Tles nFo a Man Pepl Unerair c ie reue s In h anaa. citrienor rMai u et' et-sunset DereL, it a aundicutoti f dI- tr C Sa.t ptnt op luuneay figlWigh nOed;raniu h tiag suaty dognAthe matanl t' ýuný qtLy epatngut 6- iflyt t almstl an l'l iwered a distance euI 'u Iun sith heluvrn a if, lag rm l fnas01t1-iltie irenritd apndl honlwre u tire usual mauner. Va tuntioehnetn u 17 othes-ioni tth- sain iitak SWllýien iaa t t ru re na!fftio arediplyedil huldho ron aad tire fage ch"ld e nUt Ih carne iza.ý 1033Axis Generals Are Allied Captives Onaeirundîe-anl in Ais gea- Alliesp xlsiee usidc liwar bâirga, itv-s reporte-d Tirae m os timpo tant f t i-n v--aGen-t-i ît[ vnTiruma;, Atika ots cmanersd RârneIas xisCconsmanlder-la- Nela ob~Grais e-ners bve Illale-n aw) ?salyIaien gtneral bav emSa. N atiroriatietimteva araiublelu undo uthue uin Embassy, howeve-r, ire Staliagre-al suri-ais- ff@nAi'5,iq oea,-a inkan SUND AY JOHN DESCRIBES TRUIE CHRiTIAN.-lJohn PRINTED TEXýT, 1 John 2:-; 3y13-18; 4 117. OD EN' iTEX-But if w weIin the hele !& the aronther sd tonebloodeA Je-sus hieson iýcleaanthLt4,frontil clu1 L Joui 1 : 7. Memury Ve-rse:h MvRl ig uo TH-E LESSON JIN iTS SETTING Tume.-W de nulkuow axactIy vieaJ-i-rote tIis aplatie, but puoaiiybetve--nA.D.85 anal 55. Felio1sship With Gwd 'it Avhatvi hTlî Tira atîe-t, JeanqsChrist itengIireou1s. Anal ana l nt!îfer ours uuly, bete-a for, lite, ri wr " I eles pulaît1 h î a mdtirat pro- pitatin te-easthi r roval et mm %y n s f cLoveý "Aoitalhrb eme- ia - midînents. H, 1ýa tiaIZaîli I )Xu maumeue, easliir,ana l tir trulîlenotle hm.But v-ioso ireetriis worluhiumveîily irattir- evaetGoa hen perfect- ed. oreb>y -we irnu lire-t eare a arietoira edeevery Ipro- viinfor conigfromii, e-,and tir hitr e-, a divi v--y epr- tectl raslring ireelil>t God Aoste mmiale-y prwoe u Ged's e naidnul c. Tue v-orale cueour lveisal-ysiprel Love Our Drethreni hlm Ouguii irimceaea luv-a aven s ir- -aiD." F-uta a gen me-udenîs if Gol ý, tire p!sti be-crnes secîie us e-ling us le maino ite-irre ar nv s la de-ire oti irepstt u tir un lui ated le-ieî-tirig pssile tn -tre oa utq leunovad aI v-h9als rco or sancrifice, juv;tly udvolun un uWys t teath sd ippteý_ "Npiotel . bretren. fs15en v-u-dreleTirhen. o 1mv-Oira harviis s murderer:A :akndv Ibat au mur le-rer -ire-on, lt hale eid-taeisurar.Ilitrv-yu h1ilm, ho<, doýt' hele of Godf abd nhim,? My ltI hir :e1u fotloe lu îworn eýLihn amr brother t, i Aihie eed ii im- poSs,ýil hamGd' lveisdwlln au, 's.ilisilo th uternc 0 cornegrea or îfendtruth orý the sconîlishmut -ucorn wun dertul deed but the q iet ml help t arueedy r Thr that b what e a, howovJ, , true; noit laatse lf,, 1t htwtia. butvehat we do jo genin, prac teiwcal bself acitiiýn aivty, i thuea sole bo ci estut t loaîth love icý haeWnhoermho unee tî Jesmu ais the ua utw1us4wabidt ado hlm, a uhnl, ud ndw kneow and havebellescd t clovZ uqwchai- nbthnlui s.thereni utVe Illrente: ecaue as e is !yîd unit Gud, lut os.ýl that the rnni pases ady ta the world will lsTe wru s Nuw ha coýbelýofrin hsscetu ictor o'qer hie w)id.Te tuiis am ly humnanitywtut od,1%udail that hnaity dues and tn hont riGode wurl is ie acqlusitonM ut, 11,1athadper ed human nactreutthe wor>Id, neyer atstes. nýýîlaTh inworl ;ciý Cnhrin deatb, aud, goelly,-ý usted ettut. Nuw ands the Apost!ie. vmlýictr o i ý-the wlkg os tehetond aifithla eu ual things hatabie ictcd o visîlil hns ïpsaavy Newvatmai Devie Oerats UderAn, A new fomofYauon-ce piOW, ser vn-moor- hih aoert the ityigund"!conto usesof a opedin Bitan, t saepiote: frein crai hroug-hunbA o c- cisosThe deviïcrpeats n theaieros.eleývator an ulddcr uf awmchneauast ring great difference hietweu Mis de- pilet is tirItire latter ny uc tiens when tire aircrafîin lnfyîn'g straighlanal lecel, Whe the form- er oprtsun-der auy ,uion of flgit lcari be silh u or of by mneans of a ring at- t.c-hed te the coîttrol colîul1o. Whien tire piiol's banda reonthe -ontrlïol cluma it is a:mlîai sihd of; when iris grasp iC rixdil ulmtialytaescn- trel adbinetrearvatt level pousin No Idle Moments on1 iïe "pjool" wiin or hc s ficersnowaewrigi ui tions plats mkiuggun-aad, i agaisl nuy sharn ordi- bomibera,. POP-ý--Won't Need pop s -roGOIl-WNI' fRADIO EPORTRRX OS 'Wili Mai-yfeoewithliei fried 5alcc' isnband,.Wjil Dr. ouescav tir lit utPhyhic' six ok 14bbyu ilBr S plhesuidhi if-ylv lt V"L o Ca e inoe SomAu r niember tiet.y.A, eaustill was tre g dîs 1ires sud hav e p l afluger-? tiat li c b eîîii,, unyue" tr vOerirls sueram siy otdetu tintei- tiir bsob-cotise îîti- molykîow a ,oap operas", an netmo-Mt taions evryaca r nuoti r eaî-y eveîîng 10intiu edy, susui, seuitonaa tire"soa opeas."Nesry BvCy 1-al 4lu fina;luont v-bu) lÀis- onhs t itsTe 0 bpog-idA- licoîte-ý -alr atr u-iaiisection murity0fsomu truiltn r in tie,, age -ronp fuits 1 t 3 Ti. ire ut-eyiiuneciy ndcae oftht,53 I ut ouse vesiineur- iO(,d Plutte lule tirse sthero grammes wtirlcornedlgrfer- lifeso adieb eprssalte sopio ticrtirere aietWo mtauvsa Scngabu biy . itir corneixîs Cdlont sepiaaons on tire1ai lu NMlrAeia a-onpro- nlu PooayIay as ir cu station CB Y Toruntcu. T1rese pro- utr.b i rel OE1h pe11 ral) lg arie f 1t lgin evr bt cali that il o v-asiAendaPrn VI vhotiatesajsed1Ru-eDay îent 1er il-pe iredyl ue upn vintiI l 1ir pcli1d 1e plt b iossc n maeî ie rpl .1irilDî-wu etutireJLondnHupia lui o tiirne11.) Td;ilIt inap inpiojcg u gaonsu u TQ Repair En'gines fin S. PaCiýfic "Zot saioluIheLîedSao r -eugn o-tn- shed by tire SIolie Paila ocem.n: ac v fnhtPacif ie;nîai ao ls pair. joverhais listii ar. "Yes" 0Or i"No" It's i OPERA STAR HO0 RIZON TAIl AswrtG Preveus Pazzle 23 Those whe Pictured opera MRsVNkRE 4id Ie 12 Die.26Yioava l3Oganf TSTE T, L_ T river, hearig. ENT REPSTSADA28 russian 14 Elogated fsh. RU 1PI L EA EFentis l5,Spaiabr.SEEE NS NS3Muinoe 17 Forgng bloc OWN EFT 33ndaary il8Any. cR US 01E (br> l9Itindu ~TPREAD R A3t 0n1cou1 o 23IF Me omeime sîngsBUREN ARcH AGE R37Seamn 25 Prayers. 44 Diencumber. 4 And ( ýLat.), 2Aprvl 2ý7 1rgtr 6 Place among 5 Pennes. 43Bahelor of 291Kndm ohrtig.6Poetn cec fomn part 48a Clips rouf eÉdge. (bu.> of thopi. 0 Bcoid!i7At )tps. 4T ie 30 Storm. 51 id ecst ab..8Eit pei> 31 ysef. 52 Exclaation. 9 Be a Partof A P',Negaàtiv? 3,2Thruee prf)54 Sing lith 10 Clth easurc e49 Juiib1ed ye 14 Stucy theu. cosd lips. l Maie singers 52 Aiternati 35 heefoe. 56 Ipemdrn, 16EstaSued current 37Cieeriver. 57 Siope. standad,>(abbr. 38 frcantre. VERTICAL 18 Dined-,. 53 Laýnd eaur 39 ever-age. 1 AIn exercise.20 Stnd p. 4 ]lheh 41 Music note. 2 Us. 21 newh (bbr.). 43 paut ou -be." 3Vegectabie uitu. 5Mohr BJ. MILLAR WATT 5 YOLLLHAVETOEID THEM - T 9