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Orono Weekly Times, 25 May 1944, p. 3

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ficult Probiemi in Sub-Artic A40degrees below zero a-,C,'r's atryis dead, aloto(r oi lias hardeýýned to ai plasic-like material between pitos and cyliner walls. Startinhg, eetby handf-crankiag, isai bt mpssble. Even if a start is mdthie oil willIl fot bupliarings will Ibura Ont, cyler walls and pisons will score. Mtrtsliving fla cold clim-ates olethe problern by storing radiator fluidI, cranikcase OH and hbattery ind,(oOrs at nlighit. But ti is not -practial for an1 arnedfoce Haenceite probflem of dvlpn aumethjod 0of starting engines ia- sýtantly at minlus 40 Falirenheoit. Autiomnobile engIines were lae Ila coldi rooms and studIied. The engineer-s successfully tried a srai %Igasoline store to give>.con- tinou chat and allow- the coo lihïg agent to cruae b himo- sihnaction to thec otheri parts of the anigine. The stove burns only about a gallon of fuel ila twenty-fou-r houris. ýhGe etire sýystem is as much a part of the valide as anl ordina±'y p)asse(-nger car h1anter. Cold roomu tests andà field trials la Nodrther Canada showed that s'tarting an Army vallidle la sub-artlc tm ,periatoira's this wintar will lie just as easy as startng the faril jallopy on a spring mnorning. MARINER'S WAKE LE~S SON October 24 HONORINQ <OUR PARENTS-. Exodus 20:12; Luke 2: 48-51; Mark 7:6-113; John 19^25..27. GOLDEN 'TEXT.-Chiidren, obey your parents ini the Lordý for tis is right. E phes'ians'6: 1. Memnory Verse: Ohi give Lhnk unto Jetiovait; for, ha is good. THE LF.SSON (N ITS SETTING were given about 1445 TE.C.; iïe ýincident taken from our Lord's boyhoodcirrred ina3April,A..8 our Lord's Conidan lationrof Jws mPen w,ýho dishonor ftheir parenjts was 9pokea la April, A.1-. 29; anld the word from th cr osswsut npîe in Jer- aLeit;L oiitsidfe the anadoeaîej(nue artsuporti thtuir old age. A spliît of obedienice and repc o prnt'mpisa well- orderedc1lite- ln general, aà prospect- o)f prosperity and a longlie "And wle liey swhlm they wa're a,, stonîsh:ad ad lis mte sadl 11n1o hMm' Son, why fhast t LIsdeait with us?,' beh1oldj, Lhy Lahrand I soughit[thee sorrow- b)ecausa He simple and ob'dien1t dhfl(idoodcfJsu adiot lpru- )Laiect them to find Hjjim ulin ing the'se groat men. First Worda of Jesuis 'Anla sie aidi unto tam, .ow "is ftL1thar ye. souýglit Ime, lknaw ye water. Of water - mnake ailloUr4.. 37 Assist. '38 Parson with inflatad ego, 41 Curved weapon. 42 Performar 43 Paradise. 46 Units, 47 For shame! 48 H imi. 49 Ransacit. 53 Yotr - it to play it. 56 Auto. 57 Turluisfi wasteý VERTICAL ICouches, 2 Leave out, r472F mai >nz-1Ifrz death 0odilRe fis ihas d te P rcssurLvac fte LI nouth rl ti it lcrya I ~ Gliding to a lan1dinLý on an eaIst Coast naval air station, aMà ti Mrnrpatrol b omber eae a whîte trai of spray il Its In Southward FI'ight The biggest southwardight% of dcsand other rigratory watevt- fonl i ,nce 1910 luias begunl, Dr. Ir .Gabrielson, director o)f the United Staýtes Fish and Wllf Ser-vice, reported last w7eeIk. 1e has ja eundto W'ashingto)n frorn Alaska, whiere lhe sawth ducks. Hie said that the fliglt mîglit onsist of asurnany as 1501000000 indiduas and woald probably- reacli ts Peak hia ctober. Mr. Gabielson said that theiM- mense liht "nghereate prvob- lems iia agricultural areas, espe- cialy since an acute shortage oA ammunition probably means that. fewer of the ducks Wil le shot duringthe huntig season than usuai." -Wife Says "Winnie" Is His Owen oss Prime Minister Winstoýn Chuir- chili not only wears th trick hats in is farnily, but his wife has leýt t be known that hax also- wears the pants. "Pirst nd forernost you ms Meedhlm welI You must give sayînilgs in Il(', 'orne to di lion Hisaloi e, rideLutfien- a,ý tLiean we go asi- ict Av oilq unto Litanf, Fuil let Ihinidicia r TIley.Yre(jýUeted the aaitboity or God ýf o the as loriy of manl- asiii-N-1hich is vî omnin our11 da. otcethtï! e anme punish- metwas LG)ie etedomtto hose c- o -Ilured tirprens astL itose wlo ursed God(e. 20:9; 24:1). ur orddid fo odm litepracice f giInto God ax- Cepi cher, il Xan done to geL rid 0tihiduy 0f aid 011ourparentfs. otma, ot et Godý0. WlIan hara- lignusleaers0fa nation týamperl lows cofct, ud civliztitile thiheatefol- ChrCI tsCaca For -Ms Mother irhesatiashrfoethe sol- dies dd. ut ireeawerýe standa- ing ýýby tecr ù f Jasas li oti- e,!andl is rnotler',Is sister, Mar'y Uawirft paanld Mar-y Mag- dee" Whaea Jasas tharefore 1aw is iohaand«lie discýiple stnigby womle lOvad, le alianto hi rother, omn itold thly sn"ThÈýis incident shows ow Ch istlils [dylnig momnents yaarneid oveýr Ilismoer Hýj',-i togIlÈfittineas ,ýand l ove sitonae neteven i0 deatit The Discipie's Obedience Tian saitit l4e Le Lita disciple, Bjeîold tity mothar!ý And fomthaï, hoar -the isc-iple toot heranato lis home." Jasas ga've a mothakr to his daarewst Prlend, nand a son Ao gat Étee 1) e D o t rtc '5 to ft1.e vre vo 1lu.ti the years cs th lroe as a marl i im. iThe p ory el I ýlThe at lsor as otal POP---Iron Door&, No Doubt (S NOTI.4IN~ AN QBStACL~ 1-o VOL>, 2 ygp, 5fR '-m, new1 .LAR WATI El nid stretcii * furthar. * * 1 arnj at lrny lier corne's ety is th-c i oaa in the chance rce of When 0uLs.il

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