Mrsý. boisissedghrhl;- days with MnIs. T. Hilditch. M.r Pri uroyis spending 111a wveek's hioliday withi his parets Miss Jerry Donaldls'o' Toronito is petigher holidlays with 1Masr. Clait. 1\1, nand Mr . eorge Swarbr-ick,' Tolronto), spent the weeh-end -with ,Mrs. T. H.fiiitoh. Miss Majoýrie artd A udrey Pattonl pntte eekendw'th -M!r. aC (Mas-N.Pto. Mr. ind MaLs. V.Allen and a,u ciruro, 'Spor Snaywll M. i VsW. ere.1t ~1Vrs.Leoan Fa-s l et Sunda.y Mses azelan'dPenn H'foy, P etr ~Mr. nd Mr. Jasluoi Mi. Alec. ti, ýR.,.A.F., To- onosen te'we- end (1wiîth is ln'tîe, Mas. N. Little. M. and M'as. Leoiiard gte ,und Donna,WeiviesotSn flay with (Mn-. aînd Mas. D.Vanto Mn. ald AMns. Joseuph Gordon at- teLnded the fulneral of thei( late, Mr. -iihard Beatty at Eiizahethville on Mv. R. Bostuck has 'eovd word 4haýt hîs brother 'Lanýe Go'Prorl A- tihur B'otock, who Lasa been ol verseas oveýr two year's, la now in -a hospital 3/1r. ati Mrs. H. Paeden, Mrv. L. Bowen, WVesýleyvilie, Ma H. Snndf- den, Port Hlope, îanti Roaemairy Bos- toîck n 0ed on 1r.1andMi-S. R Bos- so on 5" ndaly. A very succ(essful bini'go and dauce was hel'd 'in the e Hall on Fri- day nitglt, July SO(jth. The whiersý o(>f ingo being, Ijat, iMna. Norman Therteil; 2iid, Miss Hlazel Therteil; 3idLeoiard Hilditoh; 4th, Jiack Brysoni. Another biigo and dance,, wili bc lield on Friday, August 13,1. CLARKI"ý,E UNION Mr. Juhjj Berry is building a pig anid inw1lemneuttsed MAiss Ei Bowen visit1ed with lier pavrnts, Mr. aud Mrs. Hector Bowen. Mrs. Pete Welsh andi fam- ily Ohaw, îsiedwith Mr. and Mr. aniMs Vernon Saunder-s an s'on Alleni visited with Mr. andl 1Mrs, Arthur anes Mir. aad MaUs. William Ruiter quiely clebrted their thirtieth àedtigianiversary_ last Friday. Mr. amUd Mrs. Fred Blacklurn and Mn. aad ' Mrs. Seward Dowson, iat- tended Mrs. Toým Htil's funeral on Saturday last. Ani R.A.P. stationi in Southeast lEgi1and hýl as ouýmpleteti a record "CiGngs -for Vitory" Meek. reaclidng £115139 (5121 6,aithouglithe target w-is oaly £3,UO0 ($13,a20O»0). The RA.F. lioys certainly certainly haethe saveid andi saved themselves so)me money. NE WTON VILLE Mars. Haî,ssen lias retunned [Froin Toronto. Rev. andIMrS. J. M\ILaýClalan were in 'Petenhoro 1mat week. AC2 MeUGrelgor Joues, Toronito, sipent tihe -%veel-end l at home. L2'JJCRymn Gilmier, Oshawa, was humne for the week-'end,. 'Mýiss 'Dorothy Stapl,,-eton is visitin'g lier iun)t, IMra. George Sminth, Starýk- vilfle. M i s se(,s Mle Hanand Pao Jones vstdMra. Iv ison Tanlublyn, PIte. Lonuýox Vasey, Camp Bo'nden, spent thbe week-end at Mn1. Wmi. Sta- DeooinDay service atLa- view eiutey Newtonuville, Auguat Sth, at 230pm Misses Pat. W-,Toot,-anri Doren urlyPort Hope h Iave been visiting Ms George Ovens. Mr. aniMs Wallaee, Marlow vand family, Blatikstoek, w er e Suntdlay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willîs TJoues. Mosanrs. Lelanid Milîson, Oshawn-, Ployd Mlsn Providence, und Pte. Edgan îsoWoudstocik,were home. Mnr, and lVrs. Lansn ilson and Doreen spent the week-end lu Tor- onto, Port Dalhousie andi St. Cath- aines. WMn. Frank Ovens luina ied lis hiouse andi barn 'wined for lectricity, with Mr. larve Bitto)n, Newcastle ding the wo-ik. Congratulations to M;'r. ant i Ira. Anniold Wati'e (jformer ly MTTiss - Mary lenderson) upon thein nuariage or July 28th. 1Mrs. Reubeun Payne, Mr.Franký Ovens an'dMi7ssLila Payue itten-iif, lie, weddiiag of -Mr, Ai thur- Papuie at Kothi Blurley arcistigLA)C IRoýn- aild Builey at Sceuouo,, N.B3. They trav-,eliby oocce ui. nd Mrs. Keen Tononto, ani MisSilbcd and3Ma.S tan. Mnr. andi Mns. RnadGihba,wa badly laurned when jishe accidentaliy CAPR. Beats Obstacles to MoveWartime Shiments c-C for shiPYand'S, a type )cOf hpmntlainitiateti by the CanadinPadci odd-C wc>h the Cnda Paci-fie pion- for this movement has since b)een- raiaocreti, ns illustrateti upper liglit, copieti by other ronds te tire great shown wheotwvo siinalUrdeese- profit of thre war efiort. ada"s of cenitre fia as narea-- eacýh In the mtter of thretrnfme trans - lad vîwth a cret oIr (upper left) the main csidera- ont- Teseimprtnt lriaretstow- tion w ý,as te get eupetheavy Le wr eed 1 foot, fin luchesavoe tpenoug:li to carry 1ïtnmTeot Jniteti of rail nbloew upn A gt te MJilton, Ont., whis e tof panry Sonhemby certan hAlfdeckgiader 134 tons boingony at-in bas ci casIpn n may ridesan at trntire maiu b'r cnat Lt tre emebrigests Lbocknghad te of the bilggst deascneA untCe el ieh oxcwe t tE houera wne %t car tie Pcomiin-r sinal% tg andi iowered te deanre bride. ucoau i icvanrice. Tire hat -fnom The Compnny's il:n'îilerg stcettedepaniment laiddowu the spmeirI(cente) wsanafvr- ol esterumnos neessary te g-t tln e o- tinnuxnrm\'tîof2fe nette boilers freinToronto te 10 luMes. It,=oci fMCtcm:inCp, w aeQuebec, lsting ail pemanent ~ln n rsta.lre rr haul- stalations whicir md te be re- OvîIeî Sund ont e YSn't John, Solser m ioved temiporarily. Thre techiqcue 1 N.B., on two MaCbInery fatcars. ýI 0 e I pik4 ttte of lysol over her 1oga Rowve second son oF Mru. and lvM>,s'. Stanley Ru Mwe, has been il, the 'SiCk Oild e,,n's Hîosital, Ton- jonto, the past wee,,k lhaviing tihe cast cha1iýgce on lbis foot. The followirg memIhens of the, Neiwxtonville HighIway Post Casre- ce.ive i-aa-ds for fiiast aid to the ln- jured from. the St. Johin's Anilance ýAýssoc>ciatioii. Gertiulcates, JaokBan 'itow, Donald Vinl:,1c Mrs. Amiïoq Saunder-s, M'Urs. Ghas. Watteis, Mors. --id. Lancaster Bennieece MIlrEigan, Jean Milligan and -Mary Burley. Voucheler, Mrs. Willis Joues. Medani- lion, -Mrs. Cecil Burley. A 'group of suhuol ch1-ums eniter- tained (Mrs. Stanley Gýlier of(Cai!e- rie, Sak.,tea delicilous suppe sin the United Chueiicli lbasemeInt 0on Wednl ie s dayý, July 2 Ih nd pre';ste lier witha a pair of tw is a atoe od If te occasion. Many happ1y jinci- dnsof those long g days we£-re realdaftel.wich a peturewas tknof the group. MsssPhyllis aniJenGiIaien ndBetty tapleton waited on taible. There -were twenty- one present. W.AIL Meetng 1 The W. 1. heid thein Julymetg at the homne of IMrs. Georige Kmal Dates for a short course in reniodel- iing cothes were annonuuced froi cSupt. 6th to 10th inclusive. It -wns preported cthat more 'wool was needed j for socks for boys overseas. Mrs.ý G. Ki biî ad (Jh1arg~e of the foUlow- i'ng proigraini: A paper by Mrs. Bort Sais- on IIy-ibrýd corn; rol eaul, "The wred I ahvays pull when 1 See it"; current eventjs, 'Mr s. L. fHIughe cs; reading, Miss Mar'y 'Hoadfer-son;(con1- sumner's news report, Mrs. G. im- - 'bai; coten con'ouced y Mrs, C. J. Mithel. Te next 1meetinlig in chIarge, of Mrs. H1aigh an11d lber gr-oup. W. A., etn The W. A. met on ednsda evellnng, Juiy 28t1, i la hebuc baseneint. The reary wasin strued- to (end lettersjo1 sypby te two ber LvedmembI!ers (f ticon- gregtion u e. MLah a ,n Mr.Cecýil Burrley were aPppoiuIted 'p arEslt of soldiers' namnes for the HIono,-ur Rollivllic],is lo ILe Un- veiled. at our falI anniversary. The, Idea eof our soiety !Iholdlin11g a bazaar aeront was iintroduced and af'ten dicussjý,,j was left o'ver for decision at a future m1-eeting. Mrs. MLca Oan favuured with two of her owvn 'poem1ýS, vîz., "Thanksgivinig Day, 1942," and "The ,F'all ouf Singapore"; pjianIo solo bhY Mas. Franik Gillnuen, folwexy 1rol CiW alwhich "-al' favorite veýgetaible aud ihew I prepane it.", Aliorgnoalgardon iconItest wasj condwducet¶y Mrs, J.T. Peare, ri-L zes for uwi-îh 'wvere ail gro'wn in hier, owui garden. Pie beneudition di- missevd the meeting. Commiittee for next mothl. Mrs. Wiliis Jouews anJ Mrs. George Touipson. NEW ORDER INCREASEIS FARM IEGUIPfME-NT QUOT'ýAS Aninceaeof !(1in lu te produc- tioàn anti mpotation iof farmm n L- chineay is t e beaio'edunien au new entier issiiod by ithe Fim Mchiea Admi-inistilator of fte WPT. Tire nerxv qu1otas, ýiuwihceoI Iito effect (icteihenJ- mare designeti lte 'help tbet ýCanadtian farier attain tihe fanrm produictiongei set for 194.3 anti 1944. Fnr are rominded thaiýt the incroLased quotas 'are neot likeîy te have mLich aprcilaeffeet on the actuel suplply of farm equipmenlt be- forne tlire 1944 'rop ya.Produxers are stili obliged to cenpete withl tanik, gin and shiiup 'builden,,s for the essential mateni-als iuvlved. PAIR SHARE PRINCIPLE WIIEN SUPPLY I5SHIORTlý The "-fair--sirewre" pincipie is bing applietIito the disýtribuition of a1l gouda in short suiply acrigte a new plan outlined te whiolesalens au Ld retailers rcal. nueof the plani is libat ýail suppliera mnuat di- tribute their geeda eliytaics tomelra îin proportion tu thle sales ouf tecalendakr year 1941. Speiipo viinis ruade for a reas ;in wlrli cb lrepop-ulation changes have oc- cured.Emogercysi ýtatiuns will fhe adýjusted frein an'commnnp )ool into wihcadi wlrleseler will contibute a~~~o çpaetgeofhis stock. With ince re aising of li- stock and poultry lu Pasteru CanadaJ as aaina anintiuiateti shor't grain hee asst u"i'a sIstidy on a01 lid- ing cale frentnufrieate buyl western lfeeti'grai n -fer, storai:ge aga- tinua' "t ilext winter-'s fe rn eeda;. It s-tants witla a 3-cent su-ilsîdy per, buelfor grainTs MCbogblt in Ju.lY, 21:' ensin Auguat, rce'ig 2/ Cent each niontla to a suubsitiy of ~ cent peFr busihel in Dpeyre4er. ENJOY THE SUN WITH-OUT THE BURN LOWEST ICASH PRICES ON SUMMER TOILETRIES 'B N oxem a,- Cream , "Feel It Ileal" '.17 e., 29c., 39c'. Large Economy Jar for.......... .... 59c: Noxemna Creari Soap) .... 10c. à cakes....25c. Noxemïia Sun Tan Oit ....... ............. 30c. Large Eco-nomiy Size for ...........60c. RxEeSuin Tank Cream, large jar...... .... 50e Skïeeter-SkaItter, Insert Repellant,'pleasant odor, bottie for......... ..... .... .........35C. French BLalm ..... ...... ........ .... 30c., 60c. I-lind's Honey and Almond Cream ....23e., 45c. RougeFace Perf urnes Powder Cotogn1es Î STIICLY Cem Ca SM ETItC S Rouge Lipstick and Powder are designed to blend with each other to make complexions for "f un-in- the-sun, and at thrifty prices. -Adrienne Face Powýder ......... .......... 60c. AdIrienne Lipstick ......... ...... ........ 60e. AdIrienne Rouge............ .......... 60c. Adrienne Cream-s ........ ..... .. ........ 60C. Adrienne Cologne....... .... ...... 60e., $1.10 LENTHERIC COLOGNES Are World Fam-ous and always popular. Available in the finest presentationis of Tweed, Lotus D'Or, Miracle, Sha,-nghýlai and Pink- Party. The Colognes........... ..... . .$1.25 and $1.65 (Atomizer presentations are out of stock for the war duration)l I Prescriptions -a Specialty chronic Bronhtis - Asthma Charles Tyrreli Agent for Iackman Fiowers Phone C8, Orono August Vari'ety Stores Stamp-ede For Victory If You Ilate the Axis Way: Buy War Savings Stamps To-day Beauty Maid, the Scientific Non--Chem-ýical Hair, Remover, pkgl.. ...... 13e. 2 for.... .e Silk-Like Liquid Stockings, shadles of light, me- dium iior dark, Lbottie ...... ..... ........2c Bohby Combs, assorted styles, each.......... 5c. Flowý,er and Scenery Pictures, niew, stock 29e. to 98c. New Pla' istic Neeklaces, assotedl color-s and sty- les, frlom........ ...... ...... 29e. to 39C. Cutex Nail Polihes, ail latest shad-ces, bottle . . 25e. Lyîndon Nail Polish- Remiover,exrlagbt tie for ........ .... .. ........ ........ 19c. Gaby Greaseless Lotion, helps prevent painf ul sunburn, aids tanning, bottie.......25c.~ New, Victory Swatter.............15c. Fiy Sw,,atters, wire......... ... .... ... 10c. Cheeselcloth, 5 yard package....... .. ..... 35c. Infant's Feediîng Botties, 8 ounce size, each .... 5c. Paper Plates, 8 for........... ...... .... 5c. Waxed Paper, 40 ft....... 15c. 10 -0 ft...25e. Overseas Mailing Cartonis, each ...........7C. Men and Boys' Navy Chamibry Shirts, good quality, sizes 12 1-2 to 17 1-2, each ..75e. and 85e. Men's Plain Black Ready Tied Ties ......25c. SAVE THE EASY WAY BUY WAR SAVINGS STAM1PS TO-DAY ORONO 5c. TO $100O STORE YOUR POPUTLAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith F urerai Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE, Equipped to take care of the modest funeral at the most reasonahie charge as well as the largest aind most exacting Telephone: Office 668 Telephene Collect Residence 523 and 726 Bowmanville, Ont. i I. The World's News Seen Through TIIE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An ItrainlDiyNewtslpapeýfr is T'ruti-sfl--Construactive-Unbiasi.ed-Fre-e f rom Sensaitional- îsm - Editnoiaii Are Timnely and Instruicive, and Its Daily Feir(lue, Togethier with the Wel Magaz'ine Section, Make the Moniitor anu Ideal esae for theHoe T'heChsta Science Pubiishing Society Ont,,owa Street, Boto,, Mlassachbu serts Price $1200 Yea!rly, or $100 a Month. Satu'rdnv Issue, includinagazn Sect,in, $260 a Year. IrtrducoryOffer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. SAMPLE COP NREUS