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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Apr 1943, p. 1

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EE LYT E - Vol. 7. No. 12. OPONO, ONT., THLJRSDAY, APP, 8th, 1943. Subscription $1. 1-lorticultural Society Meeting and ýCard Party, Monday, Apr. Clarke Township and Newcastle Objective Is Set At $230eOOO Committee and Canvassers Ail Set For Opening Day T1he committee in charge cf the Victory o- a-anrpaign la Clarlke Twshpa-ad Newcastle is ail Set a-dis juat vaitiig for tho o'openiing day of the, drive, -Monida-y, p 26th and wýlli tomia-ate ûon _turda-y, Ma-y 154hi. AIl objectives fit the Victe-ry Leani Campaign this yca-r are adva-nced. T'ho Doinrion cof Canada is as-kia-g for the sa-m cf$,0,0,OO hl liast year thiri betv was $750,- DO0,000, a-ad they reaalzed nearly .ý1,000OOO. DiîrbainCouty's ob- ecivela tirelast diews$,5, Or00, anad was overscvibýed by$j5, 4,;0. Ila Clarkc Te'waxs'hip -nd New- .-tlhe ojehie nthe lat cai- býeing sîsrie.Tie ojective forý Durbail Ceuntiy tlins yenris ,ýplaced ut $1,400,O000 a-nd for Clinke a-nd Thefilwg have licen app'oiaited to look aftev thre dive la tins dis- trict :Chirman of tire Commiiittae, Mr'. J. J. -Mellor; Puiblicity Chair- m--a, W. J. Rdel CanvalSsers, W. E . Davcey, Fred Truil, AnodWad, Cecil Carvotir ndJ. J. Mollon. Trere ailI be two rmaturi-ties "P- -tins l'oan - a 3½yanIsue a-ad a 14-year issue., Mc. Isiy ha-s des- eri-bcd lt 'a-s "thie greatest fiaaacia-i chrallenge" tire Cana-dia-n people ever fa-ced, Tire aatunities are as foci ýl",s :-A short tomi issue, bearing dateret at l1 per ca-nt, ofered at à iprîce 'of 100 iper cent, nma-turîa-g at J,00 on Nov.i1, 19M6. ft will net 'be_ redeemabie before maturity. A in-tmrissue, hearing i ,est a- thtrae per cent. a-nnua-lly Semed at a pria- f0 cr> fcent., turing at 100 onni uay 1, 19-57. Il ha- ,roýda-amaire atÉtire option cf gcver1inie11t at 100 Per a-nt. a-ccrued- 4atPreî-t a-a-or a-f ta-r3M 1954, on,60 days' notice. B-atir a- ities milI ire dated-Ma-y 1, 1943. iMr. isley s3'14 last mca-tirh individua-l saîbsenîhlers wiilI ie ta-,coitribute $5000O,000 tawmr laa-. 11e said individua-Is-,, ha-veo t-participa-teon a-maich 1i ,scalp- tlhana in pa-t Ion-na, wilt dividÙa- para-ha-ssthiiapiy ine Mr. fuseu aaid la- ils statomeat tirat tire tfirea per a-nt honda wMi lie~ ~ i frdladenom-inaitionscf$0 2,100, $500 a-ad $1,000, a a- nprevia-us a-n,"in, ordor Ètiat evèny-Cana- lia-a mla-yT participa-te l-iniiscibiag te Vire la-a-a-" Tire -aïda- mla-y hopaid fr.0te Clarke Township Council Tire CIarkc ,Te,-wirip Co,-iuil imet îin itsmgua meeting on Tuesday, April 6thl , wiVir al mem ber ilag prosent. 'Th-o minutes c f tho Ulas r egul ar meeting wele appro vod. A.risin-g -eut cf tir ecoirespondence were the follo-wing: Answering a- letter ne calcium a-blondle. A resalution "vas past the( sa-mIe a-s in pr-vieous y-aI-. Ail re- quesitýs m'ust bla"i the baa-ds of the Clerk !>y Apil 24tr, 14.a-ad tlhe sinconitionls will '11)p)ly-agin The corre-spoadonce re the snow plo aslaid onuthe ta-hIe a-atii an adjustmo-t 'ca-n -homa-do. Sevemlra roa-d mes waxe ds- o'ussed a-nd in every (aase the aconclu Iranedt visit thoso places wlien în--g tirira-nna-iinspection tnip oer the ron)dsý. The olwn resolutions we re passed Mnking it porsibie te pu-a-ase calcuium bloide for use on tire towa-sip -ads a-t the cheaper rate. -ontinu;i-g C. F. Awd'e as Vax -oll(ector Lup te- and icdng Ma-y 4th, 1943. rihe foýlùiowg kbills were ordereda 'paid : W. E. Dav ey, B.0.1H., $ 15.L)5; Orono Toiepirone Co., na-aita-ad long istance calis, $19.33; Orono Hlydre Comumission, town hal, $10.60; Whil- À-ar Gooffice auqrplies,$23.73; Orono Gol a-d ad ubpr-Go, spplia-s $19- )0; Mr-s. E. J. Randali, R vs F., $32- 00; J--sapi J. Mouirsaala-ny, post- age and oxicha-ge, $60.05; -Orono Weekly 'Pu-Is, $2.50; J. J. carnisîh, supplies, $15.00; C. G. Arn-ss'troa-g, supýlplies, $14.22; R. H. WýNoodt, $7.25; Dr. StanlieyBH, $15.001; Road Voucirer No. 3, $1'20.90; E. b.M ac- Nacita-a, 50 'p.C. nmtce, $23.25. Ce--ci djourned te nioot again la ngular session on Tua-ada-y, iMay 4thi. Watcdh fer a notice cf a- meeting te ho heid in t-ho near future fa-n tira qiappese of orgaaizing a- Fish Clu~b. la i-aahna fail at tire tiino cif a-i plication at tire issue pria-e, withcut] a--cud aternast, or tirey ina-y ho puncba-sFed by insta-In-cts plus a-c- ,cmued inteet, tire statement a-aid. Tbis is tira- igges-t loan- ver aska-ld foc lain ---daa hlistory,a-ad ail]l-- tria-ta wiIi ha-va- tedig d(own deep ta, ineet 0'tiorcijetvaClrestotal cf $?000-i igli, but wme fel sucle tira-t a-ter tirea-a-avasai-gha-s irean c pltdin tiis distri t, tira-t tire obetv wiil ho rea-a-ird, a-ad if a-ct, very aeaî'ly Se). Liable To A Fine If You Give Away Rations' Any pensiýon irogivos a-a-y naup ,-f saga-r, a lice of,-huttqýr or 1ira-f Da opu f cof -e, or laans it te a- ireigfln-iris hala-uc Vo a- fie aof $5,000 o'r twc- yea-ma in ja-l, on hotir. I-m--mo a-s a disttSrprisea-a aihek te tire pea-ýpbe a-f Br,ila, 'ie tire tier day, a u a -igistmatei tcld a puzzled i-bita-at t1ira-tforý laaia-g ra-tiaed god a r was HleI te six mca-tirs in jail. Tira- ministny -pints a-ut týirat it laileglte give m-indcmo idities teaayano'miro doc-snoV iew a-y-eur hbouse, tmunlieha-or aire is a- gu-t. Tiresa-ara -tning a-crdn te'a-na-dia-n martimie regulatia-na, a> K -plia-s te Gana-rda. Tire ba inter- -prots tlris a-s huyhrg- oehî-gFoc saiecyelse a-a-ya-ur amarationî co-upons aadid l atrictly a-boed. a-,',"srl)nec except a- qaaatity ,porcins,,- cd frelIn m-n y sua-i consumer in acýorda-'a-with sua-h provisions. TiC,veeven, dca-s net prevovnt you frei7n feeding youn dia-nec cmVeaa gueta. An officia-i of tire boa-rd said tira-t tirle oywny you Ca I -a- et Sugar, tocoffee cm bu)tteýr la frein yioum niera-iat, witir coup)ons. Tireboard iso iateîîpoets tIins a-a pr1-o hi1iit inlg.ý boowving on efferirg Va givýorcmla-ad thee commodites. Tire mords on tire ha-akof evey catioa- book s -ys,"'ia boc)k is tire pno,,per-ty cf tire Ca-aadia-ngvam- mnat a-nd um-a-y biyo ased or on bM lýiaif cf-tire pension Ë te imiV la is- s Ua-id. Penîalty fonr misusa- ouf tins, naýtin on h-ior f-,ise siem nl conlnea-tica - rreitir: $ 5,000 fi-e-c tw-yeaca ln a- jl. or beti." -Wira-,, w-a-ifig te ba-mnow soea mga-, k dlyka- tbiin la- mdi aad it igit sa-vo yau a- lot cf trouie I ~ [The $20,0OO Siander OLtawa, - Rt. Hion. Antýhony Ed oni, Britinh SLeretary of State fr, ',ein-Affai-s, is s.hlowa chatti'g viLll prime Mnse .L ahn zie Kiing a fuw imoimentsate his at rivai ini Ottawa. _Mr. Eden fio-w frm the Uniited States îin the same 'bug(-bober hich carried hlm -cros the ocean. HT-e addries-sedl a joint seýoioa- of the Cana-dia-n Sonate and the flouse of Gommons during hIis- brief sta'y. The Bomber Press In Britain (By Waltr R. La-gge LONDON IN WARTIE We arrived la rLondon late la tbe (£voialg afteran-ai-dytrain jour- na-y. Thora- wa-s a-ouioon tira-t aighit. boa-do(In un the black1-out is realiy hla-ck. Tîheme wore, army auitomoi(biles to me1et us anv-awe a-d asudd-en andt ecomplote intrcduction to -h)einig drivea- tbroughi the bla-çkaes's at what seemed te us te 'be about thirty miljes a-n heur, and on tha- wm'cag sida- of the ýstreet. Our :ca-r aa-'rewly missed a- pedes-. trian ,wiro wa-s ceurtinig deatir by 'dod,i-g a-arasa the street in tb-ei-i-i dbl cf a- biocký. If ho haid beea- bit it looke-d tc us a-s if ha- would have -been eatirrely at fa-uit, but a-a-r uide. sa-d that in suci a- case the ciraýuf-- f our would 'ho "Je", 'inchin laaria-y 'pala-n-ce la the folle-w wiro gets ail tire bla-me. London la tirecla-ytinie 1h iast ns sýtra-nge te us. On the streets ýare -men and womien ina- aaifcrmi- froin a-l 'parts of tire worid, "S" signa on nearly eveny coarner 'pelia-ig the wa-y to sirelter's, otiher signasirsowing wire there a-ro tanks cf static water, shieltera- huilt la- the straetcs. closed storesý, store windowsba-d ed over except for sinal ights af glass, a-ad if there woe a-ytlhting a-lac ncuded te show thai-,t we are in t-ho e - zone, we ca-Id look uip a-ad soc counAlea-Fb- icn a-th( sky. Tho barraiage ha-loorns, -wiiio ýok -scmethingý, like, huge ish, are a- sive r colour .tira-t -ma-a-dis witi tire s1ky, san that tha-y are' ha-rd te sce ata-y (dis- taacbt laiiÎte cf tha-t, 0u'ca- uld -ftèýn cont f orty or miore. The atatti-c wator i- for- iueil fighitia-g fireus in case thec mater m-aina 'lro da-streyed or a-ce ined(a(-ua-to la- ma-ny casa-s ire basements of bild-1 mgap tba-t ha-vo been dcmolishced arep alaodont, coma'-ate'd, a-d filied wvith ,ara-o. Tire number -cf sors hat a-ro clo-cd a sotishiag. Mc-t Ustore inoS ha-vo beel n -(kenby conl- -nasieîn even wratirebidnshv not beca- bit, an-d there 'wul fot be en'ug gla-s ta elaethem el (Ven if it wr sa-fe ta do a-c. Therefere th(, w4idows -ha-vo i ccsed up, leav- la- 1ony sa-a-l 'pane-s of glasýs three or our feet quare in, tire centre. The aautcshorta-ge cf ïlabeýr laap- pa:rent la m'a-ny 1tiigsai s for la-- tnc, atire elev-ato:r sorvia-es, or "is"as the'y are knowa tha-ro. Peo- pie ( ar xece ilways te walk dowanstairs, a-o matter irow ma-n aVaia-es. a-ad ta waik ujp if net more than t1irnoe aVries. Nno ca-e is su'ppmsod ta hvemore tiran one 1bath a- waeek, a-ad thoen Vo have onl-y five in-ha-s or lo f mate-r la-i the-tnib. Th iracatels a-o leng-er give a-f at service f-r la-na-dry, .anica-ole a-rua aflow sevei a-yas efore ex,_pectii g it, rota-r. Dorsfren111honi) am-bia onwell a-e--ae but i 01tie r a- 1attemnpt ha-s beeln ma-dr to chid illan-s for a finov a-a mre-entiu Loaden atiil exist o-a-y 'ca-papa-r. Transpoýrtat:in is ima-ch i botter thira-nwe ox'pectodf. Taxicaba are uin- dccr seer estrictions as -to gas and( apced, bt) Uit laos ible luV o ge ae wýhea required, -aitlir a little dola-y. Thend-o Vo metiro f travol la ondris t a-ko thondrron oir a bus, a-ad thora- are pleaty cfftire latter. Tbey a ýre of tireule d ock)1 t yp e. Peejide queue -p for themIa i n va-ny orderlyiy-ma-a--ar 'w1lâcic aa -tremendons 'mrven-tover tire cr'e aoa-tl-.isi-cn niaualiy fourd a-round1 the entra-ace te a- stra-et car ,la Canada-. Tl'ire bona-onaubway s'ystem la said toe-hotire fineat la thre world, a-nd it qchud is. -Mast af tire sa-b- arays aire mach dleaper la-tire grouind tiraa- th:ose la- Ameniaa. For tira-t reasca tiray ha-ve suffenecd littIa- or a-o d'a-m-go, a-ad tire stati-ans mya-ko eclets1relters. At n-ay ail trese -stations tirea-are a-o-w double detk iran cota, s-iilar te those ýused ii soldiers' barraa-sa. We wueo ld tira-t tirere are stili a- few 'peopie whio negula-niy sleop la- the suhways, bu' it --as a- long time befone we actual- 1ly saw s-aie cf thira-. Thor a a-e ma-ny thi-aga in bondon tira-t are tire sa-me a-s-a-er. Tire Squa-re. aitl-rougir tirea ay no-)2 qe-ite 0oina-ny. It is a inysteiry \ha-t they live on1, a-s pe(;ple are a-ot suji- posed ta give tireia-ny gaod fa-ad. And tierenators stili irold fentir in Hyde -Pa1k]. O'ur1.botel ma-s juisal a-ros's tire street fmtira-t part of tire park wmicFroce p-c-iis on- joyed or a'bu-ed, acaording te yo-ur viecwpoiat. Hfloe i saap box speakç- ers a-a-nS-iii-aytliiiigtirey w-ah waithr- eut fear o-f proý,socutioni. Themce are not se a-y istencsa-cm, bot on tire Sua-day ti-at wev 'arent -aver te boa-r tire ara-tons tiren ma-s a faim Lzed'ccawd. It la excell]ent free a- tentala-- a-n, as thome a-wa-ys a-m aa tinaiec holding f ortir on fa- i alds cf sub(!jo-ts. Oaa- cf tire mca-t ppla juat no z o "'ie-v-cSa a Ouibraf fia-ga la-n tire air, a-a-d ltalks' abouw-at tire negroees have dona- telop tire wonld. Homcamsa (0cle- fnl csuete a-dd ta tire SIhow. a-owhien we queied a- aie M',iister auLt tire aataa sm cf mionappeau t cccr lina tv-ason, ire decla-rad tira-t "Evemiy buildIii-ng -ed-s a g-o ôd ventiliting Tireatiea are a ti'll providî(ing oo sbcears, but an a-ca- ocf [tire b k out', Irle cuta-ina- go 11p at a-bouý t]haif- pas-t Orea sxca-ohfor, tireevenl- lai-g efra.Pie- for orches- tra- sa-ata,o "ta1. " s ia-y-e aalied ovor tire, arýe vemu ig ih '-but a--bout Jha-iftlira pria-e is fortaa,1 lai-cgeproportion- of Vira-audience la la a-foin pr<0)aiY min-a 1 a--iave. Case At Port Hope Has Been Settled Out of Coui ---- Q LEGME SEED INOCULATIONI Each Litigant in tihe Ca PAYS to Pay FUS Own Costa PAYS of the Court Legumninous crops, such as aifaifa, fThe $20,00l0sander action bro'u red clvrdo tcaver, als ikeý ,, esAby Geoge Backo'nbury agana-t royboans-, vtce, t.,hve long J p. 13. Davison mwas unmepcody been knum'w unider certain uconditiins tled o brda ro Nl a to leave thoIland onl whicb they mwýee 2>5th. It 'was p-robable ha'd aeti grolwn à- a riohmer oditon than mnent not beonrea-chod, that it wo it was in hafore thre crop. TPhe onees have beon necassary to 'continue sary conditions are, in addition to e h-arg at some inter 'date. It wc, che souAbig in W~ood tilhand weIllbave a-ken a-t leas't wo days perh draiaed. that thoe sbould be i1ne th[foe, for the rest of the witnos soil certain siecies cf ba'cteria known for the defonse to have beon hea as Legumne Bacteria. These legumne foi' th'e defense ha~d o jur t star bacteria ponetrat e e a-ung rectsAiMr.Justice 'McKa-y inforrned cf the legumes whero thry preduce court that un-der the ta-rm c f sett lîttie swellings or nodulea, s 01gy r ent each litigant is tu p-y hiso in 'hunphes (On eovons thoso cotsadteflongs-tet n&dlesarever a-ailbutn'uer-the eLfond'ant, Mr. WV. J. B. Davis -eus whie1o peas anad hans thoey h wspr fth ete are comparative'l'ylarge 'ad fer;in hems!proftes(Iin .îîmleî The bacteria in these w a: read into tia- record: nodules fix tiho froo nitrogen of the Mmrnu of Settement atmosphere so that the plant eanu IE any statements vere m-a-de use it as food. IAWt the aid or meW. J. B. Da-v'son detri-m atai the bacteria the plants cannot do the nmoal tbharte of G. L. Br dis an'd no plant other than tho kenbury, or vralctiag on bis. en legumews ca-a do it, evon with the ban- cty as a uIgh 'School Prncijal tubca present in the -sei. herc!by unreservecdiy, w-itb ref-ere; ()n oLd soilis, or where evers or te the above, declare the s'a-me other egumes ar-e succmosfiy te have been intanded. g' own in emi rniatie, the bactaria -W. J. B. DAVi3soN. are usuali'y prosent.LaIna-w SOiUs. March 2Stb, 1943. however. or xvhen nns- legurne creps,- asalalfa or so0yieans are grown in A second state men ans iso ru o1d soil, tireah prprat bacteia are ia-to the 'settlemcent. This is i a-pt Wo to be preserit and in-,uch by the plaitiff: csssomne nrcthod cf inoculation As part elf te settiemnt by c( shouid be ad-pted te suppy the 'bac- snt, cf he action of Bracke-buiry ta-ia. Numnerous experimnts and Da-vison, anad la- cons-ieration thej 1prol'onged exiperienco lave shOuwn of, I her-by 'aigree net te enter a-cti that the bestwy to deothis is tela- of -nykin'd or tY take any proca- oculate thre seoti With the aecessary ingsa against the Port Hope Hi~ 'bacteria. Scheol Boa-rd, or any ,porson m, For such s-eod inocuation, antifi- wa-a a niber cf sach Board duri cially grewn cultures cf the bha-a- 1942, by ra-asea cf anythiag here tera, originaly scmrod fromn the fore said, or dco-e, bhy thm or a acdue m o the roots of thbe sa i-me cfthemi. apocies cflant 'eiicirèla) te ie a-n, are appIi-ed VA tire a-ced srdty ire- fore it la scwa-. By 'tisns etha-dtire- ha-aia are eancia-d la-Vo Vire sali wihtfire seed, a-ad il'anapie aumber ta pma-atica-1yily a-une in1fec'tica-'ocftire recta, ati censequent inca-n-r'd ,rouwtir cf tire crop. Clover seed and -Jalfafa are quite oxpon-aive a-ad a-s an extra - isuance it wil poaasibly îpa-y yao te use culture tis yeac. 'Foen your accodation your Agci- 'Cultural Rpeet-ieha-s a- 'p cf cultres at iis %ce. A culture s-HI broat oea-busirel af 'seed, bat-if Tou have 1-cs tira-n a- bushel tireca-- tire culture msiy 'ie uaed without a-mm11. -Culturej's for- -ll'a-If a-, ma-d alaver, alsike a-nd simeet coe arc twen'ty-five cents muile Virose fanf scb a- lae to for tweaty-five,- ceùnts. If it la aat o ant for yuu t acli a-t tire Departmine-trc fia-, cultures AhI hosent 1y mail. BONE OR B>ON-'ELESS When mca-t mcntiaiag a-cr la-t cacif you obuy mcua-t 'it in a-o boae mcea-t nmea-ad if thela)oa- thon yenll ire a-lewed twopunda.ý G. L. 1RAJCKENBURY. Marcýýh 25th, 1943. EXAMINATION DATES FOR UPPER SCcOi The ,,Oat'rio Departmeont uf E13 cation 'timetaîbe for 'upper a-cI exa-minations ha-s been recived. exiaminatioin.s start Fridla-, June anad end F'ridupy June 25. 1151bSehuool enranceex-a-minat' wilHo be llon Thursday 'and F day, Juno 24 and 2Qitswa-s ste lis omphasized that applicat or 'Io appiy fr Middle Schl 1sta illghv to0 boin ')Y April3. 'Ve wonder vibl-hway wu lfl bet ~st t-oti- y Will it b)e -p to i bterto gue ss at tho e vighit thie hune, or willIhe lhave bt tke out adweigh it. Those 'whe h l a~ ~~~~~~r bb'ayaodwil e<eive ad(uî,t ra:tion for thie id They meýat niweven when theyare inl diaper ca«. Orono Red Cross Branch N earing Their Objý Tire magala-c mea-ry business ari n ee tac -plarcsmsca mreetinýga-ff Onono a-nd cmoiyrup'mstr $,0.0anark Brandir cf tire Re-d 'Cross Soa-iaty henpasan ma-s iraidlast Tirwa-idy a-tnnon. À Tire Kiihy - cmmuzity 'aie kntigquota - wa-s a-cept d aa dance a-ad dnàw a-n Frida- a- bilfA-r ya-r cf $8154 ma-s crdened ita-ad tia- )pro(,ceeý(d a fi- paid. 'Pince minuta foin KiniymeetwiI hotuan aver ta la es -e gratea-fal7 received. Cross Drive. Tirosa la- clin Tir N-tinal C-apaia-iras A-o istu-dan-cea-nad dnaavwi\01 Th disnppoia-tod 1c e if tire-y(do aetc voys'uae-s-flIy oarrle'd on la- aur uw-atr- -dtrn, ra- are b out fourf 1 (Colntinaed as Kea 1 , - 1 2ýLqkpdý 1 .1-- 1 ORONO

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