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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Mar 1943, p. 2

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IT'S SIL 'AJOB Idaha potatoos, the best latis inadeeedby tise Government, manyfrtise usýe of tiseý armedý farces, But tise boys won't h impressed by tise higiser quaiity asless ht cn ho shAwn tha tisy Tisose thieves wvho broke late the offce of the Ontarie Maùter Longue annd stole 3?,560 new r- tien baks erc 1mereiy doing la a wisoiesaie way whaî many Abielig citzensare doing on a sý.i-aller ,scale ta_ floujt the spirit6 of tisegaonecnnvtn reg- AGE 0F MIRACLES Tise Invetuof Britain's new wveapaa the radio loctor, breaks tise amiazing news that mârore ha a thousand waomen were la oei tise secmrt, and kept it! Prov- iag tihat watyo-u lhar about tise aýge cf m iiracles being past is tise lunk.--Ottawa Citizen, -o)- UP GOES QUOTA A uronl Countdy saw vproducedl aiter of 18 pigiets aWdcouid oayset tise table -for 1.Wee upon thse farmer had to go and fin a other sow te pinch'lisit ýfor tie ther si. He dId, aMd up goos tise quota of bacon for B. rit,,ý, THREE WNAYS TO SPREAD THE NEWS Eeyagents .use thrýee ay ta gtsriesarudTegaps telpone anld teeoa, Windý(sorStr DIFFERENT in tbl.s country foiksare dri«ea ta worlyth sa re -youb:-carU pla, l Nai-ocupedconunties,, ty'edriven ta work. KndgstonWhigStandard.' wer bs delinquent. ---- IT . DIýD N'T STIC K AdofHit Wor: the-pprsna whe Lnedhta mateitstinac.« Stira or ew-eadu Britisàhhavempreet10 Clsey dBounHydon, B Maol tBinayin 'fie OCcm roi t eoe Prs go not ndesand. Tiuseraisnoti'Dl- Austrlia r N (0Zerusdso Soutis Aa; rwfrthtmatr lise eof te nitii Cm Ptahnweitis haewod otthe eir want ise niidstates as parintsa "heiramiyar ay marre ti esnw vian thei, Tat oos not , a prsat o shahot cotina ood 'ld pW9.n.ity sm .W Sease jof Un«iiy ceas htgia aaia Se SU ND AY Aprîl 4 ETRAN»JOH1N BECOME ISCIPLES 0F JESUS John12942;Mark 1:16-20 GOLDEN TEXT, - And Jeaus eaid ui hm on ye after mce, and 1 wiii mrake yeu te be; mon ie Hers of mew . Mak-1. Memaory -Verse: Lotuslvon anater 1 John 4:7, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time,-ise evnts dscrýibedi tipassýageý talon froin John cc- eurrd l Foruay, ,D.27; tise Eaua4tiefounr disciples, record- eýd by Mrkiocr nd aAprîl, AD. 28S. Place,-Tho toestimany of John tise pitadtisefirst eau1 of tithreeisci plepobabiy tock plae noa Bethany, beyond Jor- dan; theiselater eau of tise four disciples tol, plaeceat the ses of Gaiiee, near Capernaum, The Lamb of Godt "On isemoravilie e et0isJesus eemiag untehlm, snd sait, Be- «fis nway the sun cf tise WCArl Ch-rist isevryihrela-tseNevi TestaTiient rconze otolya tise Creator o!thef al, but tise wbisa viii dawalmon nta Hlm- Tiî i h o womI a, ý becano efae me fo howas beforem.inoutdyJh fuirn apointofImneuxitd be- fore JLohntieBa1ptist;tiat ho was, l in e ars ünn tier - tisa the EternalSon of God. "An1 inw lmn otibut tisat hsbho o adlmniet te Isrelforthi casecame I 1bap- tizinglavter--, AdJohn h aro wltess saiag I avebeheid the Spirt decening sàadove ont of hevn adit abode upon isi," This vihobeincidept is very>e, paralleno ta tturanfguration. Ta be>ti, Christ la miira culaushy giari- fied pevions te setting e ut teý suIffer; laboth oiefri hevnbears wtesta HlEm, 1And1I1-new hl a: bui he that ent e tabaptize in atr he sid uta m, upon whonisa ever toushaît sec-,the i, nàit des- the e is he ta apiehin thLoý Biy Spirit. And I have een, an aebainrtness jat hi is the Sonof Gad." Johndeig nlates hrstas", ngiited up abave ail othebelWings wh ha ever apeardoneat-hhr -men or ,qng(,I". "Again o an e orr:ow Johin > vas standinig, and. two, ofbi dis- ciles; nid fhe laalked upon Jesus as- he wiked, and saith, Behal d, the ýLanib of God! And the two dicplsheard hlm speak. and th-.ey folIawedC Jesus." The word 'fol ow' ,expresses the inIglea& as theirchoice xasmae efin- Wi for aIl time. We Seek Cod "AdJesus tunedý, and ee themi followin g, and saîi untne themwhatseek ye "Crstwl tura from none wha a espin taj bi.s question ('Wha"t sLek ye,', can tulysay I'We sekGad.' "An-d they si nohm ab ed, Techr) heecabîdiestthu 11e saîth- unto them-, Came, and yshhsýee.They ýrcwame ther-efor adawweIe hlaoe ; and te ahode w in, lmthat dy:itwa about totenth lhouxi." Ila'camise and see'fthere is a ýýdistc au ta, the ý-personiai act af faih.Cam- in eC'hri7s tustng lmaa d trsin im is seing Hm, wok- One ,of te wotather w asý And rew,, S ion1 Peter'% br'othecîi 11e findeth fîrsTti, orwn brother Simon, and saith ,utut hlm, We have found the Messiah (which is; en ntrrtd Christ ). Rle ba thmut Jesus. Jesus iaaked lopon hlm and said,-Thon ,ýart Siimthe s ef John: Thoui sit be calidCpa (which is 'by incct,1erpLea tion Peter)." The word Cepas eans stono. The root of Peter's, charac- I Chains for Hitler j 1,; S-mor-e tha a Mie of them -I ~ ipt indHitler J*fiehit an Coms.nyareshown -'i)v in- ise tck sction cf afan adianNatinal Rilwas siipyard, the n> hptigpatl ot ~i iseNaional S1st a t s p.)lt j aithee shp i 1942 and Anaýny ~dia sispyads tis yar n 1944. The 000-tononsreqire240 Two 'ompe~e hahi ef120 fa-thonsa each re usd forthe p rt. adstar- kiches by hv7 -inisesan-d tise diamter efheseel iis 2,% incises, Tise 2 a ca @haine weigis more 1tisai312to. Whdle chain le requirced for acos nope aad wire are user-d for toing, and moaning wisen thse ship le docked.t Lower ight. tihe photographer bondi, a cil of rope being checkedî. E blhip needs two colis-o! nopesee inces a rcumference and eah a 90 -athmsength for moormng . Thore are a3ise> two colis of heav;ýirp, 10 iniss ecircumbference -and four sathoa lalengtls, ued îfr tow-ing. RADIO REPOIRTER Canad).ian frm wll edmes, "HerlLady -Women 1 ',and ischool-age yaunth, with practi about 100,000 of them il1tald, and Wiilh duriwngete cming season. To rlese of help secure t'his iast aou1nt 0of '"Vitmin ýGý helpes the C..C.MAIilsty i- ta be Made augurate a wel eisof broad- un roue1(ý cass dramatsig the rr needfras- hard over sistance la harvesting ýthe 1943 icidig crop of toma1'toUs, fruits, vege- atron tables, grain and othieiro .The first brpaLI.st îla the smserie n- Alsoio titied "Heip antd"CHllbe heethesp heard Wvednesulay evening Mach tihe prograu Sut at 7.30. The fîrst few pro- hard via tI grammes of the projecte sris ngSystml of twenty-eight ill ho directed Ponte. Satui ta the parentsý of high sehool cliii- o,1undor ü dren, presoýnting Uthe farm tuaý- Gt e'" In tion, stressing thie emergency, and weli kown assuring them theth childron Earth Dobi who volunteer wili hiave officiai and h.Jîelpful attentionad care. The, proý- an Uamtur grammes -will eoxpIain whyunlesseek proft heplp ientL y ys orthcming, Mothor arl cviaswjIl go shor-t nex--t wintey of mnany of thoîr custom-ary fa- Frmn stuffs. Ward, reci '1' Anglican C Caliing al Gardeners! Offici: Couctod a aliy, spring is hore, beliove it or to'n service, not. Cheer , 1t !ýwon't be('longsuplmet now before yaii cn get busy Wth peig7 rake, hoe and spa'de. in i oerte baadcast asýsist la solvîng food shorta4ge rind prbosthis year' goveramnent cunrsd autfhorîties are urging the' dovel- the3143 SE opm-nent of hom1e, commýýuity vg table plots as' a conitribution We the war effort. If Canadans wanrrOeT ta hase their fulilquota of letuco CslRAn 56 and other good g-arden greens, ICL50 they will have ta graw a fewrN thnson thý' side for theuir ownv -jy lu needa. To encourage the growq, %V ler(C lng of homne vegetabies, the C.B.C OO (M1 îï- CAXADIAa bas jut initated a surcs ofuGar- Nus Owe don Taik.s adesdespecbi a t Coc Han uts wWmen is 'fislTe speake.r CfOLHa. for the senies is E0uoe Buske coC Moi Langdon, woliknwncomena- CLCH Nor - ton, amateur gardener and long UCKWs Ki, familiar ta radio listoners asnthe CECO C ter was firmness, which, howo-vor, needed ta be clisstenedbear Simon couid be the man iiof ïrk. lie did not aiways shw his firni- ness, but Jesus hioids up ta hM bis ideai that lie mayve-r zaspire ta it an bivel hinsseifbe cause Critbelieves l hlm Fishers ofMe "An d psigaomgbythe son drwtheo brother ofSmacst inlg a nlet ila tise se01forthe(y w them, Ceye afteum ad will make y' ou ta becaieisher of mon. Aiidl strâightway thley ieft the nets;,amd followed hlm. And going oni a lirte further, he saw James the son aof Zobedee, and John bis brother, who aise wene la the boat mending their nets. And, straigýhtway ho called them: aad they ileft their father Zeýbedee'.lan the boat with tise hirod servants and -went aftor them.' How shall we become 'fishers of mon'? Not by our own choere- -ness or skill. If we want ta ho- successful fishers of nowe must go ta, Jesus ýChryist f'orth necessary qualificationis. The question is aften asked why Christ, for the mast part, chose fishermen, and nat mon, laý politicai power, or great scholars. For a ne thing these mon. werefc not baund, by the traditions of Judaen, and the Phar-isees whef dominated the-re; for anot)herý thnthfey werl e mon of ,ü',nst est hiardships lathnrprchrbng ministry. Moreovor.,,there, must have beon about thes(en' a cer- tain simplicity which would net only commend them ta tise Lord, but mark them as excellent channels for the autpouring 'of God's grace upon the Roman world; mon who. once coming to a conviction, wonld ho wihhiag te endure everything ta ma",iintain it. Christ, bath il Ris own .life and la His teachiing, o !,o tabave the greatea,-t ilppreciation ef ! tie dig- nity of manual labor. RXFROST '." er talks will deai ical gardený problomns supplen-lited 'bYth a1-pagebokt ard(enling for7 Vict-Ory'," jst. Thie sre can be 1thie C .C etwar,L CBL Toronto, Mlonday cammrlencing ut4.8 duritig Lent 4.30 ta 5 p, Mar co*çntini suit Aas (eTIsod interest, ta those wha I type< rring gardon >spviri. care eeî Lrnes cur'rentlybeing üta a g he Columbia Broadcast- including CFRB To-i Stai raUy malrning 9.80 ta The t ü1iso tîtie "The Garden the ho ythis programme that on To~ ipersoailitye "The Old cast. ber'" gvsinteresting ta e nids t tose who, la la De- ror profoessionail way, an1d v fr'ointhle sal of their furtise- th. wiilb m * * Toron y yearsthe Ioev. JE. Bath ýtOr (;,fSt. Stephenls air i Clhurch, Tonantt, hbs sxh aspeciai Fsories of Ln 0over CFRB Toroato, nlg h1is regular Sunlday Î61 O'clock all-year round round rural On t arA,, w iliiagain wloe CFil eries of presecaatina a -L OUR RADIO1 STArIQs KAC Montreal CK(O Sudkbury 1(2. ed 60k CPC LBraitfordf ms.) 880kCRNX WingL-k E.S) 7"k CHEX Peterbur 14 XSTATIONS Lu. ,STATIONS nSdu 4kWAEI3R Bufalo 1 Enail1t 1150k WHAýMRaiser ilni1,ïî900k WLW Cincnnat CeA MU1550 MIGYShenoctady im a 1210k WBB1VI Chicago 7 Vtor 124k WBN 1ýu f fa 1 lo ndon 157%0k WJR Detrait 7 îyi are -the regrets which ue taLu be epesdas a re- of th dscontinluatio neo 'a'l An.dy's 7 'd lc vnn e. HLIwever, nOw tatVii Sade have maved into ti 3broadcast periodîMon day grh Fridayc much of the of light daai uo. sterised by their predeces- bas been recaptured. Vie sade provide juaý-t te ight fï entertainmient te get the ig'î llstening pleasure aa ;ood start t ý & * iney Cup Hockey Playoffe. hiud and fourth games of ockey playofîsmi be stagd ronto ice, and wIl ke broad- The f fth gam,if necessay idO e eseriesWinl beoplyed trait Sunday, March 8th, m-ill not bebrc dcst f r galmeýs are neccessary te ec played Tuesday 30th hi, la and April lst ini Detroit, of the latter will go(on the Fthe series extends te tho or seventh gaine. LISTEN TO êOUNTRYNWS H SUNDAY AT 2 SMA RB---60on your ci LOG 4110 70 '0 k 180k 30k 40k SHORT WAVE GSB Englana 9.OItn GSC EngIand 9.Sim GSD England il 7Sns GSE England 11.86n, GSG Eogland 17 79m GSP England 15.Sim BAR Spain 940m HAN Russin 9,60m RNE Russia 12.i0m PR115 Brazil OSOOns WGEA Schenectady 1i.lilm WCAB Phila. 15.27m WCBX N. York 11.83m - WRUL Boston 18.lSm j LEGENDARY KNIGHT HOIONA Answer te reiasPuzzle il Smoo,ýth. 1lLegendary A L I CEAPjLE7,l2Yr(ar) knighof the IN-IAACEA EUlTrget Roud abe.C ANrTîS TNT 18 Te flinch. the quest of A A EEiL o ae ~ 13~li pacuiU PL E 2 e u i t s il One Who ruasI AU EDS U 4ncrig away. IEOTE 6CralIas 5Lite devPlN PE T A5H S27 Mîteîi. 16 Thi Wed 2W TOL8 Faewell luales. OENGNET1 ÏN 29Offer. accouns. >9Builds. VRTCL3 omay ~21Ievblw 43 Do-ong làro edt~t 5Altar cout, 24 Etpert fyer, 48 n inmillet. 38To slam-. 25 Gypsy~ 49 Holy iman. 2Ti err, Inaato cf 29 Bfr Chriîst 51 Wine cap. 3Fsue ih 30ce Stet(bbr:). villae. awns, 42Cone. 31 Airtmes 3Proverb. 5 Prepoitîof, q3 To snto~ tu Sound of :54 Tree fMWi. 6 equ 4 Virgina disgust 55 Husfather was 7 Cowu!llw 3Ecorted. 56 H11wasore of 9 Mn.4 Idannrs 36Paent.Kïing -'-ce 0Opopsdto 4 Chevrotai, 37 T plnt;knihts -lsd. 5î0 Stîr. f~1~~14 5 16IT7Ï fl 177 By J. MILLAR WAT T tPOP--Quite Necessary by Now u 1

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