ORONO WEEKLY,, TIMES 'THT ONVILLE neOf the RCAF, t been hiope for a weQek. 1r) . Kaufman), Boçwanvi!Lle, visiteti iVrs. C. Morris recentl.y. ilr.C. Morris is visiitig lier sis- ter, ind at thr nt ount Albert. ~Mi-ssMary Lane iicýwas a guest c4 Mr. and. Mrs, Harry Lanje, Colbornc. 1 011otihis sister, Mrs, Willis .Joncs. Mrs. Oshrnelnd girls, Bowman- vilwue the .g_,uets of Miss Sex- 'i0s FlrenýceBurLie ,y and girl frienid, Peebro v(2ie ho'ni- for theu onto, vsttlier niother, Ms.W. \iy. Eve(rett Jones, TIoronto, >pent Thansgiingwith-Ihis mi-otherý, Mrs. G.W Jn es. .Mr. at Mrs. Thois. Sharpe, Tor- onto, were gtqusLs of Mis. J. A. B rie on Wdedy IVJis. J. A. Barrie and M Lirra y spent Stinday -with 'Mr. and ýMrs. W. A. Wriýit, Typon.e. 2 Mr. anmi Mrs. C. Rul->I an'd Noci Br-ooks, Montreal, spentTansg- mgwithli er mothler, Mrs. R. J. Mr. anLi CMrs. Harr-iy Stoneu and tiugitrMs. Tonilinso9n, Toroiito, wVerc e nsiigget fIis Thie Oshorne Qunirtette, Boçwman- vile,dt M.anti M'rs. Albcr-t M ton, Onono, wer-e eîntertaineti by Miss Jennie Thoipsoni. iVr.Ar-tlur Redknaip helti a quilt-, ing-" last week. ýMrs. W. Chiester, of Oslaw, atiMrs. Hoskin anti Mas. Crwfr , Port Hope, wcre present. Mr. ai Mrs Bert Ceidwell anti Mrs. Ernest Halse, Toronto, wcere oweek-end guests of Mr. George J. Stulcci'sandi Mi% Lanson MilI- M.anti Mrs. H. J. McComb, .ýOsh- awCpI. Ted MalmbUCA-ýF, ani Mrs.M-oCmîli, Hlamiltoni, spenlt Sudywîth iMu. anti Mrs. Býruce A.C. Gin RbinonGalt, for- merl of etivrsS.sk,. Dr. anti Mis. H. A._ ithllGwen anti Tre- and<rs.j. cacilan"-1. COngrAtu!ltiOiisý to M"S. Ruek- 'woMrs. Dix' niother, who-was 91' ~on ondy, ctoocr llth. Mr. ?and Mas. Dix anid Mrs. Ruekwookd spent flic week-end la Toronto. M.t M rs..md Otto Kiciser, Tor- onto, Miss Lila Payne, Port Robin- soii, Miss Sybil Hot andi Mr. Stan. Payne, Peterlboro, spenit the wcek-1 en)d with Mr.a_ti s. IReuben Paynet(. 31r. ant i rs, eAooanti baby Bruýce, Portsm)outli, N.S., MiL. anLi Mms. Geoige WNAde, Beileville, Mr. ý sud _Mas. Andy unter ani Mary, of Brdkin wrcguests of MNr. ani Mars. Harry Wade. The sale of the flate iVrs. Brock Peýtb1ck's effec.ts was quiÀte success- ,fui oni Friday, with Mr. Wilbcrt Hiancoek as auèticiier anti Mr. Tnup- per Johnston as clerflc. Mrs. J. T. Pearce purchaset the house. The Preshyterian Ohurcli heldtiits annual 'Thandksgiving Thanýk Off or- ing Services on Sunfday. Octber 1Oth. Rev. Joblin, Bo'wmanville, was the gucst speaker in the afternoon anti graven7 splendid sermn. .ev.W.G. Blike preaci anoth er splendid sermon ln the eveniing,,. The Oshorne Quartette, Bownianville, entertaiiiet '1 ith verý,y fine music at lioth services. Theoffterings were exception'aliy gratifirg The W.M.S. -of the UiteiChurcli entertaineti the motfhrs anti babies of the eongregation ýon Tuestiay, October bthi, with the foliowing pro- gram : A talk by Mrs. J. MeLachlan en the- biible la ýo>ur daiiy lives; 'solo by IMrs. R4tiknip 'SMy Mother's Bibl&; piano solos by Margaret Ovens anti Edtna enault; recita- tions ihy Laureen Me(iullou'gh and 1i1 Ili The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for public subscription I1,2O,0 OOO0 F if th VLCT Y LOAN Datand beaing.inteýrest from lst Novemnber 1943, and oflfered in two matuirities, the, choice of which is opitional with the suhscriber, as follows:' 3 years and 6 months 13/% RondCs iUe lst May 1947 Noni-callable to maturity lInterest payable Ist.,Iay and November Bearer denomninations, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 Issue Priee: 100%o Prinicipal and interest payable in laiwfll one0y of Canadat; the principal at any agency of the Bank of Canlada andc the interest semri-annually, without charge, at any branch, in Canada of any Chiarteredl Banki, exceptlinlg thatWhe first inlterest payment on the 3% Bonds Winl be for an eight mionthls' period and payable lst Jufly 1944. Bonds miay be registeredl as to principal or as to principal and interest, as d1etailed in the Offi ciai Prospectus, through any agency of the Banik of Canada. Fil ly-Palid Suibscripltios-Sulbscriptionis for either o r both maturities of the loan mnay be paid in fuil while, the lists are open at the issue price in eachi case withouit accrucd interest. Bearer bonds -with coujons will be availabte for prompt deliv ery. IwnlmPnt Subscriptions-Subscriptions mnay also'be made payable by instalments, Plus accrued interest, as folows-10% on application; 18%' on lst December 1943; 18%r on 3rd January 1944; 18% on lst February 1944; > 18%go on 1lst MUardi 1944; 18.64 % on the 3 % bonds or 18.3-7%' on the 4 % bonds, on lst April 1944. 'l'le last payment on lst April 1944, covers ilhe final payment of principal, plus .64 of 1 % in.the case of the 3% bonds and .37 of 1 % in the case of the 1ý4 % bonds represeùting accrued interest to îllri due dates of the respective instalments. Conversion Offe-HIolders of Dominion of Canada 5%IY Bon~ds due lSth October 1943 and Dominion of Canada 4% Bonds due 15îh October 1945 (thie latter issue called for payment at 100% on it October 1943>, who have not presenîed thecir bonds for paynient, mnay, while the subscription lists are open, tender their bonds i lieu of cash on subscriptions for a like or greater par value of bonds of one or both maturrities of this loan at the issue price in each case. The surren der value of the 5%r and/or the 4%9o bonds will be 100. 125 % of îlieir par Value, the resulting adjustment to bc paid in cash. The Minister of Finance reserves the right to accept or te allot the wYhole or any part of the amount of this boan susrbdfor cash for ithier or both maturities if total suhscriptioprs are in excees of $1,200,000,000. ']-e eashl proeeedIs of this tban will be uised by the Governmrent to finance expenditures for war parposes. Subscriptions mnay be made throuigh any -Victory Loan Salesmnanï, the National War Finance Com- lni3 ee or any represenitative thereof, any beranch in) Caniada of anky Chartered Bank, or any authorizeal Savings Baiik, Trust or Loan Comipanly, %fom wýhom may bie ohtained application forms anid copies of Ithe Officiai Prospectus containing complete etisof the oani. The lists will open on l8th October 1943, and wvill close on or about 6th, November 1943, with or withiokt notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Departmyent f Finance, 1Otatn,Il4th October 1943. 'I Dorotliy Stapieton. This wa.s f olloew- cd 'by a dainity lu]nch of raýiin raI coo ieantichocolate mlk. It hLiaf recenitly been anonct by the War Finance C'oimiittee that Arulold W-ade, 'wlo lias been ars- dent of ont district al l is 11ke, will aain 'be 40ur canvasser in the forth- 'com1inig FPif tl Viotony Loan, comi- mencing on M.\ond(ay, October l1811. This is not an easy job and he has a large tcrritory to co'ver whàIch menas woi4ing long hours to geVtheý( job donc ini the tliree weeks allotted to him. 1,Now that cur, troopa hli the ý front line are doing more, is this anîy time for us to do0 Less ? () 11 figlitinig nmca will neeti morie a nd mnore guns, pLles, amm't11unitiori il1and ail 'the tools of war, so win Mr.- Waýde caîlîs on. vou, peaedo yo(uri bc'st ~ to buy ail the Vitr Bod ,you cýan to lielp speed "The ictoy ALL PREPARATIONS MNADE FOR VICTORY LOAN DRZIVE IN THIS DISTRICT The final wmeetingý, befre the ie tory Loan Campaign o cpens, of theýý Clarke Torwnship Saiesmien 'wasý helti ,n Orono on October 5th. 'Phose pres- cnt wmerý J. J. Mlor E. R. Wood- yard, Arnold (1Wade, C. RCav, h W. E. Daey 'anti C. W. M'ciBide. CaieTownships' ýýob-jcective la$25, 000.00 waS dciscusýseti 'andi the sales- mel arc corfident of sucess. Un "ami de la farnif, le" depuisý plu de C'as ans. Doux - e f: ,ca, plaisant au goût. Bon pour enfants et adultes. Coming Next Month Canada's Greatest Drug Sale Rexail One Cent Sale Nov. 4th, 5th, 6th Prescriptions a Specialty Charles Tyrreli Agen-t for Jackmaai Flowers Phone 68j Orono PLANT FOODS Now is the time to add NEW VIGOR to your House Plants Hui-Mar Soi] Conditioner and Plant Food, large Home pkg............. ......... ... ýýýý2âc. Vigoro, Complete Plant Food, pkg......... 10c. Vigoro Tablets, specially made for potted plants, pkg .......... .......... ........ 15c. Old Garclener Fertilizer with complete instruc- tions, for.......... ... ...... ......... 25c. Oilcloth Rugs, new patterns (no border), 4 feet 6 inches -wide, 6 feet long, each . ......... $1.00 Men's Harvester Wool Work -Socks', blue grey, per pair ý... .................39c. Ladies' Cotton Hlose, sizes 9 to 10, pair ....... 19c. Jax Hose Savers, prevents hose from slipping, at heels, pair ...................0, Wagi'staff's Ci-ab Apple Jelly, 32 oz. jar, 4 cou- pons ....... ........ ........ ..... .... 35c. Velvo lot Chocolate, contais Pure Cocoa, milk and sugar, just add hot water. Ideal for- hom-e and overseas, pkg. ..... ........ .......... 5c. Gellets Cream of Tartar, guaranteed chemically pure, 2( oz. ,pkg. ... 19c. 4 oz. pkg ..... 34c. Rice, Chinese T.ype. Special, 2 Ibs ........... 25c. Daly's Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb aind 4 coupons 40e. Maple Leaf Pure Soap Flakes, 4 lb. box ... 63c. URRONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPIJLAR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Northcutt and Smith Funeral Directers and Furniture1 KINDNESS COURTESY Equipped to take care of the modest fun, reasonable charge as well as the la] Most exacting Telephonie: Office 668 - Residence LI Telephone olc Dealers SER VICE teral at the nmoet trgest and e523 and 726 Bowntanville, Ont. 'I -.4 C ow anville ',Mr. adylas Wes. Stringervite with Mr, and 'Mrs. Wralter Olark of ~ sorne from here attendeti Port Dale on Suii!day, Hope Faiîr. Mr. and IMrs. A. T: Perrin, Tor- Mrs. Ohapi-an lias heen visitiig onto, visiteti at Mr. and Mrs. W. A. jwith LIMrs. B. Milîson l'or tlic past Reid"s over the week-end. two weeks. The W. A. ladiesa met at ýMm. J. Misse Katleen anýd Marion J. W. Stringer's Iast Wednesday and ips e Kat he h meand ,they decdedt t have a halloween thS is n ee t t, er o e v rparty andi weiner roast in ou t churdh the lilida~.ou Tuýs'dayOotober 26th. Gbome and Mr. :R. -E. Morton had dinner with ýbring your frîends andi dress un in. 'Mfr. and Mrs. Wes. Stringer on the funny faces 'andt win a prize. 15 years zud I2 Tltmths 391 Bo nd s Bu st January 1959 Callable in or after 1956 Intierest payable Ist Janiuary and july Bearer denloinlationis, $50, $100,$50,1,000, $5,000, $25,000 IsePrire: 100%'o BARGAINS IN IWALLPAPE ýRS To make room for new designs in Sunworthy and Sun-Tested Wallpapers we are clearing many roomt lots of papers at Bargain TPrices. Ends of from 4 to 10 or 12 single ro Is. Ask to sce them. Gifts For the Armed Forces No'w is the ime for mailing parcels of Xnmas Gifts to the boys iii the Armed Forces Overseas. Here are a few suggestions: Giltt lae ,ak f5 . ............................ . 25. Miný1ora lads pack of 4 . .................... ............ ............loc. ïViiitary Brush Sets ................... . ...$**">«*"'>*"'«* *"* 1 1,25 Lather VWritin]gPrtoi, coniplete, compact -, each ......... $2.00 Leathecr Roll-liJps, sofid leather, oil slk linied, each................... $8.50 Tooth Brsesrootýh Paste, Shaivinig Crearn, Shaving Lotion. Chocolate Bars, Guni, Witing l'ads, Enivelo pes. Overseas Mailing Cartons, smnall size ...8 c. Large size. o.0e Watermian Pen and Pentul Sets, per set ............ $5.063 and $5.95 Watermaa llundred Yaar Pen and Pencil Sets, per set.....$14.50 liagle P'en and Pencil Sets, per set .............. $2.30 The Active Service Package, sent direct fromn Smiles 'N Chuckles for Overseas Service Only. A card is eaclosed with your name and another card for the recipient to send to you. Package has net contents of i paund 5 ounces. Cost 75e. plus 24c. postage, ASK UTS ABOUT THIS SERVICE 1