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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Dec 1943, p. 4

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Liai Subscription, $1.25 A. Forrester, Publisher number- n ques- ves allid i oio.Up in the vs' Homes. The spa- offers s-anctuary to ifie's eveatide, and ýsenitial to the aged. are the orphanls of homelikce supervision Trhese privileges, of means of suistenance. bent seek smethïngO s in thie case every- and miember-s of their )igl hand. Oddfellow- rw tie (dead, and edu- mjes is another part der-the Independent orn,P011b, in theCh-nnn iingý e'ee ro onergav rchal'sels. Awoeru y v-isit the Homjàe, nnd d by.ý the imnteswh lthaughit of a distant [g miles, but 41ound -in isip, Ljove nnd Truth., d-wil dblessing of -with them. iýEnch ia emainiing at home. In- ived in reburn the joy enprinc wicb il have miade. Thiey cast oreteli, to -arbat extent that the cessarilv Sgraine, )urse to isposingl ;be diffi- er, they ersoa lan bhis of Temperance Federation- the ~ats Churcb, Port 1Hope, Ont., te Dra County TýI emrpe-anice Federation imet iii AnniualCdve weIlcomled thedeaes.Dr. . S. 3cecnethe patoroftbe C11:1-11, obeafof the ficas fthýe to the covetin.D. N. S. McKýechI nlie and *lRev. George Rowland took Charg e eut the devo[kîonsî for thedy The chiielf fJeature a,'the aftfernioon sessioni was a palC discussion led by Dr. 'C. W. Dý2MUille the Gen)eral Sec- retairy uoftI the Ontaîjo )Temiperane Feder-ation. Tlwelve quiie stLi onis were sýubmitted to the audienice, which led to a verýy fine discussion. Manyý took part andi it wvas interestinig, informi-a- tive and he1pful. In the dliscuission Dr- De-Milie stated "Thie case is so clear ag-ainist liquor, that we need niot ex- In the ereniing Dr. C. W.Deie addressed the covniin a very informiai but forcefufl manner, on- the wvork of the Ont. Temperance Fed- eration ini his intIroduýctory rmrs and the work of Temnperanice ini par- ticular ats Ibeing aongthe funes 1of EDUCATIOf', w11bh ust be thor- ongh, LNSLATf ON, wbich niust 'be wie. A Di, 1N T ýýÂ'T 10N - ,viel ,shlouldl be virile. Thie speaker nad ths saeet"It is d(oL7b1tflwete amcy leiito onour Statue -bookýs did as miueb goodi as the nni Temnperane Act, The Act wvas di- credited by its enemnies andl peopfle stated "Trhat drinkers recog-nize mx ed drnigas 'whlolly bad" nnd uthat moderate dikeshave exrsd theniselves to imii that they rwouldh vote it out. The other higl lighit of the evening, session a-,as the Public Speaking con- test wielh bas been a feature of the convention for a numbler of years. There were three contestants fromi Port Hope, namiely Misa Phylis Dean, Raymond HutchiagýIs, 'Leslie Knott, andI three from O0ro no, nmeyRob-1 ert Casey, Thomas Coathinm and 1 s;enteil theIprizea.. The uounr.ytmcp anid an enigr ed silv.er platedtry w~spreseiltud to, the ire, and one da ad sevenlt iecnsin mwar sainýstam'j!ps to ailote contes- -ant'lTe contestajits ail did exeel- letyaddealing ,, itb the Temiper- anwe question frlon-I so many different anîgles in theiradrss made ti p rt fthe pormenot on 1y a m otrftetetimetbut ("ne o enlightnment ad inspiration. The Resolutions, Coit itee re- porte"d as follows. We here assembi- edI at the Durham Coun ty Tem per- :mnce Federation Annual 'Convention exýpre-ss our deep cnicinthat ini the presentI struggle e are fighting the causie of hunian freedom, j ust ic e ,ndgodil We theref are pledge o'ur loyalIty and support to uis Maj- esty the King. and to the Governm-ent of our counitryv to the utm-ost. This meeting ie-ws with gratitude adappreciation every Temperance vîictoryv and evety move of the auth-. or,,ities, Federal and Provwincial, to- wairds the restriction or sale and con- suLmption of lqo.Eseilyrecag- niigthe wrkof theé Federal Gov- erniment which recently enacteti that thie presettrestrictions 1go la effect for the duration of the mtrr. W reswe bee that the bey- eaeusé of liuor is the -Arch enem of decency,_freedonpi and peace. That it is the destroyer of food- stff,Imaterial and human lite That it seriously binders aur warjj eýffort. ThiatËit involves tremendous fIn- ancial osses. That we recog-nize that the lai- ceasing habit of social dildgis seductive and 2armnful to the health,, moraIs an'd happiness ofou people, Thnerefore be it resolved: That we exmpress our gaiueta God for the increalsed public eog- tion of the dangers of the liquor traf- f ie. FThat we hereby renew our pledge to press the fighit against this evil. That -we as a"-convention urge the executive to take steps to develop an educational programme throuiighout the County. PResolutions of appreciation 'werel k~\PiLEONTi CO.4t CLIMB INTO RM CIOTHES COAL 18 SCARCE! -- Wasting fuel b, rheating your home is unpa otic. Il has long been gnized thiat moderate tm tie are better for e l th. To ensure comnfor1t, tinto, warmeÀ dýothes ther pile on more fuel. Tests show that or every -egree avz 68' coal consumptian is incre ed 3%. eeping youi- home at 68' instead of 760 may ve al t a quarter of your fuel. Asic your local fuel deal fa aur free copy of the booke- let "33 WAYS TO SA NE TON IN FIVE" today. Sauve eue 2 Ma1M flue C.C DR. W. W. Fire in mi rs for t s: Hon. n1-an Dow is and ppointed nisters of th e ex( e ru wvirh 1 t't "'Being- caug-ht in the conie of an Au cenmy searcblight ,vith a Hua igt er on your tail is like standing- naked Pure E in front of the Sudbury post office onFirlt pay ighit," Sigt. Howard O'4orma)ýn to Larý stobis motpher, M' n a P. J. O' Gora, G ste hs mgrapiclliii a receat 0 eterm , Ga of 21 Balker St., describing a recent Ali1tiOJr experience over Hanover, Germiaay, Years' w,,hen the bomnber, one of a BluenoseReaF squaçlron with wich hie flies as nav- rnj igatar, was caug'ht, and beld in a senrchli'gbt arc for aine minutes, - wbich, to the crew, "seemned like a lifetimre." 1 lav Relating a fear of the details of --e- cent tiips over enemiy terrîtory, the 22-year-old aiirman wbo comp'etei tara years at _MGill University, withý a. view tu becoimgl an arcbitect, and wound iii1j plotting courses for a bo- ber intent on the destruction of as mnuch of the architecture of the oc- cupied coiint ries ns is possible, writes that blis pilot Sgt. Johni Keane, Orono Ont.,,bas gaîned a coasiderable re- putation around tbe flighLt rooma b bis a'bility at the controls. Tweaty-. five years of age, Sg-t. Ren-ne bias been aptly nicknamied "Shaýrp)y," and, Howard expînins, "bis name really- suits hlmii. On more occasions than l'cl care to mention, he's brougbit the gaghomre safely, îb(ut mnany tîme strictly 'on1 a 'wing and a p)rayer'." Enclosingl a ~British press clip- ping to describe j'ust 'what be mneant by *.Sbarpy's" ability, Hlo- ward mneationed that it bad been relensed in an EngIisb news- paper and related te their mnost recent exploit, whbea they retura- ed to th-,eir base three day7s late. On tbis particular raid, with F-rank fuort as their target, the clippinig quo- ted iSgt. Pilot "Sharpy" as statiang that they' had "hati a aice trip most of the wav ta the taroget."ý Ba wrence C. M arrister andF Office 688 lie LÉ: PATTE and BOMNV Tue da, D4?t 8&00 Pa. Speak, harles Strange, M. ., and others. COLLECTION inatthis latter mocve, becn younigster -to stand upor lfonls, and some interestini low. The more or lessa With the constant wi rcommaiuities 0for manyc is cototig " nw tii2 -farm a good e a Wb yeanrs go by> kta Sc. then becomnes necessary for the ,vu feet and support bis own opin- isîpAl discussions ate bounid'ta fol task of speaking la puLblie Jose, younjg men bave beer odrul ýre. Opportunities forth study achineiry affer a stiL Y'wIder fieid u young rmen whoha'4,e '"engag-et (ld a new zest in firm wrkthat cl 'vision, becauise they kc eoe rbetter fnrmns and bette' farixg. ý-aad whicb a draïinedor ruralt ýating off±ic humm ta tbe ie kept drc )kee'p lt g ag nui, and y ýback we y, but we were1 nys by th e we; iii. ta get back tý rp-y an( on tbe1 ui, ani eas. Ta rt, Hom io, 27-I Feit Naked As 1 Of Postoffice t .FPUBLIC MEETING UN ION WIIJL At rear of Poole's ]a' j- FF. e I

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