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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Nov 1943, p. 5

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~,hop.ping early. of the Bank of une, baves (to- Thornhill, wbere ckMisFrench BkHttmiltoni. Mfr.an -Wednesday Was brought us a few now flurries in thle afternoon, while ,i the evo-ningý sleýet feul, eemiading s that winter is fast apjproaching. tis cLajimed tha,-t after the first snovw nii iwe will enjoy Indian summiiier. Dr. Hadidow, professor of Botainy t- the Uiversity of Toronto, has sen ai the ,R-fore>5tra tion Station .Lrng ,u eek:iin searcb of possýble soase amor,.-the tes Dr. IIad- oW and family spent severail sumi- ors- in Orono. lM r s. H.nddow will e ren-I5embered for lier great gift Of ng, w4ih whieh she was sekidl vi generous. "The front cover page o0f the No-1 Csm)ber issue ýOf the uVFarm11er-s' Malga- ne bias -a,,very ttrctie signin l d)ors, kt is a- pietuire of somle of the wer les tatkea ut the Rfrsr on Station at Orono. This isqut comlimntto Mr, Yo 10, who dos o deig iand crig forth ds duLring ,thie smier milonithlsand iese flowýer beds are a pleasre f ewý whlen ll eyare ount intub] Poppy Da)y Fund -IVa s S IOrono on Satturdaylat i Ifailerfigurie, on tis hL d in and -thl, dlayMr lierb. Murray, was bsyfrom early mnorning unitl Ce ening s elling1',p op1)- pies to every one he ca.me across. He- r-elorts the total sales yedd the tidy sure of $~0,anid le takes this opportuilty on beh-aif of the Poppy Fiind oit the Canadian Legýion, to thank ail those wvho s'o generously donated to this wrh cause. One dlay this -week ýMr. C. R. Car- veth brought into thi s Office two - mamothturnips, one wveiginig 23 pounds and the other tippcd the scales at exactly 20 pounds. These turnips were growni- by Win. Lake of Newcastle. SomIie of thefamr wxho have already seen the one on display~ in the Timeis office, say thiey have never seen such large tunîps itor a good mariiv y yea rs. The landI around Neiwcastle meust be great soi for this kind of vegetale. Afte±- wevr discontinue the display ini theL 'winidow the ed!itoýr is g-oing te, take the turnip home to,ý feed to the tm SDAY ',%IAL BEEF :Pound 26e ieless, pound 38c nd 35C toast, pound 26c pound 32e RK 0Pei 30e- nd 32C lb 35c 35c 24c and Srnokecl Fillets .-end; also Lamb p, 2 tinls 19C s4 for 25c nce bottie 13e l b 15C l3, 4 lb. 25c Qats, large pkg,. 23c Local News seas aboaptbre weiago. Mr' edWlasr..,sipentth week-ed withfriend(s inOsaa Frnîj anmhlyn of the Rc.F, epent overtewekeda hshm Mr. 'APert Harris has puirchased the Ida Gamsby rosjidnice i n the( north ward. VaCeooper, of thie R.C.AlF., st. Tho-mas, spent a f e days witbhisý wifce at Orono. Park St. Sunday Schiool, staff meets ;it the home of Ms W, E. Arm- strong tonigbit. Mr.Fagan, Trorono, spent the week-end with hler parents, Mr. and Mr S. p. O. Cooper. iMiss Olive Brown, wýe are pleased ijo report, is improving ini health af- ter hier recent illness. A nmiher cf Oronoites attended thie entertainmeent ut Brown's Sehwoo last Tbrd ve-ning. Mis ýEileen Jones, Ajaspn lnst wee-en wth her parents, Mr. andMrs. iddus jone(-S. 'Mr, -ard M E. G.1I,1y and soný Doad, Trno pntthe we-n Mr. andMrs. Rg. Suttonand TJoyvCe v isite lwitf Mr1ndMrs lk, lxadrat Kendal On Suan- Mrsz.Dee returned firom Wooler, hre she alttended the Golden Ju- Mmesof Woýlvorhaii-pton Lod.ge S.O.E., held. a sulccoessful encire party 'in the lodge rooire basf Monday evenia. Somne of our--loca!l Hoîstein breed- ers plan f0i attend thie îHoîstein Dis- pjersai Sale aýt Oki on Thursday of this eek. Ai. Bruce Capmian bleitoonn1- day toý join the RJC.A.F. iin Toronto, on Tusdy private Erne'st Bowenl, of D)eibeit, N. S., is sedn a two wes va- cation wt bsparents, Mf. and Mrs. Hector Bow,-en. Ed.Gr1a1 ,o f tbe ýCanadliani Navv, ,vho settwo weeks xitb biis wife anid failiy, retur-ned oni Satur- dyfor duztty at alifja, ,ýN. S. Mr. 1HugRbitsanld dauigh- ter Mr. anis, ofq New Westmiin- ster, B.C, are visifing, wifh relativ-es aind friends in Orono andditc. -Mis. (Dr.ý) Reniry, Hlamliltonl, and1( bier sister Miss Pigglett, Toronit, ,peun t tbe( we e k -end wîTth rsJ.. Gamley anld daughter, ,MrlR Lycett. Bob Winni, Kendal, -who basbceen connected w th te Canaian rmy, bas now volunteeýred for tbile Cana- dian Air- Fo-rce and bas left to ta-ke up is vnow duties. Mrs, Clifford Cowan (nec ar Harris) left îeently for Bagitvi1lle, Queiec, -wbere S'Ie joined ber bus- banid who i;s stationed at tbat place, 1wifb the RC,_A.F. If you -ïilnd it hard f0 purchase a pGresent for yourù3 son or daughter swbo is away this Chr'istmaqs, wbvat cbc, hobetter 'Sian tlic Times goîýg to tbemi every w.eek for a year. ,M.and M rs. C. S. AMeLaren and falmily iste riends ut Myrtie Sta- tion on Sunda1'y qand attended am- vraysrv ices, ut whiciRe.Lt tle-wood way's the guest speaker. 0Mess-rs. Wmi. CîibRnycoin- ish, Wm. Watson, Gordon W\atsoni, 1Madison Hall and Chas. Kno-x, 3orno, an rant Beal, of Oshawa, ha-ie left on their ana deer bnint at IKinmiouLintî. îMr. Ouette, music supervisor for Cavan and M'illii-oolk, was the ac- com-panist for the dancer, motion song and comm-unify singinig ut the pu Diespaing 1contest held on pFn- day evoningl- ast. IL.A.C. JohinKae son of Mi-. and1 Mis. ýA. 1H. KanOrono, lu now ueo- ing action over GormYany. la Fýýîday's G bbe lb i namo appeatred -as taking part lut the raid on Dasseldorf, whîcb ouused great damag-e to thaPt ity. Mr, C'hatsWood !is 110w woîking- at the Goodýyear Plant utBom - vilexvbrot'he General Conrstruction ConiPan.y of Oshawa -where ho is emiployed, is buildin- 'a'oaie-storoy % 'uilding ut ithat plant. o.%f Canada keep abteaS't c Dominion's expanding ne Six times since 1870 the Bank Act under which the Chartered Banks operate lias been revised by parliament-six times in that period the activities of the banks have been carefully scrutinized by the people's representatives. Every ten years the Bank Act bias been thus revised. Each onie of the six decennial revisions bas contributed mucli to the evolution of the banking system to meet the expanding needs of a developing Domninion, 11n 1934 the sixth revision ofthffe made up the committee, which examined wit-nesses-among themn bank officers, governmient officiais and reformers - and studied exhibits fiLed by varions individuals and organization-s. Fininigs were suhmnitted to the House, and later t-hat ye-ar thle Bank Act was mode. Fifty memi- Banik Act was re-vised iii maay- bers of the Hoquse of Lommoins important parti cul ars. Through democratic enquiry and decision, the Cona;dion kbanlng systenv bas grown and ho.» adjusted to meet the noeds of ti,. people, poiigodps. tory for savings and ai sound basis for Canca's Irae economic develoPmenL. S a a a' TwenIty-jfiVe years ago toý-dIay the first Great War vas brou'ght to a W have a ie ipa o e s successful' close. Those that lie inn Maclrsfils il b, uured- G reetirig Cards. Corne in and see th, mnany people throughout our Domi-n- WV. H-. Barrett, iMrs. M. Crane and 1rs I.Winter visited frie'ndsmi Millbrook, also Petei!boro, for a f1 Orono If You Need Stable Equipment Order Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre St- Orono Phon* Sor 16 REPAIR Your RADIO Now Don't wait uil parts becom,-e srarce. F or your conivenience we carry P, compflote une cef TUBES, BATTERIES, CONDEN- SERS and RESISTORS if unahie to bring ycur radio to the shop, Phone Orono 42 r 2 PARK ST. UNITED CRU Bey. S. Litttlewoovcd SUNDAY, NOV. l4th 11.00 am-Wrhp 7.00 p,m--.-PBunyan'ePlgi' Progress. 'Keeol to your dreams, irrepidî The rworld bas bitter need ot YOu.L IT PAYS TO PAY Phones 21 r 1 ani 70 r 1, SHIRTS Ment's Fine Quality Rroadcloth Shirts, sizes 14 to 17. Special value......$1.75 UNDERWEAR Fieeced Cornbin at1ionis, in ail sizes, 36 to 44. Special. .. Kraft Dinner pkg 20e- Roll Veal lb. --i30 c. Breakfast Bacon lb. . $1.75 Onfly, si Priced Noodie, Souip 2 pkgs lb. some 'i\ I this W,~ a 1 - -1, Apqà

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