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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Nov 1943, p. 4

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Office ýubscription, $1.25 crester. Publisher ion Armny 11,11e 0f Orono, ov-ýer ne hundred t we believe, to be a very -worthy Ivation Amy"The "Arm-y" hadi id London. It ,vas here that pov- and la.raigforse.At- ch had not met with success, and n, th e church to the Peoffle. A d by th(- early !pioneers of the meetings would be biroken up by en or destroyed. Gradualiy, and hflesof the "Sal;ationistIs," a 40o the far corners of the earth. ýprabably as antagonistic in those eople the, "Armiy" sought to win. smi has marked the "Armiiy" as es, inaismnchel as womieni have, ln d encouraged to preach and teach ithj the jjm. Like ah organýizai- Lchedl out, thie "Arnr-y" has been s, hosýpitals, or'phanagaes, and p are clled.l inziaion iis called unpon .for moreý ~rîg srvies It is a tragic( but eLonidon -'%litz" the dck area oK e"Army"'dil, wassuccoured and r- rkers1Ourveterans or the Llast Salvation Ary. ood orkis ouir own country, and in all coun- rt, guînerally, speaking, of' Peoýple Cnlr sqpp"ort, and Vwe are taku idl conitribution tliat they did. * * * * Open Door ýeaki)g Cotest la the townl hall be impesdwith grea't oppor- d each and'l everY Onletkn compýIaratiîvely tender< years ex- nd co)nviction cof vaterans. It is if that th-is tylpe of tanighas [i oif our land. Previou,-sly, the red tbrough association wt th,.-e coming into contact with 1art. pulblic speaking was Jnot g, iting and rithmatic. those lachageof educaitional So m11ýny oider tolik rdîesof thoughit eut day ~rougste, 1fl was placed we the fact tînt public the schools. Another ion with tire contests t ,o a'Io-% contestan)ts is veniture wsanrpi-y anise, these seventeen to choosing asbjc r cf the *Jtidges whosa, su ml-ucb ofFrani ora- ,sudh allarge cîasof kept wondaring as to points is uised among it ba surprised at the hool boards tharough.- aise lu helpiirgopn * * ** le Wago(-n Load to the Tiares office durlinlg th e - ieiil genaral, Land turnîp)s la iuch daéim to Irish ancestry, but your. potatoes. uthrorwe these tLhinigs are very benacficii-t ntain itamnstba-t promiote andJ he p)ast ee or two bias brougt ,senýie of the frma gathering the u -go these ve2getibles were raisedý( 'Tret-dy Several a ýcreýs were r.Wti trtecmn ofslothre ninabat abandoned.sWhether this e cannot Say.iWe do know, that d lu thosa orerdays, mid 0that was contrcollad and eradicated4 by ,et, u.itj the large creaamery sys- o thia isk of Perbape oaa custoin1-1 th" of butter if turnips wvere f ed. goodmankt exstsfor Tier odeinmemathod (of i and sarving of vega-. juanititiesiamy Ïe did What a differenice to ýr who was, CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL I Clarke TwshpCouncýilimeýt (on Tuesdlay afflernoon,Nombrnd wýith ail memrlbers present. Clarence Allai, shleep valu, m ade, a report on the killinig of stuch a lrenumber of sheup in the muni- cipality. H(c has ordieredl the shoot- ing of several dogs whlichi have been îCauLghit killing sheep. The Board of Ilealth mei(t in its fi- nial sessýion of the year and reported healthl conditions very satisfa-ctory7 with no larg1e epidemnics of aniy kind during the year. The following bills -were ordered paid., Orono Weekly Timies, printing, ,17.75; 1W. E. Daveyr,tai BOH. $7.501; Mrs. E. T. Randaîl, -R vs F., $312.ü0O; *Mrs. H. Morris, $500; J. J. Mellor, salary, postalge aiýnd ex- chang-e, $64.,33; J. J. Mellor, services, selecting jurors, $4.00; J. Lyl!e Low- erservices selectin, jurors, ý$4.00; T. A. Reid, services selecting juriors, $4.00;R H.WoodI, care of town hl,$8,00: Illector Milîson, 1 shl(eep killed by dJoags,$1.0 Clarenice Tur- ner, 33 shetep killed by dg,$1(3.00; Jas. Ruth lerford, i shieep klldby dogs, $70~ Clarence j. Allin, 1 shIeep klldby dg,$2.1;Clar- ene J. Allia, 5 trips as vaur 12.- 50; Cas. F. Adtxso un shi poery,$77.02; D r. W. H. R0ney .11l., $12.00ý; Road vou- elcerNo. 10,$1619 Sheet anid Towels Slated Fer Increase Unde stnda izaionand simpli - ficaton orders announced by thej rîesBonrd, a conjsiderabl!e increase lai tire quantity of bcd sheets, pillow sps, toWs, wash cloaths adbathr ma-ts looma lu in prospeýct. Th(-, con- sumery not be able to eýtalin theFse articles in as mlany sizaes, qialtisdeags nndl colors a s no -llbut there -will be more of theai available. It is thoucghit that an additionnl 175,00 towels will be prdcdas a remîut of thre steq-,s taealong with a furtther 30,000 sheets. MO(RE FAIM M ýCHIN EýS TlO BE MADIE A%, AILARLE Production of f arm acmnry in canada bilIe increased hin 1944 to 80pe cent o-f 1the 1940 production it Iras been lannonced by Herbert -H. chney ndConstrucýtion Machfin- ery, Warimue Prices and Trade Board. Bacause of the imobtnce of tCe dome--stic fýood programi, and the need to back upi the food progrim for Our allies andi liberated counrtries, fanai machinery is given a high pnriority la anada, Mr. 1 B lmc metd Udrration1inig, -ew farnai ilra- cieyis granited througb plia tions maide to the wartimie Prices and Trànde Board, and in Aib1Erta abolut 22,7000 aPppli cations wr p -proveý, te duinistraýtor statedL 1Mr. Bloomi pointed. ont that tbrough priceý control Canada is th1-e oly counitry la the worîd her a farmer can buy new machinery at the prices fixed by the Board hin the ba1,-sic per-iodl. In counitries wbere there is no price control farme(rs are aving to pa,-Y as much as 40 or501 per cent more for their nrew machin- erMy ha said. Ï'AC ZABiT" F RioM ýGERMA1-ýNY TIr1e s-aldjack Ra<biÉ of sou- theru Ontarlo ih raliy a Gerranu hare, It auns brought here friomG er- many in 1912, Y a Gman, and un iesdnear Batfr.The re is no evidence tInt hu gave it the naine Jack Rbli to coinceai its identity. but bhe rnme has pre-vented nrost pe-opfle froin recogni1zing it as a Ge-! man hare. However, the saine lare occurs la EiirgIld and throughout centralEuroe; its eaname is, Europiean Haie. The Royal Ontaîrïno Museuir- bas kept a record of its spl-ead. Tt reach- cSa ni inL920, Toronîto ln 1925, andi Georgian Bay la 1927. Like imany othier aias(and hunrans too) thre lhare is partly bad. Baforae, le war'wben ,sportsmlen eouid gat ammnunition the European bara was a fa-veurite gaine animal la a part of Ontario not well pro- vidAed wih gme.Bet haras have to -eat and tlrey find the farmer's to thleir liking, :and inavînter son-e- timnes gïirdla'ý orchlard trees. Tniidad is the British Empire's principal producer of2 petrleum, and exports sugar, ctrus ,-fruit-, and wild rureAil of Trinidad's cexport- 1able surplus of wild ru1bber is to Ire iouîtby- the U.S.A. until the end of 946 The fain wishl to ex to the mai who have luil in the :IE. M.D. OFl T wisha to thar bereaven. ecent sa, BIRTHS llrn4LS~4n BwmanileHospit on Saiturday, November 6th, to and Mrs. Charles Kenneth Hi (nee Viola Ruiter), Clarke Unil the g--K of a son (Teddy Gharle LOST Femlale Houmd, Black and Tan;î Chas. Stire, Bowmn-anville; Phonie Furniture Sale 1 hajve been favýored with instructionsj MR.ELIZABETH TWEDDLE Lots Ji and 12, Con. 7, Clarki-e ('One mil orthi of Kendlal) to seil L'Y pnLblic auctiono SATURDAY, NVMBER 1l3th the following Coimplete Houisehold Eff ects: iApplyv IDR. W. raiso soine RINÀRY SIIERWIN J. T. SHEPPARD ['ERINARY SURGEONS Mý'ain St. Oroino Phone 56 r 7, Oronoc J. C. n o The Board of igadance on Fridia ,eiber lZ9tb, inNw ity liail.RuIssCr e Variety Band in at 1 Hospital Bed. Bedc Springs, 7 """ Foldig WCis.4 'Washstands. 4~lOYag D)ressers, 2 couches. 2 Mahogany Chairs. 1 Cetre Table. Ri7g. 7 ~Mats 2 Toilt Sets. 5 Beds, Springs 'The Won and MaUtesses. Large Oak TWabe dal Unitet. RýolI Top Desk. Settee. OvTal Table. Bazaar in iChair and Pede(stal. Cupboard. Sofa7, Chair and TaIble. 2 Linoleum Runi- on the aft ners. 11all Rack iMiror. Oak Chair. Wednesday: Phonograph. 6 Pillows. Gasoline Vegetables, L p. Sofa. 10 Chairs. Large Knitting ai Linleu -1 Clocks. Kitchen Cabin- ed for sale et. Round Table. Paintry Table. ata1charg Stove. Wicker ýRocker. 8-piece Din- thec Rev. Y ingroom Suite, Oak Fire Dogs -with 1ninvifle V Fendel(r and Screen. Davenpor-t, folding type rwith M4attress. Fire pictures on Irons. 3Coal ;Cil Lmp.Cabinet_____ Pedestal. Lnlu.AadnLamp DAE MVorris Chair. Bath Tub. Wicker- Table, '2 Chairs, Settee. ") Tables. mat, 83Chairs andf Table. Pictures. Supplies OddT Dîshes. Cokn Utensils. ibe suffic.iei Wrne.Set log,-giig Chains. Gar-n qlewl den oi% enceStrcetcher. Barrel Tis assi-n Ohr.50 ~ feet of Cable, and mianty lMise' ar other articles.Minsisegan TERMS CASH ciatin re4 Positively noeserve s Lthe -property dreWns nnde has been sold. reneh 194i tien of ba This is exeptonally good furniture.cent highe sale will start at 81 .3' m1!. He sati i JACK REID, Auctioneer. nnfouud'ed Gie s Gove'CrnoCDr od time. Auci Conduci .11l*i el- Vun. e'sAssociation of td Church is hioldhr 1the Sundcay SehIool, ÂMEY ONEERS LCKSON ai-d Valuator sales of al size.ý rates. with hmat Poit rsce bis Clerk, A,, 'ne, for da'fte. E KEYES &I Valuator ciel- Farm ané a. Specialty. Non. Sehool off R. No. 2 of W weart euce 409 ,àION micg :RsoN, a to h, ,Causlý Farm Proper a Specîity 1 amn prapared t3 qu rates from 40c, aJ according ta classifie Phone, write, or bat caîl. 1 il be pleased yon rates on your wliich wiIl surpri:e rke ut ont ail it tu quete pro-perty plu. F F Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AM'VBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanville - ronoý Phons: owmnvileDay 480 Night, 754 and i57~3 I Orono, 27-1 4, I1~ Trill i auj oî Great The Oldest, Largest and Most Complets Furniture Store and Moern Fuiieral Slervce in Duîrham Dur Service-THE BEFSTI Our Goods-TI-I NEWEST Our Pice-T,HF. LOWEST &SON OROn BOWM, K ýi.

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