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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Sep 1943, p. 7

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iieleor Squeeze May Be Overcomne In Van-couver Office WresMay Do Four HiFor Sit iOerls fe 3 ýy' 3 Wo0;,k Otin Van cuvrwhere the maawriusqn is as tight as anywhere -celse la ithe.country, ,a new echome isbing tried out which mlay giv or wnr indus- tres a substainal Ilt announces the Winnipeg Fre ress. I t is based upon the assump- tien that many p- ieoplo w orhi g la sedentary occupations would welcome a caneto dosre part-time w ,ar wor-k. lna anme of shops gangs of office worký- ors y don oraiols alnd slacks and ad ou-hunstntafter their normal !days vwork is donc, ILt A too early yet to judge wehrthe plan willsccd or. fiii, yet oarly re-poéts are encouwr- aging. The lerks and stenog- raphersý and salesmien whvlo are doa- ing tewnk aie gettiag a great, deali of satisfaction ont of it, Wh'her they ,ijll be able to, eeupthe grind alfter th'e nov, elty warsOff is somleth11ing el cse again. t la one thing to work for 12 ihours a day ftor aL week oDr two. t is muitch more dlifficult -to trchont thle period fori. oth on end« One( factor which leads somne of the Vancouver observers to feel that the laon has a good chance of sucess is the old adage that a change is as good as a rest. The work te men and womnen do at nighit is completely different 1-ro, ,the cwork they (do ilathe day. They worke hrderj at their war jobýs than they would in their gardons or- playing go-,f. In* any event the Vancouver expeniment i somethig for the rest of the country to pay some attention to. If itwrk tere it cani be adopt- od aî nail other centLres of heavy war production; K!LLED IN SICILY> Major J. H. W. T. Pope, sýc- ond inornrand of tue Royal CanadlianaRegîmnent, whie w kill- ed in ation in Sicîly. Maiýjor Pope, 'V. as 29,. had been li) the Canaian rmysince 193. H QuïebUc City and O 0ttawa. Swims ast S'harks To B-urial Service SecondI Officer Ar-rives On :,me to Conduct a Funeral Service A Bible clenched between his teeth, an officer o-f a torpedoed British merchiant shi,) swarna fromn one lifeboat to another defying shark-infestedl waters of the South Atlantic te read thie burial service for a dead shipmiate. a The stony of this hieroic act has just been revealed with the awarding, of the George Modal te the officer,, Vernon Up)ton'. The 22-year-old sýecond effer took command of 40 mon la two lifeboats whea his suiperiors were killed by the torpedo explosions. The survivors wene more than a month's 'sailing fron the South. American coagt. After -a fwday-s, Upton, heed- kbas of thle shiarks which closelyS followed the boats, swami from A'!e te Hec othier te tend the wounded and revive flagging ,pirits. On the l2th day the first nin diod, after havinig gene ini- sane. Holding -a Bible ila his teeth te, keep it above water, Uptono gain slipped into lite shark-flil- .d en and swam Ite the second hotte ondn1(ct a proper hurli ~ serice.On the nont day -- the, î3thi of thie ordeal -- r eýC ue ONTARIO'S ABLE PREMIER Xith is 'vell-known energy and ability, Yrernmier Drew is, imm-e- diately attacking the problerns presented by his program of reforms. Ile has taken the Education portfolio himself. B y t HA S O ~ E Gwendoline P. Cak There is one advantage .te aý big honse - one always has a goed choie of rooma lan a thun- denstonm. That's the way we find it, anyway. If theý sterma corne frorn tho seuthwest thon we open thie doors and windows faciagr no0rtheast4. 0f course if it's lbt I. dways waýiËi ntil the last min.- ute. -Aid(!thoni the wind( gets up and f have te ruish anoundl fromi noom lte n-oom lshttiag ýwinldows anld ocngdo)ors; buit 1byVthat time Partiier is gee al~oilld te lend a hand. By that yen may galber that tilero lsa astorm mging as' 1 write. And il sure is n storm, The, lightaing is incessant --nd the thunder terrifie* . Rain is swirling by in shoots and the wiad la twisting miid twinhing the trocs ike an angry mesten-. There is a big ,ceshitt rce n littlo way frein the bakoo id it looks as if the wind niad the troc were loeked in a terrifie f ight te test the wvil nid trength of each., Have yen ever watcbed a tmee ln a storm? To do se is te manvel aI its tremnendous strength. See how the wînd -whirls around the branches, beading themn finat this way anid then fthat. Yoh would hnrdly h)elieve that anyting could Hiere la a mal appiiais trunik ne thieker ibm aabreer biandie, yot loký at the fighit it puts ulp. Lt bond(s niid Swnya, it litue buit il doesaýt breaký. F',rom whieace cornes its anat --frorn wheace the power te ne- siat the destructive forces of the wind? 1 suppose the answer i- the strenýth of the tree la in its n ots. And that aornehow makes me think of the war, and of tiiu great multitude of people who go te mrake np the Allied strength. Ail of us like tres--some big, some small, and ike trees, of a different fibre. Some__stong ike- ihe oak, others akia te the less sturdy calibre of the basswoed troc. But yet each, accondinig te our strength, staning up against the evil inds of -1ar, edn adswa:,ty iinýg ye but net bnai.Net bekigbecauiso ouIr roots are set finia hy 11nd oely lathe sou"f Canada aId of, tho Bnýitish IEmopire as ia whole. Wlhestorla soven buýt it is stili anig Pantner says the spring cnop la 1in.,ý flat. That mnsmore trouble is hnet ing ad prohahly coaisiderahie s of -grain. But thatïs onie of the jo> f fanming - you novýIer kovhow much yen wvil g-et for, al!on work until thb gai is la jIhe binl. And ye't urbanl peo- PIO wnderwhy fa)-rmers eote grubie ,ýabýout the wahr Forn \whore I arn sîLiing I can soc thLie stornlins floojded Lthe gardon 'and theý ditches are ruaii- an.Aitogether itila oie granýd es.But stili wc have roa,,sea te ho thankfnl hecause ourwht is la -the hara and we fhave noeuct hny lv ying eut te spoii. Somue of ou-,r nigbors are net se Iluky- they h v ave wbeat, alsiko and tim- othy alil ont la thefidwatg te 1b4,thre>shed. One Ithiing ilacertaiiin, there is no drop ilaîtho empnti EverIy tirnie 1I mop nmy brow I1 try te eeme wo shouid ho hank .fu! for the hieat becauise the longer(,t it Stays bot the longer we ena dio wthout fuel for heating *and the bass lime we shah ave to wojrry aboutcolr lack of il. And yet 1I ca't g-et any cerni- fort fremn the thoughit. lsn't il fuany-ia the winter wov getÈ se tired of cold weather ailook fonward loagingly te the vwanim days- of summer. Anid ilatirne the warm days come-aind thon wo get tined of the heat. Whiat inconsistent creatures we aré! SUN DA Y ScHOO 0L L E S SON SEPTEMIBER 5 IàRAEL CALLED TO BE A HQLY PEOPLE-Book of LevitiCUS,. PRINTE73 TEXT, Leviticus 19:1-4, 11-18, 32-34. GOLDEN ,TEXT-Ye shiai bý holy; for I a1nholy, 1 etr1:16, Meriy Verse: Be ye k1ind. Ephesians 4 : 2 THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Tiie. -444 B.C.'1 Place.-At Sinai God's Purpose For Israelý "And Jehevah spako naulto Moses, snying, Speak naite il the congre' gation of thoebhlîdmen ofIsnl alpd sny untoe hor, Ye shalho, hely; for'I Jehevah your Ged arn holy. This commnnýmd sets befere us the ehject of thoý wholo mojrl law and the suroneeoject of the gospel aise, rinely, te pro- dnce a certain typ)e of mioral char- acter, a holy maanhiod. "A'nd ye ghall kep y shts 1 arni jehova-,h your GdTheoho- sevncof the day imiplied thie jinstrucýtion 0of tho p'eople ini the fear idlaadonition of tieLod aadin iuringthe hiolinles whlich is tl( he keyote ofti ls son. The iolationii f the sanctitY o! he Sabbath is dnncdn the greteet Sian'which thl rael The Truc God "Tura ye flot unito idols, 1nom makde te yenirselv-es imeilten C(lds: 1 arn Jehiovah your God,." To Innu te an idol imenals tei tura wa fr-om thie tue Cod. Aaý,ythjing Ual is put first in 0our-lifo bjefore God la God te us. "Ye shal net steal; neithior shahl ye deal falselyý, non lie one- te another-," A mnan who will stealý will lie; seliggeuemailly nces- sitates ly1 inig, fl aianattemjpt te cover up the --vil deed, "'ýAad ye shah net swear by myý narne falsely, and lprofane thlic nanme0f Ged: I anJhoah"ThIis is a warniag against that siln into which mon arosepronie te fal- the careleas nd profanie ,use 0f' the nanme 0fGoa. Imipartial Judgmient 'Thou shaît net oppress thy nieighor, nom ob lm iijThe'wge of n hired servaniit shall net abide with thee ail niighit unitil moin. Tlhis henïiga3cane fer, the lbmr ad to unition agaîll[aty ahiempt fte dcfrnuitd hlmi, areagn andagi mpeated iii tho Script- tum es. "Thon shah ot curse ithe deýaf, niom put a subinbokbelore the blind; but thonii shaît fear l,ýhy God: I arn Johiovah." The pi-o- hibition against injustice te the la! bm and thepoor laenomedby an appoal Lo ar i-the Lord, "Yp shah ? eneuaigteuses la judgrnat: thion shiaitnet re- spect the pearson of the por, nor houer the persea 0off the mighty; but l ign eusossit thIlon judge they niho"Thi!ee muat ho ne affictation of! indacais ùl the pour, eve a thmemut ho ne awingfllteyof the great. Hewever-, 1 don't think aný of ub. are iooking ferward te Ibis win.- ter-not with a ceai shortag.-c Certainiy weshouid ho giving considerable thoughit ite ways and menas of using lesa fu(el. W'e may find waysý of donhling uIp for sleeping, or gvn ap somne of oun pivaýcy se that Iheat imay lho shut (elail)some rooma. t la possible the livîing-r,,oom conId ho dispeaised with for, the wvinter and miore use m iade of the diing- roo. omienifolk may even ho driven te woaing warn unden- wenr orsuflfeîýr to eu eunc And we nay il ho b a lot miore healthy and ener-getic as a nesuit of lowen heouse temiIpenatunreS. Whethier we are warmnid ce- fortable deens, lot on whiat we are ready te giv,ý up la th way of conveniences. POP-Never'Touches the Business End 0F- DE-TQNATORS ON TOý FUSS IAM E-1 I I I Sea-oingJeeýp SC'1d For Ice Cre",-ýam )n inatters 0f judgment the judgo mnlist lbe impartial, Love Thy Neighbor- Thion shait neot go up and dowau aes a albae a men)g tliy pepe"Siand1er inijures tChree persons wth one nct:Huiepersoia ' ho slanders, the person whe je s land(orod and thoý person who ls ton>s fte h siner. "Neithor shýalt thon si t a n d gant tho blood of thy aeigh- berj: IanJhoah"One must net !ho a faIsewitosstethe, ea- dungoring 0fÈ a maa's lifo or stand hy without an offert te save hiln frern ruin or danger. "Thou shaît net hate thy broth- or la thy he-art: thon shaît snýreIy rebuko thy neighber, and net hboar sin bocause of him. Theui shaît net take vengeance, non bear aay gxugeAgaIn1st to he ciren oA thy peCoplo; buýitthon shait love thy noigliber as thyseif: an Je- hovnh," We are feridden te av- enge theo wrong even when the robuke has proved iefcul R"eeene For Agedi "ýThon shaît misýe np beloro the hoary head, nnd henor itho lace o! the old man., and theu saît ar thy Gedt: I arn e71vh 1 Te "s ylocks ' 'fider men ehenld inspire reverence la ail of us. The duy bore enjeined has heen ec- ognized -laal ivillzed 1nations and the Violation of it is deserv- ing of the sevanest punisliment. Love For Thie Strange-r ",And if a staniger sojenma ilwitb thee la yonr land, ye saah .net do hlmýn ng The stranger that sojoumneth wxtIlyen shah be unto yen as the homeobor among yent, and thon shaht love hlm as thy- self; fer ye were sojoumnors in tce land 0of Egypt: L an JehQ'vah yonr I "BUCKEYE" STATE HORIZONTAL Answer'te Previolas Puzzle 17ï North Caro-. iDepîcted state. p i1 m. 3 K V ina (abbr.). SForirer U ATE i N A7 ~L 8o pass pent. Russian riAuer S T EE ADS 'YO il 19 Nickiname forio 9 Hullte r SIa il SA LY 5S1E TÈr ERY1 v Edwiard. by Artemis rNN .S - T RI OU 21Born, t (mytj. D IT AR AR UN23 Geîus of 10 FinaL vertebraDP RNAN E N T gee of the neck ~jjj NNSYGI1 24 Checks. (ana.),B E P E RE E27 Hearingcorgaxn 12 Vendant.iO1 29 BD HAT J A 13 Miodify.LF inc. 15 Exclamation w US E A1 TJ O'AJînncle E'XPOSE TYIIPA UFI33 Unit of energ 34-1P ers on a1 b e iag 16 Farther la. 36 Writtea forar VETIA 37 Cleveland l- 20 Englisi town. o! mister. 1I Nati4ve rmetals. ils largeslý 22 Sesame. 37 Calcium 2 GO inhat. ---. 23 Assents, (symbol>). 3 Pe2rtntining tb 38 Beverage. 25 lmit-ate, 39 Cimson. ions. 40 Remove-. 26 Symbol for 41 Bcidipoed 4Onrd 41 Ventlilaites. terbiumt. 42, Mermîment. 5 ymo for 43 Titie of 27 HaIf an el-il,44 'Chpaacteïýîstic. tantaium, iobility. 28 Size of shel. 46 Local position, 6 Fixed look. 44 Mý,igra.tion. 30 EaFly English 47 Senise'o! ameli. 7 Entirely. 45 Drop o! eye (abbr.). 49 Ail,8 cod.fluid. 31 Old Romant 51 Made a 9Spokn nt 46 Dry. weight. tistake. ite. 48 BabyIonian-. 12 Daybreýak- 53Q Exhibitions of Il BriatJiike goçi of (comib. f'orm). farm produets. part'. pestilence. 33 Electr-ica! 54,55 - - 12 Volubýle. 50 Seven' (Ri, ternm. fomms most of !mJcvig-le. 52 About(atn 35 0fth matter its northerra 15 Attçmnýey 53 Symbol for <lawb. bouindary. (a)bbn, irorl. By 3. MILLAR WATT 1 A story of a sea-going- jeep: t was on oneý of those Soutk Pacifie isianda Iswîth secret, de bays where Amnerican wrhp anchor lon)g enough to suppor-ta naval officers' club) on thie beach. In front of the club wasth mostdiadtd jeep you ee saw, "Tau n officerý related,"i probably thtle only jeep in h world thiat ever trav&-led on 91 submarine. "One of our subrnarines swiped it from a pier- at Pennl Harbor. When they'd submerge, they'd take out the motor and remoe the tires and put them inside the sub. Then they'd lash the rest of it to the conning tower outside, Wetail over the Pacific, thae Sorneone. a.-sked hovi it go ao the beach. "The sub officers didnr't e inte por-t often eouhtoejy nsinig it," the offiýer epand "So th-ey sold it to the cptan Ï thtwarsipOutin the bay for$; thre allonls of ice rem "Lt stilli runls good(." God", Thp straiiger is nQýt simly to be tae with consideratiou. and enrosybut lho is to be puti on a erfct quai ith thieor- diniary Ireie ec the pro- cept laid cdown, 'Thion hlaîtlf ovc thy neigl-bor a'sTysfisor ena1cted With regard to t i e

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