In lovilig r1nmory (of CalsM e~ti J~A1 J JOUIUI'1~U Lode, ho paýssedaway ou- _ý Lie ai roution in Caimadaý, d-____ ____________ FOR R-ENT sp1 hraeo abor-,, has kept pac-e ~37. -Ever mre edb s ie Gadn A yto M .- .Wa-wth4îkdieraesi nitar MDI - the fimesOffic and amily.deil,'72 ~i~~n ve,, orot. n ex port requirmns eodn __________ ___ _______ to reort o the Cmid Food A. F.McEZ , M.D. IN EMOIAMWANTED Bado Biticanada ad h GARSGA~DDi~11)In oving miealiory v Cattie for pasture. Gorg ig Uitedstatesý. Food supplies Il 'canl PYIIN~SRGO adaexcedthe 19:54139 level, des-, Of -blor îbciton I2 o ydarIubndadFthr itaKnal1-7~ pite overseas demnands of waqnd 161 IDean Catrscaiddenî, wopss1dficlis*o a11prton n .00 to 4.00 p.m;0.0 o80< a alway- May 6h,1942,ý. FOR SAE an' i(t is sufficienit to, manintain ýPIIONE 47n1 O0RO0NO ester, ubCis1e Gone Dear Father, gcone forever, A Good Teaio Wagon; aliso somýre healthi and 'worki-ng effi-ciencyirey_________________ ___________ *lo we ,isçs your smilîng face, Dry Sume ood.Appy George d(ue 1,0 huge shlipi-elnts from lCanada EGA Butyo lft u oreebr Buffer, Orçro. andt'he United state.s._________________ N m_, on erhcan take your place'. ____ _________ _______ ~flie ore ndu Ahapyhoeweone njyeFOR SALýE IFARM-' FOR SALE Lawrence C. Miason,, kA£ atepr of wiig of ZIo sweet lie îmemjory sf111; bs riLto hrhStreet ot Hi o o.4, Town- y overcoats, weari( Butdeath ba lftaoelns a Sonth, Oronio. Apply teo has. E. sbip f fClarke, Vabout 100 acres, 10 Barri8ter and Sohcitor ýed relealse. An old. The word cani neyer f111- flaylor., R. R. No. 2, Orono; Phone acres 3hardwod bush, sm cedlar, 57 r ý *reek near buildings, house in ood BOWANVRLLE,ON T, red"We bLieve -Ever rmmbrdby lhis lovmig ___________________cniin erb. We have seean Wife ai two sonis Lavernie and «or- c___o__ndi___t__ion_____Term-s cash, '4pp1y f0 Phones )f Ariri's' rksanterLEGION DANCE Ernest E. Patters, >Ad1ministrao)rý f Arlls p~aantr dn.of Robinson Farro.w ffNwa- Offie 688, Homne 553 ound up wiha __Il_______________ Thre BwavleBranch of the fie, Onitarjo. f,_________________ si tha itose of __________ -Cnda Leugion is hold-'ing a Dance _______________ gets fÏirinly efb DEATUS in the Bowilanville Armnouries on _____________ garden once !iai VURAN- nOrn, nWed-nesý- Frida-y, May 19th. Sergeant -War- W.F vv u j ln that 'of emljfýIlg daly, My 1£9441, Prud.ence lMon- mingfon and his 7-piece Veter,.an's Is ovranat cr 111of- gan, widlow vof Francis Morgan, Guaircf Orchestra will be on d f tRISEREOLCIO 's. Wha ioy ~ aged 85 years. Resfîng afthle resi- furnisi tihe musie.E.L Durin-g tile winfer dence of hier daugliter, Mrs. Frank ______________ nu~n'ANTR org hue ifel J. HalroounIL Friday noon; .£gnyPhones:- again:t Jael Frost, then.ce f0 St. Saviour's Chnrch for SILVER M1EDAL CONTEST PIR-E, AUTOMOBILE, Office 825 Residence 409ý ýn and brighf in thre service aýt 2.80 p.m. 1intermuent la Th-e Silver Medal Cont est undler CASUALTY A4ND LIÂBILITY Orono Cenretery. ~~~~~~te -auspices of tire WgXIX. wMl be Poe44,Cak OMNILOT lwhich isf 1mireot TAýMIBLYN -- lil Bowmiaiville HOSirld in tire Sunday Schiool ro-om of NWATEP. 0. -_____________ vihi;ihrn tlo) audv pi 9h ý4 ark Street United Church or, Friday VTRNR ~~~~F anaudnel~pfio audy pi 9h 1,eeig May 5tir. Therce are feu ________________ bien, thenuerous Fred W, L. Tamblyn, beloved hius- RPEETN wel kptcoetry band ofAda O. 'Crydermian, Oroo, conestnts lonf'wtheoirergoo progamm. Lnchsor6d4oal. '1u ttheLaret, Stronugeet DR. W. W. SHIERWIN re grounids have ge 6 yar, dmission, 25 and 110c. î>and Most M1Re li ssurand work ______________ _____________ fnain canada is srafie, hw ÎDR. J. T. SHEPPARD tif s tr an i RSTITON NSALE REGISTERSFam P petVERNAYSGEN a idymsnsPO¶TERY BANNEDý1Famp-0et ir appi. A ay yWdnsdyiMy 7th, tire farra ri i~Office AMain St. r ni, ap3ýea At any stock, im)-plemients, etc, the prprya ecat saith in thre future Resfrictiotuîs on tire preduction cf ' -i-îysamarrow, properfy y oPhne5é6 r 7 rno ndi e'o ak standard, 'undecenafted 1Unes cf semi-,Boen Iai reaedt qoe 1 ________________,__ nf h al ociii we iook' backeenrerr onf, , 2½miles -eoutflc Ne-%von-. rates tram 40e. a hsdred, f~e tht tre ame porelan pftey hve eenmeue ePille on Lake Sbiore -load. Termïsacacordirig te cIasifiafieof tJ C A E w cf l'fore desir- tire Prices fReardiras anriouneed.' Cash . Jac'k ieid, Aluctionieer. Build-ing J .GL iof yea r, butirhere iooeprice cenfrol tirrougi-lra tfinof iark'ups and dÀseo'uýlts Fniday, May, , Eti, thre farnm stotk,- INSURANCE sf111 exisf. Pruoduction, faciities irave impleitenQts, etc,., tireprope-rty of Mr. ii n, rieorbtter Stil -,tgjblv increased in Canada drn Charles Glanlville, Lot 12, Crincession cail. I will ho pleased ta qmite 'ieQCsuly, .4Atomop. Tinr tie pasf"iýfew years anila greaten (;thr, insrpof 1ak, cncsin yon rates on youýjr retyblsdLiiiy typpoeasant"type of proporion of trese ar'fiedes willirenrtl of Ororo kand thiree miles ease. wihwllarwseyn roo -- O t- î»o Id'ig fil ~~ aailble te onsuer Tis year. Tferiiei Cash. JackRad Auct-ieer. - throng inteonI AUCT90NEERS flux watreiold- k Mi". 1,çv-~~~ ig about anautnTE JA K O question crops i Up J business, w,,hy net Aucticneer and Va1uato,' in seime pron-linent ~AcioSio ia Ie 'nl townl is silar Z 1, but we sf111 have ~> orniae with him a±Pee tir a rronfily onea. E otn tOoe ae fg auetiorreers wiro ,sent walrfime ï i s... >o0ds. Yet theno isJA K R D e 's aliways aýome- AI s neeed i ongn- -LicemIed Auctioneer anid autinee ay be Vlao .o huineas OurSpeciaize in Farm and ta o - tie store_ Furniture Sales repaiConsuit me fo-,,ternis Sorreone c 0 nlsvun- iii Ia e o raney nd dates f course, but ex- cash fo pay fori:hne12 Cak big shopping fa- 'w gcods are want- crwsthus gatir -F .M ri o oudrep'ayatrl id.ea"fir g t'ire olygirt upQtik 1ot taken as la mnatter Bwnnil nn degen-enated as Poe.Bwavle Day 480 e~ýz soeht faî-* % iht 3 nd 57 ha ifbcm rn,27-1 ion a silrali group Theand mçIst muwn business es- .ILam n aeback 11m1- Comipete Furniture Store and te, modat conrîu Mdri uneral service In ted w~itirel(- suarqu Durham abepenson, one Dur Service THE BE_ýST Lavaiss and secýure u .odTH LVLs an looared uap fojr "The, going's goffing tougher. lf's rai.nng agin. The mud ia lika