>4P 5t î4- ce te n n m ltr l - Due t lw yds and t-t-t--tc tonne <. MI-A t----t-t s-s- Lent- -t1ca1 -t-w ý w 1~~~~~- t tr t aigbogt imiDity S. Oao y ut-1»r au p Il - o - ir w>i ~ p w S- * 'e aih 0~g 0: 0n a i ht p foi Who aim as -s -> -7 t t indWees ranh,«ntri i s G,' CaBdý andtk tbt f ¶ & xma l, e g< t e st h a , ' 1 4 s 1 te--t; e n d a G loAgriculurefln th Me i n am em ass j a ve- aoie-lihg- ' > 4 t h e e i s a a n c- i e a _- t e , r e L -, ha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w one e eor- -t> adaptel tolIca! -itions. - - t d Ilhe tia t-frad, of cie-t~e f ia n e e - e r f l n , i v a r t i e s t t a t ---d One id WaIS t. at11 lie ait-Mr.Qtn he'gama cee-Rdt t 1- 4-i i t-sW e f1yS ,A W ac an91k tr-->. previou t ha<rvec t l xld gl i'> and1 BRet for a cl-c ~enfanti n apl oftdays. -Si.--ttpI rl T ee inas thîe possibIl oi,[t Miss Lila-tPt-ye, p'or R-tbiiton naT foa trbx¶is aste4 l c o ue v s i p - of mu li e r n 'r 0e lo ca lt t-t-lî le lf4i-tg fre < -t atwa 1t*# tLwt $-tancb1, !li oaliy i M r. . Si t \, wtrt1eit ilst t-t-t,-t~n migs Tm.a aii t-r Frank i Gi$a#ot laad -k- -t- . t-rLn, Bet- sapltn4 Allaittjd Prdcin Majoot9 rt- e Pro -1 la I Wsttersh las joined - el - l et oft- -Gowr -t.tren ai i »oaraaw lle Tuber Unitk 3!e jeï-" o t. h- ne Ttc Of a $ T50D waa pada for tne t-AI>5 - - t-t-? à7 wrn ilt- - t h t- ýoe Oie -ee d home.. - Ire-t t- dturat-t9rkamla l-t ee givi- au aI10 e ~itao e Ikê ~ on p- iùlan Meetngs & th and Sa-> eini.V P. t--- rr- ex et h g' issI 11ln t1erer, ) it tatpent -t-t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rduto of Y$>ra qmli4~<> ~w»ty sehue-l.thetjre Y 1 e o-w .a e t a " $w>p 1q Duan Mi' lîs o Be"] isÏt-J -et-t- r t-tt-t ht- s co. R a o e t- . z 4trtd t- ai ,h ont a t-t-t-- e t- t-e -t-tstt t-;- o-f-t-t- -t 4 pI t- S~~ Y u -rn ov -te we-nd.e e k av a alszsx 5ca d ,~~~t-t-~a as-t A-t&st -ere of -wut 193 .2l5 r jt-v't'- t-UaQvt t:-t ( , UM Yergg anlui dA-M ce c, tht. R. slantùa wits 1 ru1e poîet; wateh an4% en7 -t -t e , ,1 m)ý%P V KatN t- returnect t d 4-J -t w 4 ~ 4 r~t Ap,4- tto< llsrnodes la and plain ý1 tq4< <wt~> - oet ft z I4dLa en4,ei S, Ladeseze Crn 0Hout t- a§d intiw Q fto 80 fil, t1 fil,~ n-n ld~ dit o ebl I Ad A-s - -Mt- a e o Ue-e tt =kn chakrge.. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . etr t)d 1 1 st -c -t-týë M -le g s -uw frot a d1t-n sz -- t-Il4t- rcw i. w tho. A r1iIhýzi 'ý'or ios ee-t ctlýg i! aty d 1t....... ... .............. cel-'vl m b ed n ('ntAa So yt h 'P>eC L efi or a tir 1 RftYns i feln as -lncrzc Cr ct and Ké tn Ctt- o t- -Mm1% " '> e- t-oe de w-ê th Stotditj eeo le- dln - asx skeins, lhakj or..... il t-t :- a 1n ti ta ',eum Tt JMana uni- tt-aw-itt YsM t-t ueuln sl< lut in t-, t-II -i - n i ceect e, nF tubericied<-~1~> Ktt-ex Jfr tbeelii tosù t boxpe s t., 4-t 5 il L at- r i--td c, Vj t-gt etTctW A.b leein- GCat $ a Whe 4 eid or whtA sie 10 IP on~~~~n -in 6' ai @ése c -ollttkfl4i yard sk290$...r..s 29,lO etau a. r wny or'>ettk Vr de-e T h l'e n ereatc- -nres tèief -h tir- hothti --1e i nu Gr- 'cut oldi ec-t-t- -tite t-urc t-il 0le le- aafaitowe - -t k jr,ý OÏCo s - 3- sedownNi rounf Kuns Ceu-t $ e - d im C onthelçSrepeatcrt -a 1Fil3c el nl à~~1- -1 r~e c -t- t-tniT edy a u rýî8 at1pt.i- e 'e~~~T ni ti ùi-t cm> fr 94 a fllIrn Notht-, Juetlnior reglku eaeh........15e a31e on Th M <t r. t-See-dat- a»-ts t-4t-;e- Eh ea s alc ort-Oax sise-çnr 10 i twý niii rl dent, Foi) Rilêti ;t-' sa<t $oa- Is wrapped tant sze...........t- t-t Àte tc t h Lod -4ae-ex Chs vpm t4.9 60le.D s orat100 ytards 5 200 ..r t ,a . .- Oc e-S Umt- pfcmej3g CI, ilI& nt-- Ure Whé& nI -ct-ea eiol un ; Thnu pkgl reoreo Ioný!u ont t6 e-tj tulX fe 4m&u mm i manTlï agdth t-ag -o Laces- - r, -~ tt-<~--~»~- -t- t-.u mt-et, --t--tt-t t-tr-t dî*c- e--t- i n reetawgl in ast WB4&flr ediet t--rae -a sr t rplils e3cgan Plans-,t fo-t~t t-', Fe'ie Nabo Tri t-hn te4t<gWe pa4kad $2.5, IBrit'h buoi- S -cN on[Snr n-ilttr t-r 4t-wfAPlainrt&i W hite, 4J2j itcoe ups eatc-...---- .25, t 5P4ert Wllen Edias(n rl-owEft e -tl-t -1: t- 1014 aut-- Ofls - id , ý.A~~~- conenio onta- Içh 1O1at g 20e. geno cem ec 5 -t- a at-s-l ofe- tlae Yfl4cnse roihvs ueatl ew rvd ati> h , t-.p 25e.vap d giant s ak~~~~t t-, t-t- e0d a dO c hlsilun » LaS ncae' Î h Us!u M -t ram-i Ay_______uedBen, i 11st-tt-t-s t--tieY,'!- ,týtP h osS, p " y esn p-t--t-t %ri e einm ý int t--e zar -te YQURtPtWVLRi ee lco nn t-,, g 25 -iena -t- AmE -w w onw fth it- -t t-t- nd th -YIt- t-ecl t-iaZ baP seE anlSoePoi ,lrejr l'J -t -no th -t t ý a h g Soc t, hd u tMl , f r ..t-c