ORONO TU ES Vol,7. No.21. OROINO, ONTI., THAUUSDAY, JUNE lOth, 1943. Subscription $ 1.25 Per Year Have You Any Spare lime On Hand To Give To Farmers? B e A Civilian Commando And Help With Harvest -If Willing to Help the Far- mers in Spare Time Send In Your NaMe Farmerýs ail ecrose Canaduaiae r, o w lookng ower'd to the rýcities, owsvillages and amltsfor ei from thLlose whcan spare a tew jhus, orIa a ýy !nomw ersd Lagain, to help the farmlers alomg witbl their IV 1k. A piniu supply of i n bhas helpeýd to bring the hiay crop lTapidly aiong, and bel ure we kelow it hayîng thme CHi soonn be here. There wii Lie very heavy crops of ihay this year ancsi hem can on1,1 far ,- mFer hanldie it alonie. It can't ibe .doie. This hay je neesied to f eed livestoc!k se that me nmay eat next >witer. After the( haying lu -mhleat will 'bce enetcrop, theni ~other crops, to say 'nothing of hoeing ireots, potatees aid cernl. Even iniareTewýn-biipmany volunt-eer heipers will bu needed to flrillg ijethe lharlVe-t thalt Wili be( gi-eatlyy needed his year or nýext if iive are neot to) go short of the nýces- 'sities of life. The Oronio Chamiber ~of Comnmerce is takiiag this natter i2p alnd ùVls coming Monday at their regiilar meeting it je hoped that a special speaker mii 'be ene dVo Clarke Township Couneil Clarrke Tomcisiip Counc-il mot in Vire ccolu ciremier et roco on Tucesdaîyýý, Jane 1e, miti ahl memËbens Mnl.'M. IH. Staples tdr hedle cOLUCcil on bhei of tire'Durhanm ConraiAgic"VurelSociety and the Femos'Fderratien, andsi Mr. R. R. Waýddeii on 'behabf of the Lemrence's Cburch C((ýieeery. At .30 tlic Tomcehi'p Court of Re- visionaslormeýdi. Three appeals reeIr'eqýard fdil al cases Vie e p- a letton lrorm A. ýEWilson & Ce., ne RdLhiability Inerurence -,as deait. miVIs by reerolution, rend ee re-m i e Wemene2sa Lisurance Ce. un cenec- tien miti tie darîagoci Newtonvile moureitms orderes iled. Tire OCeeue Police Trustees met mvit'i tIse Coun)cil Vo discnss Vie pos- sible cloirgof ie domaged pieces of r'ond lleerding from tligbrway 35 te' ie" 'Couty roa:1(luLatire neri o f Crocùio. Tic, letton froni the Pirovin- cial eniorne tis imalter mas T-h.ic îlrIsms stru tcd e-et in1formn-ation .abotttirhe et O' I eret- mgz a neem flag -polo at tVietome Isel1i.1 The olloing recelrutionis more give ati nt hicmfls ipronLm.Il me pessed -work in tlise day time, thon probably 'Ras. 1115-ySettieg tire 'bour for -we cen icnd a helping ira n le th ir opering uf tire Court of Revision evening. Net everone cen ire aveis-Aet2.0 abne in tIse daytimc, but ever-y 'personl Res. 111C)-Aipp)rriîg [theAssr-i - mii ae a bM spere heurs Vo spare ment Rol Or 1943 as i-vised. ine a mrck Ptat couid iregdi-vnover Res. 117--Ronewing tIse RoAd la tire baumers naerdseThs is an iaýbîiLy Pliy ithi Lloyd's of Lon- soonce c olethis f net tire botter Hne 1117-MCotinuing C. F. Amd iV miii ie for ailof us. If yen ment as Tex C lco up Vo anrd i ldn Lu go ame-ýy youn, e iwayýs ied limeJny thn, 1943. lar go, or go eut for sjpents, or recrea- Thse boliowing billrs mere ordcrcd - nthlen thore is no reason mhy yupqid: -an% t td time te speadi a fcm heure Rond Voucher Ne..5e $60'536; VW. a meek on tIsefemen in your ditit. EE Drare 11.1.. $6.5P1;Gerdo ________ ______ Martin 1 sherp kîled &ry doge, $8M0r; lareece J. Alliei, 1 tnýp as vainer, GCood Crops Despite $50 Beare'e- Ltd., 'officesplie The Backward Weatherj$1.5 George Butters, mork et tome he1,111 0;Mrs. H. Morris, $65 O roire CeaIrend 'Lumber Ce, lMany people tbrough tire rc'untry, $3.511; J. J. 'M1ei'or, sairy, postag-e are eoslilgtiet thoere miicir and excirnge, $65.21; Mme. E. J. :no crops morthr whie tuis ycar umg 'Renldlil , R vs F., $32.00; Crono Y» tIse met weather. Tis -may iWeMly Timersprinting rand adrer- truc on heravy cleay ground, but in in, $8.001; R. 1-. Wooed, caýme of Oroneo disitrirct there sirould b iie oe 1'Hall, $9.011; Ontarie Provincîial 'splendid erops teuIarvest. Treneurer, B.O.,. 65c.; ClXarecce J. 'Cnc day laýb',eetek -Mr. A. J. Tamn- Alibi,1 eho killerd 4dry dog, $20.011; blyn bruigiht ite this offie four -Mrs. J. C. Germey, road iiabiiity in- 'samplos goWn on ie farm m -,hnch surance $2-17.75; 'Crono Hydre Corm- lwoid ire bard tu iront it a perfCt mission, tome hall 'lights, $10.11; Dr. spérng. Tve 'cftireeampes wmre Steniey B.O.H11, $9.110; E. L. Mac- -of MaIlalaand Mtmothy. 'Tire aalfeib Nachiten, irospitai, $23.25. melnauredi 32 ½ inces in ireight and TIse ceuncil adjoired te creet lie timrethy measuresi 35 incIses. agin on Tuaes'dny, Jeiay 6ti. 'Thisiouicl enenre a bountifui 5up- pIdy el b osden for tire stock tins bail IRICE CEILING SET and minter. Thie ther tmo samples - FOR NEW POTATOFS more ou s'rhg ente and fel mheet. Effective Jane 7, pnices of nom po- Tire sprig ente mrcsured 171/i ie- tatooýs muet not cexceedi the lambul ches in height anîdi tic balilmheat 31 eiling prices for Canada No. 1 grade incIses. The alf afa and thlîoiy Aod 1 petatores. Accerdinrg teo'a Prices sinîmiiplos mere mest taken ont of thse Board stateinent, this action iras 'fonde t rendoni. Mv. Tan1bilyn*s been taken bocause of thse crrect AHil eat appeers net t haýve 'been acate 'shotaîge rwiicb is net liIselyte damiagedi thé spieg hy tIse coid ho relieresi until Vhins year's iorep je menthe. Tuns lnrm soome fe hairw areitd.If, je net expected tIsat gand rd usp a lue utr Isun-laVe tireneew 'Canadien ptstatees miii appear season. on thse Imar(t until aronrdi July 15. Purebred Durham Cow Brings Owner Fame Agircultu rel reprseetativee ansi ofites e agiicultural depart- ments le the different governmee1ts are aiays aeekintIse fifanmer2s rof Vie contytelreeaeproduction cfý Hvlie stock, ai telling thre famrnuers jurct hem te do0it. We are of tire ýOpinion tiretrMr.. A. J. Bigcem, a brececr of prhe oIsr'ns f 0Croîo, cocisi tell these g~emechem te) go abou""t toie- cecase tire production of Ive stock, 31r. Big-eiýombas oniris farmni one PueredDurmnra comv, "RýoseuI)d Menear PInide," 1an animal mortiry cf "<tirecae This cem mvas br'cd rhyý Mr. Bigelom eînd is nmeigit yere OC age and- in the lest fivo yars ires grnbir-th teý nine calvers. Yces, we ea.,lidýl nî cIves in five yeýars. rI 1 mnhetiscom gave birth Vo a siagle caîf, thon' ineh, thon an- otier ingle calf. Tien il, Ihe last tlirirteen milonthsir t gave birth Vo Vin'e then triplets, the tipet bing nomw six m eeks oll, m iI ci ine careeiiing ani- deinrg niýcely, oen--i the tiplets ar-e Vcry he-althy. This, mc feel sure, le airecord thit cantire beeten. Five cal-,vos in 13f menthe murt su ely'ir n rcord, Se meI asrAndy Clark Vo iaoacettVils challenge t e anyoeremio Viinke ire ries a Coso uitha'tce ieter tis record cf "RosebicsiManor Pio"f pro0- rduuiinrg aine thrliving purebrerd caires in treryeers. BRITISH C.-N-C. HOME FORCES VISITS AIRBORNE TROOPS Geilerai Sir Bernai'd C. T. Paget, BritieC-inC.oe Forces visiL= e-( Air,ùborne L tioops in the Southern Command, miiere he inspecteil a fully ie0acled Armîy hersa glidler. Picture s-hoýws: Aiiborne troopeý- tndgby a tHorsa gie&r as Gene aiShr Bernerd ïPgt addresses them, The Bomiber Press Ini Britai Lestý of a, series of articles writ- gumn, anrd the lateet Aoire ae ton rby W.7. ,Legge anl C. V. Cha 'r- zines. Leter a bt ienermas 5cr- tosmh epesned thU Cý1caadkiln verdi, and sooni alter the 'hostoss ani W kyNeeprsAssociation in a stewaird starited makiing u11p the rýcnn tour overseas.)c betheswich wcre very miucblikje THE RETURN HOM3E those in a Puiimen. (By vahr I Lege)E'acy teM ext nmring the fiying (By WlterR. Lege) oat camne domei in Cereian waters. Alter mren mise rýieports of dats Thee was a strog ug1 mdin,,-r of depde u e IonCanada, mew e rerowgIs mar sn that tIse leUnch toIsÏ, fineLiy given î1fairly defillite wmord tireat coff our part.y mur comie dfirl wmoui-trthm n rdy Bcforo w ue lcft the trenefer p)oint Octber 2. W e d returnced from tce 'rriu vnnw aco tlhe Wt'part of Eng'iand the pro- Pa-nuerican C,,lpper taIse off. We viens Sun'day, andi had spotVSe in- auverd in Canadien w'atersje time loening d'aye in final conferencos, to 'sec tire cami1e Clipper econ m lw lest inute risits te lamous places b)eside irs. For a trip of about two in London, oend ,preparetions for lIse thouseerd ýjmiles errer toreAtlantic, journoy. These properations je- tIse two rival pienes were only a 1cm ciuded heving Our notes offiiely omues a'part. seaied se that me wui bav-e no Af tVer1. peasuzin 0r haggage troublhle in Vking thein throuigh the thinough the custome. me Vooe taxis port of emibeeketiron unad arrivai, te the railmayý station for. the mest On tirt liet 1'lursdnyIpaid al jonriey te ouir homies. The firet final visit te St. Paui's Cathedreari thinrg meet of ce bought mere some, ami gezed on tire expanse of ruine oTeeges, whkch me hard net seen for mwhich sm;uinc)ids this shrine. ncarly seren mereice. In tire altemnoon, I went te ce In a 1cm hours mp 'had egain buen "Tcire Belle el New m r~ t tIsernpotdarosteoùa r Gcliseuni Theatre, one ou the meet 0trant nentcdacotse ocrend from beautifai theatros 1 have ever sen.t n otnn t 'ntrr niw W'alkig beck te the iStrand Palace nett e roi's'd« L ansiait wue ilQIe, where me stayed the last no hePoiiecmnitwsi cinas in Londo, 1 found VIse Sri VNest fleing with iUk, sugar, but- crodet wih popi, te frst tim er, eggs, Matc-hes, s.oap, .nd nearly, 1 had seen any streets reaîîy crowsi- evctr'hiag tiret we hnd been' learna- ed je Enîgiand. ing Jte do ithoat. A fruit store rieeur the hotel, 1 And the lighs! fiHom strainge tei niotoci, masg scllieg pachrs for 8 shil- sec Igite et c'rery littIe hamtiet andi linge encIs, ansi ..a... for 16 eili-. tome the train 'passed th'rough! inge a poonsi. Prolbeibly Viee meet dcprcssing thirig Fridîiy nmorni-ng w(- terted on a n Britein jes e blacicout; here trip diurinîg whuich mNe werc destined M'mee brliant iigbts je ttain and te; use marny forme or tra-tnspý,orta- in ail the tomes. Tboy nmede thre tien. Phrot an autaoobiqe took us mer s00m se vcry fur axaay, imet to the staton. The mc treveliodi on 'as of thie -crty mere no' e'yit. at train, tse meet luxai-ions one me And those mocre not tlIse lythiinge,; LAd scen ià g yndte e r of that gave an lerpresion aimeet of emarkton \t tIse rîm tatioIn antoncera abocut th'e me r. The a bas mas- atn for ns in vhc e stores mwere ýmeIl-stocked and crom'd-- wc e tiBe Airmays office. cd W1thbayens. Ercrywhce me Here our bnggnge mas mcihd us'dthat feeling of intensue duter- ortickets andsi paseporýts ckduantio n. and a light lunch01seord c, alter We (founiltiret Cndesmore wbhich mevgot(int a a lanncs micb grpetly interested i cle everytbirg boIs us ont te a Boitsh orseas over there. W'e alspn a verLy Airwas-Fç yng bot. VWben mc .V ytom' e wrngqering- fiairtoir ofthis flying boat mas irug tilke, ritinîrg articles, and(!gen1- carin ixyniopa-ssongeýrs, ail eraii1Y tryinig Vobrg homleIthe pic- tircir lcggage, ansi the crem of turc f tiingeý as me fouind theern. eicveîn. If me have been able Vo sowpar- A Cwmhurs eter, HAs huge arti- ente tht their sons and darigheps fcool bird mih its hea1-vy laicamd ersasar>, elli ernc ro, that lowni at aoesfrpoin1t, settling 50 they are active and cnthuusiýstic; if gontly toit ret m of us kncmme e ae Sried wvorker-s te greater wbee mei toucýhrd the water. Tins efrs if me l'have macl eothers aux- plaUce mas le Eire and again Our loue teprartipse ef4nI a s an aid 'pseoreloe clhcrckedl. We mere te victe'u-yý; if wc have hieiped Vo r e- only thene long entough Vo sei dOffoassure C'an-adiens ,as; te the- fhghtbnrg e% 1cm iotord.Thon once more fiteer of their forces; Uf e bave me geV mte e inch mnici tookus coreated a grTeate(r desirc Vo bay more Vo aSkosy Ame11orican 'Expert Ace. Vctqry Bondis Vo poiethe noeeds 11 toùI un al the 'mners of tir01 e sineme ofrme, tie moik of tIse B'o'nb1er Prese and1 a few other pas- Bo)mber press miîi'lhaeve breen mcii sengereý. xor th -b-ile. The retuireumeey as consider- Juet a e bmclshg mordsof thanks abiy siowerotut ery Inrch YPICteailVtheoffiers 'aid officais mie cembertai tn tire trin over ie a heilperd te mnaike our transsOiegree- bombfer. TIeh- oses,Miss Doro1111leieîdwhe e parcerd no effort Vo Bucianar,Iodkinurg ery emnant in nic-et our sigrte ish te secac ber 'attraclive anriif(o-ni, 'arted lC5o- epca ctvty: aise te the od'itereý ing- arounnd Aeicrcgrte ua nd roaders mliro have niten -x - cen emk iaetsbut noV cigarepressing tboir ara-oiation of Vie orý aý ipne!Inan Ace, butl:sorking masn C riddenr in the bomnber), cIsewicg (Continueci on page leuir) W.C.T.U Convention In Orono Blames Moral Degradation On Liquor FEW TROUT NOW PLACED ILN CREEKS T'he O'ono Fish and ilunlt Cu meI(t in t'he Kumirite Apte'. on Mon- da veveeing last witb ib)outtenof 0he membeïlýi-s being ,present. Duriig the pa1st we.,910 brownl trout wee ep«lited two stem aiounid Onenlio, aiA it is expected thlat more \miiif.llothrughiout the sunimner. Apicatos foi, trouit shiotld bu sent te the Dept. of Gamew andi Fisheries in the flD for deiivery eext yeer, anid as tfi e Oronio Club mas neot formnedj until, the spring of thiis year, net nelairiy the rquie aimeunt nee'ded for this ynear wiii be, r1ce1ive'd. The officers of the club are endeneuragto SCuLreas MIa', a possibl1e for this year. Ordercis will '1)e sent in this Fail for fish te be de- liveresi next year. Four die wr ere eleceesias fol- lews : 'W. E. Davey, C. H. Frorete, Porc. Luan rend R. A. Fretr Alter the 1bus;iness of the evening was colpleted], Dr. A. F. MoKeie mi'th hismvig picture machine. showed two rmeels 'el filmi, one ff Lovesick Bey, near Steney Lke wýhrc1i aihoinnds wt muskeys,shw inclose-up pictures of fisýhermen Pn enor rcsti'gfor tha',t prize b1at - tier. The othecr reel ma"s of t'h French River-, famo-i)us fcr its obase ard] pickered fishing'. Tho' se picturos,ý were very iuc el njoyeld'and il eýt ail othr eeins.Thje offleeris woukl1d like te sec a lAId turnorut ofl the mcm- bers et these medtings. Onie of tIse interestinig panrts of the meeting mas tIse servinig elp i e, ice creem enid soft 1drinlks, ki!nd1]J do- riaterd ly Porc. ILumi, wih was ver~y mauch en, oyed We might have this at eeymerg ORONO FIELD DAY MONDAY, JULY 5th Plans are now neaing cmpie tien for thle sports daýy flut will be bieid in 01rono on ondyJuly 5t!). Sevonl teainis of softhiail are expected to compete, four men's I1ý,anld three igirl's team-s. The teames wiil be, pres- cnt fi-OIE Oroie, Nowcasdte, Rom7v- Imacville, Ajax and other place.. In the evening n d (ance vmiii bu held ie the towni hall with Ritss. Creighton's Variety Dence Band suîpplying the iîusie. The prerceeds 1id li used ii differen-.t kinds Of war work, ais(e te send cig-arettes to our hoys now sering ^oVersees. The 'Orono Chiberl)ý of Co)Immece bas picked 'o.p on this -day for- the events, as in preiusyars, thie lst ,)f judy !n tis is trcthas never been ceiebrated in recent years. Thiis yee1r tse lholiday miiwi lie hldt([oi the "tb instead ou theIse e. Come teon,;o to onjoy tesot il, tne altecrn)oon a i d then«r to the, dence in tdie evei.ngi. Watch for posters in) the neer future. In thieir saetii), London'stire 'i0)( torys for 30wrtm asre in tire ýBritishi Isies. Income Tax Returns TBeinBy FerViehe nt tirce mek;dvr engddce r th( tisemieete miii appear in ail mýae veeps.Man ovorlo zincs, ncwqpnpcrr:( boti dlaiiy and ire î ulemuto meekly, farm ounasetc, advisinrgMtc A mm tic peouple cf Canada Vo bave tirir1 net ,almys taken rare inceme tex statorments macle up and toe il ecu(tuaiiy lie ai reuns tirte Gývermemt net laVer>teevP atml o tie Wcneday Jane 30. Tic Viremeo f tir e Tire dpar-tmeet jeaing xigerens rir summerd cp in thre , steps AVomcuage ail taxpayere lo eHlikcomn motte, "Doi nncet tdis deedhine Thins vigor je othen mordis, tire 1,paI. nrceddbeceuse ticre mili ho m'aniy oni-y seekrg VO have eor thouand m ng rtrsrVe,'Umoma eu ief iret tieardbeauemnyý empiy- 1.t1r those e'erY. 0Oflc cee are ander feise impression tIs10aI nxoas te aOica ter: theyoý are ni etrquirerj te file etr a ia -VithesýtbVmo or -ti1ree nom tiret inceme tex paymiente are 1ou5h W.C.T.U. Officers IElected For- Ontario and Durhamî Colunties Th(e 48thanqrIconivenltion or tIhp Ccnýiti*orofO a m rdDi '1ham was beld et Oreno Park jýSt. Unitefrd Chnrch ,;on Thbday, May 27th. Moiers mere prosent fronr'l Oshjawa, Wiib'y,, Port Hlope, Hampton and C>I'roIIrno. PThere-were IWo sessions, n~rigand airno.Mrs. hem- erd Waish cupied dhe 'chair. Mis Rosemo)nd Duif, Fi eid Secrctary, voas preseýnt aet Ibotlissessions, ans do-. fercd edivice on quesitions erising-. She 'aise gave thse edd'ress or -the eee-vcnie n withii antern slides. MIemIoriaj s'ervice imas eonducted dby Port Houpe Union. Th',ree meer- bers pse ond'rg the year, Mitrs. Janmes Wood', Orono; Mr. KenýsIake a'ar 'Mrs. Bures, IHami-pton. lMrs. R. 'CilrepmIan, Oionio, mes soisit. Thre Orono L. T. L. sang b wo choruses, wbdie Výwo Gond edilists, Donald W'îeandi Helen Cleerice, Oreoi,..e- cIted. Rer. S. Lbiewoi bocgoht greeýt- in gs from lthle locaýI ll churc, aed Mrs. Frunik Step, q,,WhIilby, replied. 'Miss M. Da-Ivy bragbt geetinges frerer the W. .S. Folw ng ae lIse officýers fertlire Presdent -Miss Mi. Fergutsenl, of Vicp-Peident - Mrs. I. Walsi, 'Croire. Co)r. Sec. -Mrs. S irport Hripe. He.Sec.- Miszs L. Reynolds, of HIamipton. Trereurer - Mre. Raincy, Croco). L.T.L. Sec..-- Mrs. W. H. Canp- Evanelim- me.Fiank 8tuplcs, Narcot ies andiSlitti epr anice -- Mrs. W. 1H. Quaitrili, WIit- Fiowcr IMisions In.P. G. BrwPort o. Seibah bsrvne, Law En>.. for cemeniýt ani Legisietion - 'Mrs. Witeýflcdd1, Pott Hope. Merdi'Cetest - Mre. Russe-HI Be st, Orono. nie<s ani Littie Wbit, Ribironers- Mrs. W. ýH. Rowve, Ororno. Pubi iity ,endl Social 'Meitiega - Mrs. J. JitîtnOsfbîwa. Teesprancein 'Stindey rs-hools - Mis KaorsonHemi#on. Tomerarcen Sueday Siroosin the( City cfr Oshama ýva- Mrs. Slson.- Travuei-s' Aid - -isr. ofogc Pence -1And ItrainlReintionti -Mr.J. J. Meilor, loo. AIcroboI l ad Foord Prodfueüts- Ml-s. Il. Walsh, Coo Temiperence ln Day ScIisooIs- M'rs. S. iteooOoo hI Earst iSoffolk (EnI!ird> vit- larges mor hn 2,000 wmn hs orges ange Vjnom16 ,te 70arwo- mgon f im n their sp are icie.