ORONO WEEKLY TI yTimesI .Establishedl January, 1937 every Thursdcay morning at the Times Offfice Orollo, Ontario Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 Subscriptions to the United States, $2.OO Ail Job Printing Willi Receive Our Prompt Attention R. A. Forrester, Publisher By ail reports coui',ing -eut of Scily, the Oaiiuuks are d'oing a rnigety fine jo~b c& the wrk they have oni hand Vo du. They are týoloving iu the footstejps of the' old g'uarýd who heid the line ani ah]so later were used exclusively as the shock troops te take the aŽJalces that cweve nearIyîi-nipossile. The Canadians are forgiug aliead i the cecter of the ine upon which e-aoh flank- hinges. They wdfýl. net let the Undâted Nations doîvwn. Thejy 'kecip aoer forging aliead with the set îdea of ieaeÀIhîng 'ios:-sina whMih wUl clear the Germans tend litaliaus out of ,Siily. Muýtssolini, bhe m-an -who was once the ~bg noise of Italy, hais disappearcd, and the Ganadians hielped te make hlm disappear witih thelr gallant fighing and b omlbng. There is at presenit euly one Clanadian di-oision in action, but when thnme gloes on and more enter the fighlt. then more good news wili corne, that of the collapsecof Italy. Now to Form a Government The Otario election is over, howhfr e onw aefo sure. Mhe Progressive Conservative party will be called uapon to forim the governument, but the only hitdh Vo this is that they have not an over-ail miajority, -which is bad for amy giverumireut, but probably they caui fbid a way out of this prýedicýament, anid we cer- tainly ihope thley eau as it would be e7,pensive te eaul another ecleoition owing to a staiemate. The ;C.C.XF. party was the dark horse and they cerýtainly nmade imroads inte the Liberal rxtanks of the prevlous governmenit, and also at the exýpense of the Coi-servatives. This party will bear watchinig as tbey are getting stronger overy time they go to the polis, and it îwouln't be suiprising- that at the next< Provincial electio-n they mare to gain pme.Whateve-r happened to the Liberal party 'we dIo not kniow. lt seeis that au election in war timie is neot mhat the peole waut, 'Six icabinet inilusters of the Nixon Governmeut went down to def enV in the ian'dslidle, but ,we notie that -lVitlJidhe F. Hibn13un as amIndeipend eut Iiberal cap- tured the seat of Elgin. and he lias a inmes!akýe who aise, cap-turred a seat for the Proig-ressive Conservatives. After the returns started Vo peur in it was flot long bedore everyo nelnw just hoîw the eleetion was going te go. Tlhe ýCC.P's and Conseintives jum-ped to the lead inu maniy ridings and stayed there until the last ballot was ýounted, iohile i n nost case s the Libernîs were tra'Iling. INow that the eietion is ever, let's get on te winuing the -war, m,-Mch is the niost Imiprtant thlig of ail. We now leave the pelitical matters up te Coi. George DIrew and his -foliemwers te piick out a ,triong cabinet and fintd sonie .way ont te hoiri his party togetiher for the next four years ut Ieaaýt. Egg Cartons HeIp British Paper Shortage There lsana interesting sidelight on the pnckagiîng -of Canlaian dried egg powder for Britain. The war ýis the cauise of a paper shertage in Britain, and the m'st urgent part o-f that shortagei 'the lacI of new pulip te mnix -with waste paper inu making reclnimed stock. At the r equest of the Bi-itish Governme t re kraft board is useci for the 141 carto-ns and fo)r ail maszter shpi~Containers madle lu Canada. This Pure hraft, bcauýse of its ion/gý fibr-es, is the eq-uivienit of virgin puilp. Al cartons ard shpping.- contaiiners, of Canadiain did egg p)owdier betar sp(eciai sauvage instrucetion:, iden- tifyýing -the material as 100 per entt kraft. Ne)t eniy does eveUry ship- nient of Canadian drîied egspr-ovide Britîn i a vi-tal food but tihe container-s eliminate the nPecessity of usin- valiuble cargo space for ani equivalent weig-ht of woed pulp. vIuchtout and ,scientifîc researA ch et laVthoe evolutÎin of vo packagesno usedt for the(exert f the dried egg9 pomdor. n1 bas Vue mujea"r mn tinu-e uses foidried eg-e use n the and publiceuting places, and fer the bakery trade.Asthe ou unit lu Britain for dhtributing egg's Vo heusebeIders mas lozen, it mas decided after consultation ith the British Foocd try that a five-ounce package, thce equlvalent cf eue dozen was the meaot suitable for, heusehiol'd ratioin-g. Tbis seuIs te h ~ ~ a aosmvsu bout 83 cents, and ouliy Grade A pem.der, las top preduct goes inito it. £laigar container was obviously raquirad fer distributonte stau-1raut and lakery trndes. Aý uni'. te serve the purpose Of taudard 310-dozei-case of shehi aegg.s appearedj te b-e 'eiai he Canadiensgsin that this sbould lie oee tone tihe farn- Br-itish weighit, or 14 lb. mas accepted fiy Britaini. This las tien te about 45 denen eggs. A11 shipmients are anaiys'ed et trýal labortory of the Doini-ioni- Departinent of Agriculture, laaving- the plant and are g-rad'ed according te the standards dl by the Can adian authorities. aud keep availahie) en) Each goodý miliuces cfý clusivu inow Ea'cl good' Ail eanning IWEELI L, I U KqtIIU LOOKS AT Ottawa Wriffen spociaIIe 4 I« dm. wie&Iy nwpffl.u .1 canud. By JIM% GREENBLAT- There w1as a dnmiexpoictant air about the Heouse cf Commuons late Saturday niight as merrIera waî-ted' fer the exodus te the Senatiech be te bear Royal iassont given te bills passed. Tlbey were just like ýyoun- aers at sîcheel 'gettinýg ready for soummer ho)lidiays, -gieefýully san-g s'engs ilu varying bchrs frem tenor te prfnobasse. Tley al teoe te the Senute ýand heard ýChief Juistice Sir Lyman Duff giive asseont, sonre- turued te heur Mr. King move ffl- jeurument until Tjauuary 27, 1944, ending a six- montb session. Members broke off, party unaes vuuisted wbile t'hey ahook býauds, said good--byes, cieared l desks. -Sunday I wat-ahed the. usual visitors wunder around th-- bhuildings_ but the vaultedi corridolrs seemned te miss these hurryýingo, fami- fliar figu7Tres. Parliament la sua prorogueLid, but this time onfly ad- jouoened bcuethe mar mightne cessitate a burry-p euh te cenvene inei-bems. At the hotel' Sunday a de- partinïg M.P. said; "Theres really ne conuection betmeen Parliameut ad-q adj'ourn:ing and sbortýy after 'ùsso-i luni resigning." As the end off theSeso flickedi into view the miPls cf Parliament started te grnd faster but get cnught lu the whiri cf seme long dis- tanee delbafie. One snbject was the Farmer's Creditors Arrangement Acet, a bill hriugiug Minitcha luto thie systera ef farm7ï deht leglislatioui mitb lier two sister provinces ih liglits; Lfimitiiig dlateisof May 1, 1935) sibays. ýIf twov(-third(s cf a farmer's debt werýe iucurred biefere that date, -he maýy seelk ndjutmeut on 'ail his delbts, eveni thoise incurred after. op- position niemîbers 4rom the West to«k 1the stand thuat lgisiationi didni't go far enough fli or thie fermer,Mr Iisiýey mho piloted ùthe bill thought it un-Avise ut this; timie te re-etpen funda- mental issues cf western dbt pre'b- le'ms, ,mud jua-,t couldu't sce eye te eyej mitb thie tHIee-proviuce pieu for, per- mnanenrt debt legisîntion, semethhiug mvhicb neo. ther Iýcountry hua9. .Ho stressed courits have [pewer te ta feoreclo;sed-. memâbers iýse tcokcousiderab0-ie time in a front askýiuýg for iifting cf the bau agaluat Communiats lu Canada and Jehovali Wituessies. l!inister off Justice, St. Laurent said te do ge lu- volved anuorder by Govern.or-in- 'Coiuncil; he aise pointed Ocýut that a recommandation iby a paliaiuetary ccmmittee last Session lhad net bcu implieuted by majerity flouse vote. As te tlie Wltnessies le said lu viem, of certain evidence itheir recognition Qrono We( From coat te coast yeu've argued this; but tbe National Re soa rcb Counili tahied a report lu the House thnt wbecat is a cestly raw materini for, iuduskrial use; the quantity cf it vvhlcýh could be, nsed wouidl cotribute lu oniy a am-iail smay te the solution ef o ur suiplus poiee Th e report shows that wheat tyieids icohol at 2 grais. te the bushel. At 90 cents (Ft. Wal.) a bushel, aicohel weuld coa) t 62c.. gallon. (Iu normial times, he- ever, nolasÈes-makes alky nt 25c. a gallon., Whether waltziug the mares in the M editerraneain N'orth Atlantic or the Aleutions, your lad in the Royal Caradiau Naývly is going te seeauo board ship cesdli week frm nomon, ut ieast one currut up-te-date movie with bis f surt creen star. PLaus have alruadly been oraui ebre hy, tho Navy Film Society. The Domninion Bureau of Statis- tics wbvlile sheming thlat the cest (if living dindex me,,nt ucp a littie fromn 118.1 te 118.5 lu June,sanys the pbyv- scivolume cf businiess, lmi~ sburpiy aince mur (broke onut, shomel1 ios f leveliing off lu thunt month. You might ha ntersted boue- miives. The ýother- day ut the Pie Board ilufermation brancei I lad a look ut the uew ratien hi oc yenm ýili hop getting betweeu Augýuat 2r-28. Trweile million are beingl prinited. -weighing9 270 tous enough te f111 nine box cars, Piled singlyi tbey moufld reacli eleven mlnles i lu theair ana their 144 million p)ages ý would form a 3ibo 1/2 juches mide flueç timues a- croýss 'Canada. 'Cloe hnges in the 'ration haook; grey cvr re for tea iaud coffee, red for, augar pe for butter, meut bremu, an'd 4 sare seri-s. They tell us that a mnan wu nedte hiue untîl ha la 2000 y ears Celid if ha stbarted ce'unting coupons ana Classified FOR SALE DeeingBiner,6-f-oot et.Cheap. A. 1. KeneP!hone 51 r 3, Oronio. FOR SALE mouId be a detrimneAit te the mer ef- forlt . . . A speteLal coi'mmtiittee , ül 24 inerrbers uamed to esrtîuiize wmar ex- pedturles . .. . Further, stIldy ofth drat eulth inuruc Mbh 4y thel Dominlion anidprovincees, xecommuid- e-d iin finial report of 'Sacial Securi.ty Co-mmitt ee. 2orm opecrationl!nuits a(iL'pots ;in Canada may e detiieLd up teo thirty days, with provision mforiextens ot help -with the harvest auhlp re-_ lieve maupo)wer s irtg il agricul- t ure . . . . the menitwili benefit firom ex,ýtra puy frem the f armer employer urther details wil be avilabie du yeour ewn home front, The important Agriculturul (Cml- mittee talbled final reports ithe' House main recommendaitions suni- mnrized, beingi; Censider ad4cvisab)ility ef payirng farm stborage on g-rain .,.. Whether te bonius marketod dniry butter and if egtgs sbouid be sold liy %veight . . . that ýprec-ttion shouLld be taken thy the ýMent Board teýl keeplivýe cattie prices lui prope2r relatienship te be-ef carcassa 410cr pricesý and aise a mneasure hetween bog prises te iproD- duesand prie cf productas. by the processer . . . . conmmittee thougiht public ýshouid get miore infornmaticu on progres9 cf research lu producingi n'eu' uaieties cf farmn produùcts .... asýked bIgler pirity for essýçent,ial famequipm'eut. lihe need of encour- agiug more jpqo'dictiou cof esseutial feods mas noted'. Important, tee, mas, recemmendation for a close check ou spread toif fýeiing pricesücf fe e igraviin ani prices paid by live stock feeder-s lu B,.C., Eusterh (Canada. Appiy FOR SALE One Massey-Hllarris Cerni Bindler, in go.od condition. Inquire at t'e Tines ofice, Orono. c-30=p. FOR RENT -iFarmi, 150 aees, Lot ).4,,Conces- sion 6, Township of Cla*-b? Apply M. E. ýG. Wadidell, 72 Madison Ave., Toronto. e3-c NOTICE Owing to the ceetaintVy that fuel will be scaree the cltizens tare advised that it will be to their advantage te secure wood for fuel as soon ais possible. We have slaibs Vo sell but only d4reecly freen the saw. Seoure as much weed as you eau from out- aýide deilers. Phione to Orono 100, for siabis fnom mHli. A Hall, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will Jbe weceiv'ed by the unidersâgned up tc and iincluKing Thursday, Aug'uet 26, 194, fo he priaeof eune housý, 18 fýeeý0t y 40 f-eet, and one bar, 90 fee hy 28ý feet, at Lot 1, Oo1nce1sion,., Clarke Township. Separate enýier required for ea'dh mertinedbVin. The highe.st or any tender flot ne- cessarily aclopted. J. J. NIELLOR, Township 'CIerk 'Orono, Ont. SALE 0F HOUSE}IOLD EFFECTS Tlie undersigned has receivýed inýstructions froni MR. JOHN W. BRADLEY Newcastle te seil by publie auctie. n/is premises (just north cf fouLr corners) his household effects, ineluding Liv- ingrooni, Diningroem, Bedroom, Kit- chen and Hall urnitureamid Furn- ishln]gsý; UpIg'ht He-iu-tzmau iipiano iu 'excellent condition; aIse quanitity of Boo'ks, Dishes, Kitchen Utensils. Garden Teols, Garden Furuiture, Wood and Lumi-ber, Tihis sale coutains ,niuy pieces of high value and shouild be oeeof eut- staindingiuest Sale at 1.00 p.m. sharp). WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l8th TER'MS CASH WIM. J. CHALLIS, Auetioneor dians speud, rit thre rate of 4000, per- morkling da-y. By thec way, your Au- gvuat and September cannin-g coupons1 ara usable ucm, mndans aving been authorized te heonour tbemi abead cf date. Russian General Praises Canadian Tanks VALENTINE tanks, produced at Vthe Canadiani Pacifie -ala' Anguis Shops in Monitreal, biave bee called by tlh e Ruissiaus the 'besti- ported tanks tbey used in crutsimg Hitler's armrer. Major Gyenerai I1. A. Elyaev, chairmnan cf the Sov-iet Governimeut Purchiasingr Comm-,ission i the United States, has been quoted by Ilon. C. D. Homý\e, Minister cnf .Munitions and Supply in Ottaa1, as sayîng "the Canadian tanks Valentine VÏI have showri good resits in con- bat action on our front, and have proved themselves the best cf ail our imported tiankýs." The Soviet generals tribute mas in response tc a requcat from Mr-. Howe for a report on the Vaientinles, part !In the Russian offenl- message sent by G enleral Elyaev te H-. B. Boweni, chlief cf motive power- auid relllng. stock for the Canadian Pacifie Railway, ou the completion of thec Vulentinecentreet earIy ln May, withi thie eeds cf a global war havinig dictated a switch te other meuponis. At this timie J. H. Berry, Canadiaii director genieral of tank produlction2, aieconigrutulated Mr. Bomeýn and Canladian Pacifie eronel"for lhav- ing delivered the gods ou time," --Cani2an llPacifie photo. Quebe'c Ceok See .the Times office, Oreo.o Farm a sr Im anpreparE rates frorn accordinig t< Bi Phone, write, cal ,i. I willib you rates on which il: Property pecialty red to quote yen 40r. a hundred, 0classification of uilding Sor better stiil, b0 pleased te quote ,n your property Il surprise you. F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture'Dealer8à AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmianville - Orono Phones: Boivmanville, Day3 480 Night, 734 and 57,3 Orono, 27-I The Otdest, Largest and Miosi Complete Furniture Store and Modemp Funeral Service in Ourhamn Our Service-THEf- BEST Our Goods-THE NEWEST Our Pýrices-THE LOWEST I MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - ORONO The higili and ndigibty Il Duce,th mail whvo tbrew luis country into the (war after Franýce mwas on, her kçnees, hoping to gain fame. Nojw the main wfosaid hae euild put 8,000,000 bay- onets iute the rfield, lias falien il) disgrace, whicli j-s~t goas, to show thýat Axis war lorýds have te wi.u bat- ties te sta-ýy on toip. Prof essional Directory MEDICAL A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHY,7SICI4NaýA nd SUR GEON Office ilours _.00 to 4.00 p.M.; 6.30 to 8.00 p.nM. PIIONE 47r1 ORONO VETERINARY Wilfred W. Skerwin 'B.V.Sc., VETEFRINARY SURGEON Office: Main St. Oromo Ph me 66 r '7. Oreno, Out. J. C. GAMEY INSURANJ'CE Fîre, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability Orono - - Ontario AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON, Auctioneer and' Valuator Cond uets Auction sales of al iidzes anrd at reasionablfe rates. Oonunnuicate with hlm at Port Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerk., A. E. Mocton, at Orone, for date. GEORGE KEYES.: -2ÇIutioneer & Valuator Pu~re Bred Live Stock, Fa= ' a"i Fuoeniture Saies a SIecWaty. Nmeê te Large, none to Smiall. Graduate Reppert's Sehool (>f Auctioneering, U.S.A., pluz sevieral yteaxs' eelling e:ýperienee. Rates Reaaeuaale. Write BR. R. No. 2' aoemkio, ntario. E. E.PATRO Insurance Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASIJALTY AND LIABILITY Phone 44-14, Clarkçe NEWCASTLE P. 0. REPRESENTING somne of the Largest, Strongest and Alost Reliable Insurance Firms in Canada