y Three More Days_ id Mrs. SR. Jones Wled Sixty Y e a rs wsa hnappy day xy years N tc n Mondayv, May' 8th, when thiel Ttic 01 Vien (0. ust daughter of Lusjohr etbeam the bride of S.. R., Farm Deferrne inb the home of the bride's ts, Port Hope, the Rev. Jh uhrzto has beenl grnted I conduhcing the ceremony. It the RegionalI Director, Ntoa m on call-~ lie. of frtiends anad called at their ho-n They celebra'tedini the ýhouse that liad been their 'home for sixty yearýs ,lndi was built by the grandfather of Mr oes, m~ore than 10 arag 1, and that was a Crown gran,,t to ie pioneer in 182P. Mrs. -jolies, the ,delghtful hlo0eS1C'S ascharm-,ing -in Pa black and -white pr-int gown.iI She wore a corsage oýf 'red roses and tiny white flowvers. They were a gay and spry yug iold couple, M.Jonies :in his 88th yaMrs. Jones in hier 8r as t1hey twelconI-ed thieï ir y friendIs in their 7Ueautifulodas ndstonle bouse -)a theman street of Nwovle T'hey receiv cardci>és aýnd telegramns ~from ilEparts of thlezlniteid Stntesý i~dCanada.,A niece, a daugliter of IMr Joes brthe, enItgrdnfresh 'tulips froin ictoria, RC.,Vbyair e- press. ioLil!(cation as permission is lg Mnare nieeded immledfiately pyat Once This notice is authoie National Selct-ive Service, O Department of Lands nnd Fo Oronm OIN THE 1,i cturfe Clarke Townsh! Tuesday, lVIay 2i Chaniber, with ail ent. The Assessor's 'ent took place J'Vlay 6th, wl were iMr. Jones farmed the land imC-W . Lanle & Sont,supi. 40MteY adoining bis presnt omeW T. E. Devey, taxie OH... mnad for eight Years prtd a groJ-! Orno Weely Tiïmes, minutes Cery aid hardwre oei the tOwn. Jý. J. Cornlishl, supplies. lus favorite sport wuas hunting ans C. G. Arimtrng's, supplies.- fshing and he eana well rmember WShillier& Go, sesmn whien gin was pleiful inthe co- sh(eets... . . inunity, wh pigeons, duckýs a :J. C Mellor, salry, ofFice rent, partrige were easy Yo bag. Aboit incdentaIs.. . . 25 years ago he was on a very oicn J ' Lcle Lower, Assessor's, qessfl deer hunting trip wih F. A. salary and expenses. . Wil'son, a.t that time pulisher of The Mrýs. .FJ Radaî, RPvsF CGuide. pMrs. lu .Morris. . . im1% Ormue Gamsby, O,01io, who R. H1. Wood, care of hall. octed as Master of Celermoniies dur- Ontario Pr-ovinlc,-ilTesrr ing the early part of the day com-- WallPiense... . ýposed a song - esýpecially for the D.W .Saly OH occaion"WeAI] CrOw Old Somiei iMr. and min. Jon'es wer e theC Sixth Victory Loan Now reiinsOf lxnan,,y oGPratufl,!tory- e-arîds and 1wires as rwvel 'as miany Over $1 OUOOO 1batii ifts f rom theïrriumerouis Yrieiads, iacludiag cheques and cash., Delicjous rfehetinlcludingi, Ottawa, May v:h-'oa ration o-f onc [y iniun t g11p oýf ;a res ens ext fl Coupon Not d Until June 8 i' tr tothie peî poîicy ýe wich tWCbutter couponis wiî] !i An iat , -annral, wek una - f forccast i.p~ii <if ation-i . 1