Signs of Disease In Potato Plants Growvers tjrOed To Cc-opl-er. ate In Suppreqssion0cf WiIt Asutoc Sason advancs a wacn mbouid haket on tha potofield M or iaaed plans whcb gives \,~,vidncao! he presaEî 0 bac leralwit and roct ')f po'ttoas, Disaaàsed plants vcan h dtete iny a athe gr-owingsesn Thesyptmaara ver'yvaibe The firat symptoma are a rolliag o! th leafeta wîcb Iter tu yellw ad dia. Thiasomwa resemblea lata bligiTutocur Iallygearl.The aiao h las tîaof ïaffacted blavas wîlÎ! Y-~~ vtie sebasaOi 9rsraa rig- Id. Tis in ttara rasembiasta- Ibail pliant ibug iajuiry, gtla thse caeof 9Rltthmeemla oevidenea ü! njuy o the midi-rib. Eveatualia- )y ta woIe leaf diesý. Oaaeornýor Rinin 'a bill may wilt, whila thee yemainder appear ealthy 'rthe ritema th at wlt are asually imore erlea tunted. WLen afc VWans ama dug, ht is founi that emre 0f tIsetubera are bay is- mealthough there ara uLsulIl y W!l gradations front sounld to rm pltely- decayed tubera. ', Eey potato gr'owe-r should kùEep a Sharp lookoult for diseasad Jianits ,ad :1wben foundic, specimans 4)f vne and tubera shoujld ba- sent 1er mxamination te thse Doinion 11otiai"st, Central Experimantal Warîm, Otawa. Only tubera ha z4ra shghtly affectced shiouid haj mnt, as badly decayed unes are uosees oricroscopic examia. 9tio, The wbola-heartýAd co-oper- *io 0 avry ?grower la sset Yer the Sppesio f t ein étsare, DRUNK MONK A siff, a awallow aad( Jocko becomes tha Ile"mon1kay who got dnrup. Thare baing no aie- ~ atstrunk Ihandy îto rua u Lp, ocofals flataad gazas into, 0,eemI-pty gla'ss ta! -Naw vYrk Watrfroat bar. RomFar E very Kind Of R-ubbher Aihr Lyon Collyer, prasidant of' 1. F GoorichCG., cl Jra e thi aniversary 0f is first syn- hoi-r sala with asjaicn mooJ'tteaflitire for 1ah kinda 0; f su ar, ys Time. Ha foreaa wor~ ~ fi-ilald oubrdma f atLat k~ ,O0,0O tnsa yar-almnosttwc Rliewordapakpewrconismp- Topov is foracasýs a raoli ableesaMr.Colyar pointed Clout tha baorethe --al- Chilaa's ani- monalpar capîta rubber consump- lion was on-ly .03 !lb., Rusia' ly .3 b.v.a 0-b. anveraga for U. S ynetcrubber and -natural rab. -ue ~oId lve t ogethair la pence i??raffin Your Lemo&sý To ký eep amoýns -or a co)s-ider- ahi lagth of tima ýoat -themr Iightl"y vwith paraff«in, usalp'- a 'anal 4rî h.Whan it la deiEd 61r0oe hapar-affîn, h eat themll I yjuaity Co units mnost -for that L!!ÎiIîich, saitisfying, flavyouer iwhich only a fine quality tea yields, uise,, KING pHIÇOINS Py CAPT'AIN FRANK H4. SH-1AW CATRXVII wh-isper. Foot>stepa were just jaud- ile. A 11an-1stepped byv, vaniished. The two watchers waited until discretion. was afe; tlhen they got uprighit again.' "Ayothere' s some place at the ed"said Wýynnre. " thought it a track of sorts." Apaetythe path was ere- ]y a juagle trail, provîding a short eut to a beach that hand fisýhing poss1bjIliýe'- from some isolated settiement infland. Then, quite without warning, they stum- bjled over barbed Ir enclosing a squat lhouse. "It would hold a lot of rifle,ý'" said Wne "Probably does; I1'd ike to get inside," saidDike "M it," wispè-red Wynne, coewarig instincti veIy. Someone was 1;approaching"' this solitary Place, and p ot from aeawardi More thar one man formedi the Îhe newcoýmers seemad caý,re- whistled -whfia t înigt have beeil al sinl T herie was nc (ep1y to the whjistle. It wJaraeae "He )', not hýere," One of the "May -the dev1 taka him !". said anl impatienit voica, the sound of whc aused Dickie's heant to give a îiueer leap inside his chest. "Thar'e is o ase-o-igt said tha first sekr "But there are ther nig'its,! Oaaneauk liak in theognia tionriman fiLur'e," said Laýfallatte. "tmust lbe seen tLo." Bu-t if, Dickie had h1opedl to ea vaesdIrop 1 suficiently' to get thle place andI date of thlefohcm ing rîsing-'!and(,ewas certaini tha remarkis did rter to a ising: Jbstý as the position wsas grow- ing_ untenabmle, thie keaper of the but raturnied, waýs softly chaI- leniged byLaaltespry "But it wa agditat1 should ke a lookout for. Gas- pard o," hle explainaý ed. Gspdois lnot riuaning to him- unfastan the dloor. Not until- they \ýware ,tinthe building with thae door are-h watch- ara eard the heavy bolit drawa frm nsie- a a light-kindled, "We igh ,.lt have roLgh-housed thlt,"said Wnabloodthirst- ily. WhatIO (!0do ow, sir?" 'Wa mivayas ell cear, out,"' Tl~eygot ack o the launchi, ISSUE -No. 30-43 ~$1,22- SENDS 300e "BIIHCONSO[s", "1LEGION",1 or 1 lb. Toba cco - BRER SMOKING or ony MACDONALO'S FINE CUIS <witIh pape,,) clso Z)AILY MAIL CIGARETTE TOBACCO Postp.old fa Sc!ders itIe Coadcionj Army OVERSEAS and CANADIANS IN UNITED INGDOM FORCES ~ alOrder and Rçmiffice 10-- whac- theflickaýring pckttorch bogtManuel rmty "Was-ted ceeaing, Uim-afraWd, ai, adWylnae, as they sat overa iighcapin the Con]sulate. "I'm not 5 ur-'iant so Thi!e S. S. Tarragoa,arlri 1aeCI nt Saun jJ osýef; riaIdwhen Captaini IredParker m1-1ade his mnmber at thf Clae , DÎLik Higgin.s se- ided that ha liked hilm, Young l3arker tookl, ifa far ilas sriusythan h i>s 0olderP brother of the miba service; hie ývaS in h3is fîrst c6;lmmand and apt te forget at times that ha was no longer u. earefrae boy. Diockia invited the Faileiros and Brkarto inner at the on iune sked Doloes t(, finil a gir-l of -ber acquaintance w ith whioi- Frecd Barker could lance. Thlle other girl, Juanita 0Ollareb1o, was a, deep. brunette, obviouisly chlosenl by Dolores as a3 contrast; and to senne extent iný awe of tha compan;y amiongst wYhiCh she foun)d hersaîf. But it was she who threw Fardfin-ando Lafallette inito the cConversation as a% bonle is thrown amoga pack of previ- ounlypac ful huads. "Ha isndral, she tittarad(1 -"TUhea l not a young womlan In. the City who la not ia love withr c- he felloxv! Dickiae ithought; hang hlm asuhigh as Ha- Fan! ha was crafty: seacng faminine invteretno that the senor'itaýs ould persuade t haïr cavaliesYtosupport himi! Butý, to sSoothe theCos'sie Dolores spatcua i grclouis to bim1, "You ko~Dýon ];ickia, il I hadn't givea AIl mq henrt te Far- dinanido, Irigit 1have fimund a cornler of it fori.- l a daulgh- "If you badni't been hwtbç b ththtby the execlelt Senor Lafnaiette," almos't roare& Dieki, I'dI' "Spaak ime?" "No, force you to lovi ,e me he way that 1 love you," he ,founid "Ah vNowoan wns ever oe ad into love, Don Dickia; vwe tfail Hae ouXorott'%the May ha gTated. CIf ony ha consîders me grent en 1l ftrad, sha re- torted. "If i'saprpa uarraI yovu wanlt, hv t!", he blazed. "ýKeep pour infeal indbag an.makep thle fhast ol hm" mein a niche ike naMsain "a worship nia from bis iowast level," sha ockd. You don'1t love nme coaa littia, bit, Don Deî o-l the w may I expimectto e loed. -"WeIll, wuld your famou Ls ictatcor foragýo hà, abtosfor your saka ?" Diekie sneared, bat "If ha sacificad oaasingla niot. Deo you bar, a wl ot JtntyDi.ckie as oolas ice again. "That is t a- tmea D-olorac S you willsea oaa da-y or omhar" "Ive got to pretend 1I da hear thant," Diekia th-ought aad nn axercisad bis entirese-cnrl Siaca to altar his im-anner us have ihowa ha had accaptad her unconsclous statament, ha saidi WeDîcaors aad kingsauad sucli hava a trick of forgetting old pvrmises onice abto is rani- ized2' "It'abecaue yu fear l.Fvrdi- nando," sha whippad back at lmi-. "'You, who ha hve ruled like a litti[e "nu'e rbably borrowad qggins, Kng Higgins! Bas; you îink thca mey you have Cauad en be invPetain HIyataia gives AM Cigh toyouto imnpose yoîur monl on feaWyC aan! "Musil atuail avents, 1 did get ruptd tht dyaicq1uarrai. Dick Higgins was thinking: You raýbid littie an el;,So Ct forawaraad lp forearmed." Four days Jater, in the a-ftcr- noon, Fred B>arkar came ahr to lear hi s shipi prior to sýai!îng bafora Sun-et. "!IYwant ota nk you for a great timne, sir, eacn le ed "t' apiy ail CoMNsarn't like you; Mbblieve me, they are V t. MoAt of hem haven't lme take any interest in freighter- Dickie luhe. "So1long a yoeWejoed your"lf" ha said. 1Wll hope youhaeapean (CotinedNext MWee-k) Blimps in Major Role Agaînst Subs1 Noc Shipt Escorted by Blimpz Losbt ta Sub Attack TheHV. S.' Navy Dapartmnt has reveale-d that asgnfct factýor in t he recernt succeas of the a4n ti4ýu billarine camipaign la the North Atlanticwa due to the 1J00 par Cenjt. effectviîenlessod the na-v's new noa-rigid airaýhip.s -whic3h ave escorted 1thousanda wýit11ou1tlosa of a asingle vessai. Thaf Navy Departmient ys _Sot one of the thiousanda of trensports and s up1 ýly vessels that have cheen escorted by the aavy's inew nion-rigid airahip hae been bltstno subumrina ao- These blimps are ao-Wopa- 'Lng nthe P1aciýfic and ithe (Guiýf of ilmdexi sWel as la the At- laie. Convoy aaýd patrol v r rsuit aew irab'ipa laindeadby17the r-eýeat navyanunmetha oau ftnsebp adscaa fully compl,)etad a3 -a trip -, an outlying xedtonr b;asa., Thie blim-p laý not hagni- cpalby low vablt as are othýr aircraft, andis t la l fect az m-ovabla platform from whicl- ant-aumarneoplaationïs e'aha * Iik a our sister provïinces, Québec lias lo'yaIly gqeaed al ber eege fK aand resocurces f0o furthering Cad' war effo-rt. Qu-ébec ladeiern the goods, ia quality and quantity, promp-ly and efficientiy. Har 50fl8 and daughters are distinguiahiing themrselves by fightisig, serving, .workixsig in aail phases of 'the Alled bail.le of combat, convoy, and zproduction. Québeca. vital factor ina hie prod 'u ction of war matýr'Ial and weapoais. She produces 40% of thle United ýNaion.s volume of aluxninumrn, 90%) 'ý of bhe total aupply of asbastýos, 25% of the wol'newspriat (70%, oi al newspa,ýpers la the-, Americas depend on, ber for paper>. Lumbariag and mini2ng for war purpnoses have reached. vast pr-opiorint French Canada. Thiis Province e ~supplies enormous uiis of foodstuffa to the Unitad Natlionis, aspec'ally to Bian IMarchant sips and war vessais, tan-ks, rlr, slîis, aircraft, parachutes, supplDies for the forces, armuition of ail kaddapth charges, innumnerable Wood and text-ile war producta, chemnicals, explosives, arca major items of our outpui from a vast manulacturing coýmplýexpord by enormous hydro- electric resources.1 War demanda on our idstisand aacut rc ndour increasing p aricipaion in the Navy, Marchant Marine, Air Forcem, and Woman'a Auulîacry Services, are absýorbung ai ou.-ma ad wmaaPowver. Québec supporta to tha limit evary wiar and Viçtory oan ad everywa campaigan for funds, pvertopping al objectives. Educ ation is mnaking great strides and is now focussed on wa-r neads. Quéhec la keaping faithl We warmnly welcome alil otr fllow Caaladians whose busines-s br-inga theXzL to Québec Province. Thougjh our peoplee bd ngigh and day for our commont Victory, our bospitaiity 10 visitors is as waTrm as of old whiIe the quaint charm andc scaic beauty of Québec remain unchanged. We cordiallyIý invite our friands iOntarlo and ln Canada t ia,ýiit tus again whenî Victory has been won.ý PRVCEO KfIE E E PSS ADFiBi[Y UI N5 N BUNNY HUG jâZý'ý