irrent I Aliied 3001[ sntic one,' as .d it is well ta The foilowiag rticle la, how- accurate: )rder end Remfttice to:- I3nttn Cmemnt R off wn ras I OTTAWAREPORTS 17 That The CeïIing Pr!ces On aW Apples WWI Stabilize Pi-icea R Dunirng the Marketing Season e. t e r magifienzt victories whth rove the ivdrbaciç for hundreds of miles but failedtY Irs lm, ).the "ussln summ;ner iuffensive appears te be sal grlmding to a-j hait because of au- tumu iýrais and tiffenin.g Gerrm-an resissancm(e. The Red Armiy coni- tinuestA Advance into White Rus- sia andl the Germans are, vaca, ing their. last posïtions lath Cau.- abt MOscow ýalso, reports tha t1nthetmajor par-t ;of the front aiogngte Dneper Rivar is being "salizd" This ,wouid nieaii thqt the Germans hiave escaped a thireatenedl catastrophe aadf that hopes for a furthler Mussian ad- vance laiforce ight have tu be postploned unitil the Rec, Arsay la ale ta laucb aother wîniter (f- fensive, says the New York Timte. Air Front Carnes On But one front cardes an %rres- pcectbve of ram or mud or tlhe Saon That Is the air, front, whihNe Aliid advanen Pelnl ami- ont orne EA U CLAIRE DISTRICT Between North Bay and Mattawa GLENRORE MICA PROSPECTINC SYNDICATE m MUSCOi V-iI-%T u Whlite Mica - Thle Preferred Type . . It is Superior to -Amrnl mica (PhiogÏIo)ite) -SYNDICATE CAPITALIZED AT $I10,000 divicled înto 4,000 units UNITS ARE NOWe PEUR OFFERED AT--- UNIT - Full Information W it hout Obligation Prospecting Syndic,ýate, Toronto les$ . .. . ... . . . .. lana 12ý5 was killed la fan ,ssvect tram falcanai h ho Led and marna cow raid, Thre story îs toid about tise AlbeQrLa farm-iler w-hose mrop fie ta grow hecause of too much min, stmnge h~ngthere. Ri fhucIs w drowneic.d ont, To) make mstterswose a plague ai f roga, arri-uved taw inhab-it the pools tbant day round lhiz farm11. Thýen sudl- denly viiter. came, as itdo ;rl Aietand juat as tire fr-ost hardened the surface off tise suhs ise froga leae 0toth e wtrand ver(- frozelusolid with her hind feet ia thse air. The farmer ùn.leelytoast out fils Inwn -nwr ani Cul, himself 10 buskels offo egs ta tire ac!re anll 1ved luciulytrougi h H witer -WinipegFree Preas. AlIlied Pris4 Repe ise Molracco il The eiigprices :placed oui ap»lea frmemoe of fthe m1ain rdielrs etbih by theWrtm Prices adTrade Barddu1rigthe past iee,Accordiag ta tihe Board!, thùrdeýr aae er'y littiechag ma the pric2es t1hat were pealn An the industry Athtie tîme h% or4ier was anounced. The mnain effect of Ire order will be ta stab. Huie prics for te perid durin themaketngseason wenprie Il! the igt0 short crop this year and oJý f icessin the coas oýf prodiuton, the. PricesBar fees that the prices set by the order wCf give growers in the three main prducig zones Ia Can- adla atsatisfactory retu1ra. Pro ,isba wa made ta allowe deniers ta dipose of stocks already on. harad they -were giv7enni c)oerUtado t1ins, re-ga-rdiesa of' tire fat tat tre ord1er wevnt intor Grow ,velS rs mishlippera)s wlir selij aplsdirect ta îcsumera ilroug'a ticpubic arietsor fram fdoor So sane rie that retalenr eeve lutri wn dilstricts. Tint is tuhey ecietheir basic rwr'pie p'lua oil tire wholesale and rti Wmark--up ý. Sales týa rtîesaet ha n eat tr hoeaeceilhag lncIuded lath -rfîref ropfo fleýl c crpses 0ft( ode are the- liv, the Fameuse nnd the Snow the WVinep. The secoad group Ltise zoning, Ontarfia and Queý- der the order A unifor e ilig PriceauirWenst fobrpuszon saippoer' Acilngprcea at npaida soTeftemi uea ieC P. R. as fa t as KSC.i-sury. T,,N i , ISeoas i ia ceile prîceat Tise aritie Proincesarm -entire 0f tise Antaol isvalley app lledsTry, is tisebasic rc poit.C bsa of the stadr box wrappecl and on a fLoin KeIowaa basis. ia ail Mthree zones, thle woe sale aad retail elliga are set on the basis ai tise basic ýei!lg pre at Shipputg point, p)lustrnpot tion coats wli(reever neCessary, and pls usmri-paof 1~pe r cent or the seiiinig pricýe for whLü«e- salera t41d20 er cen oftire sou"- igprise forreaer on unbrolk- en pacits and 25 per cent whe reailers have ta break packrs îium brOken loi- ts ~plsforsle. Sh*îppeýIrs tind dIealis may aIdd sýtorage ,an-d airikage llwac after Deecember .latdatt ile lrate f- 30 cnt a brr per montr, "or 25 cens a hainper or crate fort amii many othier towns have feit ts ix'. Andd ringte last fîour days amnd ghtictheajr attack iras been pressed home witli even greater vigor.% Z,000,000 Nazis Tied Downa But, so lew ami 50 odebated k is thiý, front that thevwo0rld l generai, nnd tire tussiaus lApartï- cs4ar, keeping the&r Oyes glued tA the strul-2-e on tish rn, are p i il e ta overlook both its SiîZe and tiree fct Lit already haspro- due. According to 6the beat etatathe air front alonre jhas tled down Somne 3,000,00 of Ger- (ont sufficie naa ronit fr'ontYalanle ùf tire war, t'tty m iles ica, The la- astern coast. t the tip of the Iftatlan irusct at the, e stAili-ap writhmn 210 d asthaun ~mbers frm eauid sweep amà0unt Lainas 'The Falirfields itherOe are fe and S1mal11. But theoy prabably can and CHl be develap- Periapa cwhatappeaed ta Ca.- sica gives us a preview of twhat wîll hap)pen îinFrance. Whlel theý Grasisarted ta w.ithdraw they foa nd thesmseeastrscalpe thag nait1gr-y ppulaýt!ionai- read rmd.lalny were ambushISedI aod nnisilaed efore thre VreaýCh- Gam"ani AmeIrican RRangeors a t&aW of German blod aiong tie Who% slengh 0f te isbasd. Gt-,, thouh bsrin derway. SERViNO THE UJNITED NATIONS »~~> Thercv goes a barrel of grief frHte a dose of concentrated high e-xplasýve tz b!loat same skuiking U boa' inio sudden olv~,Relenlessy, îmottfi afýter mnh grim SUbrnarine Chase gýDoan -...-aid iii that hun't of death, Alcohal has ifs palritotaPlay. ihe expIosîve ,wth whiCh te asi cos"a Chctrged Utilizes Wcîr Alcohoi; Ven the prcaPelant that lobs fià. deptbi charge oaerboard cantains his amecritkilwar materiaL Akcohol is pravîng its ,worthi 'ht-se azi çar Jday", . . in thie facary, the laboaratory, on the fiedl' fftt leifTo rmake explosives and plastics, a Iremendous quanity Acha is needed. AerIal, compasses and other delicate instru ena re sealed iin alcohL ýAs a practical disinfectant, Ajcohot is;;tihe owcnan aly af docto--ra aund nurses. lii the ,velding of oui- fightiug mcinAlcohol bas (- nmyriad of uses; ýevery ounce that Co a e roucd s eeded rnow; Thot is wby aON our Planta are Gon 0%war pronduction, ftoce the dain 6 0 0 D E R H ÀM 1WO RTS, Li mITEn 1 Nam