The Germans couti suîil sak vaguwdais ofmu-boat successe U.S. Navin iFrank0Khomade the, atta ýýc sr2 ma1 y ere sed A mra Eres Juin mks îs aias nounýci ts Gran sab maiefletla be eucdht v hoees- roefopoer - eIationa asand 14,ou i ter loes H ides Ir Allies a :oînusoîîi' acles, cf gae84t ti Nvybut theIiaiAns s el wa î!emwt an aet.Iu expansecf ocai, iliat subrnari c jq-Urrv wcre1:it al!ed a fnce I i ie t i e ourtace lu addition hea'iraerid be uic tuai r. lion. J cf ~\gricu Coîsinsoîsa cf feedg A Forestry Quiz at yr nx ettgah r -Vattreos ish is FOt Ree SUa nMalEe creas su iii paLu, aisese instaîl tectîug th~ behînd il. s>, ait~,ciij ai.> unit lai aîîd knockiog ont Jap- atiosîs, measîvi hile pro- t;uOpî that sîxarm in ore, the amphibians bIbis .tîy wîth supplies, amînuni- d, medical eqnîpinent, asid nue-s Buffaloe>, are caIled ice as land taiîks, sud tisey cellent snbstitute~ for bull- auccessful the escort as baby Gb An ocefu wîll meet s et itablv w tiotis cf c place a su nfitct dam s heu a wc dois a tue U-bot, the mou a~rplaîî s i-rom s, betrer kisowu subinarine forav cuesi. Tlîere iii- certain combina- nnces tlîat wiil e îî poaîtioiî to ut tl e old days rats wild up and Ixnotiser autuorîty iîîgs during the fi oh 1944 at 60 defit probables. If ail 84 personîsel iîivolx cd Soni this pcuei h o- ben et summner dreýs nfrnworn bv tO bypesonnel f te Cnda B y CGE NE BY'RNE IR - L A kty ai rt l('p WEEK - Cornmmenta,?ry on C-urrepnt Events rying To Build And an ja Fas2ter Thlan Theri-y are-ý Sunrk ,ome p the ne -Brandon Sun. to l'o