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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Apr 1944, p. 2

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îeu goýing If yo eigit cof lnm plr e uish- ni~ ~uo~ bat Jjritain than three "structure- aircraft de- d Fleet Air ~8 per cent I States and test of the accomparîy tue banus tht-mouth Dominion lias stasied un the ~.ind Words Grasshopper grassiiopper found s ~t sveek in t h e Coîu- su less an autiiority turc Minister GardE. Saskafch~wau fa r ni oxiage the inseet rau CC.F. menîbers have askcd about fise spread ai weeds in the West sud the nsini~ter replucd the uuuîuxber I cf xveeds lsad iurreased greatly ai 'ce he weuf into the neet 42 years But samctiînes there xvere unex- pected aIlier lu tise w ar agaiust weeds, he said. Tsi sonie parts ai Manitoha the grasshoppers had de- stroyed the sow thîstie ou farms Panurers IssU seeui tise iiîsects '.,tasîding au their heads" suckiog tisa last drap of ussoisture froîn thg tE istles. sud aur i News PAUL ~ CMSA MISSLONARYi ActS 1: !-le:28& * .RINED EXT-Acts 1 -;14: 8-20. Spirt sad, Sparae meBaranabas3 and Saul for tise work whereunto 1 hia-v e calile d tem. Acut"s i13: 2. MmoyVer-se: 3I wili pray unt, ThUE LESSON IN ITSSETN Time.-Tlîe ftirstnisoarju- oxrapLriod ofprbiyfu years, nuay bave ternated n.s A. ) ". 50 Place-Tue c-itvofAnioha the *us~t part, in Galatia, whici woùld be the southero part ni the co0ntry lion k-nown as Asua Munor. 'One In Christ Jesus' 'Now tiiere xx as at Antiach, ns the cliorclu tiîat xvas tiiere, pro- phets sud teacliers. Bsr'uaba~, ~and Symeo'n f liat xvas calîcU Nuger. Manacu, the foster-brother of IfernU tue tetrarcli, and Sani? This verse reveals hoxv tlse Hol3 Spiri nas sxorkiug ausioug uatiou~ sud races - of ail colors soU creeds. ~il xvere bceousssng 'Dise lu Clxuixt jesus.' AnU as they issini fercd ta tlîe Lord, sud fssted, tue hou Sptr~t said, separate une Barnabas auud Saul for the work xx-hcr onto 1 have calied thens Notice hcre tue distinct personaiit3 and GodE ead of tue Hol~ Giio~r. tluîh uuui had been ceilcU uong before, but were uow to be soleiuiîly set apart for th~ special sx'ork ta vhîiciu îu the ~iviiie purpose they lisU f cii dcstifued. Messengers 0f Tise Chxurch "Theuu, xx lien fhe~ had fssscd sud pray cd and laid their luaixd~ or theuu, the3 seuit fhrm an a~ " 'i i~ nas a soiemu dedîcation ai tiienu to a work in xx hidi they xvere ta enter as the accredited inessenger ni the church. "So tlîey, being sent forth by tic Hoiy Spirif, went dowu ta Selenria; and frons theuice they ssiled fa Cyprus." Bariusbas sud Saul, sei5f to Chri't, soU adulation. it easy ta aerrp abandon the tion and os ti xxould help Uic pray tlîat he xi garland or the The P~ "But there froni Aîîtioelî having they 5f ont of was stood up, suc on the Bsraîîa msinmay ]be t opik the florsers silo et met lseop a inuteand listen Yesas I1ive, I her aro -i'ugng! ,I cant sce ,him butý hemust beover i te wild app hsgivus plety ofopportuunity toc try"LutIor nwfraeadw lieit very much, thankyoýut. W have lso louudthat it cud' hae ,eerranged to suit tus bet- te. hececk and1 draftchlainis are oete in ourbdrpan ofi bed, etidonlth- chec,,ge withmy fot ý to if the smioke pipe is ameog IIuy s The Dook Sheif Alaska 21ndI lThe Can.adian Northivest B3y Harold Griffin This isthe st ory d iise peig dpoa oth-ei,' atfrnir ofým xht i ben aChiiaedito- day ner te1ia ct f cm-su the Macénz i"ivr tthe Be 1;-rng Stfsraitand taking iliiparts o"f !le Aiera ad Brit'Ih lumbath Throuhoutthe bok te em- phas ]iss placdupnpetx ro- tr ÈnnosAak ihatranis- forming tewlensterl ofîýi aiattio, t1le ou eeometI< at uilsan Noý,r nan We--sn thle stteens nth Mtnu Vally ad esewereare Il dis- cussd in~hislighit. hedesign of'ithýe book ýis; t@c showi the, new i ort\"esn o w 1 miuîg iut eing pusing 'its froniersintothy rctic towar i Asýia sod westwad t) uoet aepsr ticuIýrly forpostwsr rl ie- setofAmerican o ne the coury sud to share in os d wveio- mnent. Alaskia and Thie Canadian Nort- west-, . By H1-aroid Gril fin George J. McLeod, Limitedl Price ~.0 Cover Sneeze, Cough spresd Cf1the1cm.onîrspiraor weýli as good manners, gi asstt i MOViE STAR Prevlous Puzzle tint sus tde disciples nd about bissu, lie rose iitered into tue cit~ nnd rron he xx cnt forth xvitlî to Derbe." t)nc unr ni ~ni n nsob xx a~,ted to w or. hip aisd Pani, tue uur'rt thex ~tniue Paul to death. So sun to tlijs dax becaxise frail. changeable, short. xvs iî ing lc - 1 than inn cl. Peo i2 Stli Kof isaou ioleiic ~ rtatf au blodshd hatitsa ic drelie POP-ne Mn'sPoison.. filin. lii tîleisdar. Y es, th ut anc ha 15 Perceive. 17 Givd M0 Ardentiy. 21 Hops kilna, 23 Winids. 24! Pe iched. 2,l5 Hybi 3 at 4 42 Row),vingIre ko 7Hansom, 43Contbnent 3Uiesl sae 'd bd 44She is appD- language. 3 cite u.ilar , 4EBiblai 4Prtobdy 4;5 G ,a b.nona, 4Yarabr ubiiy46 Te carol. -5 Stalkp 42 Cereai gzrain. (i1> 7 Twirl. rnu. 4BeI. 49 She isas 8 Not comot p-ri ng no 50 She has ,von il -AnnusI ars.46Thus. an cr ey 3Can 7 Soulws r1s -=pÎ)7rthr abr tinli bonki; special gas nare guarani perixuit aîuci tsxx a isssn't 'n I etted by s er t fr0 lias it serre if mmix ar xxar xx e'îî ~ issu von. n here" xvi alouig w: iet~ that 1a"es th iC~,5 bear th~ prisa snsy aise usants r air" cm bar the By J. MILLAR W.ATT A, 1~IP i-lAI

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