1 Bowmaumille Hospital les- Office n request Subscription, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher e We Are Agaîn in. Not too far from G'Chrstmnas, and the us. What shall we give? We hear nu-' t the Christmias giving is overdone any- ,children's season, aInd that grown-Cps hout the customalry -ifts. Really, it is a hl miany of us takec quite to heart. iot be quite the samne- opportunity to buy, ;e are urged, for patriotic reasons, to re- ithoýse thinga flot needful and essential. hing- to fie said in favour of Christmnas id feel that it was extravagant. Emiploy- <wvomen in the production of goods, and es had a turnover also. lun wartimne there h views, as ail branches of industry are ind production. H-owever, there \vill be an iristm'nas -will be kept -with somne semblance m. Why flt then miake the gifts simple >u iy, "lîke the radio programns, the .ething igh,,-ty like the inevitable arwv tly whiat rwe propose doing, and wcv put mid two for ouLrselv\es by r respe)ctf-ully ug e friends of yours, par-ticuIar-Iy the former trict, a six-monthi or one year subsciption- will bedon somiething whîch will please r her the -weekly news Of thie o0d town,' g buiild Up the tLown nwpp' nlec keeping- the town7'i to the foe.More is ac- us reahIize 1by a live and informative local. mietione(d tp two different b)roadcaists one -e f eel, is proof of its mnt, and of the organizations are sending tLhe local vaper te armed forces. Theopotny afforded d1 societies is very aýpparent. We said in etters to service.imen and womien were, in ntial and the m-ost appreciated. There la in the chance ta peruse the home-town d be an opportune timie to start the news ýeks in the year, and flfty-two budg-ets of xill make a Christinas present of a tp 5-cent Coin durbtilg- the eunhy part of 1942 a ve a suitabie substitute for the nl-ed .0f, the desine of tise Metais h has been appnraved by mer and-u 12 per cent zince, Dpular alloy for jewvellery i la sounid eco-nomiy, the need arises -For s its place in Coin- the addition of fin ne the preval- t '5-cent nickel any other de- lu of bwphve ides and testa si the automiaflo [s ereo obtained ifh ii the sharper angles. h ave the dios and ýtike coin which would ýc the Correct nuniaber ecl ini 1942, and ef. That new nie have osihy recoý ery timeii SU Fthe Orone Tim--es goos )un esidorsaitiosi and suip- îs seeking te furtiser its keep beo re the Pub lic harLdah-ips faced by thse nter -,veather -la ardns e wVator? Anrytbing pe- feel sure. In wartime hoe mnasses o0f aur people reyes. Our sailons rasit hf were these more honely ad forgottosi those comf- nonctie in the 'worhd. The ýd ini a discussion sucis wvorthiy. ise Mev'- Board Wants New Wfing Atlded to Hospýital latives vstn them, a!ddsmaei- 1.v totHecoat. If ws shown, too, that offten upa"tients wishing1- to en1ter- thle hoCSitl- hald to wa1it on a1ccount of alwads einlg occupied. Th1e finianýesý of thie hoaýpitail wer-e nextýxpand.Likýe il other h- os- pitals ini the province it is operated at a loss as the cost of operating' ex- ceedsth rene fr-ont thle patients. This def-icit -asmade np to a certaini extent lhy donations a nd bequests hrom private inidiiduals and these grants of 1942: Province $8 17.20; Cotint v$600; Townshiip îo? Darling:- tonl $100, and Town of Bowumanville $100. ln round figures dhe operat- ing exp-qenses, for the year totalled $26,00 and the revenue from pa- tients adgrants wsaround $23,- 000, showing a deficit for the year of about $00 To balance thie books it was nece;ssar-y to dIraw \ on the yeaiydwdin reserve account of' Gov'ernm'ent fig-ures show thlat theý Bowmnvile osptalis run more, econmicllythan1 most hospiîtals ifs s'ize as if- 15 belowý the avenage daily per capita costf fr the province of' Tt was poinfed oct thaf a hospifal is nlot operated like an ordin1ary busine-ss a-s th-e rate-s are set b)y the( governument and the hospital is duty-bounid to accept ail patients, providing accommodation is avýail- abie, re gardless 0,f whefher the pa- tient is able to pay or not. With thjese conditions facing the 0 Board fhoy feit the only thing to do, if adequate accommodation is to be provided, is to mudernize the present building and equip and build' an addition to the 'present building. M2oderate plans have been drawn up by an expenîenced architect on hos- pifai buildings and these blue prints have been ap1proved lby the goversi- mnent. The cost of building and equipmnent is estimafed at '$40,'000. To mleet this expeadituire the hospital hias on hand around $13,0'00 fromï donationis received with-*in the past year and a re-serve fromn bequests or about1 $8,000, This mneans that at least $20;00'0 mriore is required to cryotti much needed exten- sion, rwithout alwigfor resýerves to meef eom-ergencies aând annuai de- ficits. In 'brief these were t-he facts pre- senfed to th e delegates anid ani appeal was made that each mi-uniici- pality contnibufe to the miaintenance and proposed extension in proportion to the patients comning to the hos-. pital frnm their respective m)uniici.- palities. Lt 'was decided to senid a bief to eleh municipality represented, ont- ining the condition of the hospital and ask thfem' to conlsider tlie matter af t'he inaugural meeting in 1944. The sug-gestion was made that under the siew plan a rep resentative from each rmuiiiity be ehected f0 the Hospital Board each yean. MA,,'NY DE31ANDS FOR CANADIAN CHEBSE 'Canadiasi cheddar cheese la needed t o meet the requirements .f the Bit- ish Mfinistry of Food, whichi wiil pnobably again desire f0 secure as 1 iuch 0f this product as 'Canada cani make avaiabie. Cheese la also need- ed for Red ýCross parceis for prison- ers of 'war, about 25,000 p'ounids weekhy being at, present required for1 this ýpurpose, and the Departmnentg of Munitions and Supply requires ,Sýsulbatntial qurantities for military ca.mps in Caniada. Reasonabhe quan- tities are needed for civiian on sumniption in Canada; and for sh-ip- ments to other parts of the British Emrpire which thse UnitedXigo 'Governmient has asked Canada toý take care of, Ini so fan as cheese la î oncerned, No - Fuel Coke For a load of ORONO COAL LUMBR Autumu Rally of Oshawa Ar Presbyterial at Orono ('By 1Mrs. Winnifned Wenry> "'Christ for Ail of 'Life," was the theme of the autumin raily of the eastern section aýf Oshiawa Presby- tenijal held il- Orono, November- 9th. MUrs. W. P. Rogers, Bo'wmainville, second vice-president, presided. The exceptionally large gathering was wTeicomed by AMiss *Mabel Davy, Orono. Echoes from the Schoolifor Leaders held at Witby 'O.L.C. were ahiyl. giv-en by Mi1Lss Majonie Mc- Lai-en and M\,iss 'Carol Staphes, Orôno. Each aumxiliary responded to the roll cail IIy neporting the mloat intenest-I ingv mleeting 0of t'ise yean. Mrs S.LitlewodOrono, Pres- b)yfenial Pr-esiden2it, chahlencigedi those presenit to make "dane"thie k note for 1P13-4. Mrs. N el s 0n"Os- boilne, Bowmanvllle, brough't "a mes- sage in the solo, "If We AiHa11th Spiit of Jeans." A comprehensive andineetn report of the Coniference Brni metting hlehd in Oshiawa was givein by MIrs. MU- . H.Staples, 0Onono. Thouighfs On the day's ftheme, "Glirist for AIL of Lîfe,," were 1 brought 1by MrIis. J. MoLachlani, of Newfonville. Lif'e wilh hlave m--eaniing1 for those w-,ho choose Christ for ail of life in omr life, in oun commnnity and ini the worid. ,Prayer was offered liv Mrs. IF. S'wailow. 'Maphe Grove. At thse dînnen served by Orono ladies Rev. 8S. Littlewoodl broughti gneetings and annotiaced that the period from Novemiben 12 ta Feb- ruary 14 has been set aside for evan- gelismi in tise United Churcis, Mrs. I. Mnnday, Ma pie Grave, spoke words cf appreciation toa ah those whio had conitribulted o ta mak tise meeting a miafenial .and spirituall suiccess. ýkfternooxi session opesied with a wons.,hip servie e ondncted ýby Black- stockI Auxihliary, stressing the need thaf 'Chlrist ho made the centre of oun lives. _Mrs. Georige Bray, Oshawavi treasuLren, neported tha t '$6'l00.00f hiad been remnitted to Confelnence IBrancis treasuiren. Mr.C. R CarscalienOC, of Witby, in hier address, "The Magic cf tlise Talking 'Leafr," explained that "talking leaf'," was the nme that, an Afnican gave to litenatunre. Il- iteracy bas beeni the weakest Spot in tise enfire miissionany pnog-ram. I 1930ýD-r. Frank -Lauhack ien rorth- ern, Minadanao in the Philip-pinies hegan te reducee their anlguage toaa [simple formn of 'writisig simd te teii ad'ults te rend. By the use of a phonetie chant peofphe could bce taug-hf te rend in 12- lessons. Thuis a worhd- wide carapaigsi againat iliteracy was hegun-m and spnead to India, Af- rica, 'Mexico, Wfest Inidies, Centrai and Southi Amenicat, se that nawv this method is being used in _N45 han- gae.Whesi Dr. Lauback waS lun- able to netuirsite thse Phiilippisies af- ter his funlougli in 1942 lie apent '7 month s i South Amnerica. Since thon bee1has been ainIaHlywood wenk- ing rwtb Walt Disney - te make a manie to ho, eSent ta South inenica to teachi people ta nead, The method la that oach ene teaches asie and the s'telet Of ifs succesa is that people realiy cane albout it. It, la bnidging the gui? s betrwees iisigisanid low, edu- cated anid ignorant, dfifferent faitha, different races and differesif nation- ýMrs A. A. Drumminond confnibu- ted the solo, "Ho Siîled on MVe." Miss Ida 'Mcisze Field Sec- rot ary cf thse Dominion Board of thse W.JMl.S., in bier address, 'lMis- siens Tdy"pointed oufthow mai h -as caused evacation ofnissioana- les, travol difficuities, destruction cf pnopenf.y but neyer in histoey ha-ve missonaiesand thie nesu-lt of their work heen ,in tlie public oye as thley ar e foday. Sldilers have cone u-pen mi-issionary work inu unexpected pla- ce-. War bas given u.s im--perafive a-44-qp -DR. W, W. SIIERWIN and d Tan; DR. J. T. SIIEPPARU Phon~e c-44~p. VE'TERINARY SURGEONS Office Main t. Orn Phone 56 r 7, ronoý Findlaýy Cincuhlator enamocl finiish; Phonoe rano.LI1 ýL FOR SALE QuIantibty. 0f 'Qat , - also:1somin Seed Gats. W'eLlbb BIN Ponpooj, R. R,. No. 3; Pone2i -Orono. ~~44-c DANCE Orono Lomdge No. 4U,1 « 0 0F.,ar holding a dance the town ?'I on Frid1(aylNovelub 26, 193 R-tms Creîghton d 'sVret Badin attendanc dmSsion 5 C. STRAýYEI SPrm ot 8, Concession 8,Clarke Twshipl Yering eif ,rd white fat, ta g, t wy0 lh in eachl ear. An oneklo g t 'where- abhouts 0ot fer k1i, nIotify PIrtlellLo2Pe 5 -13, NEW TRADE TRAINING COURSES APPROVED ilon. Humpýyhrey Mitchell announ-1 ces, that two newiA tradetain ýcourses have recently been apjproved b'y the -Departm-ent of Labour. At the Teachers' Trainingz College at limilton, courses are ben given to aut30 men whio wili be trained as àinstructor.s and will be available fer ~ trade traiing of uaer of the rmd Forces after disecharge. Ný,ear- ly a-1lof the 30 are themiselves vet- erans, and are qualified niechaniies in oeor other of the trtades. While the Dominion Governm,-et ImÊeets thle entire eoat of the couirse, It is being carried out in co-oper-a- tiojn withl the province of, Ontario, Throuigh arrangemlents between the Departmrent 0f Labour and pro- vnilauthorities, -a series of cour- ses -,vill 'be given during thý-e present m'inter season at -wih instruction will be in cheese ani butter moaking 1-n1d as dairy menr",Each course will rua o about 3 -mo-nths. Aiready twmo courses are uinder -wayoet Gueiph, it 60 men and 4 "olena in attendance, and a sinlall gromp at St. Hyacinthe. It is expected that over30 persons will be trained at thesecourses duringý thîs winter. Courses wiil be given in Ontario, Aiberta, Saska2tehewan, Manitoba and Quebec, and those sýeiected for the traiing wihibe froml the farmi. MAY NOW DELIVER TIIREE TON*LS COAL Canadian coal consumners ~wMl now be aiI.owed 3-ton delivenies oi coal instead of aone-ton loads, it -was an- nounced by George T. TPepall1' On- tario solid fuel representative, on Thursday night hast. The new ordier went into effect on Firidayr last andl rescinds t'hat of Nov., 4 ýwhïich, in an- ticîpation 0f an acute shortage caus- ed biy CanadOiatn and U.S. stril<es, re- duced deliveries. 'tIt was found the one-ton deliv. ery 'was not practicabie, and it is hoped that gasoline wih h savod by allo-win, increased loadis,» said AIr. Pepaîl. reasonls for carrying on and strengtheaing the -work of the 'Chris- tian Church and has sho'wn us ho0w inter-depeadent nations are. 01ld ne- ligions have becomie inadequate withi of our own, but for the thousands who maike up Our NavY,-M1e- chant Mlarine and 'Coastal Patrol services. Wýýith Christmnas approaching, becomnes mocre pronountced tbhsi E tlise locial churches. Orono is coni district. The olfi-ecive for die, dis knaiew that 'tb( life cf the sailor 'I' puýlsicît'Ly than dloes the life oc tise moire reason thon te rinmb a raising the siim of nioney Whiic]i tien.L Informnation iii Tiflps editoi obtained urete houp along Thle matter mas redl as part cf tise tis fiffeen hiundned ss Eals-Nnflha nd r, this work en up ini )l the 1local ou i ext isï !h mi h oos Wefare an Orono - . Ontarijo AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auc-tioneer and Valuator Conducts Ancktion Sales of' ail sizer and at roa'soliabie rates. Commnuiate with him. at Port Peirry, Ontario, or se h-'s Ciork, A- E. Morton, at Oronoý, for date% GEORGE ïK.EYES';, Auictioneer & Valuator Pure B,,d Lie Soc ,rmF mWan FPurilture Sales a SJocslynos ta Large, xnone w Sii. Grad~ia e Rppot% s &h01of, A1uetioneer!fg, U.S.A., pluzawa years' eelling exprienez. Rmatîls Reasoebae. Wri'te R o. Lawrence C. Mason, B., Bfrrister and Solîcitor BOWMAN VILLE, OiNL Office 688 E. E. PATTE Tsurance Agei FIIRE ' UTOMOGB CASUALTY AND LU Phone -,4-14, Clw NEWCASTLE P. REPRESENTIN mofne t te Largent E and Most ReliableL Fîriua iin Canad FariaProper a Specialty 1 ain pE-rared tG qý rates froin î40c. a caiL I w ilopleased you rates con your wblch, wiII surprise Hoe553 MRON mncy ÏILE, ýABIL!TY ~rko St ont haridred, ýtter sUili, tce quoâ property F. . oris&-Son FuneraI Director8 Furniture Dealers AMBULAZNCE SERVICE Phons: awmnvileDay 480 Night, 784 and 573 The Olidest.res t ai ost MdmFunerat Servi-e in Ou SrvceTlI~BEST our PUrice-THE LOET I~o~o~s &SON ectory J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Firey Casualty, Automon. , bile and Liabiity M F, ý 1 -