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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Nov 1943, p. 6

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ice Enids Address ýropriate Rhyme not long ag-o to Ontario Womený's d ýmaking n strongil le miembers prepare, d post-war probiems -rryîing oni the war, ,ss Alice snid she ot inaproprit t cech with a vuligar .she liad founid the end li ttie üthier re uw two ends One to tinik with, and one toi sit with; The war depends on wbich we choose, Heads we wvin, tails we lose." "Ad"sho said, "our' future existence,to" Prinicess Alice said that during lier, recent touar of Western CMn- ada sli h ad seen au good deal of Womnen's Institutesanid vws glad to find the(, organizationi flour- isb)ing fdespite difficulties. "Thoy indeed practice 'good iieighborly business,' " shie contin- U ed. "we canlial begiiin laOur ownl districts aInd thaIt wil g-ra- aily leavonl the wboleUI lumpf if we try bard enlougli. W-, know whnat sacrifices we are rendy to nmke in order o buiid a new tank or gun-niecessariy thiars indeed, but thiyng1s whichi are going Vo wasto - weres*ncreased aci vity among WVomen s Institutes for the b)enefit of, our boys and girls is going to boar fruit for years V TIMOSUENKO as uier a riýveter 7Vheat Living or Cael- ont, lias È lour Land the ewhoily ,depenid- of whiet-wlidhI aý 35 cents per in the prîce of ICI iucrease Can- $21,0ù00000an, sis of 60,000,000 for human con- he genemally ac- thatý Canadians tram tîive bushl- person per year JO people, nmakes as Our human, Sworks out at pepersn r per weok. We wili pierce the ng lai any boujse. hrgeHemnid, [enace J. S. Coast 0 In these busy days of war yocu owe it to your counitry-as weli as to0 yeur- self--to keep "ini the pinkl". That's -why it's so imprtant tao avoid the common type of constipation caused by iack of "bl"in the diet. And do it by getting righllt at the cause instead of "dosing" with harsh purga- tives that giveo only emporary rceef. just follow thiýS simple planl. Eat XELLOGG'S ALL-BI It's delIcious~ as al tasty muffins. Drink Then sce if -you don'f is the "botter wvay" t iarity. But remonib everýy day! Grocers have AL conivenient sizes. 14 in London, Can--ada. pieu4.y ci wat1 agree ALL-3RAN inatural regu- r, cat ALL-B3RANI -BIRAN ini twG ýde by Kellogg',; -i s By VICTOR ROSSEAU CHAPTERfil At that miomnent aman emerg- od from 1the ranchbouse, a-n eld- erly; manit, a shrort gr7zzled beurd, wnrn agry cntand ie, whvlipcord breeches, nnd higl ri di ng- boo-,s. He came towards the group, nd Curran w'aitod for, him wtbsomiminpatience. "Wh'sVhs?"dennded tLhe aecwcomner, dar-tinig a sus p îitu gdance At Pave. "Aýnother o f tbie m trnveiln p:ncer,"Curraîi gr i7nane d. hCam e's na ws-rager1 old bim if ho can break Biack- Pnwn,-î l'il sec ibouit a job foýr hlm, M Ferris" irresoiutely. H1e dnrted another look at Pv.And aow Davern somnetbing nlmost like fea-r i h seanmed, linled face ïnnd Lsh'ifty oysha mt is own for a mo- ment onlyand thonwerenvertd. "Thats what I1toid hmr." "Oh, very ceHl, just as youd sny, Cran"retumned the rnh ama quickly. "A reekon You know your bsns. "l sure do. Thnt',ýs 1w>nr-.'ai hore fo)r," Curran nnsýweredJ. "Gïi t yore rope, Bruce ere wni7tin' for you." Pave unntee is rope frors thlddehorn nnd approncbýed, the corral. The grins upon the faces of the Mexieans lhad chnng- ed Vo an tonse expoctanlcy. T he bi1ack >vis standing a ltitIe apart from the rest of the re- muda, ich lad buddled togethorýc inito a fnrther corner. Ili s 'leg s were planrted squareiy on11Vte ground, neck outtbrust, cnrs fiat with theCbnd.Rt as evident lie wns perfectly awnre of Wbn n in prospect. Pave iooped bis rope and fing à. Lie was sure that the binck ianticipnted every mnovement; ho expeoted a swift side-leap and, haîf anticipnted failure. To bi suprse Ve biqck Ilo-,t"t1e43op settle about his neck andsmve for-ward as Pavesnbdteed lÀ arouind a fenice-post and began bauling in. It was not ntlho b1ad thfe creature secured firmiiy ngninst the fonice, fromn whichte Mexýi- cans ladic departed precipitnteiy, that Dave renze wat ho w-'as This ,;horsews a killer, onle of those occasionnaimasthat li, not in rage or panic, but out of sheor joy and iatred of nian. The biack ýmust bvebeen roped imany timres before, for lie undlerstood oaci movemont of the game. H1e mwnned Vo be cauglit and Miden, SO that ho ýould exý-ecute bhis von- geance. P'ave lad bardof sucli beasts, but lie ad nover encountered une of themb efore, not one quite s5o vicious annd intelIligentIlie reaiiZed th1-at ie,, wvas up 'gainst a iý,ghtýy tuproposition. H1e sawCrrnsierngfc near im, and li nesodthat Le asto be trwbtbrd trnmpliied into a sbnapeless tbing in the dust of ,iie corral, to ma"ke sport for the foremnrh andbi gagfi-om 1beoow the border-. "Her's yoý)re bianke, Qt, SaddCIe, and bridl1e,"5 said Curran. "Once you-'re -up, !o-,km ride hlm he11. lint to the fiih1e ain't nover been let 'et ou lient -iai, and the job'syours. Evenr thon -,Dave prepared for a determined ristance on the part of Biack Par o being sad- died and itted. But the horse offered not fthe lea-st resisýtance, and Pave quiki ld the saddle on and the cinch tîghtened. Nor wns there any rosistance when be put tue Spa1niýsb bit in1to theanai- mal's mub Siowly Dave unsnubbed tbe rope and reieased it. The horse stood mtols.Holdig tce reins shortL, Dave c1iibed the fence andvtd in-to- the snddle. P)ave tbrust bis foot into the stirrups and pressed the horse's flaaks with bisIkinees, Black Dawn ambIed siowIly aloag tle LUNCH-BOX HAMBURGERS Thoug l our usua!i dea of Ïhamiburgers maky 'be bot meat cakes, 8irved ispiHeae buns, youir famnily will take quickiy to tlhis cold verson . very practical, these days of no hamnburg-rolis! cutp Muffet crumbs or un- cooked Qualker Oats cup Cb-opp;Fed onion teraspoon sait /6teaspoon peppor ýU cpmil1k or stock; Buittered brend slies Sliced tomatoos Comnbine beef, Muffe-t crmsonion, sýait and popper. Beat egg, add ilik, and-mi thorougbly with mient. Lot standý 5 inutes. Sbnpe as fiat round cakes, and brown quickly ïin bot fat in frying pani. Lower hoat and cook unil done to desired degree. Cool and use, Ath seasoned tomato sAces, tà nmake benrtylunch-box sandicees. Siied cucumbers muay be used to replace tomatoes-and ketcbup, .ettuce, pickles, etc, imake good aidditionis. Large bomne-made ton biscits nmy take the place of bread wbonei desired. (Meýasure of Quaker OaI, nts mnybe reduced,.) s > jOU1 "lDOSING"MY Mnny n college and 1buIs in1ess wardrobe às baiitthis season on n smart jumlper witbi several blouise changes. For jumrper, m-ake Pat- teran452 of velveteen, for work or play use a prcacticai wooi or rayon m1-ixture. Gay colored ray- ons or cottons are atractive for Dhe blouse. Pattera 4542 comes ini Juniior )Miss sizes 11, 13, 15, 17. Size 13, jumiper, takes 21 yards 35-inch fabric; blouise, U8/ vards coatrast. Send TWENTY CENTS (20(j la, coins (stnmjps cannot Ibe ne- cepted> for tVhs pattera Vo An Adanis, oom 421, 73 AdelaMd St. West, Toronto. Write plainly size anme, address, syle nuy~ ber. CAUSE! rfence for s, dozer- yards. A nd thien ail hell was iooseined. Rearing, )u,.king, sunfisIbing, the black devii set nIn motion evoery miuscle of his migbty bodyý in the effort Vo shake bmsl froe of bis human burden. Dave, Mid. foot jamnied into stirrups, gave the horse bis bead, quirting him mi-er-cîlessly as lie -wentl ' through ail the manoeuvres of b-is trickS. Once, in the middIle of a sun.- fishing contortion, Black Dakva suddenly stood stil .Reaching ack bsbodh i e snappod at Daesleg with imtotb tat imiss- ed crunching the sin-bone by the moret fraction of an Inch. Dave let the beast have the quirt across the face thon, And the borse, scrceocbing with fury, jamd telf sidewise againt h foc-alwith' a thud that sen two- post'; rockîng crazîly-. Pave w-asred for tbat. He had slip- ped sidewise like az circus rider. Thon, as tje horse Stood stil, bis foot uwere back i-n Lthe stirrups again, and stili the quîirt camIe downi on flank and shoulidors, anid the spurs dug bodfromn the heaving sides. Suddlenly 1Black Dawn knecw btat lie wvas done, and brought- his. last trick m-toý play, île screamled, lie reared, hle toppled backward. -As lie did , ,Pave fiung himtself sidlewise froým the saddle. 11e landed on bis feet, slipped in a miass of churned u-p mud, was down for an instan, then up once more as the mghty bulk of horsee came crashig down beside hlm with kicking legs and gnasbing teeth. Up, quirt in hand, and hnsupon the brâie, forcing Bladk Dnwn VA rise, Black Dawni stood with lwr ed bca'd, qieigwith defeat. For dhe firet time in bisCie the mnankiller, witlifour livos to bis credit, reaiized tbat le had found ismat. Dave leaned forward and pat- ted the creature'snckSiwy anidstag-gering, Bilack Pawn mov- ed rounldItle Corral uniDave h1alted himi oppossite the group 0f gaping punchers, "Howv about that JQCb, Cr ran?" asked Dave. Reonyouwonit,"Cu-ýrman answ'erod IIrlily. "Yeah? Weil, you can ilkeep your damin jo.b. Y.îou 'knew that horse was a kilier, You man me Vo be kiled, so's you could harve somethinig Éto aug'h about. FIVE STAR FASHIOMt Publishd fil ihe interestss et rANAnAIS There-'s plenty these days to, make' people nervous. An-d overtaxed sierves can tomn niglits and days into inisery! If you suifer in this way, try the soothing, quieting effect of Dr. Miles Nervine whlichi contains well-knowni nerve sedatives. Takýe NervTinýý accordîng to, directions for, hielp ini genoral nervous-ness, sleep- Iessness, hysterical conditions, nier- vous fears; also to lp headache and irritability due to nervousness. In the mneantimne, ent more natural food ... get your vitamoins arid take ,sufficient rest. EifervPscixig Nerviiîe Tablets are 35c and 75c. Nervine Liquid: 25e and $1.00. !SSUE NO. 45-43 Curran sized up the situiation qu i ckly enough. 11e kniew that he wouid bave te figýht if lie wantedî t.o retain bis supremacy over tht, crowd. sudd(eiy lie unbuckled bis beit anjd let il, faîl. A roari broke from bhis lips, and ho camne ruSin'g forwardy his huge fs. fainforearais like hiams. H1e shot a-.bIou that would have stretch-ed IDave(I seiseiess upon th6, ground, if it had lne hr Curra-n Lntended. 1'mi goin' to iimake y-ou laugh. Dirop your belt anid put your handsaupt" For a miom-ent Curran's face grew witer. "Why, y'O-you,-" he began to luster. MYOUhard me, curran. If you're a mnan and flot a skulkin' coyote, drop yo!r boIt!" Pave suited the action zo the word, rord his owni belt and !et it fali to the gr.ound. !,CuLrran tli hesitatedl. Wilbiur FerrIs came hurrying up. "Whatis the trouble? What's the trouble?" lhe babblod. "You brok'e that horsýe, (ldi't youi, Bruce? And Curran promised you a job iU you cou1 do it, Ail righ1j, wbvlat'sý the trouible, then .-?" "I wud' take a job, with your outfit, Ferris-not for any sum you was Nillin to pan," Dave aniswered. 'mir ridini', but be)ýfore I go I'm imin'to imark up Curria. 's yi r~ ide for himi," TIGIOUGH TRAINING l5 THE KEYT c Npw -Yoc. Cqn Combine Ameieýp r9ice bi nguiD., C'omrplote British couises in a11 branches ot eng-inceering aýre aal These home stuiiy coluses are ail writton ito Vo'uhBritishi stan- ,lards, -ind over imanY Year$ have tohVe highest regard ot engi- nengautho-,rities f ro thVe wit 'eob iod Subje:t Brjtishn Empire. The courseý,s begin w'ith elosientary vvork il necessary. Send today tç Canadlan Insitute îet Science Rz Tcchnology, Limited, l4Choester Bldg,, 219 Bay St., Truronto, Oint., for the free- 17C- page copy otf EgnerigOp- portuinities." There is no ob!~i9ýion- cool WQik gineeriine d stction- Meoi Ligleting Eele ,'0Tract'ionl Prdutin iotricity Supply ~Lentrir Metea. Merrg an linstrunicnts suent asin sd 1t&auufature 'r acI Eiectrical Mcclalnery gflierlfg Tiegrpbycourse illatioti 3ntrctiOv. Genergi Wi1reiess ,-elng Adv. irie sd Iigli ndbS.irvzcrln, Maiten. n and Sou!nd 1Picture Engineering -tc ne- AotOï,uebiienseere Codto- Ine'itute Motor Trde id Track Atnibl niern IneitutM Pan H ci'epoe nieet E-'rs -st~-- leClcai:o>QO:ile L .dni 1t- ', atin -,4- EstiseaAccunitos nd It n.A I.se Plure Iligleer Mstbma:c Oeoog sud mlnerosls otAeuatscrs OertMinirg raictice L' 1 Eneelring ri -' S 7n I.,lrtrE7- n rm e 4ner 14 -î";ý MAIL THkIS C5J"F9N NQWV ............................ ...... ..................... c...... c...... . .. . s a e.y i u ........................................ .......... ... . ............. .. .... .. itzt.eC t.nioeoee...l............... .............. . . .......- . . Housewives are "Housoldiers" serving the nation by providing nourishing mneais that protect the health of their familles. FREE!AVl,lbcecipc Boolc "Economly Rccipes for Canada's Housoldiers- conraining Inany recipts suited ta today's require- nients. Scnd a pueccard withi your name anid tFIrcss widithhe wod-EconomyRcps" 't X-/ -'t <z

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