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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Apr 1943, p. 4

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Fhe Orono Weekly Times E'ýstablished January, 1937. every Thursday morning at the Times Office Orono, Ontario Advertising Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 - Subscr-iptikins to the United States, $2.00 Ail Job Printing Will iReceive Our Prom-pt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher At last our main street is aga-nI'ngettingl back ta summiiier condi- tions. Ice on 'our main street la rnea-ly ail cleured away and in a -weeks timne there sh'otld be ne ice to remind us of the long bard win- ter that bas just about termiinated. We knew, -of course, that the business mnen would soon get,,bIuay witM the axe and leosen up tbe ice se that Old So could pour is raYs te tbe very 'bottom of tbe piles. Fats and Bones AIl types of gr-ease and otber ,vaste fats are reeded to, makce glycerine. We c-estimate that fromn 60 te, 100 miillion pounds cf tbese iwaste fats are thrown away eacbi year; every pound can be used in Ganada's mnunitions factories. We mrust reach a collection rate of 35 illiion po unds of fat an- nually te offset possible shortage2s. Save pan drippinigs as well as CoOked and unic)okoi fats after yeu bave obtainied ail tbe cooking good fromi them; strin ltbe grease jute P. crean mi îetal container and wbNen you have a po.und or nmore-, turn it over to those wbo collect Already mrany appeals have beýen mnade to h'ous.ewives te dO their part on the borne front in d'feting IHitier. -May we adntd another appeal te bousewives te give tbeir wthole-hearted c-prainin riaidng the salvage of fats and bones a comiplete suc'cesýs. Let the wvomen cf Canada miake a deterinied efforit te keep tbe fat out cf tbe fire and into tbe ffing u lne. Note for Sceptics on Gold ('The Financial Post) 'Snemiies oef, anjd scoffers at gold sbotldl take carefu.l note cf tbe postrwar plans reportedly now ieing mnade in discussions between United Nations representatives. Reports are that çspolkesmi-en fer Britain and tbe United States have dra'wn up a draft agreem-en't calliag fer estab)Lfiment of an international exchiange clearing autbority wbicb will keep accounts in ternis cf a new mion etary unit, based on gold and te be called the Bancor. Quite apart frein ýarguments in favor of gold as the mneasuring stick of 'value is thia neca abl nd very practical fart: The big three United Nations powers alil have a very imaportant stake in gold - The British Empfire and Russia are the, world's g-reat geld producers; tbe United States is thewod' great gold bolder. No matter 'what some peopfle ny sayaans gold, any gev- ern-ment, lesthan coipletely mad, la certainly net geing te ad-d te its fiscal prodblemii-s ty taking action' that would render gold a less desirable preiperty. A proposal, sueb as tbat now reported, sbotld end nonsense tal'king about the product cf an important Canadian industry. A Baragin in Humnanitarianismn In ternis cf dollars and cents, bo'w muoh nmoney -would ýa prisoner in a Germian camup pay for the Red Cross fooed parcel be receives -nci eek? 'What xvoul'd be tbe rigilt valuation te put on the pint ,f blood that saves the 1f e cf a ,wondced seldier in Libye., Wbat would a Greek mother pay dor a -loaf of bread for ýier starving cbld? The ýanswer te these questions is conitnined in the $10,000,000 whicb la Canada's objective in the present Red 'Cross camipaigun. Ten million dollars cani be a huge fortune te one mtan or a drop ini tbe bueket te a nationi. Broken down irite the numbher cf lives it wiill save, inte the amrount of hojpe and streng-tb it -%il'l bring te the un-. fortunate cnes throug-hout the world, it is perhaps the 'best dollar fer dollar barg-ain la humianitarienism tbat the world bas ever kn'own. This year Onaie is asked te give a full 50 per cent, cf the na- tional total of $i,000,H00 At the half-way periedl of tbe casupaign the receipts for the provinceý came te sligbtly over $2,000,000, whieih is net as geod as at the saie time last year. Bad roads and indle- moent weather are tliougiht te) bave soree being o n the miatter. The confldence voiced in Ontario Headquarters tbat the province will reacli its quota is based mainly on the fact tbat Ontario has neyer failed ithe Red Cross ia the pnst, and is net likely te fail no-w, when the 'need is se miuch greater. Jif you bave not been canvassed in this cormunity, send lu your contribhution. Yeur dollar or dol- lars wiil do miucb goed for our fiehting men, 'wbo in the very near ~future are liaible te be in the thiek cf the .figbt and rnany tbings will ibe ueeded for tbhe omfort. Meeting to Organize Fish 'Club a Flop The m-eeting called for Tuesday evening for the idea of forming afiali and liant club, or:somne kind of a club te protet our gme and 4lsb, -was a flop and -we don't mnean mayibe. Ouit of a possible tbirty or forty that sbeuld have been 'present, only three turned eut. A~ large nuinher wbo bave been approached are oe u ndre' per cent. bebind tihe mnovemnent, but we need nmore than that. We reedl them nîal et the mneeting, for o)rg-anizaltion purpeses. Three can't organiize a club and eiect officers. True, quite a number were la Torento te see the hockeýy gamte between, the Toronto Mapiye Leaf s and Detroit; sorte others had te work; and lihen the, largest number cf al must bave said, leave t te ao and se te organtize, with tbe resuit that aIl but tbree did just that. We '1iiow that the people vouldl like te b-ave g-ood fîsbirg in this distict, se svhy net attend the mieeting,,s 'vben they are cilcdJ? Anotber, meeting will bhe cafled Unt club wlal7âjCh sOme Of eux people are trying te fer thec Village cf Orone., We want iVte take ln cf Clarke. We waut farinera in this club te and auy othars who are interested ia the pre- ýn fish. Thare is a lot te de te geV these strearins ýcent sized isb, and thie axpenlsa to do tItis wiii vernnient will give the fisb free gratis il wa look now yen want te 'ha a mein'ber cf this club, se ing is called -orne eut and attend the maeting. he ether (feleow, as ha might think the sanme tihen Now la the tie as the t-rout season is just ûee THE OROt4O WEE&LY TIMES TO-DAY'S CHALLENGE OSHAWA PRESBYTERIAL 0F TO THE CHURCH W.Ml.S. MEET AT OSHAWA AND ELECT OFFICERS Special Coimmittee cf Oshawa Pres- bytery (United Church) studies (Conflnued fromi page one) Ways and Means and _Mrs. S. Lancaster, Newtonville, wtre appoinited lF-inance Cemmnittee "IKeecping- Canada 'Christian, like for the coing year. trimming the Genrmans, is a toug,,h Rev.-iC. G. Park, Wbitby, inistalled job, but, on the long vie-w,tnet a bit the foilowinrg officers for 1943-44: less important than winning- the Past Pres, - _Mrs. Gý. Hon-ey, e,' 'war." ýSu'ch was and is the convic- Newcastle. tien ocf the ýSpecial Cenmmittee tbat President - Mrs. S. Little'wood, met recently te 'study the probleins Orono1. of Church Attendauce and Chiristian 'ist ýice-Presiden't -Mrs. C. G. lLiring.P'ar-k (Western Seuien). Lieving .Chrl" apa , 211d Vice-President - MUrs. W. P. 'sponsored ýby the LService Clubs cof Roge- EseiScto) Recording Secretary - Mrs. S. Oshawa, nnd by varieus eorganiza- W. Keown, Whitby. tiens ian'Whitby, coupfled -with skilful 'Correspo'nýding Sacretary -- Mrs- advertising, showed gretifying re- W. 'C. Smith, Por-t Perry. suits. The campaign is 'beiug follow- Treasurer - [Mrs. G. Brayý, Ocli- ed by a canvass in Whithy, and by awa. pastoral letters te the communties Sec. Christian Stewardlsbip and la Brookliui and 'ciuu-iýibutis. Finance - iMrs. H. Johns'toni, Ciare- 'Wbiie it -was admitted that there mont. -are many dliscouragînitg fects that Sc fiî Mo iels-Ms mustbe ace, tere as e siri cf ay Brewni, Locust Hill. mustbe aced thre ws n spiit f Sqc. cf Affiliated C.G.I.T. Groups defee'tism at this special meeting, "Miss Eduia Green, Greenwood. but rather that the challenge ef the Sec. of Mission Banda - -Mrs. I. times must be met, and botb minis- Munday,Bomnvle tars and isymen wiîl need te make Sec. cf. Baby Bainds -Mr.Johnl the extra effort Vo gain couverts tole McKinney, Brookilu. the Christian faitb, 'whi'ch wavr's em- Sec. cf Asoiae' Ueinbers- ergenc(ies have showa 5.0 clearly te 'Mrs. N. L. Riekard, Newc-astle,. be essential Vo tru&hai ine' for Sec. 'cf SuppliesMs N J, the present anud future citizens iýY White, Brooklin.- 'Canada.- Sec. cf Cemmuniiitity Friendsip - Mrs. A. D. Corn'ett, Osha'wa. There are se'verI al-aendie's at sec. of Litaratura- - Mrs. Lloydl work te accomplish tis purpese. But Jebaston, T(Lcust Hll. it cannot ibe teo strenglly stated that ýSec,. cf 'Missionary MionthXVy" anid the ob-jective cf thie Cburcb is Vo per- "World Friands", - lMýrs. Jas. Ward, suade those eu1tsi'de tihe Church Vo Whitlby. f olow the Christian wýay cf livîig. Sec, cf Chrýîstin Ctizenlshîp- And the best ïwey te acconmplish tbhis Mrs. W. ýN. Affleck, Oshawva. is fr te Chrch mebersto ive Sec. 'cf Press - Mrs. K. W\erry, p i fer th e m oCbu r mem bers t e ve N ew castle. pracical deionstatin cf the Librarian - Mrs. C. R. Carscni- Christian professions made. len', O. L. C., Whitby. Ahl the activities cf the Church Nomiuating iCommýittee for- 1944- will need te have this main ebjhectiV'e Mrs. C. G. Parký, Conjvene, s.N in mind. Sunday Sehool teacdaers J. White, Presidents of Breugham-, must bave it, if the Chiurch is tey be 'Biacksteýck, Bo'wmanville, St. Paul's, reaily isuclcessful. if they lack the Hampton and1 Oroio Auxiliaies. spacial kn'owliegeequired for: this work, thera are brief and smpeTUE BOMBER PIRESS guides availa(bie, such as, "'Christian IN GREAT BRITAIN Teacbing for Boys and Girls," "Thie New ifa," and'othersrwth 'whicli (C'ontinued (lfrem page oe) the m-inister wili ha -familir. Fre- supports, nnd bas 'adopted igbt1ras- quent consultation biet'weeni minister dential War Nurseries la Englenaid, and teachar is desirable. and ýsup;plias clothing fer dite youth- The mninister bas the outstanidinlg fui inmiates. Three more such Nur- o1pprtuntty o dothisrecruiting series are shortly te he adlopted. oportu nd iey t e d tes liiibr Less thaineaa bundred years ego, wer, ad h wil ned e rmemerthe sufferings of 'wounded seldiers ia bis preacbihig thait lis cge ansd pris:oners 'were intenisified by tieni is net made up entirely cf adluit lnck cf care and utter ýneg-lect. Te- Christians. Decisionezs are the test day, thanks te the Redl Cross, there cf- the 'Ch'urch's suc0ces5a. Churcb is a tremendous chne On acnuot membership is the eoutwerd siga cf help but hie'imlPressed by the stridïesý an inward'decisien: 'eud that decision taken ýsince the Initerniational Red is te liv-a according Vo the taacbings Cross was erganized iby rules drafted of JChrist. ýat 'a coaference in Geneva in 1863. The Cbunich :Mamership Glass is The Ganadian Red Cross Head- the Minister's speial mieans cf la- quarters la Londen is a reserveir in- te wiceh peurs supplies produced !by structing those -who 'woLld Jein the sinaîl greups ail acress Canada. Churcb, ffiwa.Vs impressiing u1pon Theace in turai they ara spread over those who attend that jeining the a vast tarritery te fluli e wide range Churcb is simipiy an initial step ia cf nee'ds. N wonclee it is a busy the, Christian if e. When the lass spot. mamiber is ready te jein the Church,c the obligations that ha- then asm TRANS CANADA AIR LINES as sheuid 'be mada m'est clear and binding. Ottawa, March 29-Plans fer The Part the Church will play la the Werk cf Social Reconstruction A "Ne-w World" can enly result wheu people arec'willing te liv-e in the spirit ef Christ. That is why the prasent is se inmportant as thze timii :for Christian taaching that muirsti make a direct appeal te the indi-vid- ual. iSoe churches bav7e organized a thorouigb sysbein ai visitig non- churchgoers. The information se gained wil'be cf great value. Neyer before have the teachiug and pre'gram ncfE the Church been se, relevant as it is today. -Even "For- tune" in it-sii arcb issue states that tha Churchcb lu destined te exert more influence than it bas fo at leasit a century. Ail 'wbolesome and fair lu- terests bava a v'euking principle ln the Christian faith. Tha 'Churcli be- haeves tbat the Gospel effara thre on- iy effective escapje frem* the radical e'vils cf humian natura, and the ex- tramnes ao' haVe and greed that could se) easily plung-e the -world into fur- ther war. Thae iniusof th- Special Cern- mittea led te th(- decision that the chiaf respen.sibill!ty for auy forwardl movemient rests uipon the local Ghurchi. At this season travelling la difleult, seo that it wcid ba bard te carry eut uny general co-operative eamlpai.-n tbreughout the Presby- tery. Indeed, it -was frankly statad that sncb metings wara cftan et- tenided oilly by the loyal minhbers, and theatheby failaid tereanch the persons for wbem itbay were intend- edWhe death, tragedy, poverty, and trans-oceanic flying are under con- sidération iby Trans-Canada Air Lines, it -was anuounced by H. J. Sy- mington, K.C., President of that sys- tem in bis annuai repor't tabled by the 'Hon. ýC. D. He'we la the' burse cf Ceaimons. 'ýCarea'aI national air lina is dee- tined te pay an important part in wori'd aviation," said M.Syi-iuigt.on. 'ýCenada occupies an impor-tat tposi- tien n lutha future of the air worl'd. The ýsbortest routes between North America and Euroýpe and Asia cross Canada and waather conditions are stable. Formulation cf detaiied prýo- grammnes must eait deveiepments." Mr. ýSymington aise announced tbat Trans-CGanada plana a shor-ter route for its Can-adien transcontin- ental service, the nuw route -when' cpened te he over Lakes Huron and Superior, instead -of te the nortb of those lakes, and theuce te points cf exit in western Canada and the Yu- kQn Territory. Extension of TCA service te the Yukon Territory and Aiaska has been deferred for the time bein.g, the repo-rt statas, Ala'ska having. been declarad a mnilltary zone by the United States Goverament and ail civil flying operations proi¶bitad there. iliness enter alimost nny home, t7ne naturai tendency is te turn to the Church. Why nuilt tura ta lt bafora they cerne, and Ibe part «of the ag- gressiv'o force against evil ? The F'our lFreedk>ms are based up'- on, Christian taachiiig. Classified WANTED Few H-ives of Bees. Alvin .Clemi- ens, Boewm-anvTle; R. R. No. 6; Phonie 2433.tf DANCE A dance will fie lheld in Kna Orange IHa1l on lFriday, April 2ud.i Cor-ne ýalong and brinig your friends. FOR SALE Seed (lOats, Pa quuntity of Gocd Quality Cartier Oats, aiso Good Mixed Hlay. J. H. Davey; loue 54r5, 'Oronou. C-13-P. FOR SALE One yeung Heorse, weigbt 1700 ls,1 aged Heorse, ne reasonable eff er refused. Wisbing immnediate sale, have neo mere use for tbemi. W. J. Hall, Orono. C-12--C. FOR SALE One Heevýy Herse, 3-year--eld, well broken, singe or double. $55.f10.' Ap- ply te Ouge Neilson, any evening f ter six p.m., eat Lot 33, Concession 6, Clarke Township. c-i3--P. Notice té- Creditors IN TUIE ESTATE 0F JOSEPU ROBINSON, late of the Village cf Orono, in the County of Durham. Newsrnan, deceased: AUl persons having dlaimus against the Estate cf tbe said Joseph Robin- son, wbe died on or about the '2tb day cf Juiy, 1942, are hereby neti- fied te- send te the undýersignýied Exe- cutor, or bis Solicitor. on or before the 3rd day 'cf April, 1943, their namnes and add'resses and full par-, ticýu ars of their dlaims and the nature cf their securities (if any) heid 'by them, duly verified by statu- tory declaration. Immediately after the said 3r'd day of April, 1943, the assets cf thei sai(j deceased wiil be distributed ameong the parties entitled tbereto, having regard only te the dlaims cf 'wbich the Executor or the under- signied Solicitor shall then havýe notice. Dated at Orene this Sth day of Marcb, 1943. J. E. RICHARDS, Orone, Ont., Executûr. R. R. WADDELL, Oronio, Ont., Solicitor for the Executor. Auction &ASale The undersigned bias received inistructionis fro'm GEORGE BOWEN te seIl by public auction et Lot 30, Con. 3, Clarke Township Just west cf iDeen'aý Corners, off Ilighway 35 ,01 FRIDAY., APRIL 2nid, 1943 the folewing Farmn Stocek, Imple- m-ents, oeunitu-re, etc.: HORSES One iBlaek Horse, 13 years. CATTLE 'One Red Cow, 8 years 'old, Gaif at foot; 1 Hall Jersey, 9 years, due March i3th; 1 Grey Cow, 10 years, due iu July; 1 Red and Wbite Cow, 10 years oid, due in April; i Here- ford Cow, 6 years cld, due May lst; 1 Hereford iCow, 6 years old, Caîf et foot; 1 Durhamn Cow, 5 years oid, due trne of sale; 1i eref rd GCw, 5 years old, due time cf sale; -1 Jer- sey 'Cew, due _May 5L'b; i Durbai Ce-w, due May îst; 1 Durham Ce-w, 7 years old; i1 I>rham-i Cow, 6 years HARNESS One Double ýSet Teamn Haruess; 1 Set Sing-le Harness, FOWL About 25 Hens. niIPLEMENTS, ETC. 1 Cclsutt Twiu Plough; i Cock- shutt Pl'ough No. 21; 1 Massey- Harris Binder; 1 McCormniek -'Mo-%er; i iVThse3-Harris Seed 'Drill; i Mc- Corick , 'CltIvater-; i Steel Rlier; 1 Hay Rake; i Scuffier; i Fanning M1,ilI and Bagger cerinbined; i Turnip Pul'per; 1 Set of Sleiglis; 1 Wagon; 1 Rubber-Tired Buggy; 1 Cutter; 1 giSteel-Tired Buggy; 1 Legging Chain, 12 feet; 1 'Cowhlde Buggy Professional Directory MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PH YSlG'IAN and SUR GEON office leurs: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.ia PHONE 47r1 1 A.E. Morton Clark ORON«O N Ted Jackson Âuctiorleer VETERINARY, Wifred W. Sherwin B. V.Sc., VETERINARY SURGEON Offce: Main St. Orono Pho'ne 56 r 7, Orono, Ont. J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automum bile an-d Liability Orono - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Oonducta Auction Sales oE ailaizes and at reasonable rates. communic~ate with hirn at pf5a, Perry, Ontario, or see hi8 aG1*, Ak E Morton, at Orono, for dais. iF. F. Morris & Son Funeral DirectorsI Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmnanville - Oronoo Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Night. 734 and 573 Orono, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Durham Our Servic--THE BEST Our Geods-TI-E NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST IMORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - RONO E. E. PATTERSON Insurance Agencey FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASIJALTY AND UABILITY > Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING Borne of the Largest, Strongest an~d Most Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada Farm Property a Specialty 1 amn prepared ta quote you rates from 40c. a hundred, according te classificatino Building Phone, write, or hetter stili, cail. I will be pleased ta quote you rates on your property which will surprise you. RALSE RABBITS Partners in a r-atbitry say that any aduit desirinig to devote apare tîmne to raMbits caul commnence with one pair and in a years time pro- duce betw'veen four and five hundred pouinds of rieat, hlgbly nutriticus and savouring of chicken. This is an excellent idea, as it would relieve

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