MOIRAI SCIENCE is L UiNGl ý infantile Paralysis Prostignilneý , P chei cal ns'e d u mmtenia gravis, a disease cf mucle eaknss, as lhastenedf ~.acver frm ifanilepniaaysis mtofa grOup of 20 patients, aceoring teA nreport by D rs, Hercan lRabat and sMiland E Kna'pp of thie lniversity of i. imesýota, hin thi-e retissue of the la mastenî grvisthe pro's- tinierei;ees the atgu of the- n1eletali muscles. la infanitil e paayitherepû--'ot tsttes, it has ben observed te r leliect he mnd Ëthe muscle sVsm hile 'it as eue her ftr the drug ba"s ben givenThis as obsered in Dhe caseof a !Uyr-old pgiin tigmine. Atreinela sualy ivn ith coures the bot fomeuts of the Kenny treatmeut %%reu asew love". in one Case tue prestig- mIewaqsstarted 6 uoth'atC the oueto!the dîsease. Nvr '-~ thebeas,ene heur efte-(rineto cf!potgie lh~toio the' hsc- n epnthepain -vas able, for thefis time i 16 montbh' te ond over andi fouch th'le floor wt teknuckbe(s cf hon hand rachim epiag ber knees stnaiht. TO PACIFILC COAST TO WASHINGTON Cap-tain V. S. Godfrey Naval S erv i ce(, He.-,uLI ters )ias nnune the appointmient of iLear AdmiraI Vietor G. L3r- ileur, C.,5 JC.N., o!Beoeoil, Quebeec as coml'manlding offîcer, Pacifie Coasýt. Tlhe Last Shiot ssometies peter eut in axey prosaic maner t was f uwithl theFrno-eca war C- 1870-1, OnIe eveaînIý at supper aismarck announced te his frierîdo, "At twelve o'e-Icbe to- 3ight oýur troopa and the Frenich Wiii exebtnge their lest shiots, ýId I have agreed thCtte la.tter- ëÏxail firo- fli last one." SShortly hefore iniight the. >,,jtbanelorand his guests weyIt -eutsidle their hotel at Versailles and waitedi. Presentîy they heaod g shot from the Ge.rmans, follow- cd after aý brie! inferval by the J'mneh reply. As the echo of tube Preond sihot (lied awany thetwer 5ock ;struck tw elv e aný-id the - k~tanc-Grma~,war wsover, Deadly Bug "o -o;. iew of famed Fyn Fortress,"epi Belle" looks hikeamn-hre bug. Worlçers aýt Long Bab Calif., aircraf t plat;re clustered-around the gun turret to autg,: p the bomber. H ave YcuHMeard? As tie mnrse rnial down hecentliae ocame acros afrmld "Quck!~ h pated "Amac- eatiinigel has escaped from the ' ýe,' ad Ithe ceuintryman piac. idly "wichwaybe- it going?" "Yeu on't think I'm chasing if, doye? exploded the runner with, strangcer: "Con you give me RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TRTR QUICKLY RELIE VED piM e ctal sorei adi, ne)t delay treatmeýnt and rnon'the risà cf ettinjg ïihis coniditîCin bocomo ech:icl(. Any itchîng -,,or soýreness or painful pasa- age etf stool is na tures waring anîd piropen- trocîmnn sheuld he seconed at once. For' this purpose got a package of Hem.-ioùîd from any druggist snd use ais d ir e t ed. This formoula which is uýsed internally leas aial, te tatke tablet, will ciuickly relievo t-ho itcbîing and sorness and aid lne healing thie soro tendon spots, Remn-1oid ila pleasant te use, ia highly nocommennded and it soomis the holght of folly fer any oneate risk a painful anid chrenic pile condition when such a fine enmdy May ho had at 50db a small cest. If yoo try. Mem-Ro d dare net entinely Ploased "wit!) the rosuits, your druigaist wil gladly netuen, "MIDDLE-AGE" IAIft%- LI ( 38-52 W V U YEx ys~ IdJ HEED THIS ADVICEII Il you,'re cross, restiess, NERVOUS- suifeCr hot .flashýies, izziness-cau7"Lsed by this peried ini woman's life- try Lydiaý E. Pinlthxam's Vegetable Compeund1. Made 6speccilly for bcei .Hundreds oft tliusands re- mnarltably helped. Fiollow label direc- tions. Made ln canada. a job, mnate?"1 Foremnan: "A job is it? Wai', I've geL a mac here teday tha-t aýin't corne, an' if ho denýt turn up to-morrow, 01'i1 sond him away an' tai e you on." -o- New Missionary: "Did yen know Mn. Bnewns?" Cannibal Ring: "Oh, yes! Ho was the pnride of ouiL isiai.", New Missionany: "Wby dîd ho leave such a nice island?' Cannibal King: "Ho didn't, air. «Yen oea, times got se bard that we had te swallow our pride.", - Barber-ShaP I give you a shampoo, mdm Mrs, Newiyrch-Il should say not. F -an afford the beat. Give BACKACHE? Look ont for Trouble Wîth Youir KIDNEYS, if your back aches or if yoo bave disturbed sleep. burn ing or smanting, look eut fon trouble, This condition is a sure sign that your kidneys are net fuliy ridding your blood of peoisenos acids and wastes. Wben the kidneys slow up, wastes colleet. Beekache, dizzy spells, pufy eyes and rbeumatLic pains may folew. Veur kidneys need belp-and there is a time-tnied, proven way te, help tbern known as GOLD MEDAL Haarlem 001 Capsules., These Capsules centaie cane- fully measured qoantities of that widely knewn diuretic called Dutcb Drops. You wili Ond thcir action fest and effective, Be sure yenu get GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules, the genuino and original Dut ch Drops-packed lai Canada. Get a 40c paickage from yeur druggist. 8 poulfices OF Mecoe Relieve pain, brin 0 t caes. bekqucly o cl.2c,3À 5c,$*.0 iikE ;EAD 0C 1î.E HOU5r, DM<)NED IN lbWt4 B'?A Be5Nr55 MfE'I?46, W5 HomE rKlt ifNIH, RýE5 -ro C<H15, WAy Ouf 'Z 1ýE CE CME6'f ' $)E DARK MD) P5c'O'JERS iI4P« IfE HAS PHAVO'JE OF11M .PAS!1$ OF REAPRAi3&IN0 -%E 'A'4-Ro-FÜ~RNJ-1t>RE 3v CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED,'ý EARN EXTRA CASH -MARE MO@RE MONEY ASLY Just show 'Our beautifuil Cn jan made Cbristmas Crat your friends in spare tm.Te soul on sigbt. Many setmns Beautiful froc Albium sbowingjjj personal car' ls 18 f'or $1,00 aîd up. Sample book soigmilii- tary and Naval Christmai:s 4Cards. Lîberal commission. Write te day, for unusual samnpleofe.The G. . Montgomery Cemipa,[ 64El, Wellington îWest, Trne AUTOMOIIILE -S tors tLiltedl. Lsed ,Car Lût iat -040 Yongo ýeStreet; IMeadOfie 632 MOunt P11lasant 1Mea, T- rente. Te lphnoluiV. 2181. APPLE BARELS, USEE, IL-N;GOOD condition, l0c eacb .OB.S. 1Bar- ber & Sons 4000 Dundas ýStreet West, Toronto. BABY CHICEKS BOOK NOW FOR OCTOBER A, ýND Nevemnber cbicks. The Goý(varp- ment says 'Rt is necessaryý ail laying bouses sbould bha filled te capacity this year.' Bray'Fal Bulletin- is rcrdy. Have yen your copy? Bray M-atchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont., BULBS LARGE BULI3S FOR FALL PLANT. ing. >Rainbow Collection Tullps 2 dos. $1.10. Mlxed Daffodil Bulbs 2 doz. $1.10. Delivered. Kuypafs Bulbs, Matzic. B.C. W, grew fice best only. COOK GENERAL TO W01R IN Osawa-goed wages md living conditions. Apply Box 6, 3Ade.- laide St. W., Toronto. DYEING & ULEANING RAVE YOU ANYTHING NEEIDS)ý1 dyeing or cleanIng? Wrtteus, for Information, We are gad te3 answer yeur questions. Dbepart- ment H. Parkýer's Dye Works0 Limited. 791 Yonge Street> T-,0 ELECTRICAL EQ.UYIMENT REBUILT ELECTRIC M OT OR S and equipment. Repaiiesrins and parts. Complote st(ckç. Allen Electnie Company-, 23-2C Dufferin Street, Toronto). PARMS FOR SALrEf 100 ACRES -4- GOOD BUILDINGS, bordons, Migbway 16, ner Ro I[mpt- vile. APPly Rugh E. Grahiam, 118, Nepean, Ottawa. 44 ACRES-F1RAME BUILDINGS, running waten, 5 Min, Post effice, church, achooL. G. Ross Fergusen, Remnptville. -PRINCE *EDWARD C O U N T Y wa',tenfront farm situated on Beýy ot Quinte, 80 acres ch oira fam land, 15 acres bushi, 48acres pasI- turc, close te two caning fac'- toýries; extra geed buildinjgs;3 nine-Teom bouse w\ith ful!nace a ý,nd bath; basemnent Ubanc; dive\--bouse; hog pen, b'il hous'ý; oodtennt bouse; hydre iin bouse and baiunc; good water supply, 2-apnnga ad 3 wells; Taxes miUdrI10.Price $60,part cs.Gedfsigand 100 ACRES, EWE MGWY -ian d 2, Gae ieod oet cream spraolike cew; Dapple gneyteam ~, , 340 ih. Edward RAZIIr OR SALE STOCK, rEDUýlliCTION SL-E greuht ngrs in CLASSIFIED ADERTISEMENTS 6-CEFARMI 20 MILE'S FROM LINDSAV romd bickboue, oodbarn1 ilith she, U-todae len ou~~.Two achoo lIj 1ý l 'Lbrc, 21 ies l, et of 1o!dill. ÎBan1Fis,11 Wo Vo d- VFO'R1 SA -,- BAUJMEEK-A FOOT PRA'Lll destroys o(fesiv l)dr jin stan)tly,4 5e bottie. Ottaswa agent, -)Deumln 1ý WAII G S. ations, Switche, Cons and j(jal types of fines't quality Mair Goods. Write for ilsrtdrt aou.Toronto Hmn flair SupItply Ce., 528 EtirtStr-eet, Toronito. HELP ANTE hand miust b apbe ih an cattie.Excllet orneýand go wags 1nght mac i. A1)p]y daiy arm nar erntyear roud ljob, wages $60. G. Greene, Aginicour t. HAIUDRF.SsING S4UHOO()L LI' A îE N fHAlJIl L) HIESSI N C, VHE Robertson moet Infor mation on requoost negardlng claisses. Eober'tson'sHarresigAcad- emy, 117 Avene Road. Trne MOEWESTER'JN OTRU x Coli]plete-lyreoeed unsd roomi, low [Iri-e ad tormIs, must LEAUN SHOR}It' 1V&D 5SHORTHUIAND W\"RIýTERS ALWAYS in demnand. * ,1 LEARN GREGG FANNING M11AL (Rl-ime) PROVED best seedgrd. Screening re- pairs. KRime Manultfacturing, .420 Willard Ave,Trno Patent Solicitors. EstaIblished 1890;14 Ring West, Tononto. 13ooklet etc norat oronre- quest. MIEDICAL 1T' S T1 E1 EER SFFRE of ReumticPains o0 Nu1ti sboud tr Uixn'sRemedy-. Sold onl MurosDrug Store, '1',5 El- ginOtw.Pstad$,0 DON'T TRUOGE THROUGH Thke lHeac iafin, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS DQelîvereil hy N1ai1 AyBor h' ex1>osu[ee hlm pelrfecîîty devoloped and prnnted l'or ealýy 25c, >Ïupremne ouallty aald fast service. gu;f(mltecd. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Sttin o: rite MilSI Ont vme a geninre Peo or neth1Ïing 19 rourt ile(ou:en day a detead- alt appea]cd Ithoutail t toi 1OY: Defenant--1donýtt 11ïiak s. Bt if you can 1f Ile -a (couple of geed witncîes i d surea uecate it. Thon tiare wsthe girt \&ho, on beiag askýed wisat was her' amIbit:ior, aai hewa tedt be an air raid sinoen. MOdem nEtqte BirRoberta Lee 1. Ia it aIl right for tI-e bride- groom to give bis bride semethiag for the moh aebsi for the homie as bis wedding gif t? 2. la it obligatory for a guest et a chiste'nig tebving a gîft for the baby 3. Is tiz rosotetnelscn sidered a sprt ore 4. Should a woanrfer te her husband as "îI.Joues" whean talltçing wîti a a 'icabe 5. In what aay eauone acqire the art of 1i;eic te cohe houed or Ainges? L. No; eeîif ho caInnOt af- fodte spndmu, i must be semiiething frbronproa adornment. 2. Itla neýIt obligatdoryv, but is cutenry . Yasý. -4. If- would ho boitter te say "my hus- band" even !whien talkingwith a stranger. . Jones" can be re- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS "ýALWAYS SEND MY ROLLS TO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE.." i7bat's luat a cusatemer at OutrLe- mont, ue, rtes. Lie 1adds.S of my- fiand asod me wera I and printed.1Itod Ltho, *edy rolls t, shàiar Snapiot eric,'and they didi. T1hey, teo, arano reg, ulan otoosol' starl, pso ,Any J1,ze 1!o-i orl8 Exporulres,. Bos 2ndgrls onatv seie enoy lttras mchmrexve Mail your 1cciulno :ùte cr ýnp sho cSrice for a trial oi I rd, . YuI willSet uality prlL2 int lhfiner detal-aIt owest cost, Iand you ,wli get tile mostprmp mail servicýe obtajInable Ile, epig-ith quality wonk. Star SasbtSerice oper- ates Canlada's biggest and habst ecuippDed pboto finishing studio. 3 MOUNTED, ENLARGEMENTS 25o Size 4 x 6" in IJeautiful Basel Mounts. Yeu cao have enlargements coloun- cd by hand fer a smail additional change. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129>, fPostalTermiinal A.,iorOL1io Perint Your,,mmean dre piainl1y on ailtres MODERNE SNTAPSHO2CTS VOUR1 FL MS 1ECEIVE CA1E\'CL quimen-tenble us to give yoo, thobesposile print from eoach egtv.Fifteen years et making s3atisfied cuistomers bas taugbt us, there s is no ubstitute for igood, careful on. Any roll develcpe'i, d or 8nepints 25. L rsze SAK etc. \W-,aisepayhigestcas tlie fakui msb sacksi, d yenl IHEU-MATICPA S suifferr f1 beaijPanso Neurjltis budty iesRm Storeý,]d oiElg _Mini1,otra5a. Test paid$10 STAMPS CASH 01 STAMPS ANI) ACCUM- ullations eld documents from at tic and sbed. Send samples, dn remnove stamlp.s from envelopes., Fred Jarrett. 1,) Bloor West, To-. rente, FOR SALE, SOUTRDON AM S, Ewes C. . Ceeman 16Main St. S., ess. ortil are the cauIse ùcf 1il~ealiîh laehuma,1a1lages. No onie tm- unl Wh ,e lied oultIri t la yeuir trouble? intenetng pr cd fer, S.S Ne. 8., abuse o ties te I.commen,,ce Sepit. lst, pp.y ttin salary w ltdteJohin Gemili Sno0W aOt PulcShool No.2,Blin Aplstating quaictionis,e- Willim E. .~c, Sce-Tros., Mc ICioOnt. served for the soe-vactsanad arn- ployoos. 5. The only, way la te, traqin one's self te conceatr ate eseyon wbat the other pensoôn is sti-, ing-. 6. The f ork should be Gearens Flyin catndAmýerican Flyirg Fort- rosss aon~sde ur forIations thuafatihae aIao n hatupt cently Wbat he elny's planis bas net eerged perha lieohopes the radic ouadrona and Open th-e gun!s agahIn l toeaot TheAncan sei fidacnti- fyngFrtresses amorg ena an- isarlabeiag chang e]d at irregu- 1er itras however, andI the fomIationrs fly se closely together that t. hora la little cepportttnIity for a. successful effort to sneak into them. So far the' Gerrnan-flown cap- tives have been kcpt a good dis- tance away. The .50-caibre ammuition of the type used by the Foi-tresses is not manufactured in) Germnany. If the enaemy attempted to change tl'a guns and mounts ini the cap- turen 5-hips it evould be a costly and ;.o,,btfulbunes Algiegýs was ftound(ed ,by--,the Arabas more than 1,000 yer 8ago. Foi' aI t pesAi 'rctrsa tCo. ÉLmiteil ligs&Stratt0on Ga' Engines-> 1Parts andSeie