ORONO WEEKLY.TIMES TIIURSflAY, SEPT. 23rd, 1943 --o - - - AUCTION SALE - ~ s 'h uni -Ie ba h-s eceived ROBRT 'C. MGWFFAT tase'li by public auct ion ut Lot 27,o, 5, (ICaske To.wnship> just eset of Ormo ou1 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1943 the foll'oiulg VFarm Stock: i Cay Mre,4 yeairs aid, about 1300 lis.;i By Mare, -1 y'earts old, abouit i 0 s.; i Bay Geldinig, 2 ,Yearls nid; I Baty 'Mare, (; yeus old, 1 ioetinCow, r'ed, 1wilh newe 4 aek cai bysid;1iDur- haniCow 4 ear, du 1luOcthir 1 br; i eiteed ,orthois-n Go-,Betty o0jManIor PidNo.' 2V'3531,wth riecafbsd;1 ~hotban life-1iyea ad, ehi- gibie ta rgisas; iIsteïn Cuw, due j 1 a ch; 1 Joney Qow, due ini ,M<trchIi Red D Pum'ow witb eauf by) sidep; 3 Hloîstein Heifers, 1 year ol;3 Steers, alliant 850 bbs.; 2 5 Steers sud l eïfer-s, Durarbas and Herefords, 1 year old; 1 3 caives, froni 3 ta il months oid. Swîue Sow a.nd 7 Pigs, 5 weels 'aid. Grain Several huuds-ed husbe1s of 'Cartier Ots and Barley fit for seed. POSITIVELY NO RESERVE Sale ut 1.00 a)'cloc&k TER.MS CASH E. Mortes Cles-k Ted Jaeksonl Auctionees-1 MRS. T11IOMAS J. WOOD mr-s. LttaC. Wood or Highway I Bileboodied on Saturd'ay, opt. 18, aitfher h.io' aftt an iii- ss cf sevucral years. She wasin ec7CW.h yuar. auuo.h1ter ol thie Late Jameýs and hua.xiote Ea!glesün.She asthe st memer f ber family and! had ' :1iarsinu ailiefioro, hlaving Jre rom H!ope Tîw i~p er baud Thoma-,s J. Wopse ay in 131 urivngae tbree dau'giters aiiýd ý>n': iMrsý. W. IH. 'Ramis Toronto; r.S ewart McGill and WiIlis d , 'iIlibirook; iand Ghalotte at The winrlas heldi on Mna h3.30 p.m. from i-ier residence. The *r'vi'iý e as côýnducüted by Re'v. A. R.. hevis of 'ChristCucBa.iie oUro; iteirmel(nt in St. Pal'sCeeey M"'. a"nd Mrs. 'J. E'aglesoii nnd MViiss 'E lesn ee ai gthose who-1 eedfi~rn a distance. ALICTION SALE Theunde liue as received inistruc tionisfrn MRS. NORMAýN KENNEDY taý seil by public auction at Lot 10, Cont. 6. Clar~ke Township 11-i miles south aof Keudal FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th, 1943 tble followýing 1Farm Stock, Imiiplemnents, etc. Ils-ses -1 pair of Blaick Mares (tbis is a 'ood work team111. I Red Ccw, miiking, good; 1 Spot- tedCowduein ay;1 Jersey Cow, dule in AprLil; 1 HoisteLin CGow, milk- ïing g, oot'1; 2 gaod Dus-hum leifers; ,2 SpriiÏg Cailveýs. 30Lecete-Ewes;- 9 Ejw.e Lanilis; 9 ebrLmbe; 1 Leicester Ramn. saine - 2Yo'ung Piges, froi 50 to 70 lbs. Fowl 40Rock Hens; 2 Duceks sud il Drake; 6 young Ducks; 13 Geese. Feed Quantity af Hay. Harness~ 1 set Double fiHauess; 1 set of Impiements, Etc. IJMCormick D'eerinsg Mowerý new, ,-foof. eut; 1 I leCor-mtek Deering Rake, uew 9-foat; i Massey-Hur-is S(-eed Diii, ii-hoe; i1 MdCormick Dees-ing Bind(er,; i Wagon, Rack an'd Rox; i Bugg ýy; i Democrat; 2 Fan- Iling fvI1ilis; 1 set ias-s-ows; 1 Dise; 3 Cutters; 1 set Bobsleighs; i Me- lotte Separats; 1i Single Plow; 1 st cf Seules, sud other articlIes too nlum'erous. ta m1-enti'on. Soe ouseholId Furuiture. Sale40 omm-eneut 1.00 o'clock TERMS CASH At thec saine tme sud fflace tIre Juýrnii wiii be offered fos- suie sje ta,)a reserve bid. VFan iconsists of 100 ars (mas-le 'as- less), stone bousehankbaria, size 30 x 50(fet with straw sdam p ini eut sbieds. A. E, Morton R. L. boy 1 Cles-k Auctionucer1 F or Cernent, Lum-- ber (rough or dressed) SEE McLAREN Orono Coal & Lumnber yaurfriudswitb you. AUCTION SALE The udes-sgned uctionleer lbas seceîved istmuetians fs-O"" WM. A. HALLOWELL ta seli by public auction ut Lot 8, Con. 4,-Ciarke Towýnship MUNDAY SEPTEMBER 27 194-1, the fuliafwing 1Pas-m Stock, Implemefrts, etc. Horses muave, 114 Yeas-s. Cattie 1i brindie-cas', 7 yeus-s, bred -May 29th; i mcd.cow,-.8 yeurs, bs-ed Jure 3rd; i Jersey caw, not bred'; i roun eow, 8 yeus-s, bred Jun 23rd; 2 steecrs, risin'g 2 years; i Jersey cow, 6 yeass lised August 144h; ,3 SIping,' caires; i heifer, sising 2 yes-sý. 1 Grain About 3,O1 bushels of Vcoyouts,1 suitable for seed; about 20Oiaad of 'good bay; q'vsuntity of aat stras'. i 'Hurness i set of teini harness, neur2ly nes; 1 set 'pies hsrness; i set of Heuv~y Double breechiug; i set single ba,ýr- neass, in go"d condition; somielpieces Implements i IMOCoriek binder; i Mc(os-mick mcwes-; i root pu'bper; 1i N-oxon culti- vatas-; I set of Is-olus-s-orsis, 4-sec- tiun: i roaot Souffles-; i Massey-Iss-- ris seed dm111 aomhau'ed; i single wavplkiug pies',)Cookshutt; i set oýf beuni slcighs; i fauning miii-; i stocki rauck; 1i sot af icaies, 200 pound capadity; i hay ,rakhe; 1i gooti3/4 wsgou; i hay sack; 1i metal stase-J bouat front; i cuttes-; itop hbuggy; il apen buggy; osfakchsin,.aud m'any aýthes '- ,articles too numes-ous ta IlueodEffeets I Sus-rene Cook store, lu goo-d os-- dlem urd AI baker; i sh1eet irn ast- es-; i DeL"favaiea-aasNo. 12, in Fls-t ciuss wos-hing osf)-des-; tables; rosial ]be.ater; 2 chie-ssof dses extension tbe;bds 1ishes, unti- ques sud a ithes- rtils 'Sale ta om-menýe ut i pan. sharp 1 TERMS CASH Jack Raid Antetionees- Any mns erv inrig, six imanths ln the Ganiadiani Army is entitled toa rehajbilitation gzrant. More than a -quarter af Canada's dlntists have eniisted ln the armed services. The WM . met -ou Tuesdiay, Septns-bs- 1th, ith tbhe Ps-'esîdentr, Ms-s. J. MeLachlianl the ciais-. Tbe mec bing oend ith s bymu anud prayer. PIlans w ýere made for en- teiitaiiuj.ig t4e iobbess sud babies un Tuesday Octtober 12th. The pr)io- gramme wýas n charge of Mrs. Cecil Robinson 'wha gave the s'cri'ptu-e rea'ding. LThe s-l ail uwus foiiowed iby a spleindid papes- by Ms-us.Mors entitled'praying -;witb ieffeet." Mrs. ýMeLa-chlan then initr-oduced tbie new sýtudy lodk. The wnie&ting c losed %witb s bymu sud ps-laye.. .. Tihe ministe!rs and Isymen cof th'e Oshawa Presibytery of the Un.ited Chus-ch beid theirPlll mi-eetiniiin Nwtonviile iChui*h on Tbar7sdayî cammencing ut l10 a.m. Rev. R.' E. 'Morton, chais-ma of the P1resbytes-y, ps-esided aover ail thesein.Du-, ing the marndn(g sesionRr .M Luehian gave a ppe-ou "The Seets challenge the Chuch," wbicb was mucb apýpseciated, .aud on ývich con- sidenale discussioni took 'place. Iu the afternaon vurlous reports-were sàbs-itted in the work of the chu-ch. To thesýe reports "Couniecýtioînl 0f- ficers" of tbe chus-ahl spake,-Iflr. J. C. Coulis-une, scsetry of the Pen- sion Fund; lReiv. 'M. 'C. 'aDnl' of Haine Missions, sud( Dr. Geor-ge Enston, Praesident of Conference. Iu bis address Dýr. Easiýtau paiitedeout "Thaât the Ind,(ustriai Fs-ont, the Ag-ri- cuitas-ai TFront, sud tlhe Miiitary ,Front" mstlie iutained thraughi compulsion (azaio), bt the Spiritual 'Fronit, whioli is the chusi-chi's 'business is nsinitaiie;d by valuuta-y contributions; sud in t'e final uuialy. sis "The iSpiittl 'Front" is ps-lmary land funýdum-ientai for thre weif ave 0f nIl"others., and shoulil be 'loyully and oheerifialy sade(]quateiy supported. At whatever cost the chus-ch, nsust lbe true ta bier 'greuitcoammiýsion. Iu the report a:f E<varngetls;m and 'Social iSes-vice, cf whichn the iste IRev. W. E. Milîson wsas chairman for sanie yeas-s, tribute wus paid ta bis fine Cliristilan chas-acter, bis daitbifufiness sudr 'devation ta duaty bis kenin itel- leet, and 'causageous leaides-sbip) in the thiags àaf the Kiigdam af G-adf, sud the Ps-esbytes-y's'sorrvow aintd deep sensa aof ioss ut lis "HlomieCo img," alie its snee smpahy t bis wîfe laud famuily. The Presb-)- tery bc'wed lui siuent aywhe Rer. Ms- Ratges- feers, )ýef sup- liata.At noon the lais'f thec church, unider thtia-uspices 0of the, W. A.,' -ps-vided such a ýibounýtiful d1innes- tNut the m'eu-beýrs aof Ps-esby-, fery vwondecred how, luieis'af, s-a- tiun.Rev. J. E. Giff1ith a for- 1ms iniistes-, esepresýseýd bebaif aft Preeh1ery, ow m'uel b tey no I he diniierý, sud theis- gratiude ta f heladis. Ms. ohn Peas-ce, Ps-es- dont of the W. A., reopl.ied fittingiy, stuating it w-us nat 'anly pleasant bu,,t in fiubl usereral %vays Vo have lihe honor af entertaîunii the Pre*ý jTIMELY NEEDS KENDAL- EWO IL M r. W in. Gear, Ajx, spent the! Tom Phul o wa a g e of 5 d weekI,-enid with Ms-rs. 'Ceas-y. nley Stacey. Miss -lignes White Pott Ho)pe, iMrs. Fred Gi'bs ihs a position in ý'pent Su'n'day with tdrss. E. Lu-xon. Bowmianvi'lle. M1r. Alec. Little, R,.C.A.Frý. speut AC2 Ver-non Staey, M .ýounittin the week-dud ith MArs. N.'Little. View, waus home. Ms-s. A.- G. Daslingtoan spert Suit- ML. Colin Dedk, Peterbaro, spe(nt day rwith 'Mr, and MUrs. J. Giover, tlie week-end with bis parents bere. Ajax. Mr. Francis H1all, Toronto, spen it Mliss HeIAeri .Mercer, Toronto, spent a few days with 3Mr. and Ms-s. Ccciij Sundaty with 'Mr. anud Mrs. Wmn. Robilceon. Meucr. .Mrs. WEIi Cowe-i,'Mv. and IMrs Miss Ad:a Wilson speunt the week- >Gordon Cowel and family,1 Bowman,11- e,,nd with ber fathes-, Mr i% hr ville, -visited at _Mr. Roi)y Suucey's. Wilson. Mrs. J. H. Iaoel.B'man- Mr.1 an' Mis. George Clark, Tor- ville visited beur itr Mr. Joh orito, ,speùt the week-end ut their Sba!pleton, at Ms-. Wmi. stuplcton011's. suummer home. M'Us. Wulter Graysoný , Donald an'd Mr.' Nos-taun ThertelI, Toron1to,-, Bria, Montreal, are visitinIg 1ber sýpent- the we-n with Mrs. Thes-- purnits Mr. an'd Mr irMs. J. T.- tell :and dat'sgbters. euc. Ms-. and Mrs.VWm. 'Mes-cer ut- 311rs. Faninie LennPoxeund t teniced Liu.dsa'y, Fair on, Saturday. h r hm at St. 'Cahrid uesýdnyI Miýse HelenMerce 11(i MvSs. V. Ai- nfter a mubsvisuit wîth ber niiece, lett looked a4fter theý store dutriing M rs. De'dk. their absence Ms-. and Mss. Geor;geMclouh and Mrs. Luxon itterd'ed Mr.. Wmi. L.uxou',s aujti'on sale on the Eighth) KIRBY Lne on Friday. NeiMtonyille fsieu'ds extend syim- Miss Masian McKelvey RN.," pathy ta Mis. Clinton Farrow in 'the nursnsg Mr. Thas. Somerville, Orono. as of hes- mother, Mrs. Stanley 'Miss Bessite Scotity ,9shawa, visited Bowen, Newcastle. ait lMr.uand MDs'. E. R. Bryson's an1 LAC Raymond Gilmier bas, finished ,Saturday last. bis course at Oeliawa 'and is boorn M r. a nd Mas. Keith Bradley calie 18 d1y leave after whicbh le goes on Mir. au'd Mrs. John Tborni-psan' an ta ,,anudvanced training school' ut Wedniesdlay.aftewnouon laist. Braihford. A large nunzbes fsrn 'Kirby weut Rev. J. Mdl;Lachlan caniJucted au- to ýLeshard ,on.Sunda lasýt and at- iversary serviýces ut Leekard Chus-chý tended the ;anniivrsary servICes. oni Sunday. During bi.s absence we Kisiby cancell'ed their regular Sun- were pleased ito heur MMr. J. J. Melios- day service on ýSept. 19th, owinug ta onice mre. anniiversary 'services 'ut Leskas-d.. About 25 guests eutertained Mr.« Anisuy Services will be held add.Mrs. Raymond Gilbbs, of Bow- in Kirby Ohurch on ýOetobes- lth, at manwlle on their 4tb -weddfing ni 300 aud 7.30O p.mi. Fus-thes- pustcu- versas-y and- presented themn witb a lurs later., corcetablq asud au electric tLbfle -The W.A. and W.,MI.S. will hold asp theïr meeti gon VW'ednesduay after- Ou Snnday Mr. sud Ms-s.Harve noo.ný O'ctoJ)er 6',h ut L2 p.'ml. Ever>Y- Ouborn e, e mud Miss , un anc weicomle. Peas-ce, Toronto, joued Mr.asd Ms Mr. aud Mrs!. Wesley Ellia)tt, cf Pearce and Mris.Gryn nclb- Kendai, sud Mr. aud Mrs. Milton ing jMrs,. 'Eur!lWaeys brdy Dunhbas- and sont Eilittt, Teryton, wîtb bier. wes-e visîtars atMr. F. Bsimacamibe's ý Mr. sud M-.Wmi.' Dixandm ari en S;nay ,le st. lyni Toronto, Ms-. audMs Kies-nain Kby Sun'dsy Schoal Rally Day 'and _famuly, Toronto; Ms m will be(,obses-ved on Sunday. Sept. Sinith, Poýrt H 1pe 1M-.JukP - 26th, ait 3.010 p.m. Ail are asked ta son, 'Cochrlan, were guestt3 of1Mvr. turi ont ta thisý service sud bsing and Ms-s. Chus. Dix. Aiways a good- buy WAR SAVINGS Pacli 25c. For Sore Throat TYRRELL'S IODINE' THROAT GA,ýRGLE Onie teaspoon in a small glass of water makiýes a dependlable aIntise'ptic gargie, 2 ounce botie for .........................« 25c. Boo'sIoized Throýat Tablets,- 30 for ....................... 25c. 60 for .. ...... .... 35c. Vick's Coughi Dro)s .... ...15C. Vick's Vaipo Rub ...............43c. Cried ChIest Rub, large size for. .. ............. ... .....3(),. MusterQle (regular or niiid for children .................. 35c. Cainpborated Oil.10c., 23c. Linseed, Licorice and Chioro- dyne Lozenges, pkg....... 5c. Certitied A.S.A. Tablets, bottie of 100 for ......... ..... .....39c. For Coughs and Colds Buckley's Mixture ...40c., 75o Pertussin .... .............. 59c. Masojn's "49" . ..........39e., 69c. Pint-O-Pine, imakes 20 fl tid ounees of efficient Cold and Cough Corrective, bottie. 39c. Dr. Clase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpenttine .......35c., 75c. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Charles Tyrreil AGENT FOR PHONE 68 JýACKMAN FL6WERS, ORONO Motor Equipment Private A mbulance INorthcutt -and Smith Fuserai Directors, and Fu4rtiture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY hEouipped to take care of the mode-st Hr.easonale charge as welI as the LJ most exacting hTelephone:- Office 668 - Residei Telephone Colleet SERVICE, funeral at the most Slargeat and mce 523 and 726 Rewmanville, Ont. ihyotery. Ro-,. Wil.lis lIno~,f orm- liu the Canadlian Army a second I.ïly of Crýookedl Creek and Clarkýe, Lieutenant wears one Star, 'Or "pp "lAstene'd il." on theL Osha'wa Preby- a 'Lieýutenant :two, aud a Captain, tery mueeting,aund wa wlcoedbiy thlree. the Pr-esb)yte-y and called nipon ta - o Fýay a few wordIs, wich bi Ie did nlice- The 'Canadian Arm-iy las its own yexresl i>s d'ehight ta miet th- factory 0f statistical maich'ines whi'eh sin ee hough maiiy of theml'sort Out 'mail and( malterials, tabui- ý,ere strangers ta. hinm. lis broth- iating returuns on ital every L rs live ini NewcastleIlc spent pha se of Arm-y supply in a few nini- rnany years inu Sask. GConferenlc, in utes. Týlt aillbis mninistry was given there.__________________ lt vaid a visit to Rev. and Mrs. J. tvo fanijlies liavlug knmown each ,'IfL3zhlan, in'bimnite friends, the other fIor years in the Wee. e v ......................11 [GHTED househo1deri are seeing the urgent need ýreparing their homes now against this winter's >tage. They are actinig now! HEATIiiG.sysTEMS MUST BE EFFICIENT: HOMES SHOULO BE ADEQUATELY INSU LATED. Kere are some jobs you -should be doing NOW 1 IHave your eutis-e heatiug systern J! ~ inspected. Os-des- uecessas-y repairs. Have your furuace thoroughly cleaned by a comipeteut nman. Insu- late fus-suce sud pipes where necessas-y. P i 3Be su-ie that you have suffcient stosrn c windows and that ail windows and doors fit tighitiy. Have cracks inwal I. ~ repaired. Weatherstrip whes-ever it is -7/ X~ necessas-y. Cotisider seriously the insula- tion of c eiiing sund mails. nuis waste as mci as 60% ocf their fuel through ineffi- atinig equipmenit, inade-quate iusuiatioti and other 's. Winter is just around'the cornes-. Prepare NOW 1 - I xi DoubIy' Effective Vitamins Takean 1(w insutre good health both in the Mali and Winter mOnthIs'. Start takiag ' yours now. Certified Cod Liver Oil, 16 40 ounce bottie....$ 1.59 Neo.hemcalFood Cap- sules, 50 for .......... .. $1.25 100 for,....... .... .........$2.25 Liuid ......... $1.15 and $2.45 Wamipole's Extract of Cad Liver Oil... ..............$1.00 Kepler Extract of Mali and Coid hiver 011, 10 s....75e. 20 oulices for ........... $1.25 .Seott's Emlsion...59C., 98e. ýCertified A B D Capsules, 50 for . ..............$1.25 100 for ............. ...............$2.25 Chase's Nerve Food Small size (60) .60c. Large size (180) ... ..... $1.50 Boxes for overseas mnailing, each .........7e, A few suiggestions for- that box--anýdkerchiefs, Khaki, Air For-ce Blue or White, Razor Blades, lVetal Polishinig Cloths, Shaving Creamns, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, Tooth Paste, Writing Materials, Hot Chocolate, containing milk and sug ar, etc., Chocolate Bars. Dish Cloths, including square check, etc,, each 10c. Face Cloths......... _>......... 5e., 7c. and 10c. Ladies' Cotton $tockings, pair ....,..... ...... 19c. Ladies' Mediumn Weight Hose, ribbed top for stretch, pair.......... .......... ..... 59c. Ladies' Wool Sockees, red, blue, brown, pair. . 5ôe. Aer-ox,,on Fly Couls, 2 for .............. 5e. One dozen for ... ... .........25c. Men's Bushmian Work Socks, dark grey, pair. . 60e. Artsyl Sewing Thread in ail available colors,' spool for ..... ........ ........... 5c. Kleenex (War Baby Box), 300 sheets . . ...... 13c. Orangè Màarmalade, 16 oz,. bottie, 2 coupons . 19e. Campbell's Tomato-Soup, new crop, 2 tins .... 19e. Rinso, large pkg. for' ........... ......... 25c. 1Quaker Muff ets, box for............ ..... 10c. Big 5 Cleanser, tin ......... ...............5ec. Aunt Dinaa Molasses, 12 oz. bottie, 2 coupons .-. lc MRONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPULAR SHIOPPING CENTRE