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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Jul 1943, p. 8

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ORONOl WEEKLY TIMES TI] md et lis h'ome. ivt r.Neva Little. NE WTONVILLE MisJeanWa, Lindsl-ay, is houi- daia at homeL. Mr.Rt-y Sith and Claios spent the weekmend un Toronto. Pte. Edgair MIILs, iWoodatock, spent the w7ee'k-end atî home. lMusF. A. E. Victor Galloin, PeT- ibouo, sîpent the qwkend at the par- .eoN c nrmet, -sCe 1n j on.age. tkshiolîdays wiffih Mes. Ther- Mr. andiMus. Elmi-er Rnd i nd Join, Ohiwvisited AMis. H. han- aind Ms.1T. Gar'btst andJa3ck dali on Suuday. sundaiy witlh Mr. .JamLaswa- M 1 Ktle RceCa'lnbray, an.' rul"ochatN iagr ls aniMai-. Geco.ge Clalk aeYairee 1ti 11M.anM( rs. S. J. t.wg tm weeks' h»0ildkays at Laneaster, somrhome. Mr. Christiopher Argail, Sask., has- anidNMrs. Le(onard Oasghlitnied been v-ýisitiing bis brother, Mr. Wmý-. aiyspenit Sussday with Mk1% r. ieaii an( ii tîet: ty visitedi an- Vins. D. Vannatto. otheèr brothier, Mr. Bd. Airgaîl, Newv- s Mary MýveLean iai Mr. anud cas;tile. C1unmmîngs are sedngihi ...Joit lMe31Laclilnan iwif e, ysat Miýss MocLeai's àhome.______________ and Me. aince Allen and spent Surday with Mr. anti Mus. ,lon a91ti Miýs Dris McKaiy Wîm. ecr 0f the 700 ýpeople makmg tank landîntig oraft abt a Scoý(ttish shipyardi At the uibea of wvBritajin hadi 25,000trctnsforagicltra wordc; todaiy there are 25000in use. ýSteel wiih mas freryused Ito make po)sihofIIce homne saifes for smaii savr~in CGreat Britain nw -gons to buiid taniks an1d gunls, 1,1ndj nîn moicre of these sýafes rwifll be issaeun2(_11 ti, aItÏer the war. YrtoSalk., -are hoida'yiagý'with bsparents, 11ev. a11(1 311S. J. Mc- Lauhlýan. LJaIk lis on1 bave prior to giodnîg to Labracloir. Rcceýit vialtors at M r. G e orge Staileto's ere, Mr- Clar'ence Bell, Oshiawxv; Mr. and l'-Urs. Bert Cald- weli, L.A.C. 1{arok lcldl i and lbaby, Toironîlto. Farmjers are biliy bi t te haiy aaind reota Ieav'y orop. Jaiekie MofYabtt is vstn bis unjcle- at Caivani for a feýw days. Mrs. Gog Allen, Peterboro, isq visiting ',at Mr. John Mfits Plans are I 111 11]ma2eto put neW shingles on the echi:ulchiii the iino ifuture. M _ýiss; Helen iWood, Orono, spent the week-endx at M r. ROY Cochrne 's. Roîbesi faf'irBarrie, las spend- iag the hoiidlays.ý with bis uncle an grandimother, Mrs. Robcrt Miller. Gwendoiy* ne and Ernest Ransbeiry had their tosl emoe t Bcw- mainville hospital on Friday last ati aire prIgresshing favo'raMby. Decom-aition Day anii Meimnoýifl Service will flbe helti et 'm,ireai's chuiveh on Sn ay Aug-ust lst, at 2.30 p.m. .Mr. Mnk of Bethany, ivilI 'be te seaier ndi 'Mr. Hre wiii aiso be presenît. ___________________________ i __________________________ I __________________________ r îU[111k ~4~RII ~d i~ The Press Endorses Progressive Conservative Plattor. Proposais D Mem- ta largeiy attended meting of" dates a-d officiais from ail over eld ai the Royal Y-1, Ho>telon juily 3rd. !y this, sid Mr. Frosthe pat- i oýut after that meeingwasthe luence and otcome of construe- -aisninade m the legisiature b)y aod bhis assoCiates. Ever since the the Olpposition, led by NMr. Drew, 'h ession put forward a series of 3conce 'ved in the public intereat. pIosais, added the nienibr for id Hliburon, have bcee cither ,n t the instance of the Liberai at or delared out of' order by st uary Stb, 1941, the Opposition, a resolution, calling upon the itto miove forecofrnef ties of the Domlin ion andl of al ,es for the folowingpross It uceml sreby inter-pýrovincial Si as nmay bc nece 2 ary. 0 BaOrthe gretea t w-rnd post- <b) To met emergenciescrte by the War. (c) To assure dequýate picsfor d)To protet the establisheti rights Of labor. "",- to> devise plans for the rehabilita- l'or, of the ninnibers of our armedj forces andl for thse re-eropioymient of ,civilianis ,ho ,ay bc tlrow ot of work by postwar indu5.triai readju,ât- nient; n.nd to conider sncb ther questionsa relating to thse welfare and Security of the people as may be dieemed advisable. Votcd dowo by the Liberele inluding MWsr. Nixon.1 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING Tlse advisobility of lanning beforteand zEe,r potarec.vey waaspgin presedupo 'bhue by thse Opoiin arsto 'rhicb rea-d: That thse nroposed St. Lawrence. wer voed owoby the Liberals. includn b th saie essonhe Olpposition, Sin- pressed by the need for, nm in the ad minstration of the poic.bogti Tht the etimatesforte urntya Ierefered bat i o h, xctv oni -~I tutionsto.eceethetoa -seoun ofsuplyby $25,O0,OOO TsswaS turned d lown y tbe LbrlI ncbsdîng Mr. Nxn FOR!:ST RESOURCES L.teron Mr. Drew'sfooerofeda ~sclut.n dmaoingthat theadista inadcontrjol ut he rvnilfrs es~cs eplaced under th, dretinof a mblic nbcdy t. bekj--n a, th, Ontarioý F'orest RsucsComm-issioln, nfter the naner ttise OntgriO Hydro Electrlc 'çWer oiisin 1Rejc,ted by the, Libera.ls, includîng Mr. lCiON PLANS leson of thc Legîslature 1943) on kent .up th sue fo>r b"i tting thia eouin us egrets that tIse Libea') cnt-sa.introducesi nu legisla- ,rvide for bthe re-stablusbmeot n fcuatos ttbe ebr rces, frafter Wrreco.suruc- f-or ork, wages, and soial for onrpe, ie eicnigMr. Nixon, vtes esnedrive- for action the oposed;. Goerm .iabuldundertake ý- cfmence .-..ihe BREW PLANS A DYNAMIC ONTARIO (Essex County, Reporter, Kingsville, Onzt.) Social security, full mlymnand economlic plann ing are prominent topics of the day. Gýeorge Drew's approach to the discussions formis a timulating contribution . . . Ontarîo's planninig problem, accordin.g - to George Drew, is flot a static one, but is dynamic in character, designed to deveiop to the u tmost our Nature-givýen potentiaîities * . . his view at irst may sond lîke oid-line thinking, but one must admit that his ap- proach is inore than an echo of Laurierý and lMacdonald. Hoe adds something new . .. our planning for the future mnust be dynaimic. DREW APPEALS TO THE BESTINM ONTARIO (Ottawva journal) For the Progressive Conservaitive Programme Qffered the pýeople of Ontario by, George Drewv, one thing must be said at the outset. It is that here at ieast is a proniouncement by a public main who reveals understanding of the graity, and the faith and hope, of our times . . . He (Mni. Drew) offers us a pro- gramme wîthin the framnework of freedomn; a programme thait must appeal to Ontario's tradition of individual independence and seif-reliance. He would have governmient control and superintendence for the Citi zen; he would flot subject men-te the deadening hand of bureaucraCy, nor plan us ail into puppets under dru sergeaints of the state. That he leaives as it should be left te the Socialists of the C.C.F. ... No Ontanio leader in yearshais advainced a More pogressi've, a more humaine, or a more hopeful programme. ain women in our fngnting forces and thse war industries. Thse Liberals, incuding Mr. Nixon, killed this resolution. SELP FOR AGRICULTURE Thse Opposition renewed tbe attack with this further resolution: Tbe mmer of this legisîture express their regret that the Government bas faileti to mort the critical needs of our agricultural producers; and they insst that the Government immyediately take wbatever stepis are necessary to assure stability of prices, and an adequate suppy ofmanpv ae-,nJ'i-na:iry fo>r th t .erpidly inreasing demands of war Production. This was a l'ove on, bebaif of th, farmers of Ontario wich the -iberals were afraid to Veto diretly. The Liber-ai Government mlemlbers, including Mr. Nixon, got around this difficuiiY by adoptinig a resolution praising the Govranment for tIse admrirable wok donc by the province in assuring mjanp)ower, prices and macinery for the agicultural industry. UNIFORM RATE FOR HYCiRO The nelt reslution submnitted by the Oppositi.na. ete that the Hydro Eletric resourc-es of the Province belonged to ail the peop>le; and that it i. therefore desirable that the Ilyýdro Electric Power Commisio Act be amended iimeiatçly toequalizýe rates for eletric energy and remnove the present service charge in rural areas. TO MET FUEL SKORTAGE An Opposition resolution dealing with the curreoit fulel shortagered In the opno f this House a fuel? comn- mittee holdbe poi dto inquire iIto tIe fuel situation and to recoin- miend to, the govrninent mensures to assure the greatest possible supply o)f fuel for thse coming winter. OREW'S GREAT SOCIAL DOCUMENT (T'oronto Globe and Mail) Progressive Conservaitive Leader, George DIew hais raiseti the presenit campaignj far above the pic ayune things of the- little poli- ticiain. By it alt thec arping, ail the sneers, the inuendo aind the petty slander of his critics were swept aside. In that aiddress George Dre h ais giventi the people of -On- tario ai greait document, the finest sca document in Onitairio's history; one which should bie reaid, studieti and thought uipon by every citizen . : . Point by point it is a miassive thing. Event in the skele-ton)ized formr it is a dytnimic and constructive programme. Almost every point offers a i paictical approach te futidamnental problemns. .. It is essentiaiuly a programmre of work, ai series of welil in-, tegrated steps caling for theý creative'use of ail our resources and ail our skili ... George Drew is putbli*cly pfédgëd to these 22 po)ints. What is miore, lhe is piedged te implemient them with the guidaince and as"istaince of the chosen representaitives of each group directly concernied. ... If somie concrete evidence of the genuinenes's of the Pairty were needed, there is the record. Mainy of the records of the points Mr. Drew itemized in his address are not new. He hais olffered them ete the Legisiatire of the Province aind ais Opposition Leader offeredto assist-the Government in carrying themi out. TO THE RESCUE 0F REAL ESTATE (indîsor Star) Mr. Drew proposes that the Ontario Govern- ment, if hie is calieti upon to form it, will assumne at leaist fifty percent of the school taxes now charged against reai estate - Thait ... would prove a relief to ail taxpayers. Despite the sufferings of last winter andi thse prospective sufferings of the comng winter on the part of tbe peuple, the Liberýal Goveroment of the day, including Mr-. ixon, unanimously voted down this resolution. FINANCIAL PROTECTION FOR SOLDIERS The next Resolution, introduced by the Opposition at the recent session of the House, proposed that ail members of the Canadian Armed Foirces fron, Ontario sbould be given effective legai' protection' against the normal economic consequences of their service; and that gil those, wbose ability to morttheir financial obligations bas been materially reduced by sncb service, sbould bie sheltered against the forfeiture of instalment contracta,, cancellationi of life insurance policies up tao 0,ooooo, and' judgmhents or other legal -proceedings for debts incurred bçfore entering military service. The resolution stnted that this Protection should be extended on the express condition thaet those able to pay sbould flot bc encouraged to evade their obligations. The iSfermeot rather than the canneliation of obligations was sugkested su that justice migbt be assured. Instead of voting down this resolution the Liberal Attorney-General stnted that this proposaI had been taken up witb the Fedierai Goveranent. But Up ta the presenit tnien action lbas ensued. OLO AGE PENSIONS Afrerrsuto introducds by the Opposition rend:- Resolved that in the opinion of this- Rouse the Government sbould take immediate steps to adjuat the nid-age pension Paymcntin accurdance witb the present cost of living. In suiporting this resolution Mr. D)rew and others contended that olsi age pension Payrnents sbould lie raised immediately by at ieast $5.00 a month and that the practice should bie abandoned of compielling oid peuple .witb littie homes tu give up these homes before tbey cen coilect their scmty pensions. This reasonable proposai uf the Opposition. was ruledf out of order by thse Speaker, Mvr. James Clarke, who 00W favors union of -Canada with tbe United States. On another occasion in thse late session the Speaker rules out uf order a p ru o a or t e c lbration of EmpreDay. r Nxnisfotoecord as protestogag_ ns teLbelSpeakr'. rulings. LABOUR AND "TEAM-PLAY"' As far back as 1941 George Drew placed before thse Legisîture a proposaI calling upon thse Minister of Labour te, arrange'a ecnferenc t ti be known as the Ontario Industriel Production Conference to bc attended by representatives o Labour Unions, Employers' and th, public. The PurPose of thbe Conferenbe vas to be tbe assurance of maxýimum industrial pjrodIuc- tion,, with effective protection for thse wàorkers.. The Liberal Goveroment, including Mr. Nixo, ave taken no action up to the Presenit tinsie, in regard to this proposai. In keeping with its record i the Legis- lature, on the public platform and i0n the press, ever, since 19.39 the PrCgressive Conser vative Party, as lready inidicnted is pledgeçl to carry out the prograni outiinedi in the 22-points of its platfomm. The only mneani; of roaking sur.e that these forward iooking commfittments will be put loto fortbright oractice is to vote George Drew and the Progressive Conservative Party into Office on August 4ths ý The issue is in~ the banda of the electors Who are under a patrintic and mnoral obligýa- tion te, do three thinga: (1) See ihoi your nomne is on the oesls. (2) Get out and work for the proçresive Conservaîlve Party ond ifs plotformn .d o grealer and mare Prospereus Ontario. (3) TaIt 10 yorfiendi and ocquainfonces and ge# fheni te llt polilson the rigbi side. Makre Ontario Strong. Wôrk and Vote for the Progressive Conservative Candidate. VOTE AUGUST 4 FOR THE ilL Publishied by ProressiveCneyuv Powly .o oulo I 'M 11-îli il I I M mccrea's *1 Your foreneaie ealarged to aproimaely 5 x7 ineches, mouated aind framedi in waiùut, (,bonsy or goiti frame, .each.9e ,We Soul WAR SAVING STAMPS ",Saiing is Serving"' Gallon tins,, 160 oz........$2.60 Prescriptions a Speiaty Chartes Tyrreli Agent for Jackman, Flowers Phone 68. Orono u ORONO 5c;-TO $1.00 STOREI YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE I 1 ' I *Northçutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Farniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY Euuipped to taise care of the modest funerai at thse moîit reasontable charge as weil as tise iirgest and most exacting Telephone: Office 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone ColleetRo anie, nt L'if i we ,edI. Me ~p t -e PRESERVE FRUIT WITHIOUT SUGAR The New British MWethod. FRUITPl:-'w"KEPE No Steriizing>- No Cooking'- No Sugar 25c, Preserves 25 .pounds 25 TàbIets, 25C. Ask us for descriptive literature Use Saccharin Powýder or Tab- lets for smveetenig foids and beverages'1 Saccharin ¼, gr. Tabets, (~ '. gr. equals 1 teaspoon- fui sugar), botte of 100 .. *19c. Saccharin '2 gr. Tablets ( 1'- grain equals 2 tea- spiel)afutls), botte of 80 Tabets ...........................19C. Saccharin 1 gr. Tbes( g.equas 4 teaspoonfls s u g r ) b t t e o f 6 0 T b les for .,............ . ............40C. 2 oZ. ...p........g............... 25c. VICTORY HATISL Ref'reshig and H at f l 16oz. tin...... ...........3c Cerifed IHeaith Sait(En"-- lishl syle?), 16 oz.. tin . 59C. Shlipping Cartons for overseas mailiag, complete wth gum- mcd adress labels, heavy ty- ig ord and customs dca~ tion form 'mo ots*ie rappig nieeded, each ......... 10c. Certified Minierai 011, 16 oz. ottie.. .. ............ ..... 39C. 0 ountce bottle ..........ci. motor- Equipment Private Ambulance LAI1ýiIE CHOCOLATE BIARS Enoughi to treat the whloie famiiy, perf~eti for soidiers pareels Milk Chocolate or Fruit aind Nut, each....... 3ce. Children's Carrnage Ilar.ness, also llarness withi Long Reins, each......... ........ ... .25c. Cildriený's, Large Cut-Out Books and Painting B o o k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 e Wire Fly Swatters, Long Handie, each ....... l~c. Wire Screen to lit windco, 2-1 to 36 inches, each 57e Thumb Tacks, 100 in pkg ...............1 . Rubber Cernent Self Vulcanizing, large 4 ounce bottle ........ ........ ... .... ........ 29c. ~Tire Paint, apply wilth good varnish brush, fill- ing ail cracks and cuts, 10 oz. jar......... 29c. iReceipt Books, 55 sheets, hard cover, each . , .. 10c. Patriotie Note Pads, 45 sheets .. ... ..... ... Nec. Patriotice Envelopes to match, good quality,' pkg 10e Clark's Stranded Cotton, 24 new shades added to our stock, 3ý skeins.......... ...... .... Men's Khaki Handlkerchiefs, each ...... .... 10c. Misses' Balbr-igganBloomiers, white, band knet, -sizes 22 to 30, pair.......... .. ........ 35c. Menrs Narrow Dress Braces, pair ...25c. and 35e. Men's Heavy Police Braces.......... 29ýc. and 49c. Men's Fancy Wool and Cotton Socks, good quai- ity, pair ........ ........ ... .. .......50c. Youth's Blue Denim Long Pants, sizes 26 to 34, pair................$1.39, Cro-Pax Moleskin Adhesive gives quick relief for corns, callouses and tender spots. Replace often so as to maintain medication, large tin 25c. COMING Thse month of August hais been designateti for the VARIETY STORZE STAMP-EDE FOR VICTORY As each Variety Store hais been given a quota of War Saving Stamp)s to sei lturinig the niontis of August we hope the people of Orono and, viciity w ili not ]et us fall dowai on this job. Remember, just during the mon01ti of August SERVICE

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