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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Aug 1943, p. 7

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Every PlEe c f LFtiçi te put in Prroduc;tito A ital pruf rtinsty ifewar efr stcrasi to ffarig nsTie'St, Tboaras Times-Jouruai. , Somen c 6,00,000acres of nsgoeceo mnuseti lanti-snmetbutlidnee 'be lwd I ilhae ee amcouat of shipping y aeut siter of Agricuture, H.AS. ud- Son, spurrti on by Ibe AMintiste eI Food, Lord WVoolon, lins le istafoya r plnbgnn t'1iisyeari, bY wic t isispe leatt danotier10,000,000 aces, tbsspatclyduua Iepe happens la the futurye, îe oo SUPPlies of the countryvy wîU li nsset. omecment is mad posbethis y' earbeus te Oaly the Best fafner isexetde"tk th plow siglit aroat isfa,"Ts AU lbe put la prodacucon, Tere amli bc no terElet land m>y- wliere in the country. -Ml mor live.tock will Ie bred, anti poor andunaproductive anîmalsAwll li QAiriiated, 01nly tho liest wiil le fout,,ion Biilfarmnsnti tîn .Meas the ibesÉ i ltevsrdi- edigthe tairyprdc.Ml iosof poultry ".' leatd, anti il is ioped te grow nî1 te be-et and ti othr cmoiiswi hihrtlad be ag'l mot c.'Thecutraled gow enocgh sugarbeet tri suppi taio sit menikeyisasmgngsic 3re has been oteeutpp ular pin-Up bo'y b-y îl0 pae, Veisha Girls AssociatJin. Hô,w Can People Be So Thatugh-tlesq? The leiglit of sominciýg ortI- er, sýays tle Wind1sor Stalr, wvas rencietiwbea a lig !P aldes- oer daniadian leteaover- - -. sem-as yielted( q- pacll tîtctan ed at iliiiip soti ai)ti sCver;ul bu-n- dret atwrs presumlabiy l-'L teadesi fer some soitïi-i--iiiman. la spite of al tennrotw&n L) spite eJ. al lite instructions andi ilajuatieLins issuled by [lec Poat1 Of- lieDepar-tasent, aew and i- eigina wnysý- of crei-ianusnc r beiag isoetib3 l the lugîtl- le--. Anj incident like thscold ba lauglieti aI or igo e f ta- 5e-ted neo one but thýe set-r WhOùen 1l Ca resait ai te tiestrue- tien oCr cotmnto e! ther sol- Q3iers' parcels, hiowever, aS it prreb' ably ditS in Ibis instance, i ea oaily prcjoeke coaitemipt fer tbic lr Bigge r Bertha A ne-w Geriran gua o excep- x inlrange lias sihelledl'iE bb zi- issoctheast çoast thrreo flime-s acrosa the dhannleL. Thek guir is reportetit bvd ~----greier anige lina ,a îe vr k.manis are known te baveconen Rointe ta o lni CAPTAIN FRANK H. SHAW CHAPTER XVIV "Hene comes one froni the Casa Faliciro!" Mursuel Il wns olti Fraucisco, liolsblinrg witb n'a otti rsimliieu-s~ across tise cquai e. I-le ms ont et broalli ivlscni lie reaclieti ilie Cousuinte. "Excoil enc~ - ' lus bn-ont-b clu,- n id bat came off tri lie fursîbicîl lu nasa- ady tlîîgors "is il Iliat lise littie sennorita Is loi-e?" "lier-e? W by. HO 0f course not!" reîsl'cti Dichrie- slsar-piy; cuti n quici tii luge 0f du',uruy tro 'bled hlm. "Whv' '-There is trouble la the dG, Ex- ceilînîcy ; suri tIse 1110e onse is abrout," failencri the olti retuinnv. Inter t, flic distant tintîm 0f sp--a rssodic riflc tii-o lii came audibie as 'I wi e-o s'- Sountis 0f bumuit g:-eiv as lic gol oui bis car-. Ho suiv liodies 0f police liui-rylug arrosa tue Plaza Grande. "it cun't lie that I got the wi-oisg date!" thouglît Diekie. 'Unleas olti Callano's livoliuess lias jumpeti île thiag aheati a b-if." Thon a mounbeti officor gallopîti rip, jest as ho was on Ilie point 0f enter-mg lis car, are îhuîsgs ?" tlse Coîssîri ticket. $2.L! SENDS 1000 "'MACDONALD'S MENTHOL", "SCOTCH DIENOS'! or e"EXPORI" Cigarettes ta 'any slilu Military Address overseas &DMiders i t4o Cadiqt Army OVERS Und CANADIANS IN UNITED KINGOOM',ý FORCE'S Postpcid). Mail Order and Remittance ý,toie" OVERSEA$ DEPARTMENT W. C. MACDONALD INO. P.C. Box 1929, Place d'Armesji Monifeal,. Canada 1SSUE No. 31-43 "Tber'e is trouble at tho bar, r'acks," tho usoe steti man admit- lsd. "Hall the Guard liai e mutin- led. Some ot Ibm are alr-eady sbontiug for Latailetto; au I have au order for bis ar"est. This amy mcsu another r-es-outioms" Befor-e Dickio could rev up hq ougi se, Seliasti a shoctet ti rougir a w iudosv that ~be air-port peoplo w-e e ou tise r boni. temautiiug Isis iscîsoace. Ti o ose siîsg 'plaise foi Cahlaun han roi ~- r-s ce: h w as os ci-due, anti r sr e s,. s leur- ot ar accit, ut. 'Ils ail 0f a preer -- Z vire tbuugr~t. SaLmt~,,'. n ~LV liX~l1 dvii uo~; tbusc d~ur gia tanca un-e ail part et a o r.n ro e sa ile L nIai- lette to secero ~e 't et o? Ccli un anti ils goiti; t rr golti w ,srli is tlrc ror. r) ni' cii e ,î * * n Huiler île c c r rc~ , trou tirer e w-a', retbîeg 10 bu ie se. lis nrry cane, Ilicre wvs Il, se tri scuil a- reruti lu secs cli et Dolons. Ho got un hî~ w'ay, ai r. ccc, arug Ibe Plaza, 'Na', ara o Iroub'ed liy tIre iisen",st sf Bm w 5 Pst vj hi-, Insu w-us. Like 1001,1 îg Ion a cectie lu a 1)031 c oi. lit, ; i~ l~ te 'r a pottIe ol i 'ay issi-bI I o. * rf/f ~ffAT~o 50~X C>/PGOO To TARTH(4V 4rfle M, ments; lie s'aw a party of vIgil- a1tes hiertiiag -a grouip of itr towartis the centrail goal. These recacitrants raiseti a cry as tise Consul passedtitem: "Viv Lafa- lette! \Viva tÉlie Dcatr"They wers bamimereti by thelr cutod- l'ans into silence. Tne ma"y Flwers ore solution;ihodetermdine tW g Ileequickly. aor as fhe asketi Ufthe man Ma7 se-enauythng o!Dolor-es aly "You kow he, he senoîta wh daucti wben Senor Lafaiette was bore, themanl re-pliýetaibs pyes were ShfY. mNtt ta oloeih ,v eqeui dozvnos. "But she lis ot bleon ilere to- til iwmaiugAber wpdAy t ads te nie d l h oxa m ob that tintrol tatIý i blw otia ï14Isl iat wuld ot I too nie lais iea- kuowu befce troulilti hl. A ool- jjysialLdmage was ubi Innt Hj o would hae t i l lay the cae lu wr-ock; simly ieasei lad seîvetas a meei-plc fi th irlh oetat hejmei ToMqoRIIIW ESA DtE B. C HA MBsER.s C r CAbut-;.rie aninr g he t L, ~ e e omnyrqet o tefloig ieal r T Ti Lg11tFfor7, E Co E T AhB L E S TIMETABL FORVEUEABLI Presue terliaton s ecnanndtifoino ai:vegetables j"Wh h egetablo'. Preparation ASPARAGLS-W', , e rs nifrr hities stand puy Wp-gtl 2 irslncf0 ;maoBui 4 minutes.Pack !engtis. UYCver wil aerbIag teo a-iln point,' pilut sealer -r11----s----il-g -at-r-........ betaBi5 inutCO (e.. Co din emoxe kins, witb holissg wter....................... CAULFLO ER-Wsl brek intofores. Drop mb saltywter. Lot staind h euc Ver ithl wvater, hring iiing-,0drin, pack sealecrs, at! / tsp. salit te n pinit sne.F111 witl boling -- - -- - --n t- -- - -- - - ---r CORNlole krnelI-Cut coru fro eJs. C v itl bMolng wcturand bring o iling poin, 11 sacrs coveriug coru waiîbila lq iti, tt/2 tSp. saiLu a p lat seaier .,--------- .... ---- --- CdARD, SPIACH or other grees-Wale carfull, steanm 5 minutes, pak laseniors,nattI /2 tsp. salltot. at pint sealer, f111 with boiling water ............... MUSHOOMSWnsland rins, large cnes imay lie eut la pieces. Blancl 5 mnte.Colt tip very quickly. Pcallow 1/ tsp. sait te a pintseer M111 ibh boUiig water ................... PEA-ýS-Use only ug tender peas. Siieil and wasis. dover cWith wter anti briag te boil, pack, adt il tsp. saitAte apint sealer, fill witî boiling water. nteruittent sterilization ny be useti for peasu aloing 1 heur on eacb of 3 sucessve taysif water bath is uiseti........................ SWEET GREEN or RIED PEPPEIR (pïmienos)-'WaSh, remove seeis, bell«,, minutes, colti dip. Remi-ove is pack, alflow I tsp. sait te a plat seaier, c9ver wýibh boiii g w ater .. ------------- --- PUMPKýIN-dCUt la piiees, remeove seet ad mm brane, peelsbeam u-Lntil Iten-der2, mashpack.-..... TOMATOES-$cald anti peel, pack la selers, cave.- wF'ith tomnate juice m--ade froni irregulaýr vry large or broýken tzomatee-s ceut ili.small ipie-es, cooketi oýver slow f ire fer 5inuLtes. Sxi.AIle-w iVz tsp. st te- aplat snlr------------ ----- ------- 7 91'.iitOeSZ saay be rocesad la e oven(25'F. Plats, 35 minutes -(paru,. 4& minues 2 40 15 i 30 10 8 60 15 3 60 15 8 60 15 S 60 15 % 80 15 8 O 15 I OS WELL CURBING HIAY CARPRERS RESEARC4 Despite the wartîme iimitations whicb.h affect aewl, the prescnt need for planuing- is imperati've. So the wr of our Riesearch Departnit goes on.D and when the Victory parades are oer oýur cuistomners w.iiI be supplied wt the most modern and imnproved d-in of Metal Rooflng and Barn and Stable Equipmleut, made to teke ýdiar high st'andard ef quality. pRt-442 Dqoreswas-C s hae veClle_-Ct( anti n'csl- 0h1,r ,;s-ere staring, Parteof lier Srsswas tori t -was net thbe type of! rock Digele suiysaw 1her l, but aiigarment moC're ]ike thsu wrby ýtire md die-clasa wome of San-. Josef. A "Wlire is Don F4 erdnal i 'd]Ci?" she ci-loti; sueul se ecgnz as lietret t gî-a lercatia roudedlie exitely.One sait "-etayhlm' ie ait, paný t alir oc sîse as akeas "J d rotknow Ho romied t mThme Fut oàrnitasnt li aiuGtunhirl iewiad men -, a e" UTi' a normal way. N N N 'n 'n N 'n. -'n N -n N -'n -n 'n N 'n h N -t -t 's. "'1 5, N N N '-i N "n N N N -t -t N N N n-r -t i 4 ~' A -s 31- 's snatý,,eidat h rs nitcse it; bey rlips sifn-iov er lir-, n derýf ul fe teel. "ThiatCs enougli of taL " si maing o sho(w o! the aîmtc "KeeP eut oýf Iis"S1Ua-ei b le ht ii hl, oading wvtPi leit aniil was :a gcootdwnin pý cul, starting w17lmai utc coact (ýanidtema iedite Mieslke adropagliy.ilhi t ge g gas svul'ier7 but m"u mer aF îad? F, s, u Diond ickeo f), ~ Sh w a friitnt -cn-duti ie Aillii ffetaon0fultaach

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