FUR y(our fia ce for 1, Mummier?' S he asked. "Mumie ut~itan to make her look pretty," camne the re- «I'rnsoury I can't accept ypvu, pBqP, kmut numacs ovýer wýîhr iave no econtroi peetme?" -Ana what arc thoýSe cir- "FaruerBlun," sked the collge suden whowa.working aa farmhard during is vaca- to,"do you thik VUilever be- renhied Farmer Elunt, "but you'l neyer be a amer!" Passýenger (to dàri'ver of OUI lorse)i "Cani't yOU go any faste'?", Diver: "I could, sir, but I wcUldn't Ilk t eave my herse behindp ! Prespective Lan diady- "H-ýow do you like thie roo-m as ?a whoi)e?" Prcapective Tenant: "As R hole it's fine1; as a rooîm, flot se goods" The, rih ucde wrote to s cephew: "1arl ndn A g you the $10 your1qe :, t muat daw your attenltio onSpellin1gero in your latcetecr: '10' is wWite wlhone ougLt lo wo.' aersome months. "Andla orma tre ïwork yet, Mrs. Mrphy ?" s "Sur andhe bs," aid nrs if s kihlighim, ,bu, tiikQs1be, DOG 0F WAR vlap fangs al'd angry row eeldisa'ster for any foe whlo uîighttry aytiling wuetî dlog iz on guar-d. Thle Army trainls diogs hke these, feediUng them ou dýelydratec dog foo,'toguard HiowCanI?1 8y: Anne Ashley Q.How ca'nI ïduean walpaper E BEEN TRAINED ;T THIS SITUATI Firestone Dealers have always been m-aemecatFor 25 years Firest'one has devoted miuchi time and money teacli- iMg dealers how to 1-ecip car vvners get the most iieage from their tires wîth theC ~ raest Safety asýid at the SO put the cure of your- tires- njo mnatter what make-in thec bauds of youmr near-by Firestone Dealer todlay. There is ne priority or restrictionis on the service anid repairs lie cani give you, and now% as ailways, 'lie is pledged to serve you better adSave yoen money. HOW TO RELIEVE P L E 7TOR T U REà- QUICKLY AND EASILY It o ar'e trou 11111tf itcflîng p ils 1r ecta orns, douotde- latreatf il ltaln t he rîsk oS etngthis coditionlecoelc o- ic, Any 1itcîr 0or So')rCteleS 3 Z)r >ia1!n11u 1p a s4_LL s age u too t l naturJ-e' s warl'liilg ieny, p l C e r ,ýta tei é3 lonu ld be ee3u id L t)once,ý FOr, thts auw oseget eà ckg Of Hieli-Joid 1trcîn ny tdri I st andi us ss 'rected. , This tormuv es totu uke talet, w ilI qck r'el i eveCIthe it(ch 1ing,,anrtùi ories s erid aid mnhaln tle sore ten1dervspoûts. He-odis pleasanït t o_ use, i - ighb!y recomm li.1en'ded suad it Sueema the e igli t o 'ilyfy ;ü, one t o 1risit a painful iand chrvoii pile Coli- dlition wh-- uh aL e, f inee rmed'!y u yj eh dtvuh L a :,sîm lý ý' Ia1l cosýt. ifyou try ffem,-iftod Si(llee fot enieypleased w ith the rsle your .dr1,ugl, Ist il' adyreturu'i yOUr înoney. WHAT SCIENCE 15 DOINC 8,000 Photos A Second Variou~leteans have heen de- veloped werby fast-movinig mý,auhinýery can be soped"pho- togra ph ically. One waý,y is hy tCe use of spark pbotograpy- tite îoving object beinig phIotLo- grphdby the exceeudîngly brief illuinaionprovided !by an dec- trie spart. Sucli spark pliotog'- raphiy lia.- caughit the swift fligit of a rifle bullet an& its bebiavior on triingvarouskin"ds of Oh- jets Fast-Jmoviing mainr prs mnay ialso Lbe "tpe"poo gaiclyby the cuse of 'afah iulg or intermittenit light. If the flasig higlit mperctl syn- chr-onizedl withi the eniginle 1moe- mlenit, thew, vhee], Piston, or- other part to be stuldied %will qappeaýr Atotnd still N 1owv,hoeve, pecia-,!motioni picture cam-era has bcein devel- oped wi is cpabile of takînàg k8.00(1 colisecutiVe nictures a sec- iJetcn Dr 40e packa shoes. dead t pairs anntnc tiely d f ind tir way ta their watr hbitatl evýen Whe dîetdin ntemieto PTLASSIFIm EIBD ' ry ,naking -a pseof three. >ons Û-f amn-,nia anid il/ ofwt. eoeges ith flnnl amipenied la Q. How canI rle A.spread the s, ta bowl o(f boilînig-wateî ruab with salI wýt mDove rust faktbrics ? a Solution Then w ashý See your Hinde 'N STR. There is a ready market Wheut und e or Write No '- ne p - APs ,ERVICE