tea yields, 4, 1~ eRoyal. Fleat rriying 1,0 raliging fro'm se1 us flee-t fiaberdashier, 1 CIIT lin OF .M. ......W. ne saacd pretty ,ng our best ta of us can affor-d caly and mn stipation ,. CI, of "b-,lk"' hi abledl that wayý, c ce use instead ýtives that glive, ry reief. etter way" te ,he cri tue, coin- Anrd he's lat if lie île(. "The wake up gataIe- up, Mr. Urogani direct ratiel- ta Trees i or il Oli pane tIo s at a inimum lai - well 1trailad(dog vwill ýfui. A rabbît-proof re tne fromn five tu ht la the safest way 01, a ees Mwhere the numbar, ha protacted AUllpar- ethiod. a damga byica, oui aange ! to etoui acontainers, posonad s to wbhlMcn ocay hA y mnica. GCrain traa"ted( arcme, or othar reg- ), on a sbalow tray )twelve inchas square, ae chWihow box, slotted, e mica tu enter, lis oune- d againt iis pasi, tu dlormnt trieesla :ubig of grainboxes was the first Lad ia Wash(- SYNOPSIS Oivar tha I acauley bouse in the slmai town of Ithaca, Califorula, hovers theý protectiv-e spirit of Mnatthew, the fathier -,,,ho died twýo years bfoe Ha oves thlern aîl, fiva earodUlysses, bis aest soni Marcus, in1an arîy capbi yung édaugter hBes s, thr ssixt en--y ea 1-o01 IldHornerc h a ajob afiar .sýhüool as -a iusene oy. ArayHumier bas sean despair and deatb, through bis work. Hae wunders about loe too, surt bcaase bis girlHeenElit axor is rival Huberi Ackl"e-y. Andthres ic Diana S teed wh'slading Tolm- Spangleýr înasageý"r o f ,ïe off*ice,_ around(! by thîe as.Hmrii vals at hewaySpaglr'stken ila by hler, Onai 'ýthearum' camrp, Marcs ad bs bddyTob1ey, 1an orha, eae fo'r battî on aà 'Litha fe le -rte'botbl hav a'place'z tha ofice WIt was about a ek latý7 e erea he frnilrecied thofailate. day.nzof, dming at bnsinyoffice cybos that ihtheorpened Wle Gd' ry gan'ses ywye c.idd to read i aloud. ofthe fmn thm syus Ithaca," Tite latter \went on't' tahl about bis am hcs n oMa, to stadla oune rms"ihow mucil ha mlisseAed th il, to speali of c sending a elga.Walke up " hIàý pal, Tobey, Then Honer sat il-) 0 little, more stiff'ly as heie to the next paragrapb.t "I arn prould that 1 arn serving rny co r, which to me is Ithaca and sal tha peu- pIe. Býut r trilyarid1i thouigh Iko ha hntha tinne es1 shh o vwhat is exetdof ne.I nay ha kaled in tiswar. 1I must icorne right Out tand thiyou t i, o lot ha unhappy. 1 arn gladCtamarnuh Macai--, ïwboisie -war for it would be a pity and a ciltak if it ware y oil. You are th ýýS hst G,)d 1bes you> Soelg oy , your silenc as the yotlng boy snd theý in thoU-htL. Hlomer spolte in a thicn, 0 ew voc."If nmy bohris ki!Iledla thswar l'il si t h jord 'Il hate i-tf ear1Iwon't begod M'l o ad.milbeYthe wnrst thaee is. 111 be the worst that evar ]seds" Wilhie rogan sta d at hîî, Trhen he shook himseif, gui out bis boUle anid tokadeep Sîg of the war-ming liquor. The seasons went on iu their étern!al way an the -twas Au- tm.Ithaca was elebr tithe harvsurnHe vith a piunikon tie ous~rsof thýetw.Thle -grOnd wer'e lively wt ui n ac ing, Flags of eeynainflut- ternd la'thebreeze. Over onl-a ,ench, shîalkddbya bssat TomnSangerwitb his wifa iana. The sixtnilonths tbey had b-")eu jmarried send iea drieem. is arms wentarud e tedely Thýsis la thaîioat 'b-eau- tifuil pla(e i tha wer il" h said sofLY, -f gueiýs it 1-uat be, brcause is ours.? She sp-oke with uhcàri aot Iess than V,2 p rice ut, ia I mrature ha kn-exw sing -bett er . . . mness had boean ared for a sodil Mr. Gro0gan wvou hlm. Ha hopped of f. it uwas closýe walkad iato t-he pockais bulged hoe bad bought it would ha fur Aýs ha stepped box asrattlinîg uýuickenied. Mi' 'LitE 1 s. Tb1 jiu was j îUlff. t hlad(Idi d. ui flike he, e kniew he Yet for Pa .L1t wans r mels- at blis ha mat- arad at ,e witlb wln te', Gro tha prevent Constipation cusdb-,? laCk of "bulk"-eat KLLGO&LL-B-RMN, every dav .grand-tastïng as aa cereal oi in crispy muffins , rn plenty of water. Then see ;if youdon't notice a big difference inii ayyu foel and look! Giet starte-d rilglt away. Your grocer has ALL-BRAN ýini two convenient sizes. MAde ýcby Kçellogg's in Lonxdon, Canada., cFe-, let out fa mlournfui l ýittie sigh. Ha hadni't u-e'to IrM. Grogan but he had respeta hirn, Ha enelt to the te-lephone and,1 q diald 1iVr, Sp angier('s,- hou0;seC. Thereas no alnser "Hesnot lu, omer. Whait'll we d? "I dont kow." lHumer i n to the typewriter. -Henusre Afterward s, lie cL' d ady r.ecIl taking that ufnse ee grami out of the typerriter- the one 31r. Grogan hal been tr-ing to write at, the laSt. er's ee."r.Rt aaly 226Santa Clara vnuiza aCaliforia. iý The LDeptmn of VWar reCgretsý to in fo-rm,outa your sonl, Marcus ,..." (The tragedy of Marcus' death- will ità Horneor hardj. t-'y shake his faith in hf e is f I there anlo e he can turu o h AUllhelphbmlfiudlthe rocdbak Be sure to read the cnldn instalhmenLut (Conitialued Next V\ eek>, ISSUE No. 42-43 :Jjvtyour 50 Manly OATS TSe Quàlaker OetS Con,rnyC.efc Llmited 'TED- WOMEN id BUTTERMAKERS 'ELY 3 MONTHS TO COMMENCE ,' Guelph, Nov. 1 and Feb, I a, Kempville, Jan 1 WHILE IN TRAINING Dme............ ......... $7.00 p(,r ýy from haime ..........$9.00 per ictme ,,«............$13.00 per y frorn home .ý.......$ 18.00 per ROVIDED TO AND FROM SCHOOL week week week .week thle eud (4filhe course. Departrnent, oll1ege, Guelph URE MAT OFOj-ipm FOR L'y