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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jun 1943, p. 8

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ORONO WEEI{LY TEIMES THUBISDAY, JUNE 10, 1913 mira Lie SockSh1ow hleltiat od maire 'ith fol, Percy Fa- C.iaa'ke; i-ye'r-old colt, eli r Ëfiý lly, arnyMcltyre', eene; * Bos., Pýeterilsoro; Poîcy For G'ortlon Mïviighý't; Shaýw i-jros.2 It gedn or fiily, 1i ai 2, tyo ,Alilan Davis, Peýteaboroý. r~~~~'j o edni'rfilly, i ani2, les WitngoPtnbr;3 Sm'h ,Percy Doaitio, r ilo. Mare or eu -ltiiag, 4 ycaýrs ovor, 1i-anti 2, J. hti~tn a M'nag'an 3,L. W. Sith-; 4, S bail; 5, Show B ren.; 6, Ray ice;~ ~ ~~Ha 7,RselEae,1m tal- on ae,$3prizo on'yfor entry, i J. Whttigtn; ,1. ityroý; , Piacy Fa:)rrow.Thi e Bra; ati e'ry Fur'owv. Sac i;5, .Pcay Frain. Cnd 7, R. Chiie; , Shanv ' Bros. tchampiion mareC.Whtn- Grand lýlchamapion ý1geitiing,-M- e. Pencherons anti mare'with foal, Roy Ferrer; tI-d By ers, Cavian; J. Hl. Mc- 'Chrls Sit, Cav-an; R. Fe r- annast;R. Ferme. 3-yeaMaId aior llly, Catýhoat; Codo les; Bye;Tom 'Caua e 1, ida. Ye'1i mr o(ewing Enticott, Lintlsay; 2 ani 3, City- 7', Por,1t Hp;Etict CatLI- ; T. 'MCamu1ýs. Stallion amyago ani 3, 'R. Ferren; i:N.Biso' lainier; EarI MufGili, PtToa e animals, get OF ire, Perro'n; on'; S. Smith. Tn'o iainm-ais, eny ao mae FPeroni; Bit on. R. Ferrer Sp Cia, C mih Britow; D Whte;J. M. IMc- Roae, aand Carniage Horses Er, ui Mai it oAl, Fr ank Ma chet. Hckay sallonMI-s. Kelly, Petelbor. Stidi hoS . S. Sta-1 Harness !Horses Clyesiaispaî i iX harness, J. Wita'o. Pe rcher io ns, pairin harnssiEniictt;Atchbison; T. Mc- CamI us.Cange ingle a aonss suit7Ileforcdei. veayý-,,shoWn on Jerseys Bulli yer an ove , H.Gainer, Baý,ilieboro; Perýry Neals acnd Son, of Poeuor;GordonStm le;Gainer; r. br1own;, S. S. Sta-p1les. Bull caif, untori ~'rF. Baow; 2and 3, P. N1eals anmd Son;i 4, S S. Sta-ples'; 5, !L. Young. 'Cow 3 eaas and over, .1. Yonng; 2 ani ,S. S. Sale;4, Neals & Son; 5, Gordoni iStaples. Hie,2year1 s, Nas& Son; Gain- er; S. S. Staiples; Neals; Grdon Stalcs Heieai yer,1 and 2, Hoe caifý, i alti 2, Neaýls & Son; Gordo Stapes. 'M and champion, maie, H. Ganer. Grandchampion, femal, Haay Yourg. Juiryeatrling bull eau, Beth Farm, Ohaw. SeiorYeaLng bull aiBeath Faams. Hifeýr caîf, 1 yea, 'a-> , W A. Drýyden & Son, Erookyn. bifer auDrydean & S'on; 2ant 3,Erne(si floyles; 4. Bakr Fnai, Hmptn.Heifor, 21 year is, M. IH. Pmmutett &Sn Grand Chamrpion maie, Beatb Farms. Grand Chminfemlo, W. A. Dryden & Sonls. There Geo entries for the EtnsSpeýcial, judging 'being ne- sevduntil they, are on the rail at the CPCPetear1o.ughi. Those en- terig wee Il. '. Argue, John A1lell NatieBlch, Wilfreti Elson, GotnFallis;, Joe Topsn Prizes are $1, $10,$8, $, $5, anti $4. Canada Pces SpecialI, R. Me- Be2st Baconfhog, 1ni 3, L. C. MNi;2, Lloyd Suittoni. oasieSow, ;Stanforti Brown." One pound of fat supplies enough - glycerine ta f ire 50bullets from a Bren oi n. KIRBY Miýss sdrdAlEn,Aaspt the- rwe-nda1ome.c' A numibet r o u uig people"at- tnedthe Y.P.U. p)icn-ic at Oronoe Par k. M',r. andiýiMrs. B. Thomipson visicted Mr.. and Mrs. E. R. Bryson on -We Specal chuch ervcesWil b( held 'at K;irýy Ghuinch on Sunday, June 27th. We weret ple.ased to ýsee so -,many ont to churcdh on S.unday. Rev. Lit- tlewood preachied a very isprn sermon. Thi June rnctAiq of the Wýomieni' 'Mssionary -Society was heidini the Sunday Sechool room on Wednesdlay, the 2nd of Jriie, at 8 jp.m., with the president, Mrs. R. Aillia, presiding. The meeting' opeýned lo-y te b eîdri reading from thleMssoay on- ly, ýafter which a hymn was sýung. Mrs. Allun thenu ledl in prayeýr. The ecrptrorealiigwas taken fromû Tsih !9:1-î10, and was read'altevnate iy. A laýiy was thien p resenteti by five toif -thomemnbers, WiatisIthe truth Ùabout the Japanese,-Cania- dians. 'The meetin.g was ciosed 1)y singing andi prayer. Must Forward Coupons For Meat In Loekers Consumei-s, inciudingl farmers, who had mewat storeti in lockers on May 27 are requiroti to reiport liheir holdings tu the ration office of the Pnrices Board before June 30. They thieir heildings at the rate of one coupon for each two pjoîunds ýof mnt held. Total nuiber 'of coupons su- ýendIeret]Ibhy 9aholder neeti not ex- eed -50 per cent. of the, totaliý num- ber tif couponls in the ration books of al tihe consumD-ers in his hause hoid. Best Boar, MeNeil, Sutto, The draw for the -pure4bred Yor~k- shire son' went to Mrs. A. R. Payne, and a $100 vias realizedj on the tran' which -was turniet over to the Miil- lbrcook Rat ýCross.11 Two pounds of fat will fire a burst of 20 cannon shelîs fram a Spitfire or 10 anti-- aircraft shelis. Bones produce fat and aircraft glue. if we saved fat ait the rate of one o *unce per persan per week this would mean 36,000,000 pounds per year, enough to produce 3,600,000 pounds of glycerine for explosives. OUR FIGHTERS DEPEND ON YOU "Evey hosehodervho delivers to a r-etail butcher, collector, or Salvage Committee, -any rendered or unrendered feats or bones shaHf be entitled ta receive f romy the persan ta whom they are delivered 4 cents per pound net weight for Srendered fats, eand 1 cent per pound for unrendered fats." The aboye paragraph is a direct quotation from Order A-642 of-The Woi e Prces a-id Trade !Board. "Rendered fat" meains fat melted clown and strained ta remnove solid maitter. t includes drippings and strained pan greaýse- resulting f romn the cooking of meat. "Unrendered fat" means raw or partially caoked fat f ree from Jeaon meait and bone, but not fully rendered. "Ban-es" means raw,,ý or cooked bones of cattie, sheep and hogs. ----!VERY OUNCE COUNTS! SAVE .AND STRAIN EVERY DROP TO SPEED YICTORY. SELL IT TO YOUR BUTCHER OR GIVE 1T TO YOUR SALVAGE COMMITTEE. NOTICE TO BUTCHERS, HOTELS, ETC. You have been mai!ed a copy of Order A-642. This Order affects operators of hotels, resaurants and other establishments where mieals are served. It is of immediate importance to butchers et-d slaugh- terers. If your copy has been Iost, you con obtain another f rom the neores( office of Ther Wartimre Prices and Trade Board. NE WTON VILLE Mis WimaProuse spent the' Mr. anti Mas.Atu Renp s!peat a day i Toroato.i Mr, Altred e np,'sla spent the week-end at hiome. 'Mars. Ken. Ve, Toro-nto), is visit- ing her parents, M.anld Mr-. G. Ovens. Mr'. andi Mas. S. J. La1nca-ter were S'unday guests st Ma. Sam uttry Salem. Mas. J. IS. Dillon of Ykna Wash., is visiting ber- sister, 'Mas. J. McLacfhlan. Mr. and Mas. Lloyd Bl urloyý, Osh- awa, spant the we-edat Mr1. Spencer B'urloy's. A nuiier from bore attenddt1lte DIinner-ýSneII ruptials in Wesleyvville Chu rch on Satuîday,. Misses iSyteil Hoskin anti Mary Brley have acujpted pstosin Ti'ekell's sorPortHoe Mr. an.d Ms. GitIdus onsClif- ford anti Eîle, 1, rono,, wure g'usts of Mvr. antdMs.S. lR. !Joncs., Mr. anti311M.;. A1i v~ elDw at Boan'ile aeion. Mrs. Thos. StIe, o on Sun1y Mr. id Masý. W. i. ncspent a f aw days la:st wcek with thi Il- ter, Mrs. Bruice ( tPr oe etv. J. ueaha a n thieTy- acre harg S'uday onAuctiiIgan ivrayservices alt"am urh Our -United S'unday Sellool is hold- ing its annivursa'y o n June 27th, anti the )Sun'tiay School picnic on TJine(,28. Mry. Jas. Nsh'tTnnsee .S. Ais visiting bis sistear'is Anleu Neýbitt. Miss Allie Nash'tît, Tnne Swas home Sunday. Coa.ratulatiofn's, to Mr v Wm. Ar- galI, who 'was 580 yem.r of age lasýt 1woek. Mr. Argatl is quite active, tioing bis own f airm ",ork anti evea ri'des hOTersa bak. Thora was namiyreunian aIt Mýr. Cocil BurLey's 5'untiia y n'hen the on- tire :family was hmo Mr-,ani Mas. Coardon Simith 'antiMarion BoaPor .11ope, wcre Iso present. Mr. JohBilar-rie passýetI anay verýy suîddeni1yj'ast Tues'day lon'n aný infan'sely sevteen'rt attack. The neCws cama -S as a great-shouk to the 'ertiro ommnit asMr. Ba-_rrie bat benup inth village ju'st shoritiy' hefora ho 'tiet. Depest smah 'goos eut ta Mis. BarrieantiMuray. A First Aid claiss was hi ar Ibeliford 'as i fstanctor. Dr. une ta the ýfollowving : Mas. Sid'. Lancas- ter. ~ ~ Tneý Ms. ilsJes.Mis:ses 3Mary B3urlay. jeanýMilIga-n, Ber1niace -Mil- ligan, Mrs. chas. WatterIs, -MIs. Ccýcii Burley, Ma Sundrs, Jamck Balins- t'w anti Don VînIde. The -innual hakOfeigservie, ,f the,,WM.S. n'as hait in Newton- ville United il'Curohon Sunday fen- ing. 'Missi; Toa of Toi- einta, FieltiSoatayfor y'n pea- pl's work mn!ie the Doinion board ,f the WJ.. 's the guest speaker aLnti dlivrtop a -1messag-e that will ha 1lnngrme bee y ail wbo heardj "1.a, on1 "Unti(ersýtand (ing Othar- Races." She n'as antertainetj in the KENDAL Miss Agnes White spent Sund&ay mwith ýMas. E. Ln Pte. Rcy Patton sýpenit the -week- anti witb bis parents. Mr. ant i Ms . Harod LittIe anti Gary, at Ma. I. Little's. 1Miss Ada WiElson, Ajax, spent the 'week-end at Mr. R. Wiison's. Mr. Earney Grýegg spant Sun'diay with MaIý. tan i Mas. T. lliciti. Ma. anti Mas. V. Aien n-it Mati- Ion aet Wm. Meacov-'s on,-, untay. Mr~. anti Mas. W'm. Wannan visitati with ýMas. Win. Patterson on Sun'- day. Sýgn. Neil Stewýart,Kigstn spant the n aek-end .at _Mr. J. Stan'- ai-t'S. Ma. anti Mrs. G. N. Smithl Shilo-h, eýpent Sun.day with Mr.janti Mrs. Cccii ýGlass. Mr. Wm. Geairy, Ajax, aIt home,,. IMa. B.Aexde ahoeor the week-end. F'oot Comfort Supplies I SANI-PED FOOT POWDER For foou oifrsotig dejoorizing yig, large tin for ............... .............. BILUE JAY MEDCAEDPADS For corns, callouises and bun- ions, box ý .... ................... 25c. Cress Corn Salve . .......50c. Elio Corai Salvp, bo-x......50c. Gilfillan- Corn Salve, guaran- teed relief, box ...........15C. Rexal Corn Solvenit.......25c. Zai-BUik Oinitmie,b ox 47c. Rexaîl Foot Pwebox..35c. Freezonek,bottie .-.....29c. MARATHON Antisepýtic Liniment, relieves sore, tired feet, checks ath- lete's foot, 4 ozs............ 49c. 12 ois. for 1............ .......98c. Marathon Ointmient ...........49C Marathon Foot Powdler. 25e DR. SCHOkLLES Zino Pads for- corns, box of 15 for ,....................... 35c. Zino Pads for callouses, 7.35c. Zino Pads foýr Bunions, 7.35c. Solvex Ointmaent.......... 50e rFoot Powder ...................... 35C. NU-FEET Medicated insoles, 22 si.zes, Per' pair ................... ................_25c. FARM NEEDS 1 n11dh de )il. for ...........2........ 5 C. 2 lbs. f or............ .45i . Ceeadry dust treatmient for seed grýainis, 1 lb.$110 4 lb)s $3.5u SemsanBe, for; treaiting seced potatoes, -2 ounicesý for............. 35C. 1 pound for ...........$_......._ 2.15. .5 pomnds for. .........$9.20 BlaClkegoidIs (forý inuocuilatinig cattle againsý,t blackleg bef ore pa'sting), J-otle of 10 oidls for .......................... ....... .........$1.00 PBliAcg Aggresin (liquid for use -with veterinary hypodermie syringe), 50cc (10 dos,,es . ......... . .90........... ................ ........... Vcterinary D'-iarrhoea Pow.der, 4 ounce pkgL,. for ... ................50C. Cyv-ao-USas, for cxterminating groundhogs, / pound for......... 69e. 1 pound for .........................$1.00 ý... 5 pouinds........$4.15 SPECIAL FORM1ULAS Bring int your recipe for Stoek Tonies, etc., and have them mixed at the price of the ingredients used. W"e Sel WAR SAVING STAMPS 25c. eaeh, Prescriptions a Speciaity Charles Tyrrel Agent for Jackman Fiowers Phone 68,ý Orono Bys' Wash Su-its, made of grey or gr-een covert cloth, neatly trimmed, short sleeves, knee length, sizes 2 to 6 years, each.ý..... .... 49c. Boys Gry CoertCloth Knee Pants, sizes 2 to 6 years, pair...................45c. Child's Overalls, made of blue chambray, red trim, knee lengthi, sizes 2 and 4 only, pair. .. 29c. Peanut Straw Hats for- every miember of the f amily ......... ........ ........ 25c. to 35c,. Dutch Set Oion,-s, pound ........ .......... 25C. Canvas Porchi Chairs, mnade of bright colored canvas, each ............. ...... $1.35 White Shoe Polishes, inilclinýg ail of the well known mnakes, 2 in 1 cake, Spic and Span, Shin- ola, Budget, Shu-Milk,, It, and 2 in 1 White Cleaner, priced at ...... ....10c. and,15c. Adiustable Window Sereens, priced .... 35c. to 47c. Wire Screening by the yard, width 26 inches to 30 inches, yard.......... ....... ....... 28c. Whisks, good w\,ýeight, green broomi cor~n, each. . 29c. Old English No Rubbing Wax.. pint bottie .... 49c. Cellulose Fibre Washable Window Shades, size 3 feet by 6 feet, colors of cream, green or white, com-plete with brackets ' each ....... 49c. Stedmran's Outside Paint, colors. of blue, cream, briow\,n, shutter green, slate, maroon, buif and red, quart ......... ..... .... .......... 69c. Puffed Wheat, large 8 quart 'bag....... .... 17c. Shredded Wheat, 2 boxes for ......... ...... 23c. Chiocolate Caramels, nut centre, fresh stock, lb. 40c. GOLDEN GLOW COFFE-E Fresh Customn Ground 1-2 LB., 1 COUPON... 21c. I RONO 5c. TO $1.OO STORE I YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE I Motor Equipsuent Northcutt and Smith Funeral Dineetors and Furniture Dealers JINDNESS COURTESY SERVICI Equipped to take cane of the modest fuineral at the most reasontable charge as weil as the largest and Most êxacting Telephone: Office 668 - Re-sidence 523 and 726 Bowmanville, Ont. Telephone Colleet Li ;;a Z;'-I KI Ei T IX A M UfNITION! Fat and bon. conservation begins at home and ends in the firing lino la DO YOU KNOW - -i t Private Ambulance

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