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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1943, p. 2

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English Bicycles Throw Doughboys verse, ' ProvidJes Amle ri cans With 50,000 Bicycles Fif'y fthousanti Britishl-mlatie bicycles, 5,00â,000 deaypien 'for s k eet s h o otfi igaont large itumbers of grae cans are annig the more unusual evi- dences that U.S. Lend-Lease, is far fronm a "one-wny street." Br-ig. Ceni. Albert J. Browning, director of the Army Service, For-ces Purchases Division, yes- 1,erday tolti a press conference onI bris return from Gýreat Brit- ain tbat these anti manly more ordinary formns of aid offer îm- pressive proof of t he value te tbe Uniiteti States of Lendi-Lease in reveruse. _Most of tie.se mnaterials are, tranisferredte t U.S. forces la Britai or otheý- overseas terri- tories. But the sh14't isnet always ucc!omplisiieti smoothly, Brown- in)g saiti. For example, !U.S. flyers wbo u7se the bicycles to travel be- tween thie widlel-ispersed build- ings at British airdrorives cal tlhe vehlicles Ilitler's secret wepx"TIey caa't- get useti to their froatwheel borakeýs anti are constanîtly being pitched over t1e haniflebarl. s, 1 Andti tere was a, hitch wh-en Amnericans askedl for garbage cans. The British said tbey couli npt furnish t1lis eommilon iteml. rËhen som-ebody thougý-ht toeask for "dIust bins" anti U.S. soldiers gotai the garbag-e cans tbey -wanited, T'ile 5,000,000 dlay pigeons 'idid't cause a ripple of confu- sion, bnwever, because skeet shooting is recogaizeti as valuable training for nerial guntrers. MIeLITARY ATTACHE TO CHINA LondlonWie' Admiration Cliffod Webb Is Impressed by Their IGeneral Beainýg HeUre, snys thle Ottawa Citizeni, are the impressions of Clifford Woeb Daily Heral war corres- potnafter vstn the Canat- diani forces w1lich, caiptaret "-'l -camie away imensely, îimprcs se (î with tbhir general barng antigrand figbtig quai- ites and the remarkable mnanner in which tbey adaptet ineseves to condtions here." lie said tihe Canadians matiea a'ersona matter" of wPing out the first Pauizerý regiment, part of the lSth Panrzer D)ivision lan the atti for Agira, aiterchs bigg'tie regiment ail tise way t Ag-ira fmom Gramimiebiele. Webb atdeti "Everýywbiere amog te Canadlians I fouidthe samnecheies hte saine bois- ter'ous welcomie, the saile query: 'ýDo t1e peopfle at homie tiulk we'e oing ail rgiht." 20,000 tons; of ion anti stee, 50 osof alunliinum lani 250 t,tLs f aieet alsrminum wiI Le "e,J a. OTTAWA REPORTS on Donlald Gordon's wrîg against thie disasters a' In- flaýtion %which onily strict o'b- servaince of' priceceiinacan us" itclar-etiDoniald Gord'on, Cali- aa(ls lusty a-dirchrght iîrec- tor of that newest anti biggeýst ec- onomic experimeat nf modemn civ- ilization, war time price coaitrols,, before the Wýýeekly.Newspaper As- soci ation UConvention in Toronto. 1Delivering one> Of the Most pow- erful public atidresses oi the whole war, Gordon was appealiag for continueti support for thepol- îcy of cotrols-warning of . the ruinous dev astation of homes anti human happiness which woulti en- sue upon the breaking down of the ramparts h uilt agatnst inflation, in telling the manufacturer, farm- er anti workiugmiaa that coatinueti group pressure( for higher prices anti higher wages would precip- itate the deluge. «'On every sitie the pressures to which I refer are. making them- selve-,,fit," he saiti. "Labor is militant ati demandiag wage ati- justmenits ýail along the hue,. Not- wthstaatdiiag the wage ceiling maniiy thiousatis of wage increases are !bing cdemlandeti aiaýs onec wage adjistment aftenter is mratie it is re-flýeteti lmmeiately lui t'he costs of pr1oduction which, ,in tuiri, menas the presur o the price ceiling is rapilv becoming inisuppýortable.11 "Food prices are cýreeping steati- 'ily upwartis as the agricultural iindtistry iasists upon, anti obtaius, higher prices uatier the emergency of curtailment of essential sup- plies., With -few exceptions bus- iness ant i atustry keep their eyes on profit margins -.anti jealously. protest any move to limit or con- trol them. Black markets'are cnm- mencing to develop . . . Generally speaklng -our courts deal lenlently with offentiers..- Paragraphs ýlike these' can oaly be-tiescribeti as among the most potent anti thought provoking of the whole war, not exclnIding ail thse utterances of the Prime Min- ister niihis Cabinetcoeans Ut;seem:ledi ottothis columaist that _Mr. Gordon titi not dcix e s vghl into the detail of the work- inof the price control systcem ai 1show ithe Ihousew(2ýives, inma i0f v1hom illr ebrspiralling,., prcsof the 1919-20p1) idjusýt what pice controls have efcei Il la aIl set fortfsin rtheLabo GaËte, an officiai publicationà is- siued Iy the Faderai Labor De- pnrmtt, but, ni course, not xide- At tha leginning-ni Juna, 1943, l'y te cuirrant Labor Gazette, the Caadian of iliving index wa', VÏ1.6 percent hlgher thau la A .ua,1939, the last pre-war mnl.Frthe similar parioti dur- ing th last war the aýdvance was 49.3 t.iar -cent. Sisathe establishinaent ni the prie eihngthe jndex has ati- vancet 2.6 pr cent., tisat is lie- twee Octber1, 1941, ant June ni tecretyear. For thecprbe period dur- ing ýthe lastý war, betwaen October, 1916, antiJu 1918, the advance was 28.6 per cent. Sinice August 1939 tonds have iativaniceti 31.9 per cent; lnthsng 20L.,">per cent; home furnishings ati evie 16.7-par cent; 1bel ant lgh 14.2 per cent; mati 7.! per- cent; anti miscellanenus 6.8> Caaascnst ofni lving, lie titIl sa, ias increaseti i]ny 2. per centL since December, 141 wile ithat ni the UnJitedi Statelýhias gona- up) 11 per cent. The average of retatil pri-ies la 69ý cliols in Canada for certain stbefonds anti fuel at certa.in dtsbetweea 1914 to 1943 are alan includet inlutheiLahur Gs- zette's officiai analysis, anti some n ie thecotrasts between June. 19)2 0 pricps anti thnse of Juna 1943, are as follnws:- "PORTERETTES» JOIN RAILWAY WORKERS Shortage of manpower has compelleti' Canadian NationaiLl IRail- ways Express to employ womnen to perform duties previous]y per- formed exclusively by men at the Central Station ini Montreal. These women act as cbeckers, Ioad and unloat railway -express cars. This season, thousands of boxes of baby chicks have.been handled througb- out Canada by express as shown here. June Pork 40 Bacon 60 Lard 38 Eggs 54 Milit 14 Eutter, daîry 59 Butter, creamery 66 Breadi 9 Cannedt 09atnes 21 Beans, d-ry 12 Sgr 22 Co ac 61l A fw weeksý ago esp erpublisbad Junie 19 43 32 45 18 41 10 36 14 52 a Winnipeg compaîisnns ,of clntb.lng costs as betweeu 1920 anti 1943, seine nf which were as follows"ý: men's 'suits, whiclewr $55 la 1920, averaget ?15i 93 shLits, $1.95 la 19 20 anti $ý1.10 la 1943; sncks, $1.5 inaP1920 as aga!inst 6M cents in' 1943; woi"ný 's stnckins-, $.75 to $275 in 1920 and 69 to $1135 todaqy; hes $1160 to $20 ln 1920 asboprt to $6 ta $12 tnday; sud womnei's trasses, $20 to $60 lu 1920 anti $S to $40 in 1943. Thasa -prices nf tnday cou trast- et with thnse oi 1920 show -Wher e the saving nf over a billion dollars effmea by price control lias gone-intothe tamily budg,2'Is al -across the contry. Net Teugh Enough- Fer Soldièr's L Ife Golden Boys, a big brnvu andi whito Englisb setter nf M;isliaw,- ak-, Indiana, is liack home lieý- cause the army tramiers coulti not make a "soldier" nut ni hum snys thedHaunilton Spectator. Hie was ton afiectionata anti conît not learu W0bie any one. Hati le heen conimoatet i wth real Nazis anti Japs the outcome might have liee, difierent,' but ha just c ouldn't snari anti growi St a raeleie foe. Those Who knwt1is noble breeti will understauti anti appuove île 'honorable, discliarge which Golden Boy receiveti. REG'LAR FELL-ERS-Pinhead's Finish Norse Seamnan Saves Comrades Frant Seas - wimming 500 yards la the January waters of the Atlantic (,o get bolti of a loose lifebaat, anti thea rowing it sing e baudet btàck towarti the sipjkinag 3hip,' u cre twin tietis whicb reA,7ontly earned an unnamïet irorcgian second mate a double nsvardi froin! .Fi'n King aud cutr.reveals The Motreal Star. Foi at the NrgauLegati i,, Honý. Duaiel senteti this 25-ye;tr-o1dunaat sailor witb the st. Ol1v Medal antid tlie War MedaL: ecufeli las a fathar, mnothei, s11stersý anti brothers living la Noiway, als naine cannot be mnentioned, n bis picture taken. In makiug the presentatonn Mr. Steen sait that the- awardl was for "personal gallaatry" of the second mate,, wbo ban rau- dered a great service toKn nad country. Ina iis Majesty'.-anme I pe- sent these medals, uas a s -iiof his nwn gratitude,, as well as tihat nf ail Norwegian people," li sit Asked to tel hiýs nwato)ry the sailor pieced it togetc-her, witb rnnch questioniag. His ship was betweeu the Aznses, and Bermuda, lie saiti, anti oaa darkz niglit, shals, stasrted to fall on the vessel from the port side. Then a fewv minutes later, they starteti to come from the starboard. "I kaew thea that we werc lie- ing- shalleti by twn sulimainjes,," saiti the second mate. 'Then there were foursos fireti, and these lacluldeti a dir":et' bit on the gun stand. "A fter -that teicLire startedti 10go, anJ the shlip caiugbýt fire," lie recallet. One of the lfbothroke nway anti theun me sailor jumpeti overbnarti intLo the Janu- ary sea, anti swam ifnr it. -He reacheti it successfully, 'climbeti aboasrd anti rowed the beavy boat -to the ship wbere lie pîcked up 18 of the-crew. The Dook Sheif THE HIJMAN COMED'Y By William Saroyan T'he H-umnan Consedy is a stlory' of an Amierican fail ixn war- timie, and in particular of Hlomer aauethe fasteýst esne in San Joaquin aley The story abound1s in! unfo.(r- gettable scenes. Homier running the two-twenity, hurdies; littie Ulysses mpioeIin the bear- trap in ovngous;tory; oldý- time te-legraph opjerator. Willie. Grogan, with a b)ottie i n the desk drawer to fuizz thle shatrp reality of the everflowing msagsof love and hope and pain and dýeath; Spangleýr, mith a love for thie whiole .world; Hoerl older brother Marcu ign, as thei troop train in wiihihe sits hurties away from homie. The Humaný Comedycatss but does not overstep, themo- esty of ordinary hunaibeýings. It is a very simnple novel, It is a very great achievement. The Humani Comedy-by Wil- lîini Saroyan. Georgec J. Lýieoti, Limited- ~Are Badly rNee-ded Three cents a )-pioundï for hanti prep)are, ikIIweed Ieaýýes will be paiti by the Departnient of Agri- culture in .a Goverumiient-sponi- ordproject of the Nationial Rlesearch Council to secure large quanitities of the rPublber p)roduet- inig plants f oi, experimiental pur- poses, it was aninounecd recently at the University of Wester n Onitairo, Londonf, Ont. The pice, advi.ses The St. Thomias Timies, w-111 'be- paid for leaves which have been stripped by band andi well drie,,d, An alter- native price of $,30 per ton will be given for m-ilkweed which bas been cut !)y binder and stooketi la sheaves. Soviet Women Farmers With ail abie-botiied men la the Soviet fightiag forces womea have taken their places ,a inarming throughout Ruissia and la the last two years 700,000, ýoinen bave learneid to ruai tractors anti coin- ine hajlrvesters. SIDî.,ýE GLANýCES VOlCE OF 1 HE Living Costa fia The UnitetiStes the cost oDf living ýrose 241 pe cent ni tHecost of foodi 4 per cent. li)e- twiýeen January, '1941antidy 19 n. aCanada tecost o livng eatup 12 per Cent. at thie cost of fond 18 per- cent. la theý simàilar perioti. --Edm-ion-ton -Journal. Belated Arrivai A înew Gernian gun, wÎth a loge cange than others tl'at shielleti Britain's coast from Calais la the past, is reporteti in Lonlon to be la action. - sisn-a vnrbowever, w'ill be satideaed by the thought tbat be got to the party just as it -,as brcaking up. The Day's Round An' olticoloreti woman ex- plaineti how she kept content witb ber bard lot by saying:» I'WbIen, I works, 1 works bard; wheIun I sits, 1 sits soft; when 1 stnrt1 s to wo rry', I goes tosleep." -Ottawa Citizen, Ont the FoiDd Front TMce Arm)ytieclares that our sodesare better feti than. the civ ilians. Next tbing we knw, thýe boys Will be writing us, some cheyletters té keep up our -The New Yorker. Three Opinion Ages Opinions change. Wben you are- young you are sure you are rigbt. When you are mitile-aged you begin to wonder wbether you were ever rîght. Wben, you are nid you know you were wrong- but there isn't much you cau de aboutit -Oe Soun! Sun-Times. Sneak -Goal, We leara that football is play- eti a good deal lan Japan. Anti of course tbere, is keen competî- tioni to score a few goals before the kick-off. -Peterborough Examiner. Th.1e ptaos one of the miýst popýular itemis of Foodi in aay ser- Vice rmess. BDy Galbraith "I don't like fIshing eiher, but if I hang around the bouse too inlucli my' daugh-ter-in-law keeps thinking. up littie, - jobs for me to do." By GEINE BYRNES . 1

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