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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Oct 1943, p. 4

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oRoNO WEMLY TIMS THIURSD-AY, OCTOBER 14, 1943 vOrono Weekly Times iEstablished January, 1937. ýry Thur-sday morning at the Times Offie Orono, Ontario Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher KIRBY ag and tbresbing- is al- )lted lu this 'viinity. srry to report tire serioils Mr. ýW. T. Little, ani we 'i-ia speedy recoVery. ice and S. S. oft Kirhy Luch iwil be withdrawn 'xt, oîwing te, anfliversary McCreais' humih. ,Ke'1vey broke bis left ýanu es eme day last week when Pthre fecf' board wblle thi eshiinge at Mr Jas. Wanna'ss. I e 'W. A. opened tireir mneeting with a abymIl sud ail1rcpeaticng ithe Lord's Prayer. 'Thre President, Mrs. W. Rutheford, presided. In the bu's'i- nes:s period lt mas diseuss'ed as to whicb kinci cf sfruos te get and wheue te ýplant themi in the ch'urcb grounds. Mrs. H. Lowery rend a very interesting story "'Riighteous Wat>h." 'Mrs. W. Rutherford read tie. queen's 'message to, the momnen of the Empire. The meeting. eloced ,witb ýa hymne and prayer. The W.M.S and W.A. heli their Octoheer nmeetincg in te Sna Sehjool' room on Wde'a ftr mcon. The W. . S. meigoe with a hymu and praycr, withi the President, Mrs. R. Allen, presiding. Mrs. W. Pouthedford iand Mrs. W. Wauna11 ead a very inteere'<tineg story f1eem the. stu dy book. Theiý president auneuuced the Au. 'Énn Rally would be ýheld in, the churech at 8 "clock u Novernibeer 3red. Ms ORýME GAMSBY'S BiG PEACII loile day r ieeenýitiy Orme Gailsbyý \weut to Oshacwa, and (ipreseuted E eb',manager eof the Genoshia11o-1 tel. with a pe'aeh xhish iured iii juiches l rui fee afld was qjuite the laget iigle eahseeýn aeroaund thcse prtsbeiialniost the sîze cf a lae WoLef River aipple. Sherini, f rom Wi;nnipeg, wlll be A T e-eaetrpoerwbo mas guest sekr h etn 'se there, took in theý story 'as Orme ini- ýV 1 jmlal ayr . forwmed them i tha t'the hugea fruit -O--- ~ as'g'rown, via a graf-,ting eperiatio)n LOCAL INEWS iperformied (a few ye2ars aigo on acnb aýpple ýtree, an'd that lKt mas growul M S. Roeper, o! Toronto, visited in bis back yard. The reporter made witb her sisteer, Mrs. J. 'C,'Gamey. a igreat ,write-Lip 'cf tihe story. Ini a Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Daevy, of Tor- later stio)ry pcrýinted iiu the Oshawa- onto, mere ,recent 'visitors witb bis papeer this first stoiry was con'trea- sîso .dicted. It saidl that Ormne num says lihat tbe peacb miglht have been ob- Mrs. Virti-e Wilsln is nowm clerkiag tained i y grafting ili a crab aipple in the Jg-rocery departmient of the tree. Anyrwaey the story is just an- C. G. Armqtroung store. Oitler falble. The peacb was 'correct Mrs. A. W. Annis, of Bowmanville, lu ýsiz-e, but ît happens that Ormne is 'visiting witb Miss 'M. Davy and ',purcbased the~ fruit Ifor T ire aum of eister. inecents,. oppoirtufltY nmwy mi..the convenioent waci WHAT US A VICTORY BOND? A VICTORY BOND is thre promise of the Dominion of Canada te repay ini cash the face value of the Bond on the date of maturity with half-ycanly intercst until that time. A Victory Bond is thre safeat iavestmnent in Canada backed by thre entire resources of tlCe Dominion. Canada has been issuing bonds for 75 years, and bas neyer failed to pay evcry dollar of principal and interest when due. A Victory Bond is an asset readily marketable at anytirne.- National War Finance Coznmitte TH-ANK-OFFERIN(G SERTICES ThanIk-0ffeering Serviýces wil1 he- October 21th, at 11.30 a.m. and 7.30 pj.m. 'Gues t speaker, Rev. Thoimas Wallace of Greenhank, a former pastor. Spetial inusie by the theohr. b-38-c FOR SALE Seven-roomed hoeusb, 'centrýe hall plan, bard 'and soft -\watet- lucide, laice kqnwn arnid gauden_ double gr ag-e, lange cliicken bouse ('practically new), and stable. Ail building-s %ith electeicity. Tber1ee wire service to bouse. Apply to Mrs. E. Underwoovd, K.endl 1 tone 'Olarke a4111. e-38-p. FOR SALE BY TENDER On bebaif cf R. R. 'Poster, Admin- istrator of the Estate of the late Robent Fosteer, tenders will be re- ceived iby the undersigueed up te floon on) the 23rd day of Octodber, 1948, for the late Roübept 'Poster property ýon the north side of Park Street, Oreno. Thre bouse, on one etf tise nicest residential streets i the Village, bas ten roomrs and di'vided cellar, and can eaisily be made into a l-arge borne or remedcied- lu ma'ke a duplex with five roowns in eacb apart- ment. -Thre lot is about 66 feet by 132 feet witir space' on bâtb sides of! the bouse, and a good garden and sn«Ial b-arn. For inspection ýcousuit thre uuders'igned. T'errs Cash. H-igr- est ýon auy tender rot neýec'ýsar-ily accecpted. Dated October 7tb, 1943. R. R. WADDELL, 01,0110, Ont. KENDAI Miss Beatnoue ThoIIIIýpsea;IlsTent the week-enjd With releaýtires. Mir. Wm. Ge'ary, Ajax, spent the wekedwithý Mrs. Geary. Mr.ClrenceBell, Oshawa, speut the weeký-endl-vwith bis parents. Mr. Wm. *Taylor,,,, Rosene'alh, spent Tuesdaiy witL Mr. andic Mrs. F. Falls. ,Mrxs. John Pedc' Wesl'eyville, Miss Agnes Whiite, Port EHope, speut the week;end with Mrs. E. Luxon. *Mr. Alec. Little, R.G.A.F., Toyon- to, spent the week-end -witb bhis m-other. Miss 'Helen M.ereer, Toronto, spen't the week-end wjtb.Me.and Mr-s. Wmn. Melerer .Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Reid, David edCarol spenet the we -dwitb Mir. Roy Sieep. ,M.Robert Aleixandeer, TIoronto, spentI the week-end -\Nith Mr. amed Mrs. B. Alexanider. Mr. anq Mrs. N. Therteil, -Hazel and Shirley, spent tbe week-end at their suommer homîe. riffisses Malýrjorie and Audrey Pat- ton, Peterboero, spe-nt the week-end itbMr. and Mrs. N. Patton. iMr. and Mrs. Vaucee Allen and Madelon, George Mercer, witb r and. Mrs. Wmn. Mercer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George(, Swarhrick and Robert Hilditclh spent the -week- eud with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. T.Hidth Corgratula tiens to 'Mr. andclMris. La-\wrenice Green-wood frponi the arui- 'val of a son in the Bowmnanville Hospital. Mrs. R. Bostock returned borne on 1hursday'evun from the Bomman- 'ville Hllospita'l wbere sihe uuderwent an operstion on Septenîber 25th, and is gettîug al(onçg ni'eely. Mrs. Edith S. Bostock -Tbeere passed away in the Toronto Genieral Hospital on T1'bnrsday, Sept. 30th, 1943, Mrs. Edth S. Bostock, miife of the late 'Arühur Bostock of Kenedal, ini her 68tb year. The fu- neral service was b'eld in Miles Fuýnierai Chapel, St. Claier Ave., Tor- nto, wiilh internient 'beiucg made 'at Christ¶s Cburcb Oerneteery, Miieo. She learývýsc ta*m'urn her loss six sons and five dantgliters. Ital~y bas row bcnIaed -waer on Gernrauy. Italy -wauts on~ the win- ring sîcde wben peace 15 deci:ared. The Gecfcmans nt present bia've most of the comntry andînio st otf tbe imen, Patronize yoer borne mnereants. Classified FOR SALE 28 Pigs, 6 ewe2eks ýold; 100 Le-- hoins, 1iyeaer-olds. A. H. Keane.l NOTICE 111, Hydro is chie nýow, and Fri- dcaY, Oeucbeer 5th, is your t. day ýio dsennt. Pay no'w. Or-ono H-y- drýo Commllisýsion a38 FOR SALE One- set Single Driving Haines,, iom-plete, hanc-i-mde, just like new. Aiply to W. N. Buckley, Nwate 1Or'ono AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Oondutts Auction Sales oîf al aizer anld at reasoniable rates. Gomnnrnicate with hini at Port FPerry, Ontario, or see his ClerIk, A.- E. Morton, at Orono, for date. GEORGE KEYES;, .Auctioneer & V lao Pure Brede Li've Stock, Farm and. Fniltture Sales a Specialty., None te Large, none to SmaliI. Gradoete .Reppert's Behool. 9£ Auitioneering, U.S.A., lus mcovaI years' selling exýperience. BaS Rea sonale. Write R. R. N4. 2, Or<rnio,Onar. WV. F. Ward BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Office 825 - Residence 409' BOWMAN VILLE -ONT. EE. PATTERSON Insurance Agency FIRE AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY AND LIABILITY -Phone 44-14, Clarke NEWCASTLE P. O REPRESENTING sorne of the Largest, Strongest and 'Most Reliable Insurance Firrns in Canada Farm Property a Specialty I arn prepared to quote you rates frorn 40c. a hiundred, according to classificaiont of Building Phone, write, or better stili, cali. I will ho pleased to quote you rates on your property which will surprise you. F. . Morris & Son Funeral Director8 Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - Orono Phones: Bowrnanvifle, Day 480 Night, 734 and 575 Oronio, 27-1 The Oldest, Largest and Most Complete Furniture Store and Modern Funeral Service In Durham Our Servke--TH-E BEST Our Good-THE NEWEST Our Prices-THE LOWEST IBOWMANVILLE -ORONO_ -~ t w mmmm__w_ Professional Direetory A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Offiee IHurs: 2.00 to 4.00 p-m.; 6.30 to 8.00 prt PHONE 47rl ORGNO VETERINARY DR. W. W. SIIERWIN and DR. J. T. SIIEPPARII VFTfFMINARY SURGEONS Office Main St. Orn Phone 56 r 7, Orono -J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo-. bile and Liability Ontario,

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