ORONO 'ythat Rommel, ater firast. iwlIn oPt, leave b the Aolca Ca~maîgn willpman, and if we 'have tie mastery c n ageof the amies in ýî,ieaîý we ,hi th t et catch Ihiim, 4ii~thha 'bttr ~al a ô tiugbuhein *t 1krly will slip away ~'omne m es bs gt ' ayat lnrgh-t. BACH NE VSBREAK ýýS ~udayMardi .11 at 1ô.15 p.mi. DT, th- woýrld radio premiere of ai certo by Ca111, lipp Enuelachwaepe fsredlin Ptee Concert dilî of theCBC, at Torionltoý. W d l adwkthre aord eding ýpisehùod vir'tooso, was the sl ~ for tbis outsýtandin,ý musical t.Ayun Canadian allviA«nis! t ,î,oph Kldsky -ws in.strumental unearthing, the mnsrpefroin which the perfraneand itheen- ig series wl be pliayed. Hr is MrKodfky(lft) telling Williaàm g, o the BCcnrlnwsro.smtng about the circumnstan which led Vlo' this Canadian r-adio performance of Pihlipqp EmanuieFls 1, lost comlpositionstý. Sev'en roncerti !iý ail, iwill be heard inhes lday night conlcerts, and -Madamle. Lando,,wska mvill be presenit toY take t in ail the perflormiances. ~usiess Change Mrs Chs.Shaw'n, loias been, in the Lunch lRioomi- Business for the past four and a haif years, takes this op- portuLnty to thank the people of the - commiunity for thieir liberal patronage and ask for tht-eir continued support to her successor, -Mrs. Harry Mercer. The World's News Seen Through '11E CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An international Dail>, Newvspaper TruthfulI-Construcnive--Unbiased-Free froni Sensational- n - Editorials Are Tisne1y and Instructive, and lus Daily atures, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make 4 ie Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Sociei One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $1200 Yearly, or $1.00 a Monâth Saturday I3sLue, inicluding7 Magazine Section, $260 a Year. Irtroýdtctorv O0«er. 6 Issues 25 Cencs Address, ------------------------------------------ SAMPLEU- COPY ON ~LS An AlHi A'LLTED) SHIPPING -AT ORAN nnb t tlirfine -Algeian p(üort cfOiran, cpur by -U.S. frcsin tHo ýface cf for'e lie "crase fire" order %uas given bhy thUenc it.iirl NrhAfrica1 cd cred ibyopera-tionis ortram t and rhiefi l Armiy pay and al- lowances. The Diroctorate cofMd- cal Ser1vices speciffically lýists beinia' 'and varcsevins w1ýbi have 1)ee n responisile c-foi man1yreetins e d a te. Additîonally, applicantspi- viously rejecte'd becaluse c'f visio'no1 beîngare adIvised that 'sýtandanrds baýve been revised te permit their on)- lisýtmrn1t for, certain sdntr uis S!iout-çighted me o wIllbe sple -ti hArmy lasesteecannounoce- ment said. canada, it is believed, is the fist nation te, adopt the olcyofj eniistinL, men i-nto thre Arrmy befrore. trentmient. ______ J HOL1STEIN MAKES NEW CANADIAN RECORDI Dutcland Echio Boots, 'a prbe Hoîstri(n bred and oýwnod by EIlphiami FrrN'Ow undiee, has climaxod a lifetimie series of ten Record of Per- fomnetests, 1y bie-aking the CsainRecord Ifer Production of F CUSHIONED CLEASINGTISSUES HOLDS BARGA-ýINING ACT IS AANST PUtBLIC GOOD) In t'he realint orest cf laor and agricult.ire, and] for the goeLral wel- fare cf the plovinice, the Ontarlo Legislature shouild not grant current deans'or collective targaiIning, R. J. Deachimian, Ottawa, told the SelIect Cominnittee of the 1egisiature ccnideing collective hargain'ing Legislationi. "If Canadianis desire ful produc- tion-and this means the fullest pos- sible use ýof our capital, lahor anid raw material-it will mot ho brouglit about iby legisiative strengthening of one group ut the expense of others 'and permitting it to ups;et the natfional equdlibrl-umi,"' stated Mr. Deaciman. IIt miii corne about, if it comnes, îby joint effort on the part of aIl tVo bring about thre desired,, end-an increase ln the total size of the national income' and therefore a larger -portion for ec. M~r. Dea'chman preseinted 'figures cwhich ishowed ithat -over a long- period tbrough -years of boom or 'qrsin the total of wages and! salaries paid 'n Canada .had rem'ained at over: thoee-fifthis of the national incoiiîe iu each year ami that this is also true of Great Bitain and tIrýe Unit- ed States. Higlier wvage rates tey some workers would not change la- bor's share of tire national income, lie contended. The important thing is to rvalse the total of wage pay- meul by incýreasing the national alu- Î come, CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSAýRY Mv. and Mrs. Charles Kin'g-, of Bowm'anvilie, residents of that town for many yPaTs, celebrated their I gol)den wedding annivPrsary witli their faiiy and frieud'Is. They re'- ceived m-any cong-ratulatory cards boqu1eIs and gft.Memlbers of the1 Daughiters of Enigland called in a body and presented them 'with a gif t. At tle famidbner, Rev. Canon C. R. Spuncer and ýMrs. Spencer we-re la attendance, thre formner conipli- menting tire couple andi wishing them inany m-ore -happy years. A son, William ing. made an addIress. Mrs. King- was presented w%,ith a bouquet b-y. their gran4ddaughter, Constance King. A purse off money was presented to Mr. King- by ani- otirer son', Olarence. FASHIONABLE HUES REMAIN DESPITE WARTIMNE COLORS Montre(ai, March 2O.-While arm-y k-ainval and airforcee blue wil! be predomninating coloins in the Ea-s- ttieparade, the ladlies 'will yet contnibute fashionable hues to imark the season, . Monitreal is; a m'-auufac- luri-n, centre for miillinieiy aud ready-to-ýwear womien's clothes and coasiderable quantities cf these ne- cessities ýstyled and colored for the real Spring season have bee-n slip- red Vo numerous centres in other parts; of Canadla where they will soon aprinl the retail olitlets, aud thon, rmiladly ill be iail decked out tfoi the fashion' parade at Enster, NE WTON VILLE Miss Marlon1 Samlis, PortHpe lai omie over Sanday. Mr. and _Mrs. S. J. Lanicaster vst uid friends ia Stouffviile on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hariivey Osborne and faiiy spent Sunclaby at Mr. J. T. Mrs. Otto Kîclise, Toronto, ils visiting lier parents, Mr. and MiUs. Reuben Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Hiugh Stapletoni, of -Oshawa, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max iStapleton, on Sunday. Mr. Stan. iPayne and Mliss Syth-il1 Hood, Peterboro, spent Sunday wvith bis parents, !Mr. and MUrs. RZ. Payneii. Mrs_. G. W. .Tone.s and M-ýelville yisîted friends in .Lindsay Thl-ursdaý,y. 'Mr. and lMrs. S. R. Jonies and Mrs. Henry aiccomi-paniedý themi as far as Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. Re--.'g. oodhiam )and Marie, Messrs. Jac(k -and FredWo- ham, Toronto, spenit the wecek-end4 at their parents, Mr. and I s.fHarr-y Woo'dh'am. Mr. and Ms W. C. Lanecebrt cd their fortieth wedding ann-ivýer- sa ry on 'Maîch 28, et the hiome of thei!r daugliter, 3Mrs. Bruce Lýutýy, Port Hope. Mr. am] Mrs. Harry Lanie and Leona, Coiborne, Mr. sand Mv\Tis. Oleland Lane and famnily, aind M1issç Mary nne were present. On M,ýon-day niglit a car. ,tann two mnen returning fromi a hockey match i Toronto, side,-swipod ,lan- other car at tire w,,est end of'eton ville and ibteni crashed into Mr. Spen- cer .Burley's service station, demol)- ishi.ng the whole front ocf it and wr-eckingl the car. The driver of the car wa's taken to Port Hope hos- Mr. and lMrs. H'arold !Payne. of Cayuga; Mrs. F. .Sctuh 'ansi daugli- ter, ýMrs. R. Power, -Mos. A. Harrisý, Mrs. 0. NKiser. Mr. and Mis. J. Payne, Mrs. Le Drew,, Mr. and Mrs Doîpl P'ayne, Mr. Kennieth Harrison, ail ýof Toronto. and Mr1-. Staný. Payne, Peterboro, vi'tdfriends here Fni- day 11nd1 atended the funeCral1 of the late Mr. George( Payne. Mr. George P'ayne passed away in Port ilpe Hospital on Wednesday, March '24th, lifter a 'Short iîes The funeral service -was helcd at the( Newtonville United 'Church li o-Mar. 26. and was conducted by iis pastor. Rev. John Mbcin afterwhc ie ,lvas tempilorarily interred in the va'u1qlt in Port Hope. Mr. Pay-ne was a iife-long -resident here and 'wîl be. sadly missed by bis friends. Symi- pathy is extended to his so>rrowýýin'g relatives. On Tuesday, March 23rd, the W. MS. ladies cf tihe Unite'd Churcla quilted t-0 9uilts in the chuircl 'hasomient. A pleasing feature of the afternoon 'Wa's tihe presentation of <a Life iMenibership 'Certificate and Pin to the retirin'g prosident, Miss 1. Lig. Mrs. J. A. Barrie read an Address which tried to 'express, the bigh regard 'in which Miss Laîing is beldl by bier fellow-momrbers andI 'Mos. W. C. Lane made the presenta- tion. Miss Laing, though ta1ken ab- solutely iby sur-prise, thanked lier friends and sketched somne interes;t- mngexamples of W. ýM. S. w6rk ai-d its resuits i, foreig l a'nds,ý The new presîdenit, Mrs. J. ýMeLadilani, -also spoke 'a f ow ords after whichi a delicious lunch was served. ÎWILL NOW TREAT MEN WHO HAVE B3EEN REJECTED Ottawai.- Under a new plan nowý :n operatioiin many GCnadians pre- vi0iuslýy rected by the Armny be- cueof phylical dlefects ma-iy inow enflist for, active 'evc. Api canrts to the Ar-my sufferýing ýfrcm, "reedibledefects" will hb acet Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE EQuipped to take care oýf the modest f uneral at the most reasonable charge as wveIl as the largest and most exacting Telephione: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Collect Ioth mnllk andl fat in the yearly twice-a-day ilking section c th e fouriiteen-year-old ciase. In fact, ne Canadian Hlcstein over twelve years old bas ever exceedeld for eithier milk or f'at bier twice-a-'day riilking pro- dclition cf 20,127 poundls miilk con-, Bowrmanville, Ont. taining- 810 lbs. fat, average test 4.02 per cent butterfat. lier lifetime to- tai Productionl- for ton lactations nowyý e,tands at 16i4,059 po)unds of inilk aontainýing 6,,317 llbs. fat, average test 3.76 per cent. butterfait. Superior Cleansing Tissues, Hleavier and Stronger than Ordinary Tissues Box of 501.......... 33c, 2 for........ 65c. Faeile for men, large size, 3 ply quality, box of 200 for . ......... ......... ......... ý. .25c. Velvetta Cieansing Tissues, 200 ..10c. 500. . 25e. Kleenex, 150 for ý....... 10c. 200....13c. For Sure Protection from Moth Damnage Use FDEE-TEE MOTH KILLER It is Sure Death to Moths, Eggs and Larv ae IOne pound tin ..... ý. .39c 2 tins ....... 75c. Moth Proof Garmiienit Bag"s......... 5Oc. and $1.0 ISPECIAL-While they last : Thermos Lunch Kit Nconsisting of a 115-oz. Genuinie Thermios Bottie in Fibr-e Board Lunch Box, comiplete....... $2.25 COMING ! Canada's Greatest Drug Sale - The REXALL ONE CENT SALE, APRIL 14, 15,16, 17 Further particulars later Agent for Jackman Flowers. Prescription Speciaist Chrles Tyrrelià Phone 68 ORONO, Ont. Boys' Peak Caps, Grey Wool Tweed Materiai, in sizes 6 3-8 to 7 1-8, each.... ....... ..... 69c. Womien's White Flannelette Night Gowns, Long Sleeves, Good Quaiity, Emibroidered Neck .. 89c. Crib Biankets, size 29 inches by 36 inches fancy patterns, in pink or blue, eachi........47e, Ladies' Adjustabie Shouider Straps for Slips and Lingerie, tea rose or white, pair . ...... 10c. Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, each..... ...... 10c. Zephyr Merino Knitting Wool, 2-ply, ideal for infant's wear, etc., colors, white, pink or blue, iimited quantity, 1 ounce bal.......18c. Jergen's Face Cream, AJI-Pur-pose, for, ail skin tes, jari. ........ ........16c. and 25c. Jergen's Face Powder, ail shades, jar. . 13c. and 25c Moth Balis, large bag ....... ............ .15c. Dr. SchoiI's Callous, Buniion and Corn Pads, each .................. ........ ........15e. Large Borderless Oilcloth Rugs, size 4 ft. 6 i. byý 6 ft., assorted bright patterns, each .... $1.N) Ladies' and Men's Air-cooled Insoles, ail sizes, pair ....................15C. Brasso for Cleaning brass, copper, tin, zinc, steel, etc., per tin........ ........15ec. and 25c. Mrs. Potts' Iron Handies, each ...... ........ 20c. Winidow, Cleaner, no mnetal to scratch, wipes dlean, cleans quicker, each........ ......15'e. Plastic Grater and Vegetable Juice Extractor, (niew), each ....... ......... .......... 39c. Large Suze Glass iReamers for Oranges, Grape- fruit, etc,each 15c, Harry Horne's Dessert Pudding Powders, Cho- colate, Butterscotch, Caramiel, Orange and Vanilia, 2 pint pkg. . . . ... ý...... ........S5c. Harry Horne's GraVee, the new\A Gravy Brown- ing for gravy, soups, stews, etc., pkg. ...... 10e. ORONO 5c. TOu10 SOR YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE 1