATJiNG TACCOUNT- To surplus account ................ .........$ 2056.710$ 2056.70 SURPLUS ACCOUNT Balance aI credit Jani.- 1, 194ý2....» 0171948 deenrs paidt-............$ 2005.28 Bonds purchasedl.............. .......500 Sr Eighngrebate. . .. 64.00 Accounts written off . .. 16117 Invesdimeat la bonds-....................... Net operaîiingprofit for year. .... Balanat credit Dec. 31, 1942.-353?,2.27 $7117.72 $7406.34 $70 6.,',4 S 3561.02 $7117.72 MRS. 1. T. CIIAPMAN Loutesat E. Tborntori, mife of the, late I. T. Chapmran, passed away at beri home in Orosio on Wedniesday, Marchi 10, ageýd 77 years. MVrs. 'hpmnwa orn on the SItb Concession, of 'Clarke( on thse st cf February, 1866, beîn, the daug-h- ter of the- late Henry Thoraiton an-d Emîily Bicis)OnNovemiber 9, 1887 she was united in marriage to isaac T. 'Chapman and live.d near Kirby unitil ainie year s ago when they1 mnoved b on-io. She leaves to mnourn bher baos Fior- ella (-M rs. WI. -Welsh), Fernata hiome, and L. Staniley on the farm- at Kix'by; -aiso tbree grandeilîdren, Jamies Weish and Enla and Clair Cbapm-anl. Thse late -Mrs. Cbapman was a mnember of Kirby and later Orono United Chur'chi and was always a faithifuimemnber and worker. Thie private funerai service was conducted at the residene on Fnl- day, Marcb 12', y her pastor, Rev. S. Littlewood, intermient being made '11 Orono 'Cemetery. The palîbearers were, by former request of dccased, the saine as b er hýusband('s wh1o ptisPed away aineJ years ago : F. Br>imacombeu, W. C ob- bledick, R. Allia, H. Mlorgani, H. Lowery and W. Riddel. Police Trustee Meeting Tlise Oinona -Police Trustees rapt in ruarsession on Mý,onAay evening1 last With ail thiemever prescint. plans wvere macle fonr several pee of -work to be do-ne as soon as pos- sible, tisaI of filling- in around the îetaining wall at the tannery bridge, and of layin-gsonme newsdwaki-n tise south end. Thie auditors' report waa received and a ccepted. One account was paid, that of Geo.P Butters for thie saridiag of t e «aide- waNOTICE A metig ill be beid mn thel Kinite Apa-rtmeý-nts on Tuesday eveiiing, ýMarch30h at 8.00 o'clock Fis and Hunt Club ia this district. Ever>yonie iaterested in restocking- streans 'and relenisinig game are atsked to attenrd Ibis meeting.- Bell On Town Clock Heard File Miles Away The pealing of the tow-n dock bell cani be bieai-d a great da fariberv away than tlie îre alainm bell. Süm- times ýshn th(ý flue klell rings a um ber offtile ctzn neyer beau il ift -they happe-n to be in the hou)tse, but tise bell of the town dcock can b)e beard at limes for a distance of, five miles. MNr. Brooks Cow-an xvas teil- ing us on Tuesday morning thlat he iseard the to-wn dc strike Sundlay1 moryning, a distance of five mls wishile bis; son beardl it strike foujr Shortage of Meats Caused By Exports to Other Couintries Due to the supply outlook of meat, coupled midh demanda for the arnad forces, Alied nations and the Canadian cirilian, popu1ation it is Strogly înad that tu wrtioning oýf 11eat wlll haiveto he u 'ndertakýen While Maton plans are s&il in the forulaionstage, it la belîeved thýat "Very ma, oman nd child wiIl be aiowed ore than a pouxsdc oi' mei a t, ~rbbyabo-ut a 7pound and a half. Ration arrange- mrentsare said teha weil advanced, ard wili adhere neither to tlie Brit- ish nor, United States system, it i-z Understood In, Canda, benuse o.f itsaie meat -prices are bound te var-y in dif.- ferent areas. For, examiple, mieat is cheaper in the prairies than in the mairitimes. For tbis reason a straight value sy.stem) would net be sulitabie for, Canada. It la under-- stood that ratiolling mil! apply vir- tually to aIli meat, flot juat to beef or pork. Loyal Temnperance Legion Eleet Officers Awelttne metn of the-- Loyal Teperanceý Legion, was held. ,an Thursday, March l8th, in the Suniday *Scbool roomi of Park St. Lf'nttied Chuixrdh, Orono, whe-n the fol- lowing oRklera rwere elcted: President - Donald White. Vice.,Presidient - Patsýy IvoffaÉt. Secetay -Donna West. Treasurer- Geraîd Rainey. Cor. Sec. -- Patsy Moffatt. Pianist -- Joyce Sutton. Flc<wer 'Mission - Eleanor Hlan- cock. Librarian - Billy Hurst. Contest - Kay M,-IKenn-a. Fees -- Jean Rainey. 1[s. H. Rowe, Superintendent of the L.TIL. departnment, and Mrs. W'alsb, Pres;ident of the W.C.T.U., explained the '4Pledge" and "Legion Rusl." Red Cross Drive Now Passed $600 Mark The Red Gro-s Drive for- funds in Orono district is neiaring a closeL and so far a littie -over $"600.00 has beeni subscribed from retnrns of teu groupa of canvassers, with somle- tbing Mile ten groupa yet to be heard tfromi. Shold i you have been 1misýsefi bY the canvassers, your donation, hýowecver great or small, will be gr-ateuly rneceived by Mr. O. W. Rolph, chairman of theu Finantce -Commnitteýe. 1It ia boped th'at ail r turýna i be in by the elnd of M3arch when1 the comi-ttee in charge hope to go( over the top of the objeýctive set at $1,000.0 :n th(, afternoor. These 'belîs sai be sicethien pr-obably wu w( be able tb bear tlie fire alarm w it lase d. vCuid Reta Dobson Wed To W. M. Channeli Tise chsape! of St. John's cathedral ise, long bodice. Rie embroidery was tise scene -of a wedding, -Marc]) outliaed tise roýunded necýk. Hler Veil 6, at 7 p.m-i.,wenRt Irene, eldeat was beld by a halo of wýhite flowers. daugister of ýMr. and AMns. F. WV. Shvecarried Token roses., DdIbson, Winnipeg, and formerly of Tise br-idesmaid waa in aqua hi-ne Orono, becamie tise bride 'of MIr. Wili sher,'She wore -a ebapel Veil. an(! liami MaFrae Channeli, R.C.A.F., earried 1p;Ilk Briac-clift'e roses., eldest sonli of mr. and MUrs. . W.- A reepvo as iseld aItise( home' Channeli, of Innisfil, Alla. Rer. J. -of the bride's p -3ts 04 Domninion H. Oiel oflliated. Tisebride ,vas 'treeI. Tise, bride changef(I labo a sttendeid by ber sister, IMiss Adiai two-piice li-hbt blue- crepe firoek with D obs on. MrI . Artisur S nIýdo erig, ,vinimings Or white wool nbi-ry R.C'.A.F., was best man. Hur bat of blue feit was veildrapud. Thse bidegown w-,as of -wisite Mr. and 'Mis. Channeli wiUil [ie et trýiple sheer with front shirrLing on 8 Einayýsonavne t N -i t t 'N E 9rs ]lake Good Showing Meat In Canada May Soon Be Rationed