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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Aug 1943, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY lSTU W'irk was heM iii lii this office o-Lcamew w Wednlesday -afternoon Owing to the Loa Ne slcl vs hiydo leingoff Glen Tîîfbyn pentthewe1 Mr. Jack Cobl'elck was home Wvanted--Boy or gi il eporter for end with Laurence Wrton Par- the Times offie A briiig in personals SOn"JgeNca'e.' vrthweknd andohritemIIIof loCaIl inieet r3adMsEo . oesad Mss Lenora Wood, Toonto, spen- LeRoy B o,of thie RC.AF., ls o ian pn heir idaswt h ekedw hrpins homne ona hoiday cf laves thiý Ar. tand Mnsý. C. L- Powers. Ms ahenSals rnfi faucay rnor te omm eis visitin]g With Mr.anMs.a1 q lnétial Course in FlyngbgtpiltJaumesPoes lmfufr EBIPns. Mr. and iW,s. JackCoiperand son1, c f 0's'hawa, ar-e visitinýg the foi- iie's brotihers, aise his sister, M-ýrs. Hazel Fblitoff, this wiaek. ,Ms. Thk)s,. Lewis and ehldrený, aind -.Ur. and tMrs. ýRiabpi Thoqmpisoný and chýddren returned Vto Orono mon Weciiresdla.y lst alter speriding the foreipart of the week at Gooe's Land- irng. REPAIR Your RADIO Now Doi't wait until parts become srarce. For your coavenience we carry a complete lime of TUBES, B-ATTERIES, CONDË3N. SERS and RESISTORS If unahie to bring your radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 C. R. KNOX N5o. '3 Bi. & G., coad aioa on Menay lveingof lest wee.,k. Mr. anld M'rýs. Charle-s B. Tyrreli uand Gonstanice Allna holidayed at Grove Park 'Lodge, Lake ýof Bays, Mmr. and fIlms. Arth'ur Bish pan famil'Y, B'urlington, were iholiday giests ut the büome of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Taniblyn. 31r. and 'Mrs. Jazk Leishman, of Toroinjto, have returned home after a visit with her father, Mr. Geo ge -Mitelhell aaid with Mir. and Mrs. M J. Tanibdîyn. The lusieýst ~l'eon 'Saturdav nights in Ormo is at the apiamy of MQ-. Che's. Knox. Maniy people arc making sure that they secure theii honey for the conrinig winter, whiob will niake a great saviing on sugar conssulption. At the mleeing ýof the Orcono Po.ie Trustees on jýon&ay ef lest week, the rate for. the village waýs lowered fs-om 7 t o 6 mIiilis. Some repairs wiIl he made at the fire hall. The 'bills foi, the month 'weme (paid as fol- laows :George, Butters, $6.80,;_ Cal- ci n G horide, 3. O Visites-s at iMm. and Mrs. P. J, 'Chaipan's on Suinday were: Mr. and iMrs. J. A. Saliýs]lbUry of Evan- ston, Ill.; Mm. and Mrs. Norman Bradshaw, of Pickeriilg,; Mm. and Mme. 'E. J. HInderson and th-ree hil- dren, 31-. anicl Ms. W. E. Henderson. of Osharwa; 'Mrs. 'Marion Green., of Toronto, and Mm. and ýMrs. Orley fjhapman. Thre Os'ono Hydro Comimission mnet on Moiday evening of last wceek. A rebqtc was îeceived iback freirn the Ountario Conimission for street ligit- in]g ,vhich ansounted te $117.29. The following 'billse were paid Bowma'tn- ville Puifbîie Utilities, $367.29; H.E. P.C., $255.87; memhner.ship feu,.OO J. .ichards, ovem deposit. $17.16; rebate te Polie'Trustees, $117,29; fhank balance, $1805.87, RED &WITE S-TORES SPECIALS Thursday, Friday and Saturday QIJALITY IIGIIER THAN PRICE Cooking 0Onions, 4 Ibs.29 Cooking Apples, 6 gt. 30C New Potatoes, peck 55C New Carrots, 2 bu ,"cheS ýl15C Celery, bunch lOc Shredded Wheat, oxes 23C Thrift Soap Flake ,ige. pkg,- 35c It Brown Shoe Paste, in lOc Five Roses Flour, 98,lb. bag $2.98 Monarch Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 85c Neilson's Cocoa, lb. tin 29C Dry Beans, hand picked, 4 lbs, 25c Chioride of Lime, pkg. I Oc Dice Sugar, 2 lb. carton, with 2 coupons 25C1 Celery Seed, 2 ozs. 15C Habitant Vegetable Soup, in 10Oc Alymer Asparagus Soup, in 10Oc Cyrus Bread Flour, 24 lb, bag 69c J. J. CORNISH Deliveries every Tuesday anid Saturday mornings Orbno Band were in Por-t Hop3e andý Bo'wmanville helping alen wiith the progressive, Conservative victory. IWrs. Grady, Hamiltoii, is visiting with lier mother, Mris. 'C. G. Am- strOnlg. Mrs. ýClarence Reese, od Toronto. 'visited ber neice, Mim. F. Tam-iblyn, lest rweek. Se'rgt.' Pil-ot Ronaldi Pattersonj, of Bramptlton, was iLa town over the( 'week-ond. Miss Adele Morton, Toronto, spent the week-end with her ýjparents, MTr and ïMrs. A. E. Morton. (Mrs. iCa'verley ýis visiting tJhis ~week with hier eather, Mr. W. E. D-avey, ,als, visitin'g hem sisters. On, Tuesday a car craséed into the side ýof ýMr. Harry 'Cowan's car, dýo- ing considetalble damiage. Mr. and Ms-s. Kennethi J. Coridy, Hamilton, visited in Or-ono with Mr. and Mmrs. C. 'B. 'Tyrrell last week. Mr. and Ms-s. W. J. Stainton and Mrs. F. Tam'hlyn aFttenided the fu- neraI cf ýMm. Hes-lb. Terdk et Soline. The tank le Orono G omimunity Park bas been 'closed to tIre public owing te infantile pes-alysie in New- Mr. rand Ms-s. J. A. Salishumy of Evanstoni, Ili., have been visitin.- Mi. and _Mcs. 0. Chapnian and other friends thre past week. .Mrs. Victor Hanceck Eleanos andI Garry epent Iast week ili Tor- ente visiting with Mr. and Mme. Bob. Hancock 'andI other relatives. [Mme. T. J. Jackson', reli has been visitingi, Mr. andI IMrs. Cecil Glass, is now spendiag- a couple cf weeJcs with hiemr'brother andI femuly in Peteir-bIorG. Jimi Linten and Bob. Coatham mre- tismnedhmefromn-imilitatry camip on Sund'ay, while [H. Myles 'andI Aioeit Mýitchell are remiaiing fo îr the sec- 'ond wee'k. AIT stores were closed on Monclay (Civic Holidaýy), with a large auni- ber of oui citizenis gigte eo s tic for the sports, while others ;tecký ia thre races et Port Ferryv. Mm. and Mrs. l5 'F. Cimuse, Mr. and Ms-s. Ileaslip and Mr. N. Williami, ef Seuth Monagiheno, Mr. aidi Mme. Eamlr D. Fowler, ,shawa, ciller] on Mi,. and Mrs. J. , Eageson on Suaday lest. New that we haveeonipieted oi share efthtIe printîig for the cc- tieýn, wc tain oui- attention te the 'psie list for the Faim, which we ex- peet te have cempleted somietime ncvt week.t 1orono 'Citizen-sý' Baud 'gave a band concert ia thre park on Sun-day etter- nouon. It beingua'het day miany teck advantag'e of thre shadein l the park andi et tIre sainieine enjoyed thre music 'supiplicti. Mr. Heuchen wa.s one ef the early eVoers, on Wednes'day moininig, ai- rivirng before the pols were opened ,H1e tatkes a keen interest1 in politica] affaire, so'mthing tIret le lacing iin the young people cf today. Bo-t'r parties weîe busy on WAed- nesdey seeiag that tIre voteme' weîe eut te ceet fTheir 'ballot. Somie people are very reticent about voting, lbut everyolie sliouîri cet Iis or hiem bal- lot for ore party cm tIre other. Mi. and Mfire. W. E. -Armnstmong- andi fami1y 'werc in Piction on Sun- day, aniwrejeineti by Mm. and Mme. 'Perýriotti Arinetmong ef Morris- b-urg. 'On Monday they vient fis- ixrg for 'base 'and cauglit ereund ser-1 enty, some weiging eoer three pountIs. On Thursýd'ay evening lest tIre fishi anI liant cluab met in the 'Kusmste Apiartments 'where Dm. McKeinzie shiowed two reels of film on e sceen. One of tIre filme proecd meetinter- 'esting, hering a locaql tcuch te it. In one place it showed the dector andI Perc. lan'ding a fieli in tIre northi ,country. Thiis la a pirtume -Worth seeing. Clarkce Toennnsh-ip Co'unei-1met on Thesd'ay of this, week. JMajor Fred Lycýett, of tiheMiln ReginietÊ B. C. is visiting witli Mrs. Lycett and cblidren,. Have you seea the "New Invasion Mas-ch", written by ani old Oronoo Omouo boy, 'Clarc W. Vinson. Hle al- se some years ago 'wrote "~The The Gracesges 'which went ov'er la a hig way. iClae was a greet piano play,, ci, thanlks to Iis aunt, MmIs. Thes. Souierville, who malde him stick te hieq I)rectiehrg when 'he wes young. H1e became chief hugler yeaîs ego) Sin eitiher the Queen's Own .Rifles or tIre Tbroirto Grenaediers. HnE Positively no eiders accepted or] containers left until after Aug-ust lOth Previous orders will be filled on SATIJRDAY, AUGUST 7th from 7 to 10 p.m. CHAS. R.KNOfJ'X Or une Phone 42r2 Orono Tinshop If you need a New Furnace your order should be in before Sept 1 Government Orders R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Contre St. Orono Phone 30rl6 PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. Litttlewood The folowing arraingement hais been inade for the servi%,ces duriing the inth of August. Se-viee~s will be at il a.m. only. A-irg. 8-Mr. 'M. H, Stapiles. Aug. 2-3fr. J. . Mellr. A~.29-Mr. J. J. Melr You are eoedially invited to these sevce f worship, Gene ith rour ichilren. Couic with your visîtors. o - - - - - - - - -- --- -- -- - - -- Rev. S. Littieowoed(' and Mrs. Lit- týlesvioy as-e nomerdyte leave on. theý'irmenthe' vacation te their su-- nier cottage at Bay svie-w. Tie, wrete' have left on Wed -sd 1bu csvin2 te, a broken sîpring on the carý 'wvere de'lhyed for 'a short -vwile, BIRTHS WA<LKER -- To Sergeant and Mrs, 'Chaîles V. Walker (nec Audrey Cooper), on July 30, 1943, at Grece Hospiital, Winnripcg,a ENGAGEM1ENT Mis. Loulse Ireiiend ennounces thre engage-ment cf ber <only deugliter EIsie Amwy Jean 'te Stenley Ed- mussd, youngcat son of Mr. anci Mze. George Bail of Leskard; the ýwedding te taise place in Auigust. ARMST1RONG'S IT PAYS TO PAY CASH Phones 21 ri and 70 r 1 DRESSES Ail our Spring and Summer Dresses in one and two off. We will not allow any dresses to go ont on, piece. They ail go on sale thiîs mont'h at 1-3 per cent approval. SPREADS Made of good Chenille,. SHOES Isize 90 x 100, in ail col- Balance of »ur bargain ors, priced $7,50 to couinter shoes, pr.. 39c. $16.50. Loaf Cheese lb. 39ce- Fresh Shouldier Pork lb. 30e Oxydol giant size 79c. Fresh Side Pork ib. 30e New potatoes peck 57c. zinc Rings dozen, 28e Quart Jars dozent Fresh Sausage 2 lb. 35e. Loin Pork Chiops Clover Leaf Sunflight Soap 4 bars Rings 4 doz. 2.5 ce -'--t v -r -t -t 't -t --t t' -r -t -'I t' -t v -t t- -i s-' -t-t -t -t-t J '1- r TT'S eaîsyto serve heathful mieals, if you olo -the î*t-imely me-nus in "Eat-to-Wo7rk-to- Wi".Souind, ptaciical, interesting-thIls clever new bookiet does ail the difficult, time- taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. Neyer was it more important tlrat you pro- vide proper food for your family. Fô'r good nutrition is vital to Victory now-to healthI and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularl,,y eat the right foods, even Learn tlre"can't-go-wrong",way to tempting Nrto evcs E}ormn le,. meals tIret fill every food need tbe Canadian N1utrî(1,on Prognrame. ----- ---- ---- ---- ----tf of your fa-mily! Send for your sNUIR1IIN O ITR" Ail FRE cpy f "at-o-Norý-to BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Win. ai tre ouontoay Please send me my FREEFcopy of"Eat-to-Workr-o-Win". DUSTRY ~Sponsored by Nae___________________ THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTAR 10) Adrs_____________ jinthse inrerests of nutrition and bealtis as an aid to Victory. I Ct ____Ps._______~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OR0ONO -pply at the. IMES OFFICE - - Ontario k 't i IES Till BRING IN YOUR PHIOTOS Have you sýteJpped V'olook inito the southi wiadtew of the Os-cao 5c. te $1.00 Storýe? This wiadow heis eeni imade inito a v-ictory w-indow, hariing a lsuilmbeý r cphotos of oui soldiersý, aimmien and sailors 'who have eilist- ed. It le in cetnnection with the drive for the sale of War Saviings Stamiips and Certilicaites. Mr. Froste would like te have inany more pic- Vus-,es of men or -wem-en cf the fighit- ing forces to plae wvith 'the others ai-d the pictures will be returned af- er the caiupaign closes. Bsing in youtr photos and hclp along- witls the cýaupaign. C__ !Mr. Wilfred Fs-este has made a safe round tri¶p acress the Atlantie and back aigain . Mis parents rcciv- cd -word frein hlmi just s-ecently. UMM ade 'r emisfor2VP7mý%us

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