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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Sep 1943, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLYý TIMES T}IURSDAY. SEPT. l6th, 1943 ION The undeurs.ILý,--ied h asreeid instrI.tIunIýos fruni MR. VWILLIAM LUXON te ei by publie a-uctien at Lot 16 Co)n. 8, Clarke Township ,f2 miles cast of EigihthLiUne Corner 0on l*ltliy 3-5) F DASEPTEMBER 17, 1943 tefollowîng ,,,Farm Stock, Implemlents ete: 71Clydýe EaY MaIre. CA TTLE ~am eifr, brn an. , l43,will 2 yerodGe1 ow 0Yalps SWýVIN E I. YorkIsirle Sow, dueSetmbr20; 4St'ore llogs. 00 Brýown gon en;40 Barred Raco'k liens; GO Barred Rock Puflets; 70 Barred Rock Cockerýels; 20Brw -rLeghor01-nCockerlsý; 1 pa'ir White ,Ceeso; S Wite GosIing, HARINESS 1 set Double I{arness; 1 cet Single 2-farniess; Heorse Colars. IMPILE-MENTS ETC. 'l Peter Hlamilton Bindler, 6 ft.; 1 Frost & ,Wood Mower, 6 ft.; 1 Mas- ,ey Twini Plow; 1 Ma.ssey WalIking 7~w 1 Fleury Walkinig Plowv; 1 No. '7 Waiking- Plow; 2 Root Puiper-s; -1 set Scaleýs; 1 set Sleighbs; 2 -Wagons; 2 Wag-on Boxe;iGr1e Ih;2 ly Rac.ks; 2 Cutivato)rs; Eiufe;1 Peter iaitnTuirnip '~eedr; iRele;1 relleTe 'ugv; 1 Cutter; i1 enca; o -12 _DeLTaval Separator';I 1 Sugar Kt t1;1Grindstone; iCook Steve; rksChai , Gra in aI and ewa nd nmercious oth-er artîic-les. sale to Iommneat 1.00o'clo-k TERMS CASH ~i'tOn TED) JACKSON ClerkAuctioneer 7omen Wanted For M1ilitary Duty 'ay inicren,,,s rcently announiceal up rwitb the strong espiara- tiltg fre;lin aaail ev(er Cali- VL o iladche more w0imen te take ir 'places nibite services and ce- se mcan for actiýve duties. Therie somiie 31,775 woimiea now enilistcd they say tbey necal 65,000 more. othr iellswom-ea are needed. ,'h pr'ierity plants will be surlv-,ee in'reac cipl'ycentof 'wo.men; ýn oig for an increa.se in haif- -%vork by housewives. ýody Welconie 1 AUCTION SALE The undercisigncl has receivéd inistructions frein MRS. NORMAN KENNEDY to seli bypublic auctiion ai Lot 10, ('on. 6. Clarke Township i'/ç miles coutb of Kendal 'on FIDAY, SEPTEM~BER 2411,, 1943 the folwng Farm Stock, ImLpI(1lemets, etc. 1 pavir of Blaýck Mares (this is n Cattle i elCo'w, i lking good; 1i Spot- td owdue ýin May; i Jersey Cow, dein April; 1 Hostein 'Cow, Tnilk- mng goo;' 2 good D1urbam ileifers; 2 piing aves. Shecp 30Leicester Ewes; 9, Ewe Lambas; 9Wter Lamîbs; 1 Le!céster IRam. :2 Yo'uang Pligs, froin50 te 70, lbs. Fowl 40 'Rock Hens; 2 Ducks and i D)rakýe; 6 young Dticks; 13 Geese. Feed Quanitityv of Hay. Harness 1, set Douible îînrn'ess; 1 set Ma single MHnrness. - Implements, Etc. IJMeCormiidk Deering. 'Mowcr, new, 5-foot. 'eut; 1i MciCormi'ck Deering Rake, new 9-fÉoot; 1 Massey-Harris Sceal Drill,' il-hec; iMdCormick Deeriig Binder; i Wagon, Rack anal B3ox; 1 i-Buggy; 1 Democrat,, 2 Fan- 'ing Milis; i set Harr-owýs; 1 Dise; 3Cuittersi ,,,set Bobsleighs;iMe lotte Se1nir Single Plorw; i se't of Scales, anal other articles tee 'nmrtotemention. Seme HouIsehold uniue Salle te comimence at 1.00 ococ TERZMS CASH At the ýsaine lime and place the i farin wil'i be offreed for s'aie stbject In a reserve Iid. Farm econsists of 100 ares(m;(ore 'or less), stone1 buebanik brsize *'0Ox .50)feet,i wihstraw %anal inipleent sheals. A. E. Morion R. L. Boy Auctionceer1 Unofficially ft is estim-ateil that abroulud 30,000 ppl are, in Ottawa d.ong te.,iporary work iy connlection wli h war. Loo4ts it on the street ' bn l te eating places., Heusing hias been a big problenm. Maybe yenu d'ntkiwit cont there but the goev- erment ýhut a place, called Laur- eninTer-race, especially fer Grade 1 'girl oflkce workers which takes care >fabu C,0 It iýs cel and very coinfortaihly furnished, anid the girls pa-,y $8.50 weeikly, wlhiclýh includes meal.s. Helps sonie. Everybody Cor-ne Allan Beer President KENDAL NE WTON VILLE Mr. Earl ýBuyr'ey was home over 5r. Franik 'sul'i sent the the week-end, week-end in Toronto, Mr. Alec. iLittie,,R.C.A.F,, Terentc), Blake Verc Castl>io, vîsitedi was home over the week-end. bis sister, iMrs. Jas. Stark. iMr. Donald Little, Kingstors, is Llloyd Skinneýr, Tyronie, speint a f ew sipendinig his holidays -with Mrs. N. days aI Mr. Alfred Brown's. Little. . Quite a niiber, firom huere tttnd- Mliss 'Hazel McTagrgart, and frien.d ed OrenOo Fair on Saturday. spent the week-end with 'Mrs. B. Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Chas. Dix and Mrýs. lAlexander. Ruckweed spent Sun'duy in Torýoato. Mr. EvanQuantrll and Mr. Jaok .Mrs, ;Wm. Lak'e is vsit-in- lher Cornisih, Orono, have left for 'Wes- da'ughter, ?tvrs. Harold Skdn1Ier,- of tern Ontario. Tyrone. 'Mr. und Mrs. ouglas iReid, David Mr. IArtbiir BiAsl, Bwnaile and Carol wer*e guests of" MMr. Ro0y visitcd aI *MrV. Geo)rge ,Stapïd.ton' Sleep oveur the week-end. i eccntly. Mr. an'ilMrs. Lornle Paedeal, Shii- Quite a few1 from hbere ate lob, visited witb Mnr, m and Ms. A.the funral ofMrs. Bwn ees H(os1iIn'on Sund cvy2vcing. Vie l(on Mody Mr. R. !Bostock is driving the MlIr. qnd Mrs. JekStaletLOn D truck for ' Lr 11H0(Hoocy whîhwaiiaiyiOooset1Sndy a formllydrivenby Mr. J. Cornisbl. Mr. 'Win. Salns r Ciarene FBell, Osbwaan Mr. and Mr V . A. WrVight, T- Mrs. A. Bell, io anle visitýed rone. weri ý reet guý1ests o fbe i iS-1 with their parents O>ver the wek-n. er rs. J. A.Bare Mr. and Mris. Alc. H'oy Gran11t, 5r and iMrs. Ai-ùhur eka Don and Dale, of Curtpice, spent spet1the week-end ati Mr.Ega Sunday with i Mr. and -Mrs. Hemury Whqittaker's, Hamiltonl. loy. Mrs. 'Chas.WVa ttri-s as gene tn L Mr. and Mrýs. Vajice Allen nnd BeileviLle ,where ber uncýle, 5Mr. 'Madelon, M1aster George- Mercer, of S'mitb, has 'been injured. Orono, 'withiMr. and Mrs. Wni. Mer- Mr. Clemn. an'eock and siýster, cer on Suda. Mrs. Carr, 'Pet ebouo, areaguests of Mr. Bernard Walters andl Leonarid Tr and Mrs. Widbert Hancock1. Hilditch, ana Mrs. T. H1ilditch meotor- 'Mr. anld 'Mrs. R1uýsselLoe and ed te Toronto Thurcday eveninig. David, Port Hope, visiteal ber par- 'Mrs. 'Hiblitcki remlainied for, a few enits, 'f.and ~r.Roheurt 7Mortonl. days. 31r. anal Urs. H-arvey Osborne anal MArs. 'Win. Jackson anmi family 'famIily 'Wecome, were Sundnay visitcd at <Mr. V.Paecs Eliza- guests af 5f\r. andl Mrý. J. T. Pe-ance. bhe'tlville, F'iday evcning aiid are Keith BurO1eyý, R.C.A.F., Toronto, glad tco report 1Mrs. Pcacock is ili-P te. Harolal Burleýy, 'Camp Borden, proving. -and Mrs. Burley, apent the weck- Sixteen ladies of the W. 1. turn d at home. ont te the library ýon _Menday even- 'Miss Wiima tProui-se was3 threatcn- ing, ýSept. l3th. IL was 'mro'veýd th-at ed witb appendîcitis last week and Mrs. Wm. Patterson and Mrs. B. re'ceiv'ed ,medical' tre-atmIen't ilaPort Alexeander -canvas for mnoniey for the Hope iUos&ital. overseas Christnas boxes; M-ýiss K. Miss iRuth iMerikley, R.N.. and Or-' Stewart, for the 61% Lne; Mirs. R. dinary ýSeLaan 5utrray Phillipsen,ý 'Mercer Lfor the 7th Lnie; Ms J. Toronto, were recent guests at Mr. Patton, Mrs. H. Mercer for Oa't; Loftus Bellamiy's. Me.C. Tuebble anal Mrs, R. El1iott Mr. and :Mrý. Wilbert f{ancecb at- orth;e 8t LUne~. A box i i.,,,g L,eft tpnead the goIle edngclba in M. W. Mrcers tor, aso une 'tlýon ahncro « .ad Ms in Mr. A.G. Daliaitonm stor, qirsPeeboo and ayn carinDg to pultt arties in lClwelIR..C ailtoil, f'or th sldes hrsins1oesma 1na1Ms (aid ',veul,'istel at Mr. def se l ra eida htdit a Lanson Millýs'111-nalMr. Gog wifý1 l1( aise besenit if psil.FOurI tp'to'sonSudy lad",ies 'wer nam for the purchas- Miss Eey elmR.N. hs ing cOný te ýt prchsewOo)l for returned te her d uties ýat 'Ile Isola'- kattalarices Iis wol te be ien iHospitai, Riveed(ale, Toronto, bade et te volunteer kaitters aifLer a moýnth's h oliday, at home. Inte.ionicy is very badfly needed M.Alfreal Bro'wn huiadanro ,for t1his cause. 1 esup- duriino. L th 1estoir a I WV. I. Meeting The regular 'meeting of the W. I. iras hcid in thie iibrar.y on Sept. Ste, with the President, 5frs. R. Ellott, in the chair. T'c m eeting o eeeal 'y the singing of tibe Ode, foi'iowed l by tee Lord's Praýyer. Ways anal means of filling boxes fer local ca- listeal men for 'Christinas camie uný- der discussion, aise 'of 'filling snilor's ditty bags, ainal iL wn's decidea Lto bolal a speciai mneeting o'11Moaday, -'Sept. 113th, te'whèb mebr of the coin- mu'ai'y we in'vitc.d r. J. Pattonl réal an article cntiitlecd "Wbait a Gro'cery O -er - iving the amouat ef foodl usedýc for the forces at Exhi- býitioni Park anal feeding of 7000 "imn- Portant guiests" at No. 2 District' De poý;t. . R. Elliott renid a poem-ï entitical, "The unaniswered problcm." A ver-'- mouraful dlitty, akig"bow can a fariner produe with no hîredl imîan? " There wcre two centests, tbe first in chargeý of Mrs3. J. Pat- ton, who rend teebeginning of weil kniown-i sayinlgs anal askcdl the me- bèrs le finish thýe sentenice. The sec- ond was ,amsia terin contest c'on- 'du,ýcta by MUrs. R. lEliott. Themet iing coseal b the singing of the 'Na- ierai Anfbema. Francis Jas. Eagleson A resident of Oshawva for thle past 30f îyears 'Francis Jamjes- Eaglcson paýsseal away at bis bomne 367 Centr-e Street on Tbursalay, September 9gt'h. Mr. Eaigleson, had been ailili'gfor. thrýfee mloaiths but bad( been up analý arounal0on the mornrig hbe pnssed away. Ile suflered frein, a henrt at- Bo'rnin iiHamilloni Towvnship, aorth ;f"obug on July 111h, 186,m't É aglesea w1enit to 0's'hnwn frein Ce- bourg a7jý'd for 13yar prier to 1932 was empi.oyeal with the Genierai -I\o tors Pewals n emerof 'Court Osbawa'ý No. 295, LIndependIent Orale lle is sur'vive! by two bro'thers,' A. E Engle'son of Osbiawa analRb crI E'lso o FErie, Peanlsylvania.ý Thie fumeri* was 1,helal(1aI Arn- 'stronlg's Funel HlilomeI, Kinig St'. E-isI, aI 7.?30 1p).. on StraSept. 1itb. The seriv;ce 'was cnuta by R~.J. V cNeyof Kinlg Street Untel C"eb ntervnent wws Made ont Sundayýi, Sept. 12. The late 5fraieo was a cou- sin o1 r a.EnlsnOoo .Applicanîs to tbe Canaclian Army suffcriag f om "reýmeliab1ie def(ecîs" arc accepteal, cureal by oqyrations or ,reatinent anal receive full Ami-y pay andi allQwîAapees. week w'en hp was kaocked te them ground by lightning but net inijureal. 'Mr. anl MIrs. Harry Lane and Leonia ana nd MeIs. Oniyoni, of Coliborne, spent Suniday aI 5Mr. W. C. L'anc's, iL beinig 5Mr. Lane"s Ibîrthiday. Mr. and Ms.Harry Wade attend- Pd tbe Brown-Wadc wc v;dding, at St. John's Church, Toronto. The býridle is n dau'ghter of -Mr. 'George Wadiel anal a niece off r.FHarrýy W'e. Mr. Frank Nesb1itt, Sais1atoon, 'Mr. Jim Neshitt.XNew rlan, na 'Miss Allie Nesbitt Toet), bhave been 'visiting their sister, Miss Anale, Ncsbitt, an'd b1rother, 5fr. Fred Nes- bitIt. 5fr. and Mrs. Wilfbcrt H-1ancock atI tendeal the wcddfing of 5fr. 'Cliff. Hancowk's da'ughltcr-, TJean at George, St. UnitedCbucb Peetoo,aal t1he reception at 'ber 'brotbcrý's, Mr. Gordon Han'cock's. AUCTION SALE The undersigneal has receivecd instruictions fromn ROBERT U.-MOFFAT to seilby Public auction at Lot 27, 'Con. 5, )Clarke Township just cast of Orono 'on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBEJI 25, 1943 the floigFarin Stock: Herses i 'Grey Marc, 4 years oid, about 1300 libs.; 1 Bay Marc, 4 ycarýs olal, about 1600 Ibs.; i1tBay Gelding, 2 yeais ola; 1 Bay Mare, 6 years olal, Cattie 1 HoIsteîn 'Cow, reae'wcd, with caif by side; 1 H'oitein Co, e- newed 4 wceks caif by side; i Dur- bam Cow, 4 years, due ini Otob>er; 1 Hoîstein Heifer, 2 ycars olal,(due la Oetoiber; 1 iRegietered sheorthora-i Cow, Betty oif Manor IPidýe, No. 73534, 'witb býeifer 'calf by side; 1 Shortbiorn HELifr i y 1 ear olal, li- gibie to 1eite;iHo)Istein Cor,- due in 'Marcb; i JcrseýV Co,),d(ue in March; liWReal-"rainCowývwith eCaM by aide; 3 Hoistein Heifers, 1 yenr elal; 3 Steec,abut8-50 Ib5a.; 25 Steers nn l eifers, Duranh s anl Heafrs,1year 01;lal; 13 alvecs frein 3 te ) 1i oniths olal. Swine 5Sow vanal 7 Pi'gýs, 5 -weekcs oid. Grain Sevemal hundireal bushiels of 'Cartieri Onsaal Bale'y fit for sceal. POSITI VELY NO RESERVE Sale2 aI 1.00 o'cloeck TER-MS CASH' A. E. Morton Ted Jackson Clerk Aueioneer HAVE YOU HIAD YOUR VITAMAIN V TO-DAY?. A Vitanun V. unit is a War Savings Stamip. It is Wîctory Insurance, It buys 10 rifle bullets that will help save 'Wo'rld Demiocracy. The- $3001,000 -which the druggists hope to raise thjs millnh will be spent to buy MNedical Supplies for the Alrmed Fortes. LEND a quarter Hlelp save a Life ! WliNý A $500.00 BOND One chance with eachi 25c. War Savings Stamp. Five chances with FOUR WýarSaig Stamps puirchased hiere before Septemiber 30thi. The Staimp remlainis your property. Sc-TATIOLNERY 7'SPECIAL SUpe-J Db 120 Pack 72 Fldd S et Fine Linen Stationery and !S Envelopeýs to2 7c Prescriptions a Specially Charles Tyrrel Agent for Jackman Fiowers 1 Phone 68, prono 1 Children's Fine Wool and Cotton Hose, one and one rï, color rosefaw-n, sizès 5 to 10. Priced from per pair....... ...... .... 33c. to 49c. Ladies' Wool Sockees, colors scarlet; brown or navy, sizes 9 to 10 1-2, pair......... ........ 55c. Alil-Nu Fly and Insect SprayT, 16 fluid ounces, bottie............. ...... ....... 20c. FI.) Dead kilis flies, moths, etc, 16 ounce bottie 25c. Zinc Jar Rings, dlozen for............27c. 'Pudding Powders, flavors of chocolate, butter- scotch, vanilla, large 3 ounce pkg..ý........ 6c. Lipton's Orange Pekoe an-d Pekoe Tea Bags, pkg. of 15 f or 1 coupon and . -. ........... 18c. Nabob Coffee, 1-2 lb. pkg, 1 coupon and ...... 25c. Oxo Cubes, boxes of -4, and 10 cubes, ideal for overseas box, priced box .....lic. and 26c. Germ Wheat, 3 pounds for... ......... 13c. Old Sait Sardines, tin......... ............li1c. 'Plum Jam, 32 ounce jars, 4 coupons.......... 35c. Green Peas, bulk, 2 Ibs. for ý...... .. ........ 25c. Fels Naptha Soap, 2 bars -for...... ........ Chan Floor Wax, i pound tin for..... 15C. 59C. IORONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE.I YOUR POPULAR SHOPPING CENTRE I Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directors and Furniture Dealers KINDNESS COUR TESY SERVICE Eciuipped to take care of lhe modest funeral at the most reasonable charge as weIl as thse largesl and - inost exacting Telephone: OffIce 668 - Residence 523 and 726 Telephone Collect Bowmanville, Ont. Beeause of the latene ss ýof thee ice. IL is expected sone bouse- fresh fruit season 'aid the reduced wives -will tlake advantage of this peach crop, the Wart'ime Prices and enKiessioa to preserve the later- Trade Board ýbas announced that can- fruits such as apples and grapes. 0Of- :nng sugar coupons 'which were :firials enlphasized that this does not sch'eduied lu, expire Sýept. 30, have miean any extra sugar will be made- ibeerideeiared valid iuntil further no-'a.vai1lble fo'r mcandg. The World's News Seen Through M'E CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MoINTOR An international Daily Newspaper eTrunthifujl-Constructive-Unbiased-Free from Sensational- ;i - Editorials Are Tiniely and Instructive, and -lu Daily ýeatures, Together with the Weekly Magazine .Section, Malte ie Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society Onie, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price $12.00 Yearly. or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Ir-troductoi-y Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Address -------------------------- SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Under the auspices of the [JRIIAM3 JUNIOR FARMERS' ASSOCIATION CoD-,Inmunlity Hall, Newcastle -mridaoy, Sp.2 commencing at 9.0 p.m. [u1sie by Russ. Creig-lhton and lis Yariety Band Admission, 50 Cents per person

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